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IB Primary Years Programme (PYP)

Grade 5 SY 2023 – 2024

Name Date of Presentation

Class Teacher’s Feedback

Unit: Where We Are in Place and Time

Central Idea: Exploration leads to discovery and develops new understanding.
Integration: English Language Arts
Target ATL Skill: Speak and express ideas clearly and logically in small and large groups
Collaborative Group Inquiry: Explorer Report (The Age of Exploration)
I. Areas to be assessed
A. To be able to communicate clearly, accurately, and appropriately, conveying information and expressing
opinions effectively.
• Speak for a variety of purposes, in this case, to describe, explain and narrate.
• Speak fluently and clearly at an appropriate pace and volume in front of an audience.
• Talk with clarity and engage the listeners.
B. Identify explorers during the Age of Exploration and present relevant facts about their exploration
including the impacts they brought to the world.

II. Single Point Rubric

Feedback on Concerns SOS Achieved

(Areas that need work) (Standards for Success) (Evidence of exceeding standards)
• Covers the topic with complete
details, explanations and examples.
• Subject knowledge is proficient and
Content is logically organized or
(flow of ideas; order of facts; use of
heading or bulleted lists to group
related material)
All requirements are met (and
probably exceeded)

● Members do their part of the work
● Members work well with others and
rarely pose problems or argument
● Speaks with a satisfactory variation
of volume and inflection.
● Speaks clearly and accurately.
● Effectively uses visuals
Class Feedback:

Grade 5 UOI: Where We Are in Place and Time – Exploration

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