Raspberry Pi Based Weather Monitoring System

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Raspberry Pi Based Weather Monitoring System

Research · June 2023

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.23682.45763

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1 author:

Indra Kishor



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International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management 114

Volume 4, Issue 8, August 2021

https://www.ijresm.com | ISSN (Online): 2581-5792

Raspberry Pi Based Weather Monitoring System

Anshul Bharadwaj1, Arpit Sudhir2, Himanshu Shekhar3*, Naman Khandelwal4, Inder Kishor5
Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Arya Institute of Engineering and Technology,
Jaipur, India
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Arya Institute of Engineering and
Technology, Jaipur, India

Abstract: Climatic conditions assume a crucial part in our short time later to be prepared. Hence, the correspondence
everyday lives. Gathering information on different climate framework is a fundamental piece of the computerized climate
boundaries is significant for indoor and natural arranging. Late station. Today, computerized climate channels are accessible as
advances in Internet of Things make information assortment
simpler. In this framework, numerous computerized and simple business items with an assortment of settings and alternatives.
sensors, for example, DHT11, BMP180, LDR and the ULN2803 Albeit programmed climate stations can be fabricated and
scale are utilized to gauge ecological boundaries. This information utilized in distant pieces of Sri Lanka to decrease the expense
comes from the information sensor and is perused by the of support of climate stations, up to this point the consideration
Raspberry Pi worker itself and put away in CSV configuration and was paid to the development of climate stations. what's more,
text documents. The sensors gather information from different utilize those devices locally. Programmed climate channels are
ecological boundaries and feed it with a Raspberry PI that goes
about as a base station. A site and versatile application created intended for colleges by interfacing sensors that screen
utilizing Google Data Studio and Android Studio individually to environment cutoff points to PCs/information coders accessible
show ongoing climate conditions in a graphical show available to on interchanges hardware or in continuous and inconsistent
supervisors and clients. access. Clients will get climate cautions in ports of climate information printed copy. As of late, the
that specific region on the interpersonal organization consistently University of Colombo has set up a computerized climate
and casually. Climate estimates are made in a brief timeframe, station with worked in USB correspondence capacities and
permitting clients to get ready for their tentative arrangements
inside the following 30 minutes. information passage capacities. The current assignment is to
develop past advancement. The primary motivation behind this
Keywords: Raspberry Pi, LDR, BPM180, DHT11. venture was to set up a free climate station with distant
correspondence frameworks for the discovery and transmission
1. Introduction of environment limits. Distant checking of ecological limits is
Environment is a significant piece of human existence. vital for different modern plans and cycles. Before, standard
Sensors are significant segments that are utilized in measure environment checking frameworks dependent on mechanical
control ventures as well as in regular day to day existence to and electrical gadgets had restrictions like helpless solidness,
guarantee the security of building and estimating traffic stream the requirement for human intercession, parallax-related
and ecological limitations. blunders, and sturdiness.
IoT represents Internet of Things. It gives web network to Climate estimates should be solid and exact, regardless of
cell phones, structures, vehicles and different gadgets like how successful. Likewise, it ought to give simple admittance to
sensors and actuators. By giving correspondence of board every one of the deliberate boundaries. Affectability and
frameworks through hardware, programming, sensors and precision of estimations might change, and the area of a climate
actuators; These things can be gathered and traded with figure can decide the exactness and unwavering quality of a
information. By utilizing IoT objects that can be recognized or climate information assortment. Normally the client is
controlled distantly from a current organization. It gives the restricted to choices given by the producer. Indeed, even with
capacity to associate the actual world to PC frameworks. IoT minor changes in boundary checking or information preparing,
Improves Efficiency, Speed. business gadgets at this point don't work. For certain
The default climate station is an apparatus for estimating and applications it is important to have adaptable and customizable
recording climate boundaries utilizing sensors without human arrangements. Also that business gadgets can be over the top
intercession. Assessed boundaries can be put away in the expensive for certain applications purposes. This paper is about
incorporated information lumberjack or can be moved distantly a climate conjecture framework intended for explicit purposes.
by means of an association interface. In the event that the Utilizing more affordable materials, a framework for estimating
information is put away in an information lumberjack, the air temperature, air stickiness, light force, precipitation and soil
recorded information should be actually followed on a PC a dampness is accessible, which can be a reasonable module

*Corresponding author: himanshushekhar39@gmail.com

A. Bharadwaj et al. International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management, VOL. 4, NO. 8, AUGUST 2021 115

utilized by agrarian land to screen the climate and anticipate 3. Methodology

worker information that can be seen and utilized for occasional This IoT based climate checking framework is created
factual information investigation. utilizing incredible advancement stage Raspberry Pi board.
Raspberry Pi board is useful to limit the framework equipment.
2. Related Work So here in this undertaking utilization of any outside
Arko Djajad et al. have dispatched their harmless to the microcontroller, ADC and correspondence module is kept away
ecosystem observing framework utilizing the IoT sensor from. This framework utilizes Temperature and Humidity
organization. This framework sensor is associated with Net Sensor (DHT11), Light Intensity Sensor (LDR), Rain Water
Client by means of a sequential interface like Modbus or I2C. Level Measuring Sensor created utilizing checked scale with
Information assortment is then shipped off Fognet by TCP/IP. ULN2803, Pressure and Altitude Sensor (BMP180). This load
Information from all regular sensors works like module of sensors are interfaced with GPIO header of Raspberry Pi
Arduino ATMega2560 board. This board requires a Wi-Fi board. To get constant checking of information from sensors
module to interface with a Wi-Fi switch This outcome can be Ethernet network is utilized. Square graph of complete
shipped off a web worker with the end goal of web based framework is as displayed in Fig. 1. Interfacing graph of sensors
observing. The outcome can be accomplished with electronic with Raspberry Pi board is as displayed in Fig. 2.
gadgets, for example, a PC or cell phone as long as it is
associated with the web. The sensors utilized are encompassing
light sensor, DHT11 sensor of temperature and dampness,
sound sensor, MG811 carbon dioxide sensor, MQ7 carbon
monoxide sensor, MQ6 LPG sensor and liquor MQ3 sensor. All
normal sensors utilized are simple sensors. Consequently, these
sensors can be associated with the Arduino simple pin. In this
examination two-way correspondence was utilized, Serial0
correspondence among Arduino and PC, and Serial1
correspondence among Arduino and ESP8266. A Wi-Fi
association permits information move from Arduino hubs
straightforwardly to web workers utilizing the HTTP
convention. They can be neighborhood workers or worldwide
outside workers, for example, the free IoT thingspeak.com
worker for this situation. Results can be shown as snaps. [2]
Tamilarasi B. et al. propose an arrangement for the viable
development and execution of the WSN stage, which can be
Fig. 1. Block diagram of complete system
utilized for long haul ecological observing in the IoT
framework. [3] Nikhil Ugale et al. have fostered a framework
dependent on IoT for natural observing in homes. The proposed
framework utilizes different sensor light, temperature,
mugginess and moistness to gather information to screen
ecological conditions and identify mistake on gadgets. The PIC
microcontroller is utilized to control and screen each sensor
associated with it. Various sensors are introduced on various
gadgets to screen gadget execution. At the point when the
gadget turns on the sensor it will identify the activity of the
telephone on the off chance that it doesn't work the default
email or SMS will ship off the specialist organization and client. Fig. 2. Raspberry Pi model 2 board
Additionally, added is a usefulness that the gadget can turn on
and off on the mobile phone and get full subtleties of the gadget 4. Components
by means of SMS. This program has effectively shown the new
IoT plan that permits existing inserted frameworks to be A. Development Board
coordinated into the IoT organization. "Web of Things" is Raspberry PI is a card-sized ARM powered Linux computer
extremely powerful in robotized home computerization and development board. There are in total of 5 types of various
proficient utilization of home machines. Utilizing this minimal board with different specification, for the proposed Weather
expense framework gadget it very well may be effectively forecasting system Raspberry PI 2 model B is used as the main
associated and the comparing data can be gotten to around the development board which is shown in Figure. 2.
world. [4] B. MCP3008
The MCP3008 is the Analog to Digital converter which is a
16 pinned and 8 channeled chip which converts the analog
A. Bharadwaj et al. International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management, VOL. 4, NO. 8, AUGUST 2021 116

voltages to 10-bit binary code shown in Figure 4. The chip is the sensor. The dampness detecting segment has two terminals
connected to the external clock which is provided by the with dampness holding substrate between them. So as the
Raspberry pi. dampness changes, the conductivity of the substrate changes or
the opposition between these terminals changes which are
estimated and handled by the IC and moistness esteem is
determined. As the temperature expands the NTC thermistor
obstruction diminishes coming about the expansion in the yield
voltage which then, at that point handled by the IC and the
temperature esteem is determined.
LM35: LM35 is an exactness IC temperature sensor with its
yield corresponding to the temperature (in oC). The sensor
hardware is fixed and thusly it isn't exposed to oxidation and
different cycles. Utilizing the LM35, temperature can be
estimated more precisely than a thermistor. It additionally have
low selfheating and doesn't cause more than 0.1 oC temperature
ascend in still air. The working temperature range is from -
Fig. 3. Components 55°C to 150°C. The yield voltage shifts by 10mV because of
each oC rise/ fall in encompassing temperature, i.e., its scale
factor is 0.01V/oC, and the out voltage of the sensor is changed
over to the computerized through the ADC chip.
Rain Sensor: The downpour sensor module is a simple device
for downpour discovery. It very well may be utilized as a switch
when raindrop falls through the pouring board and furthermore
for estimating precipitation power. The module includes, a
downpour board and the control board joined for more comfort,
power marker LED The simple yield is utilized in recognition
Fig. 4. MCP3008 8 channel ADC chip of drops in the measure of precipitation. Associated with
3.3V/5V force supply and the sensor works dependent fair and
C. LCD Display (16X2)
square of the water interfacing the downpour board, the yield
LCD Display (16X2) LCD display is a 16 pin module which voltage of the gadget different on the length of the downpour
can be used in two mode of operation 8 bit and 4-bit operation. board being wet which is changed over to computerized through
The device can also be set to a 4-bit mode which allows sending ADC chip.
data in two chunks (or nibbles) of 4 bits which bring us the great Soil Moisture: Soil Moisture Sensor is utilized to quantify the
advantage of reduce number of GPIO connections involving. volumetric water content of soil. The Soil Moisture Sensor
D. Sensors utilizes capacitance to quantify dielectric permittivity of the
encompassing medium. In soil, dielectric permittivity is a
component of the water content. The sensor makes a voltage
relative to the dielectric permittivity, and along these lines the
water content of the dirt which is changed over to advanced
through ADC chip.
LDR: Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) or a photograph
resistor is a gadget whose resistivity is a component of the
episode electromagnetic radiation. These are comprised of
semiconductor materials having high opposition. Its opposition
under ordinary lighting is roughly 10Kohm while in obscurity
this increments to over2Mohm.When there is heaps of light
zeroing in on the LDR it results a low obstruction, bringing
about the yield voltage dropping towards 0V. When it is dim
the LDR obstruction increments bringing about the yield
Fig. 5. Sensors integration to MCP3008 voltage expanding towards 3.3Vand the different yield voltages
are changed over to computerized through ADC chip.
Sensors are utilized for the recognition of the different
boundaries in the climate and in soil for the determining of the 5. Implementations and Results
climate conditions over and over shown inFigure-4. Coming up
next are the depiction of the sensors exhaustively. On the framework side Raspberry Pi board works as an
DH11: It comprises of a stickiness detecting part, a NTC information procurement mode and as a web worker mode. It
temperature sensor (or thermistor) and an IC on the posterior of gathers information from Temperature and Humidity sensor,
Pressure and Altitude sensor, Light power sensor and downpour
A. Bharadwaj et al. International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management, VOL. 4, NO. 8, AUGUST 2021 117

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