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Test Booklet No.

Test Booklet Code

All India Sainik School Entrance Exam 2021 B
1. Bg àíZ-nÌ nwpñVH$m _| Mma ^mJ h¢ & ^mJ ‘‘H$’’ J{UV _| 50 àíZ h¢, {OZ_| go àË`oH$ Ho$ {bE 3 A§H$ {ZYm©[aV
h¢ & ^mJ ‘‘I’’ gm_mÝ` kmZ, ^mJ ‘‘J’’ ^mfm Am¡a ^mJ ‘‘K’’ àkm (B§Q>o{bO|g) _| 25 àíZ h¢, {OZ_| go àË`oH$ Ho$
{bE 2 A§H$ {ZYm©[aV h¢ & Hw$b {_bmH$a, àíZ-nÌ _| Hw$b 300 A§H$m| Ho$ {bE, 125 àíZ h¢ & g^r àíZm| Ho$ CÎma
Xr{OE &
This Question Paper Booklet contains four Sections. Section ‘‘A’’ Mathematics contains
50 questions of 3 marks each. Section ‘‘B’’ General Knowledge, Section ‘‘C’’ Language and
Section ‘‘D’’ Intelligence contain 25 questions of 2 marks per question. In all, the paper consists
of 125 questions for a total of 300 marks. Answer all questions.

2. ^mJ ‘‘J’’ _| {d{eîQ> ^mfm h¡ Am¡a Cg MwZr hþB© ^mfm _| hr à`mg `mZr CÎma {X`m OmZm h¡ & (Cå_rXdmam| Ho$ {bE
{ZåZ{b{IV 13 ^mfmAm| _| go {H$gr ^r EH$ ^mfm H$mo MwZZm Amdí`H$ Wm : Ag{_`m, ~§Jmbr, A§J«oµOr, JwOamVr,
{hÝXr, H$Þ‹S>, _b`mb_, _amR>r, Amo{S>`m, n§Om~r, V{_b, VobwJw Am¡a CXÿ© >&)
Section ‘‘C’’ is language specific and is to be attempted in the chosen language only. (Candidates
were required to choose any of the following 13 languages : Assamese, Bengali, English,
Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odiya, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu and Urdu.)

3. narjm H$s Ad{Y 2 K§Q>o Am¡a 30 {_ZQ> (150 {_ZQ>) H$s h¡ &
The test is of 2 hours and 30 minutes (150 minutes) duration.

4. {OZ bmoJm| Zo {hÝXr `m A§J«oµOr H$mo MwZm h¡, CZHo$ {bE àíZ-nÌ nwpñVH$m {Û^m{fH$ (`mZr {hÝXr Am¡a A§J«oµOr _|)
hmoJr &
The Question Paper Booklet for those who have opted for Hindi or English would be bilingual
(i.e. in Hindi and English).

5. {OZ bmoJm| Zo {d{eï> ^mfmAm| _| go, {H$gr ^r EH$ H$mo MwZm h¡, CZHo$ {bE àíZ-nÌ nwpñVH$m, àdoe nÌ _| CZHo$
Ûmam {Z{X©ï> Am¡a MwZr hþB© ^mfm Am¡a A§J«oµOr _| àX{e©V H$s JB© hmoJr & narjm _|, {H$gr àíZ Ho$ AZwdmX /{Z_m©U _|
{H$gr ^r Añnï>Vm Ho$ _m_bo _|, CgHo$ A§J«oµOr g§ñH$aU (^mfm ^mJ Ho$ àíZm| H$mo N>mo‹S>H$a) H$mo A§{V_ _mZm
OmEJm &
The Question Paper Booklet for those who have opted for any of the specified languages would
be in the language opted and indicated on the Admit Card and in English. In case of any
ambiguity in translation/construction of a question in the exam, its English version (except for
the Language section questions) shall be treated as final.

HE/HALEBI/6/21 1–B
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6. àíZ-nÌ nwpñVH$m 36 n¥îR>m| H$s> h¡ & H¥$n`m Om±{ME Am¡a `h gw{ZpíMV H$s{OE {H$ àíZ-nÌ nwpñVH$m nyar h¡ Am¡a
Bg_| g^r n¥îR> h¢ &
The Question Paper Booklet is of 36 pages. Please check and ensure that the Question Paper
Booklet is complete and contains all the pages.

7. g^r àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Ho$db Amo.E_.Ama. CÎma-nÌH$ _| hr X| &

Answer all questions in the OMR Answer Sheet only.

8. Amo.E_.Ama. CÎma-nÌH$, àíZ-nÌ nwpñVH$m Ho$ A§Xa hr h¡ & O~ AmnH$mo àíZ-nÌ nwpñVH$m ImobZo H$m {ZX}e {X`m
OmVm h¡, V~ Amo.E_.Ama. CÎma-nÌH$ {ZH$mb b| Am¡a {ddaU H$mo Ü`mZnyd©H$, Ho$db Zrbo/H$mbo ~m°b nm°B§Q> noZ go
hr ^a| &
The OMR Answer Sheet is inside this Question Paper Booklet. When you are directed to open
the Question Paper Booklet, take out the OMR Answer Sheet and fill the particulars carefully
with blue/black ball point pen only.

9. àË`oH$ àíZ Ho$ {bE AnZo CÎma Ho$ ê$n _| Ho$db EH$ Jmobo H$mo hr ^a| (Jham H$a|) & `{X Amn Cgr àíZ Ho$ {bE
EH$ go Á`mXm Jmobo H$mo Jham H$aVo h¢, Vmo AmnHo$ Odm~ H$mo µJbV _mZm OmEJm &
Darken only one circle as your answer for each question. If you darken more than one circle for
the same question, your answer will be treated as wrong.

10. µJbV CÎma Ho$ {bE {ZJo{Q>d _m{Hª$J Zht h¡ &

There is no negative marking for a wrong answer.

11. Amo.E_.Ama. CÎma-nÌH$ na AZmdí`H$ {ZemZ Z ~ZmE± `m \$moëS> Z H$a| `m Cgo {dê${nV ({S>\o$g) H$aZo H$m à`mg
Z H$a| & `{X Amn Eogm H$aVo h¢ Vmo AmnHo$ Amo.E_.Ama. CÎma-nÌH$ H$m _yë`m§H$Z Zht {H$`m OmEJm &
Do not make unnecessary marks on the OMR Answer Sheet or fold or attempt to deface it. If you
do so, your OMR Answer Sheet will not be evaluated.

12. Bg n¥îR> na {ddaU Am¡a CÎma {bIZo Ho$ {bE Ho$db Zrbo/H$mbo ~m°b nm°B§Q> noZ H$m Cn`moJ H$a| & nopÝgb H$m
BñVo_mb Z H$a| &
Use Blue/Black Ball Point Pen only for writing particulars on this page and for writing answers.
Do not use pencil.

HE/HALEBI/6/21 2–B
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13. aµ\$ dH©$, àíZ-nÌ nwpñVH$m _|, {g\©$ Bg CÔoí` go CnbãY H$amB© JB© OJh na hr {H$`m OmZm Mm{hE Z {H$
Amo.E_.Ama. CÎma-nÌH$ na &
Rough work is to be done on the space provided for this purpose in the Question Paper Booklet
only and not on the OMR Answer Sheet.

14. narjm nyar hmoZo na, H$j/hm°b N>mo‹S>Zo go nhbo {ZarjH$ (BZ{d{OboQ>a) H$mo Amo.E_.Ama. CÎma-nÌH$ gm¢n
X| &
On completion of the test, hand over the OMR Answer Sheet to the Invigilator before leaving the

15. AmnH$mo Bg àíZ-nÌ nwpñVH$m H$mo AnZo gmW bo OmZo H$s AZw_{V h¡ &
You are allowed to take away this Question Paper Booklet with you.

16. Bg nwpñVH$m Ho$ {bE {X`m J`m H$moS> B h¡ & AmnH$mo gw{ZpíMV H$aZm h¡ {H$ Amo.E_.Ama. CÎma-nÌH$ na _w{ÐV
{H$`m J`m H$moS>, Bg àíZ-nÌ nwpñVH$m Ho$ hr g_mZ h¡ & {dg§J{V hmoZo na àíZ-nÌ nwpñVH$m Am¡a Amo.E_.Ama.
CÎma-nÌH$ XmoZm| H$mo ~XbZo Ho$ {bE _m_bo H$s gyMZm VËH$mb {ZarjH$ (BZ{d{OboQ>a) H$mo X| &
The CODE for this Booklet is B. Make sure that the CODE printed on the OMR Answer Sheet is
the same as that on this Question Paper Booklet. In case of discrepancy, report the matter
immediately to the Invigilator for replacement of both the Question Paper Booklet and the OMR
Answer Sheet.

17. AnZm H«$_m§H$ (amob Z.) àíZ-nÌ nwpñVH$m/Amo.E_.Ama. CÎma-nÌH$ _| {XE JE {Z{X©îQ> ñWmZ H$mo N>m‹oS>H$a H$ht Am¡a
Zht {bI| &
Do not write your Roll No. anywhere else except in the specified space in the Question Paper
Booklet/OMR Answer Sheet.

18. Amo.E_.Ama. CÎma-nÌH$ na {H$gr ^r Vah Ho$ gwYma H$aZo Ho$ {bE g\o$X Vab nXmW© (white fluid) H$m Cn`moJ
Zht H$a| &
Do not use white fluid for carrying out any correction on the OMR Answer Sheet.

HE/HALEBI/6/21 3–B
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Copyright: Chief@ Dabad Academy
1. 21 ~H$[a`m± 15 Jm`m| Ho$ ~am~a Mmam MaVr h¢ & {H$VZr ~H$[a`m± 35 Jm`m| Ho$ ~am~a Mmam Ma|Jr ?

(1) 38 (2) 49 (3) 37 (4) 41

21 goats eat as much as 15 cows. How many goats eat as much as 35 cows ?

(1) 38 (2) 49 (3) 37 (4) 41

2. EH$ _¡Ho${ZH$ 9 H$mam| go < 36,000 H$_mVm h¡ & `{X 1 {XZ _| Cgo 27 H$ma| àmá hmoVr h¢, Vmo dh
1 {XZ _| {H$VZm H$_mEJm ?

(1) < 1,08,000 (2) < 1,80,000

(3) < 1,00,800 (4) < 1,00,080

A mechanic earns < 36,000 on 9 cars. How much will he earn in 1 day, if in a day he
receives 27 cars ?
(1) < 1,08,000 (2) < 1,80,000
(3) < 1,00,800 (4) < 1,00,080

3. `{X x : y = 3 : 5, Vmo 3x + 4y : 8x + 5y H$m AZwnmV kmV H$s{OE &

(1) 39 : 49 (2) 29 : 50

(3) 29 : 49 (4) 39 : 50

If x : y = 3 : 5, find the ratio 3x + 4y : 8x + 5y.

(1) 39 : 49 (2) 29 : 50

(3) 29 : 49 (4) 39 : 50

4. `{X 10 AmX_r {H$gr H$m`© H$mo 4 {XZ _| H$a gH$Vo h¢, Vmo Cgr H$m`© H$mo 5 {XZ _| nyam H$aZo Ho$ {bE
{H$VZo AmX{_`m| H$s Amdí`H$Vm hmoJr ?
(1) 10 (2) 8 (3) 40 (4) 12
If 10 men can do a piece of work in 4 days, how many men will be required to get the
same work done in 5 days ?

(1) 10 (2) 8 (3) 40 (4) 12

HE/HALEBI/6/21 4–B
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Copyright: Chief@ Dabad Academy
5. EH$ NCC H¡$ån _| 1200 à{ejmWu ^mJ bo aho h¢ {OZ_| go 900 H$mo JUV§Ì {Xdg H¡$ån Ho$ {bE MwZm
J`m h¡ & MwZo hþE Ed§ Zht MwZo hþE H¡$S>oQ>m| H$s g§»`m Ho$ ~rM AZwnmV {H$VZm hmoJm ?
(1) 300 : 120 (2) 4:1 (3) 3:1 (4) 120 : 130

In an NCC Camp, 1200 trainees are participating out of which 900 are selected for
Republic Day Camp. What is the ratio between the number of selected and
non-selected cadets ?

(1) 300 : 120 (2) 4:1 (3) 3:1 (4) 120 : 130

6. `{X EH$ b‹S>H$m {H$gr nwñVH$ H$mo < 450 _| ~oMVm h¡, Vmo Cgo 10% H$s hm{Z hmoVr h¡ & 10% bm^
àmá H$aZo Ho$ {bE {dH«$` _yë` {H$VZm hmoZm Mm{hE ?
(1) < 500 (2) < 600 (3) < 550 (4) < 525
If a boy sells a book for < 450, he makes a loss of 10%. To gain 10%, what should be
the selling price ?
(1) < 500 (2) < 600 (3) < 550 (4) < 525

7. EH$ AmX_r EH$ ñnrH$a H$mo 20% Ho$ bm^ na < 7,500 _| ~oMVm h¡ Am¡a Xÿgao ñnrH$a H$mo 10% H$s
hm{Z na < 8,100 _| ~oMVm h¡ & CgH$s Hw$b hm{Z AWdm bm^ kmV H$s{OE &
(1) hm{Z = < 300 (2) hm{Z = < 350
(3) bm^ = < 300 (4) bm^ = < 350
A man sells one speaker for < 7,500 at a profit of 20% and another speaker for
< 8,100 at a loss of 10%. Find his total loss or profit.
(1) Loss = < 300 (2) Loss = < 350

(3) Profit = < 300 (4) Profit = < 350

8. `{X 3, 18, m, 42 g_mZwnmV _| h¢, Vmo m H$m _mZ kmV H$s{OE &
(1) 6 (2) 54

(3) 7 (4) 252

Find the value of m, if 3, 18, m, 42 are in proportion.

(1) 6 (2) 54

(3) 7 (4) 252

HE/HALEBI/6/21 5–B
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Copyright: Chief@ Dabad Academy
9. gab H$s{OE 0·05 + 1·5 5 10 0·5 = _________ .

(1) 4·25 (2) 42·5 (3) 0·425 (4) 0·42

Simplify 0·05 + 1·5 5 10 0·5 = _________ .

(1) 4·25 (2) 42·5 (3) 0·425 (4) 0·42

10. gab H$s{OE 7 + 5 – 2 (7 + 89) – 94 2 + (33 3+9 2 – 7) 11 = _________ .

(1) 254 (2) – 225 (3) – 235 (4) 245

Simplify 7 + 5 – 2 (7 + 89) – 94 2 + (33 3+9 2 – 7) 11 = _________ .

(1) 254 (2) – 225 (3) – 235 (4) 245

11. EH$ H$jm _| 20 b‹S>H$m| H$m Am¡gV ^ma 160 kg h¡ VWm eof 5 b‹S>H$m| H$m 50 kg h¡ & H$jm Ho$ g^r
b‹S>H$m| H$m Am¡gV ^ma kmV H$s{OE &
(1) 138 kg (2) 183 kg (3) 140 kg (4) 150 kg

The average weight of 20 boys in a class is 160 kg and that of the remaining 5 boys is
50 kg. Find the average weight of all the boys in the class.

(1) 138 kg (2) 183 kg (3) 140 kg (4) 150 kg

12. EH$ g_yh _| 7 {dÚm{W©`m| Ûmam àmá Am¡gV A§H$ 226 h¡ & `{X CZ_| go N>h Ûmam àmá {H$E JE A§H$
H«$_e: 340, 180, 260, 56, 275 VWm 307 h¢, Vmo gmVd| {dÚmWu Ûmam àmá {H$E JE A§H$ kmV
H$s{OE &
(1) 160 (2) 162 (3) 163 (4) 164

The average marks obtained by 7 students in a group is 226. If the marks obtained by
six of them are 340, 180, 260, 56, 275 and 307 respectively, find the marks obtained
by the seventh student.
(1) 160 (2) 162 (3) 163 (4) 164

13. gab H$s{OE (8 + 4 – 2) (17 – 12) 10 – 89 = _________ .

(1) 3950 (2) 411 (3) 412 (4) 3949

Simplify (8 + 4 – 2) (17 – 12) 10 – 89 = _________ .

(1) 3950 (2) 411 (3) 412 (4) 3949

HE/HALEBI/6/21 6–B
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14. EH$ ~„o~mµO 17d| _¡M _| 87 aZm| H$m ñH$moa ~ZmVm h¡ Am¡a Bg àH$ma CgH$m Am¡gV 3 go ~‹T> OmVm
h¡ & 17d| _¡M Ho$ ~mX CgH$m Am¡gV kmV H$s{OE &
(1) 36 (2) 37 (3) 38 (4) 39

A batsman makes a score of 87 runs in the 17th match and thus increases his average
by 3. Find his average after the 17th match.
(1) 36 (2) 37 (3) 38 (4) 39

15. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 H$m Am¡gV h¡

(1) 7 (2) 8 (3) 7·5 (4) 8·5

Average of 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 is
(1) 7 (2) 8 (3) 7·5 (4) 8·5

16. `{X y H$m x% 100 h¡ VWm z H$m y% 200 h¡, Vmo x Am¡a z Ho$ ~rM g§~§Y kmV H$s{OE &
(1) z=x (2) 2z = x
(3) z = 2x (4) z = 3x
If x% of y is 100 and y% of z is 200, then find the relation between x and z.
(1) z=x (2) 2z = x
(3) z = 2x (4) z = 3x

17. {H$gr g§»`m Ho$ 2/5do Ho$ EH$-{VhmB© H$m EH$-Mm¡WmB© 15 h¡ & Cg g§»`m H$m 40% {H$VZm hmoJm ?
(1) 140 (2) 150 (3) 180 (4) 200
One-fourth of one-third of two-fifth of a number is 15. What will be 40% of that
number ?
(1) 140 (2) 150 (3) 180 (4) 200

18. EH$ bmB~o«ar _| Am¡gVZ 510 AmJ§VwH$ a{ddma H$mo Am¡a 240 AÝ` {XZ AmVo h¢ & a{ddma go ewê$ hmoVo hþE
30 {XZ Ho$ _hrZo _| AmJ§VwH$m| H$s Am¡gV g§»`m {H$VZr hmoJr ?

(1) 280 (2) 285 (3) 290 (4) 295

A library has an average of 510 visitors on Sundays and 240 on other days. The
average number of visitors in a month of 30 days starting with Sunday is
(1) 280 (2) 285 (3) 290 (4) 295

HE/HALEBI/6/21 7–B
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19. EH$ Am`VmH$ma Iob Ho$ _¡XmZ H$s bå~mB© go_r _| kmV H$s{OE {OgH$m joÌ\$b 700 dJ© _r. VWm Mm¡‹S>mB©
25 _r. h¡ &

(1) 28 (2) 280

(3) 2800 (4) 2500

Find the length of a rectangular playground in cm whose area is 700 sq.m and
breadth is 25 m.
(1) 28 (2) 280
(3) 2800 (4) 2500

20. arZm Zo < 1,200 H$m G$U gmYmaU ã`mO na CVZo hr dfmªo Ho$ {bE {b`m {OVZr ã`mO Xa h¡ & `{X CgZo
< 432 H$m ã`mO G$U Ad{Y Ho$ A§V _| {X`m, Vmo ã`mO Xa {H$VZr Wr ?
(1) 3·6 (2) 6
(3) 18 (4) 10

Reena took a loan of < 1,200 with simple interest for as many years as the rate of
interest. If she paid < 432 as interest at the end of the loan period, what was the rate
of interest ?
(1) 3·6 (2) 6

(3) 18 (4) 10

21. O~ K‹S>r _| 7:15 pm ~O aho hm|, Vmo Bg_| ~Zo H$moU H$m Zm_ {b{IE &
(1) Ý`yZ H$moU (2) g_H$moU
(3) A{YH$ H$moU (4) grYm H$moU

Write the name of the angle formed when the clock time is 7:15 pm.
(1) Acute angle (2) Right angle
(3) Obtuse angle (4) Straight angle

22. `{X 40 H$m 15% {H$gr g§»`m Ho$ 25% go 2 A{YH$ hmoVm h¡, Vmo dh g§»`m hmoJr
(1) 14 (2) 16 (3) 18 (4) 20

If 15% of 40 is greater than 25% of a number by 2, then the number is

(1) 14 (2) 16 (3) 18 (4) 20
HE/HALEBI/6/21 8–B
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23. àmV:H$mb H$m Vmn_mZ – 10 C Wm Am¡a gm`§H$mb VH$ `h 3 {S>J«r KQ> J`m Wm & gm`§H$mb _| Vmn_mZ
{H$VZm Wm ?
(1) –7 C (2) – 23 C (3) – 13 C (4) – 12 C

In the morning, the temperature was – 10 C and it decreased 3 degrees by the

evening. What was the temperature in the evening ?
(1) –7 C (2) – 23 C (3) – 13 C (4) – 12 C

24. EH$ Am`VmH$ma ~JrMm 185 _r. b§~m Am¡a 220 _r. Mm¡‹S>m h¡ & BgHo$ ~rM _| 4 _r. H$s EH$g_mZ Mm¡‹S>mB©
H$s Xmo g‹S>H|$ h¢, EH$ BgH$s bå~mB© Ho$ g_mÝVa Am¡a Xÿgar BgH$s Mm¡‹S>mB© Ho$ g_mÝVa & < 1·25 à{V dJ©
_r. go g‹S>H$m| H$mo bodb (g_Vb) H$amZo H$s bmJV kmV H$s{OE &
(1) < 3,900 (2) < 3,010 (3) < 4,010 (4) < 2,005

A rectangular garden is 185 m long and 220 m wide. It has two roads in its centre of
uniform width of 4 m, one parallel to its length and the other parallel to its breadth.
Find the cost of levelling the roads at < 1·25 per sq.m.
(1) < 3,900 (2) < 3,010 (3) < 4,010 (4) < 2,005

25. ZrMo Vm{bH$m _| Ý`y`m°H©$ eha Ho$ {nN>bo df© Ho$ A{YH$V_ Vmn_mZ Xem©E JE h¢ & Bg Vm{bH$m H$s
OmZH$mar H$m à`moJ H$s{OE Am¡a {ZåZ{b{IV Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE :
Ý`y`m°H©$ eha _| {nN>bo df© Ho$ VrZ _hrZm| _B©, OwbmB© Am¡a {gVå~a H$m Am¡gVZ A{YH$V_ Vmn_mZ
(2 Xe_bd ñWmZm| VH$) {H$VZm Wm ?
_hrZm OZdar _mM© _B© OwbmB© {gVå~a Zdå~a
A{YH$V_ Vmn_mZ, C _| 3 9 21 29 24 11

(1) 21·65 C (2) 24·66 C (3) 25·52 C (4) 26·23 C

The table below shows the maximum temperatures in New York City last year. Use
the information in this table and answer the following :
What was the average maximum temperature (upto 2 decimal places) of three months
May, July and September last year in New York City ?

Month Jan. Mar. May Jul. Sept. Nov.

3 9 21 29 24 11
temperature, in C

(1) 21·65 C (2) 24·66 C (3) 25·52 C (4) 26·23 C

HE/HALEBI/6/21 9–B
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26. amo_Z g§»`m nÕ{V _|, `{X H$moB© g§Ho$Vmja ~ma-~ma AmVm h¡, Vmo BgH$m _mZ CVZr ~ma JwZm Zht {H$`m
OmVm {OVZr ~ma dh AmVm h¡ &
(1) gË` (2) AgË`
(3) H$hm Zht Om gH$Vm (4) XmoZm| g_mZ h¢

In Roman numeration, if a symbol is repeated, its value is not multiplied as many

times as it occurs.
(1) True (2) False
(3) Cannot say (4) Both are equal

27. d¥Îm Ho$ {H$gr {~ÝXþ na AY©dÎ¥ m Ho$ ì`mg Ûmam A§V[aV H$moU hmoJm
(1) 45 (2) 180
(3) 90 (4) 60

The angle subtended by the diameter of a semicircle on any point on the circle is
(1) 45 (2) 180
(3) 90 (4) 60

28. EH$ ~‹S>o KZ H$m àË`oH$ ^mJ 44 go_r h¡ & Bggo àË`oH$ 4 go_r ^mJ Ho$ N>moQ>o-N>moQ>o KZ H$mQ>o OmVo h¢ &
H$_-go-H$_ EH$ KZ Ûmam {Kao hþE {H$VZo N>moQ>o KZ ~Z|Jo ?
(1) 888 (2) 729
(3) 164 (4) 33

A big cube has each portion of 44 cm. Tiny cubes of 4 cm portion each are cut from
that. Then how many tiny cubes will be formed that are surrounded by at least one
cube ?
(1) 888 (2) 729
(3) 164 (4) 33

29. EH$ S>ogr_rQ>a ~am~a hmoVm h¡

(1) 1 10–1 _r. (2) 1 10–2 _r.
(3) 1 102 _r. (4) 1 103 _r.

One decimeter is equal to

(1) 1 10–1 m (2) 1 10–2 m
(3) 1 102 m (4) 1 103 m

HE/HALEBI/6/21 10 – B
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30. H$m¡Z-gm {dH$ën ~‹T>Vo hþE H«$_ _| ì`dpñWV {^Þm| H$mo Xem©Vm h¡ ?
5 7 3 13 5 7 13 3
(1) < < < (2) < < <
8 12 4 16 8 12 16 4
5 3 13 7 7 5 3 13
(3) < < < (4) < < <
8 4 16 12 12 8 4 16

Which option shows fractions arranged in ascending order ?

5 7 3 13 5 7 13 3
(1) < < < (2) < < <
8 12 4 16 8 12 16 4
5 3 13 7 7 5 3 13
(3) < < < (4) < < <
8 4 16 12 12 8 4 16

31. 945·341 – 1042·792 + 875·435 + 31·025 H$m _mZ Š`m h¡ ?

(1) 908·004 (2) 810·008
(3) 795·659 (4) 809·009

What is the value of 945·341 – 1042·792 + 875·435 + 31·025 ?

(1) 908·004 (2) 810·008
(3) 795·659 (4) 809·009

32. EH$ Am`VmH$ma Q>¢H$ 15 go_r bå~m, 12 go_r Mm¡‹S>m Am¡a 8 go_r D±$Mm h¡, Am¡a nmZr go nyam ^am hþAm
h¡ & Q>¢H$ _| ^ao hþE nmZr H$m Am`VZ kmV H$s{OE &
(1) 180 KZ go_r (2) 1200 KZ go_r

(3) 440 KZ go_r (4) 1440 KZ go_r

A rectangular tank 15 cm long, 12 cm wide and 8 cm high was completely filled with
water. Find the volume of water in the tank.
(1) 180 cm3 (2) 1200 cm3
(3) 440 cm3 (4) 1440 cm3

HE/HALEBI/6/21 11 – B
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33. 3-A§H$m| H$s g§»`m N Ûmam 2272 VWm 875 H$mo {d^m{OV H$aZo na h_| EH$ hr eof\$b àmá hmoVm h¡ &
N Ho$ A§H$m| H$m `moJ\$b h¡
(1) 10 (2) 11 (3) 12 (4) 13

On dividing 2272 as well as 875 by a 3-digit number N, we get the same remainder.
The sum of the digits of N is
(1) 10 (2) 11 (3) 12 (4) 13

34. Oy{b`m H$mo KÊQ>m H$n‹S>o YmoZo, AnZo ~mbm| _| H§$Kr H$aZo Am¡a AnZo H$n‹S>o nhZZo Ho$ {bE bJVm h¡
VWm KÊQ>m ZmíVm H$aZo _| bJVm h¡ & Oy{b`m H$mo ñHy$b OmZo Ho$ {bE V¡`ma hmoZo _| {H$VZm g_`
bJVm h¡ ?
3 2 5
(1) KÊQ>m (2) 1 KÊQ>m (3) KÊQ>m (4) KÊQ>m
4 4 4
1 1
It takes Julia hour to wash, comb her hair and put on her clothes and hour to
2 4
have her breakfast. How much time does it take Julia to be ready for school ?
3 2 5
(1) hour (2) 1 hour (3) hour (4) hour
4 4 4

35. amo_Z g§»`m§H$m| _§o {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gr g§»`m µJbV h¡ ?

(1) LXII (2) XCI (3) LC (4) XLIV

Which of the following numbers in Roman Numerals is incorrect ?

(1) LXII (2) XCI (3) LC (4) XLIV

36. EH$ AmX_r `mÌm Ho$ nhbo 160 {H$_r, 64 {H$_r/K§Q>o na H$aVm h¡ VWm AJbo 160 {H$_r, 80 {H$_r/K§Q>o
na H$aVm h¡ & `mÌm Ho$ àW_ 320 {H$_r H$s Am¡gV Mmb h¡
(1) 35·55 {H$_r/K§Q>m (2) 36 {H$_r/K§Q>m
(3) 71·11 {H$_r/K§Q>m (4) 71 {H$_r/K§Q>m

A man on tour travels first 160 km at 64 km/hr and the next 160 km at 80 km/hr. The
average speed for the first 320 km of the tour is
(1) 35·55 km/hr (2) 36 km/hr
(3) 71·11 km/hr (4) 71 km/hr

HE/HALEBI/6/21 12 – B
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37. EH$ gnmQ> gVh Omo g^r {XemAm| _| A{ZpíMV ê$n go ~‹T>Vr h¡, dh H$hbmVr h¡
(1) g_Vb (2) aoIm
(3) aoImIÊS> (4) {~ÝXþ

A flat surface which extends indefinitely in all directions is called a

(1) Plane (2) Line

(3) Line segment (4) Point

38. Xmo nyaH$ H$moUm| Ho$ ~rM AÝVa 10 h¡ & XmoZm| H$moUm| Ho$ _mZm| H$s JUZm H$s{OE &
(1) 55 , 45 (2) 40 , 50
(3) 50 , 60 (4) 100 , 90

The difference between two complementary angles is 10 . Calculate the values of both
the angles.

(1) 55 , 45 (2) 40 , 50

(3) 50 , 60 (4) 100 , 90

39. ~¢JZ, q^S>r Am¡a ß`mO H$m Hw$b ^ma 48·057 {H$J«m h¡ & `{X ~¢JZ Am¡a q^S>r H$m ^ma H«$_e: 5·35 {H$J«m
Am¡a 24·52 {H$J«m h¡, Vmo ß`mO H$m ^ma kmV H$s{OE &
(1) 17·187 {H$J«m (2) 18·187 {H$J«m
(3) 17·180 {H$J«m (4) 18·180 {H$J«m

The total weight of brinjal, lady-finger and onion is 48·057 kg. If brinjal and
lady-finger weigh 5·35 kg and 24·52 kg respectively, find the weight of onion.

(1) 17·187 kg (2) 18·187 kg

(3) 17·180 kg (4) 18·180 kg

40. EH$ KZm^ _| {H$VZo \$bH$ hmoVo h¢ ?

(1) 6 (2) 12 (3) 8 (4) 4

How many faces are there in a cuboid ?

(1) 6 (2) 12 (3) 8 (4) 4

HE/HALEBI/6/21 13 – B
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41. {~ÝXþ O, U, S, V, R, X, W, T, P, Q VWm Y g§»`m aoIm na g_mZ Xÿar na h¢ & bå~mB© OP Ûmam
{Zê${nV {^Þ h¡

1 7 4 6
(1) (2) (3) (4)
5 5 5 5
The points O, U, S, V, R, X, W, T, P, Q and Y on the number line are equidistant. The
fraction represented by length OP is

1 7 4 6
(1) (2) (3) (4)
5 5 5 5

42. Xmo H«$_mJV nyUmªH$, {OZHo$ _Ü` _| {^Þ pñWV h¡, h¢
(1) 0 Am¡a 1 (2) 5 Am¡a 7 (3) 5 Am¡a 6 (4) 6 Am¡a 7
The two consecutive integers, between which the fraction lies, are
(1) 0 and 1 (2) 5 and 7 (3) 5 and 6 (4) 6 and 7

43. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gm {^Þ g~go N>moQ>m h¡ ?

4 5 5 5
(1) (2) (3) (4)
5 3 6 2
Which of the following is the smallest fraction ?
4 5 5 5
(1) (2) (3) (4)
5 3 6 2

44. {H$g g§{H«$`m Ho$ A§VJ©V nyUmªH$ g§d¥V (~§X) hmoVo h¢ ?

(1) KQ>mZm (2) ^mJ

(3) JwUZ (4) BZ_| go g^r
Whole numbers are closed under which operation ?
(1) Subtraction (2) Division
(3) Multiplication (4) All of these

45. 1 {_{b`Z H$s AZwdVu (AJbr) g§»`m h¡

(1) 2 {_{b`Z (2) 1000001 (3) 100001 (4) 10001
The successor of 1 million is
(1) 2 million (2) 1000001 (3) 100001 (4) 10001

HE/HALEBI/6/21 14 – B
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46. Xmo g§»`mAm| H$m HCF 12 h¡ VWm CZH$m A§Va 12 h¡ & `h g§»`mE± {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gr hmo gH$Vr
h¢ ?
(1) 84, 96 (2) 66, 78 (3) 70, 82 (4) 62, 78
The HCF of two numbers is 12 and their difference is 12. Which of the following can
be the numbers ?

(1) 84, 96 (2) 66, 78 (3) 70, 82 (4) 62, 78

47. Eogr g~go N>moQ>r g§»`m kmV H$s{OE Omo 9, 12 Ed§ 15 àË`oH$ go ^mÁ` h¡ &
(1) 60 (2) 90 (3) 120 (4) 180

Find the smallest number that is divisible by each one of 9, 12 and 15.

(1) 60 (2) 90 (3) 120 (4) 180

48. gm~wZ-nmCS>a H$m EH$ {d{eîQ> ~«mÊS> < 15 à{V n¡Ho$Q> _| ~oMm OmVm h¡ & BgH$s bmJV < 144 à{V XO©Z
h¡ & 8 XO©Z n¡Ho$Q>m| na à{VeV _| bm^ {H$VZm hmoJm ?
(1) 20 (2) 25 (3) 24 (4) 36
A certain brand of soap-powder is sold at < 15 per packet. It costs < 144 a dozen.
What is the profit in percent on 8 dozen packets ?

(1) 20 (2) 25 (3) 24 (4) 36

49. dh ~‹S>r-go-~‹S>r g§»`m kmV H$s{OE {Oggo 37, 56, 93 H$mo ^mJ XoZo na eof\$b H«$_e: 1, 2 Am¡a 3
ahoJm &
(1) 9 (2) 18 (3) 15 (4) 12
Find the greatest number that will divide 37, 56, 93 leaving remainder 1, 2 and 3

(1) 9 (2) 18 (3) 15 (4) 12

50. Xmo g§»`mAm| H$m HCF VWm LCM H«$_e: 6 Am¡a 864 h¡ & `{X EH$ g§»`m 96 h¡, Vmo Xÿgar g§»`m kmV
H$s{OE &
(1) 84 (2) 45 (3) 54 (4) 24
The HCF and LCM of two numbers are 6 and 864 respectively. If one number is 96,
find the other number.

(1) 84 (2) 45 (3) 54 (4) 24

HE/HALEBI/6/21 15 – B
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51. ____________ _| AmÝV[aH$ MÅ>mZ|, I{ZO, Am{X gpå_{bV hmoVo h¢ &
(1) dm`w_ÊS>b (2) Ord_ÊS>b
(3) JmobmY© (4) ^y_ÊS>b
_____________ includes internal rocks, minerals, etc.
(1) Atmosphere (2) Biosphere
(3) Hemisphere (4) Geosphere

52. bmIm| dfmªo nhbo Ho$ nm¡Yo Am¡a OmZdam| Ho$ Xµ\$Z {H$E JE Adeofm| H$mo OmZm OmVm h¡
(1) g§^mì` [aµOd© (2) Ordmí_ BªYZ
(3) O¡d_mÌm BªYZ (4) gOrd e{º$
The remains of plants and animals that were buried millions of years ago are known
(1) potential reserves (2) fossil fuels
(3) biomass fuel (4) animate power

53. agJw„m ___________ H$s bmoH${à` {_R>mB© h¡ &

(1) npíM_ ~§Jmb (2) n§Om~
(3) Ho$ab (4) {h_mMb àXoe
Rasgulla is a popular sweet of ___________ .
(1) West Bengal (2) Punjab
(3) Kerala (4) Himachal Pradesh

54. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gm ^maV H$m EH$ OZOmVr` g_wXm` h¡ ?

(1) n§{S>V (2) OmQ>
(3) ^rb (4) n§Om~r
Which of the following is a tribal community of India ?
(1) Pandits (2) Jaat
(3) Bhil (4) Punjabi

55. amOñWmZ Ho$ amOnyV amOm gdmB© O` qgh Ûmam 18dt eVmãXr _| ~ZdmB© JB© IJmobr` àojUembm H$m Zm_
~VmBE &
(1) bmb {H$bm (2) Hw$Vw~ _rZma
(3) OÝVa _ÝVa (4) VmO _hb
Name an astronomical observatory built in the 18th century by Rajput King Sawai Jai
Singh of Rajasthan.
(1) Red Fort (2) Qutub Minar
(3) Jantar Mantar (4) Taj Mahal

HE/HALEBI/6/21 16 – B
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56. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gr H¥${V Ho$ {bE dmgXod _mohr H$mo 29dm± gañdVr gå_mZ àXmZ {H$`m J`m ?
(1) bmoñQ> {MëS´>Z AmH$m©Bd (2) MoH$~wH$
(3) X ñQ´>|Oa S>m`arµO (4) E gm±J \$m°a E Ý`y S>o
For which of the following works has Vasdev Mohi been awarded the 29th Saraswati
Samman ?
(1) Lost Children Archive (2) Chequebook
(3) The Stranger Diaries (4) A Song for a New Day

57. `y.EZ. _hmg^m (OZab Agoå~br) Ho$ AÜ`j ~ZZo dmbo àW_ ^maVr` H$m¡Z Wo ?
(1) ZQ>da qgh (2) dr.Ho$. H¥$îU _oZZ
(3) lr_Vr {dO`m bú_r n§{S>V (4) lr_Vr B§{Xam Jm±Yr
Who was the first Indian to be the President of U.N. General Assembly ?
(1) Natwar Singh (2) V.K. Krishna Menon
(3) Smt. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit (4) Smt. Indira Gandhi

58. _mZd eara Ho$ {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-go ^mJ _| ñdoX J§«{W`m± AZwnpñWV hmoVr h¢ ?
(1) {eamodëH$ (2) H$m±I (~Jb)
(3) hm|R> (AmoîR>) (4) hWo{b`m±
In which of the following parts of the human body are sweat glands absent ?
(1) Scalp (2) Armpits
(3) Lips (4) Palms

59. H§$Jmê$ Ho$ N>moQ>o ~ƒo H$mo h_ Š`m H$hVo h¢ ?

(1) µ\$mob (2) H$moëQ>
(3) OmoB©$ (4) H$~$
What do we call the young one of a Kangaroo ?
(1) Foal (2) Colt
(3) Joey (4) Cub

60. ~mXb A{YH$Va ~Zo hmoVo h¢

(1) ~\©$ Ho$ (2) Yyb Ho$
(3) Ob H$s ~y±Xm| Ho$ (4) Yy_-H$mohao Ho$
Clouds are mostly made of
(1) snow (2) dust
(3) water droplets (4) smog
HE/HALEBI/6/21 17 – B
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61. ^maV Zo {H$g ñ_maH$ go AnZm amîQ´>r` àVrH$ MwZm ?
(1) H${nbdñVw (2) hpñVZmnwa
(3) gmaZmW (4) nmZrnV
From which monument did India adopt its National Emblem ?
(1) Kapilavastu (2) Hastinapur
(3) Sarnath (4) Panipat

62. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go {H$g Z¥Ë` e¡br _| H$hmZr/àg§J h_oem _hm^maV Am¡a am_m`U go br OmVr h¡ ?
(1) _mo{hZrAÅ>_ (2) AmoS>rgr
(3) ^aVZmQ>ç_ (4) Hw$Mrnw‹S>r
In which of the following styles of dance is the story/theme always taken from
Mahabharata and Ramayana ?
(1) Mohiniattam (2) Odissi
(3) Bharatanatyam (4) Kuchipudi

63. h_mao amîQ´>r` H¡$boÊS>a (eH$ g§dV²) Ho$ AmYma na _hrZm| H$mo ghr H«$_ _| ì`dpñWV H$s{OE —
a-M¡Ì b-d¡emI c-Á`oîR> d-Amfm‹T> :
(1) abcd (2) bcda (3) dacb (4) cdab
Arrange the months based on our National Calendar (Saka Era) in correct serial
order — a-Chaitra b-Vaishakha c-Jyaishtha d-Aashada :
(1) abcd (2) bcda (3) dacb (4) cdab

64. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gm b‹S>mHy$ dm`w`mZ h¡ ?

(1) VoOg (2) Yw«d
(3) ~moB§J C-17 ½bmo~_mñQ>a (4) MoVH$
Which one of the following is a combat aircraft ?
(1) Tejas (2) Dhruv
(3) Boeing C-17 Globemaster (4) Chetak

65. {H$g `§Ì H$m à`moJ dmhZm| H$s Mmb _mnZo Ho$ {bE {H$`m OmVm h¡ ?
(1) J«odmo_rQ>a (2) ñnrS>mo_rQ>a
(3) JmBamoñH$mon (4) {H$bmo_rQ>a
Which device is used to measure the speed of vehicles ?
(1) Gravometer (2) Speedometer
(3) Gyroscope (4) Kilometer

HE/HALEBI/6/21 18 – B
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66. Mt{Q>`m± AnZo g_yh H$s Mt{Q>`m| H$mo H¡$go nhMmZVr h¢ ?
(1) a§J Ûmam (2) Mohao Ûmam
(3) J§Y Ûmam (4) D±$MmB© Ûmam
How do ants recognize ants from their group ?
(1) By colour (2) By face
(3) By smell (4) By height

67. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gm nmoëQ´>r \$m_mªo _§o nmbVy h¡ ?

(1) ~H$ar (2) ^o‹S> (3) _wJu (4) Kmo‹S>o
Which of the following is domesticated in poultry farms ?
(1) Goat (2) Sheep (3) Hen (4) Horses

68. ___________ Or^ na \¡$br hþB© hmoVr h¢ Am¡a ^moOZ _| agm`Zm| go A{^{H«$`m H$aVr h¢ &
(1) ñdmX H${bH$mE± (2) Adamo{Y{Z`m± (g§da{U`m±)
(3) Xm±V (4) ËdMm
The ___________ cover the tongue and react to chemicals in food.
(1) Taste Buds (2) Sphincters
(3) Teeth (4) Skin

69. ImÚ n[aajU H$aVo g_` {h_rH$aU Š`m H$aVm h¡ ?

(1) ImÚ CËnmX H$mo H$R>moa aIVm h¡
(2) ImÚ H$s gwJ§Y H$mo VmOm aIVm h¡
(3) gyú_Ordm| H$s d¥{Õ H$mo amoH$Vm h¡
(4) Cn`w©º$ _| go H$moB© Zht
What does freezing do when preserving foods ?
(1) Keeps the food product hard
(2) Keeps the flavours of the food fresh
(3) Stops growth of micro-organisms
(4) None of the above

70. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gm/gr H$n/Q´>m°\$s \w$Q>~mb go g§~§{YV h¡ ?

(1) S>o{dg H$n (2) M¡pån`Ýg Q´>m°\$s
(3) g§Vmof Q´>m°\$s (4) XodYa Q´>m°\$s
Which of the following cups/trophies is associated with football ?
(1) Davis Cup (2) Champions Trophy
(3) Santosh Trophy (4) Deodhar Trophy

HE/HALEBI/6/21 19 – B
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71. __________ amOñWmZ H$s naånamJV dfm©-Ob g§J«hU VH$ZrH$ h¡ &
(1) Q>m±H$m (2) I{S>Z (3) ~md‹S>r (4) Hw$Am±
__________ is a traditional rainwater harvesting technique of Rajasthan.
(1) Taanka (2) Khadin (3) Bavadi (4) Kuan

72. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gm Ob _| KwboJm ?

(1) _¥Xm (2) MmH$ nmCS>a
(3) MrZr (4) Vob
Which of the following will dissolve in water ?
(1) Soil (2) Chalk Powder
(3) Sugar (4) Oil

73. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gm g§H«$m_H$ amoJ h¡ ?

(1) _Yw_oh (S>m`{~Q>rµO) (2) N>moQ>r _mVm ({MH$Z nm°Šg)
(3) AëµOmB_a (4) H¡$Ýga
Which of the following is a communicable disease ?
(1) Diabetes (2) Chicken pox
(3) Alzheimer’s (4) Cancer

74. nd©Vm| na M‹T>Zo Ho$ {bE, h_|

(1) AmJo H$s Amoa PwH$Zm Mm{hE (2) nrN>o H$s Amoa PwH$Zm Mm{hE
(3) grYo MbZm Mm{hE (4) {VaN>m (EH$-Vaµ\$m) MbZm Mm{hE
To climb the mountains, we have to
(1) Bend forward (2) Bend backwards
(3) Walk straight (4) Walk sideways
75. hdm, Mmo~ (S´>_pñQ>H$) Am¡a {Û\$b (_o{nb) Ho$ ~rOm| H$mo bå~r Xÿar VH$ bo OmVr h¡ Š`m|{H$ BZ_|
(1) gnj ~rO hmoVo h¢ &
(2) ~‹S>o Am¡a ~mb dmbo ~rO hmoVo h¢ &
(3) b§~o Am¡a H$Q>H$ dmbo \$b hmoVo h¢ &
(4) eybr ~rO hmoVo h¢ &
Seeds of drumstick and maple are carried over long distances by wind because they
(1) winged seeds.
(2) large and hairy seeds.
(3) long and ridged fruits.
(4) spiny seeds.

HE/HALEBI/6/21 20 – B
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^mJ J
{hÝXr ^mfm
(Ho$db {hÝXr ^mfm H$m à`mg H$aZo dmbm| Ho$ {bE)

76. àË`oH$ àíZ Ho$ ZrMo {XE JE {dH$ënm§o _| go C{MV {dH$ën Mw{ZE :
{ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gm eãX ~mXb H$m n`m©`dmMr eãX h¡ ?
(1) Aå~a (2) JJZ (3) ObX (4) ZraO

77. hf© eãX H$m {dbmo_ eãX h¡

(1) Xþ…Ir (2) {dfmX
(3) AàgÞ (4) H$îQ>
78. {ZåZ{b{IV dmŠ`/eãX g_yh Ho$ {bE {XE JE {dH$ënm| _| go C{MV eãX H$m M`Z H$s{OE :
‘Omo g~H$mo g_mZ ÑpîQ> go XoIVm hmo’
(1) gÁOZ (2) g§Ý`mgr (3) g_Xeu (4) namonH$mar
79. gmW©H$ dmŠ` ~ZmZo Ho$ {bE {ZåZ{b{IV eãXm|/eãX g_yhm| H$mo ì`dpñWV H$s{OE & {dH$ënm| _| go ghr
{dH$ën H$m M`Z H$s{OE :
Jm` H$m / VmµOm / XÿY nrVm h±ÿ / _¢
(A) (B) (C) (D)
(1) DBAC (2) DABC (3) ABCD (4) BCDA

80. àíZ Ho$ ZrMo {XE JE {dH$ënm| _| go C{MV {dH$ën H$m M`Z H$s{OE :
‘Ohm± OmZm H${R>Z hmo’
(1) O§Jb (2) XþJ©_ (3) J_Zr` (4) AJ_
81. {ZåZ{b{IV eãX Ho$ {bE ghr {dnarVmW©H$ eãX ({dH$ën) H$m M`Z H$s{OE :
(1) ào_ (2) Agh`moJ (3) {d`moJ (4) Xþ…I
82. {ZåZ{b{IV eãX Ho$ {bE ghr g§{Y-{dÀN>oX ({dH$ën) H$m M`Z H$s{OE :
(1) {Ja + BªÐ (2) {J[a + BªÐ (3) {Jar + B§Ð (4) {J[a + B§Ð
83. {ZåZ{b{IV eãX _o| à`wº$ CngJ© Ho$ ghr {dH$ën H$m M`Z H$s{OE :
(1) {Ze² (2) {Za
(3) {Z: (4) {Ze
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84. [aº$ ñWmZ ^aZo Ho$ {bE Cn`wº$ {dH$ën Mw{ZE :
{Og na A{^`moJ bJm`m J`m hmo dh __________ H$hbmVm h¡ &
(1) A{^`moJr (2) AnamYr (3) A{^`wº$ (4) ^Jmo‹S>m
85. àíZ Ho$ ZrMo {XE JE {dH$ënm§o _| go C{MV {dH$ën H$m M`Z H$s{OE :
{ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gm eãX A{ÛVr` H$m n`m©`dmMr eãX h¡ ?
(1) AmíM`©OZH$ (2) AZmoIm (3) AZwn_ (4) Anyd©
86. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gm eãX nËWa H$m n`m©`dmMr eãX Zht h¡ ?
(1) nd©V (2) àñVa
(3) Cnb (4) nmfmU
87. {XE JE {dH$ënm| _| go ghr dV©Zr dmbo eãX H$m M`Z H$s{OE :
(1) AmeudmX (2) Am{edm©X (3) Am{e©dmX (4) Amerdm©X
{ZåZ{b{IV AZwÀN>oX H$mo Ü`mZnyd©H$ n‹T>H$a nyN>o JE àíZm| Ho$ {bE ghr {dH$ën Mw{ZE (àíZ g§»`m
88 go 92) :

{Za§Va l_ H$aZo go eara ñdñW ahVm h¡ & g_mO _| Ord§VVm ~Zr ahVr h¡ & `{X l_ H$aZm N>mo‹S> {X`m
OmE Vmo g_mO J{VeyÝ` hmo OmE & l_ H$s gmW©H$Vm Ho$ ~mao _| _hmË_m Jm±Yr Zo H$hm Wm – O~ l_ H$aZm h¡
Vmo CËnmXH$ l_ hr Š`m| Z {H$`m OmE & Jm±YrOr Ho$ CËnmXH$ l_ H$m VmËn`© `h h¡ {H$ l_ go Hw$N> MrµO H$s
àm{ßV hmo, Mmho `e hmo, Mmho àJ{V hmo & Bggo l_ H$aZo _| AmZ§X AmEJm & l_ Ho$ à{V {ZîR>m Am¡a gå_mZ
H$s ^mdZm h_mar ghO àd¥{Îm hmoZr Mm{hE & dñVwV: h_mao {dH$mg H$m, h_mar CÞ{V H$m _yb_§Ì h¡ – l_ &
g\$bVm H$m _yb_§Ì Am¡a àJ{V H$s gr‹T>r n[al_ go hr àmßV hmoVr h¡ & n[al_, gmhg Am¡a H$_© H$m
Mmobr-Xm_Z H$m gmW h¡ & Omo _Zwî` n[al_ H$aVm h¡, dh gmhgr ^r hmoVm h¡ &
88. n[al_, gmhg Am¡a H$_© H$m Mmobr-Xm_Z H$m g§~§Y H¡$go h¡ ?
(1) n[al_r Am¡a gmhgr bmoJm| H$mo ng§X {H$`m OmVm h¡ &
(2) gmhgr H$_©`moJr hmoVo h¢ &
(3) Omo _Zwî` H$_© H$aVm h¡ dh gmhgr ^r hmoVm h¡ &
(4) n[al_, gmhg EH$-Xÿgao Ho$ nyaH$ Zht h¢ &
89. Jm±YrOr Zo l_ H$s gmW©H$Vm {H$ggo _mZr h¡ ?
(1) n[al_ H$aZo go (2) gå_mZ H$s ^mdZm go
(3) l_ Ho$ à{V {ZîR>m go (4) CËnmXH$ l_ go
90. gmW©H$Vm eãX H$m {dbmo_ eãX h¡
(1) g\$bVm (2) àmg§{JH$Vm (3) {ZaW©H$Vm (4) Cn`mo{JVm
91. l_ H$aZo _| AmZ§X H$~ AmEJm ?
(1) O~ h_ ñdñW hm|Jo (2) g_mO _| J{VeyÝ`Vm Zht hmoJr
(3) O~ _Z _| gå_mZ H$s ^mdZm hmoJr (4) O~ l_ go Hw$N> MrµO H$s àm{ßV hmoJr
92. ñdñW eara Ho$ {bE Š`m Amdí`H$ h¡ ?
(1) H$gaV H$aZm (2) {Za§Va l_
(3) Ord§VVm (4) àJ{V
HE/HALEBI/6/21 22 – B
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93. {ZåZ{b{IV eãX _| à`wº$ àË`` Ho$ ghr {dH$ën H$m M`Z H$s{OE :
(1) b` (2) Amb` (3) ` (4) Ab`

94. {ZåZ{b{IV eãX H$m ñÌrqbJ ê$n Mw{ZE :

(1) OoR>mZr (2) {OR>mZr (3) OoR>mBZ (4) {OR>mBZ

95. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go nwq„J eãX h¡ :

(1) ZXr (2) Xodr
(3) H${dVm (4) M§Ð_m

96. b‹S>H$s eãX H$m ~hþdMZ ê$n h¡

(1) b‹S>{H$`m± (2) b‹S>H$s (3) b‹S>{H$`| (4) b‹S>H$sE§

97. _whmdao H$m ghr AW© {b{IE :

A±JyR>m {XImZm
(1) PyR> ~mobZm (2) AdgadmXr hmoZm
(3) _m¡Ho$ na BZH$ma H$aZm (4) YmoIm XoZm

98. _whmdao H$m ghr AW© {b{IE :

AµŠb na nËWa n‹S>Zm
(1) _yI© ~Z OmZm (2) ~w{Õ g_mßV hmo OmZm
(3) gmoMZo {dMmaZo H$s j_Vm Z ahZm (4) ~‹S>r MmoQ> bJ OmZm

99. dmŠ`m§e Ho$ {bE ghr {dH$ën Ty>±{‹T>E :

narjm XoZo dmbm
(1) narjH$ (2) {dÚmWu
(3) narjmWu (4) {ejmWu

100. {dbmo_ eãX Ty>±{‹T>E :

(1) O` (2) AO` (3) hma (4) namYrZ
HE/HALEBI/6/21 23 – B
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(Only for those attempting English Language)
Read the following passage and answer the questions (Q. 76 – 78) by choosing the
most appropriate option :

Zeus and Prometheus

From the very first, humans had trouble with the Greek Gods. Most Gods thought of
humans as toys. But Gods made friends with the humans. One of those Gods was

Prometheus. The first people created by the Gods lived happily together. They thought the
Gods were wonderful. But their children were not as grateful or as content. The children
argued among themselves, and sometimes even argued with the Gods. Zeus was very

disappointed at mankind. He decided to punish mankind by depriving them of a very

important tool — fire. Prometheus felt sorry for his human friends. Fire was important for
many things such as heat and cooking. Prometheus stole a lightning bolt from Zeus and

gave it to mankind. That’s when man discovered fire.

Zeus was furious as Prometheus had defied Zeus. He ordered Prometheus be chained to a

rock as punishment for stealing his lightning bolt, and for going behind his back to help the
humans. To make Prometheus even more miserable, Zeus sent storms to beat angry waves
against Prometheus, helplessly chained to his rock. Zeus made the sun shine really
brightly now and then to burn his skin. It was Hercules who finally released the helpless
God from his chains.

76. Why was Zeus angry and disappointed at humans ?

(1) They kept asking him for fire.

(2) The humans misused his lightning bolt.

(3) The humans were quarrelsome and didn’t respect the Gods.

(4) The humans were not intelligent enough to discover fire.

HE/HALEBI/6/21 24 – B
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77. What is the meaning of the underlined word : ‘Prometheus had defied Zeus’ ?
(1) Prometheus had worshipped Zeus all his life.
(2) Prometheus had defamed Zeus.

(3) Prometheus detested Zeus for his attitude.

(4) Prometheus had disregarded the authority of Zeus.

78. Which of the following statements is not true about Zeus and Prometheus ?

(1) Most Greek Gods saw humans as a means of their entertainment.

(2) Prometheus was chained to a rock as he was a God.

(3) Zeus was an unforgiving God who did not like to be disobeyed.
(4) Hercules emerged as the saviour of Prometheus.

Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate option.

79. We studied about ____________ Roman Empire in school.

(1) a (2) an (3) the (4) no article

80. There was no one else in the room __________ Collin.

(1) accept (2) except (3) axcept (4) acept

81. The news is all ___________ the internet.

(1) on (2) through (3) over (4) near

Rearrange the following words/phrases to make meaningful sentences. Choose the

correct sequence.

82. I / immediately / salary / my / want

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

83. the sun / you / of / must / stay out

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

HE/HALEBI/6/21 25 – B
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84. It is quite warm, ___________ ? (Use a Question Tag)
(1) is it (2) wasn’t it (3) isn’t it (4) was it

85. Leave your bags at the gate. (Identify the type of sentence)
(1) Imperative (2) Declarative

(3) Interrogative (4) Exclamatory

86. Near the equator, the sun ____________ greater quantities of water.
(Choose the correct form of the verb)
(1) is evaporating (2) evaporates

(3) has evaporated (4) evaporate

87. Choose the correct spelling :

(1) appartment (2) aparttment (3) apartment (4) apartmant

88. Today is the _____________ day of my life. (Choose the correct adjective)
(1) more important (2) less important

(3) important (4) most important

89. Poets are known to fly in their thoughts.

(Choose the word nearest in meaning to the underlined word)

(1) sore (2) sour (3) soar (4) sure

90. Do as directed :
There are some diseases that are inherited. (Identify the kind of Noun)
(1) ‘diseases’ is a proper noun
(2) ‘diseases’ is an abstract noun
(3) ‘diseases’ is a collective noun

(4) ‘diseases’ is a common noun

91. After school you and ________ must discuss a few things. (Choose the correct pronoun)
(1) him (2) me (3) I (4) we

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92. The captain __________ along with the players.
(1) was present (2) was presenting
(3) have been presenting (4) has been presenting

93. Choose the word that means the opposite of MORTAL.

(1) Unmortal (2) Immortal (3) Inmortal (4) Dismortal

94. A ____________ of thieves was caught by the Police.

(1) swarm (2) pack (3) team (4) batch

95. It has become his habit to _________ do his homework and then copy it from others.
(1) always (2) often (3) frequently (4) never

96. There were several __________ at the conference.

(1) women (2) woman (3) wemens (4) womans

97. ‘To beat around the bush’ means

(1) to turn violent against a stranger.
(2) to avoid saying something because it is uncomfortable.
(3) to come to the main point of the conversation.
(4) to start a fire in the forest.

98. My father is a bookworm, he ___________ books to films and sports.

(1) is prefer (2) prefer (3) prefers (4) are prefer

99. Choose the most appropriate option :

Which of the following options is the meaning of the word ‘exhausted’ ?
(1) Very hot (2) Very polluted

(3) Very fresh (4) Very tired

100. A confectioner is a person who ___________ .

(1) sells tools (2) sells confetti
(3) sells sweets (4) sells clothes

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àkm (B§Q>o{bO|g) / INTELLIGENCE
101. A, B H$s ~hZ h¡ & C, B H$s _m± h¡ & D, C Ho$ {nVm h¢ & E, D H$s _m± h¡ & Vmo A H$m D go Š`m g§~§Y
h¡ ?

(1) XmXm (2) XmXr

(3) nwÌr (4) nm¡Ìr
A is B’s sister. C is B’s mother. D is C’s father. E is D’s mother. Then how is A related
to D ?
(1) Grandfather (2) Grandmother
(3) Daughter (4) Grand-daughter

102. EH$ {d{eîQ> Hy$Q> ^mfm _| COMPUTER H$mo RFUVQNPC Ho$ ê$n _| {bIm OmVm h¡ & Cgr Hy$Q>
^mfm _| MEDICINE H$mo {H$g àH$ma {bIm OmEJm ?
In a certain code language, COMPUTER is written as RFUVQNPC. How will
MEDICINE be written in that code language ?

103. `{X X{jU-nyd© CÎma hmo OmE, CÎma-nyd© npíM_ hmo OmE Am¡a Bgr àH$ma H«$_ Omar aho, Vmo npíM_ Š`m hmo
OmEJm ?
(1) CÎma-nyd© (2) CÎma-npíM_
(3) X{jU-nyd© (4) X{jU-npíM_
If South-East becomes North, North-East becomes West and so on, what will West
become ?
(1) North-East (2) North-West
(3) South-East (4) South-West

104. àíZ {M• Ho$ ñWmZ na Š`m AmEJm ?

10, 100, 200, 310, ?
(1) 420 (2) 410 (3) 430 (4) 400
What will come at the place of the question mark ?
10, 100, 200, 310, ?
(1) 420 (2) 410 (3) 430 (4) 400

HE/HALEBI/6/21 28 – B
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105. Bg ûm¥§Ibm H$s Amoa Xo{IE : 2, 1, (1/2), (1/4), ...
AmJo AmZo dmbr g§»`m H$m¡Z-gr hmoJr ?
(1) 1/3 (2) 1/8 (3) 2/8 (4) 1/16

Look at this series : 2, 1, (1/2), (1/4), ...

What number should come next ?
(1) 1/3 (2) 1/8 (3) 2/8 (4) 1/16

106. dh ghr {dH$ën Mw{ZE {Og_| dhr g§~§Y hmo &

SCD, TEF, UGH, _________, WKL
(1) CMN (2) UJI (3) VIJ (4) IJT
Choose the correct alternative that has the same relation.
SCD, TEF, UGH, _________, WKL
(1) CMN (2) UJI (3) VIJ (4) IJT

107. `{X ‘WAY’ H$mo 679 Ho$ ê$n _| Hy${Q>V {H$`m OmVm h¡, ‘MAY’ H$mo 579 Ho$ ê$n _| Hy${Q>V {H$`m OmVm h¡,
Vmo ‘YAW’ H$mo Hy${Q>V {H$`m OmEJm
(1) 976 (2) 769 (3) 679 (4) 579

If ‘WAY’ is coded as 679, ‘MAY’ is coded as 579, then ‘YAW’ will be coded as
(1) 976 (2) 769 (3) 679 (4) 579

108. 45 {dÚm{W©`m| H$s EH$ H$jm _|, Am{_a H$m H«$_ D$na go 16dm± h¡ & AemoH$, Am{_a go 6 H«$_ ZrMo h¡ &
ZrMo go AemoH$ H$m H«$_ H$m¡Z-gm h¡ ?
(1) 23dm± (2) 32dm± (3) 24dm± (4) 30dm±

In a class of 45 students, Amir’s rank from the top is 16th. Ashok is 6 ranks below
Amir. What is Ashok’s rank from the bottom ?
(1) 23rd (2) 32nd (3) 24th (4) 30th

109. Ajam| Ho$ H$m¡Z-go EH$ g_wƒ` H$mo Xr JB© Aja ûm¥§Ibm Ho$ Imbr ñWmZm| _| H«$_mZwgma aIZo go ûm¥§Ibm
nyar hmoJr ?
_ ab _ b _ aba _ _ abab.
(1) abbaa (2) bbaab (3) abaab (4) aaaba
Which one set of letters when sequentially placed at the gaps in the given letter series
shall complete it ?
_ ab _ b _ aba _ _ abab.
(1) abbaa (2) bbaab (3) abaab (4) aaaba

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110. [aº$ ñWmZ H$s ny{V© H$s{OE &
bJm_ : Kmo‹S>m : : H§$Q´>mob n¡Zb : _________
(1) MmbH$ (nm`bQ>) (2) {~Q> (3) g_Vb (4) Kw‹S>gdma
Fill in the blank.
rein : horse : : control panel : _________
(1) pilot (2) bit (3) plane (4) rider

111. dh eãX Mw{ZE Omo g_yh Ho$ eãXm| go g~go H$_ {_bVm h¡ &
(1) E_.Eg. noÝQ> (2) \o$g~wH$

(3) ìhmQ²>gEn (4) {Q²>dQ>a

Choose the word which is least like the words in the group.
(1) MS Paint (2) Facebook
(3) WhatsApp (4) Twitter

112. `{X ‘+’ H$m AW© h¡ ‘‘KQ>m’’, ‘–’ H$m AW© h¡ ‘‘JwUm’’, ‘ ’ H$m AW© h¡ ‘‘Omo‹S>’’, Vmo 10 5+3–2 H$m _mZ
Š`m h¡ ?
(1) 24 (2) 52 (3) 9 (4) 10

If ‘+’ means ‘‘Minus’’, ‘–’ means ‘‘Multiply’’, ‘ ’ means ‘‘Add’’, then what is the value of
10 5+3–2?

(1) 24 (2) 52 (3) 9 (4) 10

113. gwYmaZm : grdZ ({gbmB©) :: g§nmXZ H$aZm : _________

(1) aµ\y$ H$aZm$ (2) _aå_V H$aZm

(3) hñV{b{n (4) H$m_MbmD$
mend : sewing : : edit : _________
(1) darn (2) repair
(3) manuscript (4) makeshift
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Cn`wº$ {dH$ën H$m M`Z H$aHo$ {ÛVr` `w½_ H$mo nyam H$s{OE &

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Complete the second pair by selecting the appropriate alternative.

(1) (2) (3) (4)

115. EH$ AmX_r 6 {H$_r X{jU H$s Amoa MbVm h¡, ~mE± _w‹S>H$a 4 {H$_r MbVm h¡, {\$a Xþ~mam ~mE± _w‹S>Vm h¡
Am¡a 5 {H$_r MbVm h¡ & A~ CgH$m _w±h {H$g {Xem H$s Amoa h¡ ?
(1) X{jU (2) CÎma (3) nyd© (4) npíM_

A man walks 6 km south, turns left and walks 4 km, again turns left and walks 5 km.
Which direction is he facing now ?
(1) South (2) North (3) East (4) West

116. dh eãX Mw{ZE Omo aoIm§{H$V eãX H$m A{Zdm`© ^mJ h¡ &
(1) ~¡ÊS> (2) {ejH$ (3) JmZo (4) Vma|
Choose the word that is a necessary part of the underlined word.

(1) Band (2) Teacher (3) Songs (4) Strings

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117. àíZ {M• Ho$ ñWmZ na H$m¡Z-gm Aja AmEJm ?

(1) N (2) O

(3) P (4) M

Which letter replaces the question mark ?

(1) N (2) O

(3) P (4) M

118. nwOmar Zo EH$ ^ŠV H$mo H$hm, ‘‘K§Q>r 45 {_ZQ> Ho$ {Z`{_V A§Vamb na ~OVr h¡ & A§{V_ K§Q>r 5 {_ZQ>
nhbo ~Or Wr & AJbr K§Q>r 7:45 am na ~OoJr &’’ nwOmar Zo ^ŠV H$mo `h gyMZm {H$g g_` na Xr
Wr ?
(1) 6:55 am (2) 7:00 am
(3) 7:05 am (4) 7:40 am

The priest told the devotee, ‘‘The bell rings at regular intervals of 45 minutes. The
last bell rang 5 minutes ago. The next bell is due to be rung at 7:45 am.’’ At what time
did the priest give this information to the devotee ?

(1) 6:55 am (2) 7:00 am

(3) 7:05 am (4) 7:40 am

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119. EH$ Hy$Q> _|, ‘BOMBAY’ H$mo ‘CNNABX’ Ho$ ê$n _| Hy${Q>V {H$`m OmVm h¡, Vmo ‘DELHI’ H$m Hy$Q> Š`m
hmoJm ?

In a code, ‘BOMBAY’ is coded as ‘CNNABX’, then what will be the code of ‘DELHI’ ?

120. [aº$ ñWmZ H$s ny{V© H$s{OE &

AbJ H$aZm : EH$ H$a XoZm : : _aå_V H$aZm : _________
(1) nmg AmZm (2) Y¸$m XoZm
(3) {~Jm‹S> XoZm> (4) AnZr MmbmH$s go _mV XoZm
Fill in the blank.
segregate : unify : : repair : _________
(1) approach (2) push

(3) damage (4) outwit

121. ZrMo {XE JE {MÌ _| {H$VZo {Ì^wO h¢ ?

(1) 4 (2) 12 (3) 16 (4) 10

How many triangles are there in the figure given below ?

(1) 4 (2) 12 (3) 16 (4) 10

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122. amhþb Zo grYo nyd© H$s Amoa MbZm Ama§^ {H$`m & dh Hw$N> Xÿa VH$ Mbm Am¡a {\$a AnZr Xm`t Amoa _w‹S>m
VWm {\$a go Mbm & A~ CgH$m _wI {H$g {Xem _| h¡ ?
(1) CÎma (2) nyd© (3) X{jU (4) npíM_
Rahul started walking straight towards East. He walks a certain distance and then
turns towards his right and walks again. In which direction is he heading now ?

(1) North (2) East (3) South (4) West

123. {XE JE {dH$ënm| _| go {df_ H$m M`Z H$s{OE &

(1) ~m§½bmXoe : Q>H$m (2) ~«mµOrb : [a`b
(3) gmBàg : S>m°ba (4) B©amZ : [a`mb
From the given options, choose the odd one out.
(1) Bangladesh : Taka (2) Brazil : Real
(3) Cyprus : Dollar (4) Iran : Rial

124. VmÝ`m E[aH$ go ~‹S>r h¡ &

pŠb\$ VmÝ`m go ~‹S>m h¡ &
E[aH$ pŠb\$ go ~‹S>m h¡ &
`{X àW_ Xmo H$WZ gË` h¢, Vmo Vrgam H$WZ h¡
(1) gË` (2) AgË` (3) A{ZpíMV (4) BZ_| go H$moB© Zht
Tanya is older than Eric.
Cliff is older than Tanya.
Eric is older than Cliff.
If the first two statements are true, the third statement is
(1) True (2) False (3) Uncertain (4) None of these

125. Xr JB© ûm¥§Ibm _| AJbm Š`m AmEJm ?

A, C, F, H, K, M, .......
(1) N (2) Y (3) P (4) M
What comes next in the given series ?
A, C, F, H, K, M, .......
(1) N (2) Y (3) P (4) M

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aµ\$ H$m`© Ho$ {bE OJh

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aµ\$ H$m`© Ho$ {bE OJh

HE/HALEBI/6/21 36 – B

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