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- Hai mệnh đề đơn không nối với nhau bằng dấu phẩy, mà ta phải nối với nhau bằng liên từ hoặc
dùng dạng rút gọn.
Ex: He had finished writing the email, he sent it to Mary.
→ After he had finished writing the email, he sent it to Mary.
→ Having finished writing the email, he sent it to Mary.
- Với 2 mệnh đề có cùng chủ ngữ, ta có thể rút gọn mệnh đề trạng ngữ sử dụng phân từ.
Chủ động: Dùng V-ing hoặc Having PII When I came home, I found a cat lying on the floor.
(Having PII nhấn mạnh tới tính hoàn tất trước → Coming home, I found a cat lying on the floor.
của hành động hơn so với V-ing) After he had completed his homework, he had a
→ Having completed his homework, he had a bath.
Bị động: Dùng PII hoặc Having been PII She was worried by the news. She called the hospital.
(Having been PII nhấn mạnh tới tính hoàn tất → Worried by the news, she called the hospital.
trước của hành động hơn so với PII) After she had been made redundant, she started
looking for a new job.
→ Having been made redundant, she started looking
for a new job.

Question 1. his mistake, Tim apologised to me.
A. Having realised B. Have realised C. Had realised D. Have been realising
Question 2. to the conference in Paris, I booked a flight ticket immediately.
A. Having invited B. Been invited
C. Have been invited D. Having been invited
Question 3. Once with essential skills, these interns will know how to prepare a report.
A. equipped B. equipping C. have equipped D. have been equipped
Question 4. When , a majority of senior students expressed their great uncertainty about
the future.
A. survey B. been surveyed C. surveyed D. surveying
Question 5. the Youth Club, he became more confident and sociable.
A. Joined B. Have joined C. Having joined D. Has been joining
Question 6. If with the new pill, those patients are likely to make a speedy recovery.
A. treated B. having treated C. to be treated D. treating
Question 7. from upper secondary school, Nam decided to study overseas.
A. Have graduated B. Having graduated C. Has graduated D. Having been graduated
Question 8. If with flowers and balloons, this room will look more appealing.
A. decorated B. decorate C. been decorated D. decorating
Question 9. _ to seek employment for months, he was finally offered a job at a marketing
A. Has struggled B. Have struggled C. Struggled D. Having struggled
Question 10. If with an opportunity to join the contest, Joey would display his
amazing English skills.
A. providing B. provided C. provide D. to be provided
Question 11. as the president of the club, he knew he had to try harder.
A. Have been appointed B. Having been appointed
C. Having appointed D. Has been appointed
Question 12. the instructions carefully, Linh started to write the essay.
A. Having read B. Has read C. Have read D. Having been read
Question 13. When an order, please remember to include your name and address.
A. place B. placed C. places D. placing
Question 14. Once , the water in this lake can be used for domestic consumption.
A. purified B. purifying C. to purify D. it purifies
Question 15. 15 litres of drinking per day, the machine suddenly stopped working.
A. Produced B. Has produced C. Have produced D. Having produced
Question 16. When difficult exercises, Lan always tries to complete them on her own.
A. assigned B. assigning C. assign D. having assigned
Question 17. the award, she is now a much sought-after film actress.
A. Have won B. Having won C. Having been won D. Has been winning
Question 18. the appetizer, I felt sick and didn’t want to eat more.
A. Have tried B. Have been trying C. Having tried D. Having been tried
Question 19. Although the most delicious dish in the South, it isn’t very popular
in the Northern part of the country.
A. considering B. considered C. has considered D. has been considered
Question 20. If as the president of the country, he promises he will do his best to
revive the national economy.
A. elected B. electing C. having elected D. elects
Question 21. the shocking news, she fainted and became unconscious for about half an
A. Have heard B. Has heard
C. Have been hearing D. Having heard
Question 22. as a UNESCO world heritage site, Trang An Scenic Landscape
Complex attracts thousands of visitors each month.
A. Recognised B. Recognising C. Having recognized D. Has been recognised
Question 23. to play the violin for more than five years, Jane is confident to
perform in public.
A. Have learned B. Having learned C. Has learned D. Having been learned
Question 24. to his home, Phillips was annoyed to find that he had left his phone
at the office.
A. Have returned B. Has returned C. Having returned D. Have been returned
Question 25. When about their future career, many freshmen at this university
expressed a preference for teaching.
A. asking B. having asked C. have asked D. asked
Question 26. Although excellent by many readers, her newest novel didn’t really
catch on when it was translated into Vietnamese.
A. rated B. rating C. having rated D. has been rated
Question 27. the box, my daughter was surprised when she saw a cute cat inside.
A. Having opened B. Opened C. Has opened D. Having been opened
Question 28. the article twice, I can understand what message the writer wants to convey.
A. Have read B. Has been read C. Having been read D. Having read
Question 29. The child looked totally frightened when in the shopping mall.
A. abandoning B. to be abandoned C. abandoned D. having abandoned
Question 30. at the hotel, we went to a vegetarian restaurant to have dinner.
A. Have arrived B. Having arrived C. Have been arrived D. Having been arriving
Exercise 2
Question 1. the experiment several times, the scientists finally succeeded in developing
a new vaccine.
A. Have carried out B. Having carried out
C. Have been carried out D. Have been carrying out
Question 2. high school, Nam joined the labour force.
A. Has finished B. Having been finished
C. Having finished D. Has been finished
Question 3. out of the car, the man walked around and started to pull a gun on bystanders.
A. Having got B. Has got C. Has been getting D. Having been got
Question 4. If with timely financial aid, these victims could have survived.
A. provide B. providing C. to provide D. provided
Question 5. all of his savings in the project, he became almost penniless.
A. Having invested B. Have invested C. Had invested D. Having been invested
Question 6. _ out of the interview room, she realised that she had forgotten to say
goodbye to the interviewers.
A. Have got B. Has got C. Having got D. Having been got
Question 7. with pent-up anger, she stormed out of the room.
A. Having filled B. Has filled C. Has been filled D. Filled
Question 8. If using dictionaries in the exam, candidates will be forced to leave the room.
A. catch B. catching C. been caught D. caught
Question 9. their vigorous training, they will be ready for the qualifying tournament.
A. Finished B. Having finished C. Have finished D. Have been finishing
Question 10. the instructions twice, Tim started to assemble the shelves.
A. Has read B. Having been read
C. Have been reading D. Having read
Question 11. If in this way, linking words can make your writing more coherent.
A. used B. have used C. have been used D. having used
Question 12. Once with necessary skills, these interns will be able to deal with angry
A. equip B. to equip C. equipped D. equipping
Question 13. the gourmet restaurant, the businesswoman hailed a taxi to get home.
A. Having left B. Has been left C. Has left D. Having been left
Question 14. Although by his confidence, they didn’t offer him that job.
A. impress B. impressed C. impressing D. been impressed
Question 15. If with the new drug, people with underlying health conditions will make a
rapid recovery.
A. treating B. have treated C. been treated D. treated
Question 16. the year-end party, they went straight to a nearby karaoke bar.
A. Have left B. Having been left C. Having left D. Had left
Question 17. the living room, James decided to decorate it with posters and paintings.
A. Paint B. Painted C. Having painted D. Having been painted
Question 18. for that company for 10 years, Tom decided to retire and spend time
with his family.
A. Worked B. Having worked C. Work D. Having been worked
Question 19. Although quite a long time ago, this film remains popular with senior
A. produced B. to be produced C. producing D. has been produced
Question 20. If in a more logical way, your essay would get the full mark.
A. wrote B. been written C. having written D. written
Question 21. Once with the coronavirus, you will suffer from loss of taste or smell.
A. infected B. infecting C. has infected D. had infected
Question 22. all the necessary data, Max began to write the report.
A. Having been collected B. Has been collected
C. Has been collecting D. Having collected
Question 23. the bank robber fleeing, I called the police.
A. Have witnessed B. Witnessing C. Being witnessed D. Had been witnessed
Question 24. to attend their housewarming party, we could hardly refuse to go.
A. Had invited B. Have been invited
C. Having been invited D. Having invited
Question 25. that he would get married to her, I burst into tears.
A. Have heard B. Have been heard
C. Have being heard D. Having heard
Question 26. Though against the coronavirus, he still contracted it.
A. vaccinate B. to vaccinate C. vaccinating D. vaccinated
Question 27. for over 10 months, she found it really difficult to get work.
A. Having been unemployed B. Has been unemployed
C. Had been unemployed D. Having unemployed
Question 28. When a chance to take part in the competition, David can really excel
A. giving B. given C. has given D. to give
Question 29. If with air conditioners and TVs, these rooms will be more appealing to
A. equipping B. have equipped
C. have been equipped D. equipped
Question 30. When an important task, Bob always tries to finish it before the deadline.
A. assign B. to assign C. assigned D. assigning

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