Role of Personal Hygiene in Non Communicable Diseases

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Personal hygiene importance

in NCDs
Definition of NCDs

❏ Diseases that are not spread through infection or through other people,
but are typically caused by unhealthy behaviours.
❏ They are the leading cause of death worldwide and present a huge
threat to health and development, particularly in low- and middle-income
❏ Chronic diseases are those that last for more than 3 months.
❏ NCD also called chronic diseases.
❏ Contribute towards 71 % deaths globally each year
❏ Project to increase
● Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) kill 41 million people each year,
equivalent to 74% of all deaths globally.
● Each year, 17 million people die from a NCD before age 70; 86% of these
premature deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries.
● Of all NCD deaths, 77% are in low- and middle-income countries.
Most common NCDs

CVD —-----18 million

Cancers—-10 million

COPD—-- 4 million

Diabetes—- 2 million

These four groups of diseases account for over 80% of all premature NCD
● Tobacco use, physical inactivity, the harmful use of alcohol, unhealthy diets
and air pollution all increase the risk of dying from an NCD.
12 million deaths are due to unhealthy diet

8 million are due to tobacco use

3 million are due to alcohol and drug use

1.6 million deaths were attributed to low physical activity

The major risk factors for NCDs are associated with behavioral patterns that
are largely established during childhood and adolescence and continue into

The onset of many NCDs like diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular diseases
can be prevented or delayed by addressing these risk factors earlier in life
According to WHO, 80% of premature deaths due to CVDs, diabetes, CRDs and
40% of cancers can be prevented through healthy diet, regular physical activity
and avoidance of tobacco use. Therefore, an important way to prevent NCDs is to
focus on reducing the risk factors associated with these diseases by:
● Health Promotion
● Multi-sectoral Action
If not prevented!!

Increasing deaths

Increasing disability

Increasing BOD
Pakistan NCD burden

Heart diseases
High cholesterol
Mental disorders
Factors leading to NCDs
Tobacco use

Drugs use

Physical inactivity

Unhealthy diet

Harmful use of alcohol

Chewing tobacco

Air pollution
Food pollution

Water pollution

Occupational hazards

Road accidents

Unsafe environment



What can we do to prevent ourselves from NCDs

Banning smoking in public places

Enforcing bans on tobacco advertising

Warning about the dangers of tobacco use

Raising taxes on tobacco

Promoting public awareness and health education

Reduce salt intake and salt content of food

Replace trans fat with polyunsaturated fats

Diet with fruits and vegetables and low fat dairy products

High dietary fibre

No junk foods or limit intake

Avoid sugary drinks

Weight reduction to prevent HTN and obesity

Self care and other healthy personal lifestyle choices

Control blood pressure to prevent CVD and HTN.
Control blood sugar to prevent diabetes
Promote physical activity to prevent obesity
Vaccinations to prevent cancers
Enforcing driving laws to prevent accidents
Nicotine dependence treatments to help drug addict from their addiction
Less stress taking
Improve social status
Restriction on marketing of food high in saturated fat and sugar

Healthy nutrition environment in schools

Awareness regarding health dietary choices in clinics and hospitals

Avoid radiation exposure to prevent cancers

Prevention and treatment of infection that in many cases lead towards cancer
and other chronic diseases(ncd)

Risk factor management, early detection, screening and treatment is key after
Collaboration with multiple stakeholders to promote healthy diet, physical activity
and cessation of tobacco.

Research, monitoring and evaluation of health education programs and policies.

Class work/Homework

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