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English Language Learning (ELL) Checklist

Directions: Check off communication areas and language elements as they are mastered. Topics are defined by

____ Basic expressions: yes, no, thank you, please, okay, fine

____ Greetings: hello, good-bye, how are you

____ Questions: who, where, when, what, why

____ Requests: please help me, show me, tell me

____ Names of people, places, objects

____ Numbers, colors

English Language Learning

____ Vocabulary: food, restroom, health, shopping, transportation

____ Letters and sounds of the alphabet

____ Words for time, order, quantities, size, distance, location

____ Word order in phrases and sentences

____ Articles: a, an, the

____ Conjunctions: and, but, either, or

____ Pronouns: he, she, him, her, it, they, each, myself, ours, themselves

____ Action verbs: run, talk, lift

____ Forms of the verb to be: is, are, was, am

____ Prepositions: of, to, from, around, into, on, with, under

____ Adjectives: large, beautiful

____ Adverbs: quickly, beautifully

____ Context clues to multiple meaning; homonyms: to, too, two

____ Subject-verb agreement: he does / they do; we are / she is

____ Pronoun-antecedent agreement: Maria / she; men / they

____ Pronoun case agreement: subjects: we, they; objects: us, them

____ Verb tenses: regular: ____ call, called, (have) called; ____ irregular: see, saw, (have) seen or know, knew, (have)
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English Language Learning    19
individual teachers to reproduce this form solely for use in their own classrooms.

# 108376   Cust: PH/OH/CHET   Au: Bader  Pg. No. 19 K
M02_BADE3680_07_SE_PT02.indd 19
Title: Bader
Reading and Language Inventory 6/e     Server: Short / Normal / Long
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22/03/12 3:59 PM
____ Compound and complex sentences

____ Idiomatic language: change of heart; stick around

____ Proverbs and other cultural referents

____ Social conversation

____ Workplace conversation

English Language Learning

Additional assessment: The following parts of the inventory may be useful in determining student needs and planning
instruction: Grammatical Clozure, Oral Language Expression, Oral Language Reception, and Written Language

Note: Although language elements are listed separately, instruction should proceed in a meaningful context such as
role-playing, physical responses, and language experience. A recommended sequence is to begin in context, isolate to
teach a specific skill or concept, and then return to context. For English Language Learners, this specific sequence allows
for the transfer of literacy skills if existent from the first language to the second language. The key to the transfer would
be providing comprehensible input (Krashen, 1982).

Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. The Publisher grants permission to individual teachers to reproduce this form solely
for use in their own classrooms.

20    part two  Test Battery

# 108376   Cust: PH/OH/CHET   Au: Bader  Pg. No. 20 K
Title:20Bader Reading and Language Inventory 6/e     Server: Short / Normal / Long
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22/03/12 3:59 PM

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