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Motion in a Straight Line Position, Distance and Displacement 1. A particle moves from the point (2.07 +4.0j)m, at r= 0. with an initial velocity (5.07 +-4.07) ms“ Itis acted upon bya constant force which produces a constant acceleration 4.0 +4.0})ms™. What is the distance of the particle P from the origin at time 2s? (11 Jan, 2019 (Shift-1D)] @ 15m (©) 202m (Sm (@ 10V2m 2. A particle starts from the origin at time = 0 and moves along the positive x-axis. The graph of velocity with respect to time is shown in figure, What is the position of the particle at time ¢=5s? {10 Jan, 2019 (Shift-ID] @ 10m ( Speed and Velocity _ 3. Ahorse rider covers half the distance with 5 mis speed. The remaining part of the distance was travelled with speed 10 mis for half the time and with speed 15 ms for other half of the time. The mean speed of the rider averaged over the whole time of motion is x/7 m/s. The value of x is 130 Jan, 2023 (Shift-1)] 4. A person travels x distance with velocity v, and then x ‘The ratio of displacement to distance travelled by the body in time 0 to 10 sis [24 Jan, 2023 (Shift-11)] @ist Oi:4 O12 @ U3 Match Column-{ with Column-Il: roomie (v-t graphs) Cert (x-tgraplis) A 1 x —_ | L__+ 7 7 B. x iL x v %, 7 Cc. Ml » x v | i | ¢_, t * iv. x 7 ay 60. Choose the correct answer from the options given beloy 130 Jan, 2023 (Shit (a) AI, BAY, C-ll, DAL (b) AI, Bell, CAI, Day (c) AIL, Bell, C-1V, Del (d) A-1, BAIL, C-Y, Day ). The position-time graphs for two students 4 ang p returning from the school to their homes are shown jy figure B o 7 (A) A lives closer to the schoo! (B) B lives closer to the schoo! (©) Atakes lesser time to reach home (D) A travels faster than B (E) Btravels faster than A Choose the correct answer from the options given below: (@ (A)and(E) only (b) (B) and (E) only (c) (A), © and (E) only (d) (A), (C) and (D) only ‘The velocity - displacement graph of a particle is shown in the figure. [18 Mareh, 2021 (s [10 April, 2023 (Shift-n) o x ‘The acceleration - displacement graph of the same particle is represented by: 4 A ah @ wo) ah ah © @ o}————** oL_\., JEE PYQs Physics © scanned with OKEN Scanner 41, The velocity: displacement graph describing the motion ofa bicycle is shown in the figure, The acceleration- displacement graph of the bieyele’s motion is best described by: {16 Mare, 2021 (Shift-1)] voms) 50 10 0 200 400 a(ms*) o f 8 xin) Ls, 0200-400) © gains?) 18 o X(m) {______. 0200-400 a(ms*) (dy x(m) 0200-400 62. The position, velocity and acceleration of a particle ‘moving with a constant acceleration can be represented by [18 March, 2021 (Shift-1)| 63. 64. s| 2} 8) ay 2 g E 4 3 3 a =7 =7 =T A |" / “ a z by 3 g ee $ =7 =7 = | -o- 2| a gw 0% 4 3 =7 = =T ¢ Xo) ay gs) w / 2 a|_ a iw 3 3 z 3 z =7 =7 =7 IF the velocity-time graphy has the shape AMB, what would be the shape of the corresponding acceleration time graph? [24 Feb, 2021 (Shi on 1] —_— 1 (@ >, (6) > i 4 © > 0 | >, A particle is moving with constant acceleration ‘a’, Following graph shows + versus x (displacement) plot. The acceleration of the particle is nv [31 Aug, 2021 (Shift-11] 10 20-30 x(m) Motion in a Straight Line © scanned with OKEN Scanner 6S. Th velocity (v) and time (1) graph of a body in a straight |ine motion is shown in the figure. The point Sis at 4.333 second. The total distance covered by the body in 6 $18 [5 Sep, 2020 (Shif-I0)] MMs) 4 . p+ in s) ° D-= ain fo 12m 5m 66. \ particle is moving unidirectionally on a horizontal plane under the action of a constant power supplying energy souree. The displacement (8) - time (1) graph that describes the motion of the particle is (graphs are draswn schematically and are not to scale) [3 Sep, 2020 (Shit @ ) 1 Y ' © (@) -—_ ' a) (67. The speed versus time graph for a particle is shown in the figure. The distance travelled (in m) by the particle during the time interval = 0 to f= 5's will be _. [3 Sep, 2020 (Shift-ID] 10 (ms) B 1234 5 time (s) 68. A particle starts from origin O from rest and moves with ‘a uniform acceleration along the positive x-axis. Identify the figure that is not correctly representing the motion qualitatively (a= acceleration, v= velocity, x = displacement, (= time) [8 April, 2019 (Shift-I1)] © JEE PYQs Physics ' {-— 1! (A) a Bt a 7 oO = of o@! o— = OBO (d) (B).(C) 0 © ( Variable Acceleration ) 69. The relation between time and distance x for 2 mon; body is given as ¢= mex ~ nx, where m and mare con: = ‘The retardation of the motion is: (Where » stands fo, velocity) [25 July. 2021 (Shinty (a) We (b) 2mm (0) 2A) 70. The instantaneous velocity of @ particle moving in ; straight line is given as v= at ~ BF where a and 8 xe constants. The distance travelled by the particle betwee, Is and 2s is: [25 July, 2021 (Shife- tn) a, 307 @ a3 (6) © 3 (@ 3a- 2 71. A particle moves such that its position veccor F(0) = cos i +sinor j where @ is 2 constant and ris time. Then which of the following statements is tue fe the velocity (t) and acceleration (¢) of the particle [8 Jan, 2020 (Shift-IN] directed towards (a) # is perpendicular to F and the origin. (0) ¥ and @ both are parallel 10 7 (6) # isperpendicularto 7 and @ is directed away tow the origin. (d) ¥ and & both are perpendicular to 7 72. The distance x covered by a particle in one dimensions! motion varies with time # as .x° = af? + br ~ o. Ifthe acceleration of the particle depends on x as x, where # the value of 7 is [9 Jan, isan inte 020 (Shift-N) © scanned with OKEN Scanner 1.0 ut. (18) 21. [100] 31. a @ st. @) 6. @) Ti. (a) 2@ 3190) 40 se 2B) 30) 4 15, 6) 22 231) 246) 23. @ 32, [300] 33. (120) 34. (d) 38, (a) 42. (6 43. [392] 44.5) 45, 52. (a) 53. (b) 54, [8] 55. (c) 62. (0) 63. (a) 64. 1] 68, (a) 7. (3) 6. 16. 26. 36. 46. 56. 66. @ (a) @ (@) @ 0 (o) 1. &@ %©) 10.) 17. [200] 18. (d) 19. (©) 20. (6) 27. (d) 8. ()—-9. (b) * 30. (0) 37. (b) 38. (a) 39.) 40. (0) 47. (6) 48, (6) 49. (a) 50 [50] 57. (d) 58. (a) 59% (a) 60. (a) 67. [20] 68. (c) 69. ()_—-70. (b) 3. [50] = 107 +87 +81 +87 ie iene \2 =(24+4+3)=9m. xm xm A B ec M8 Sas In motion BC red+dy where d, and d, we the distance travelled with 10 m/s ‘and 15 mls respectively in equal time intervals = each z t d, +d, =x=—(10415) =x £0415) 2x25 es ys He @ 1 4 c Average velocity = T0%aldisplacement ofthe car Total time Motion in a Straight Line © scanned with OKEN Scanner 7. (@) Time for first part of motion 4 -t and time for 4 second part of motion f, Total Time ¢= 1, +4, =22 1S 3.75km 1h we 8. (d) Distance, s = (2.5)? Speedy =& 4 ((23)7} 2x25 ey ee ALT= Sv= 25 ms. ad 9. (@) xa Shares Bye OP MHS) a r—4 2s and v= L6mvs Differentiating both sides a a At Ssee x5=40 mis. 11.{18] Let the distance AB is L. Then, according to the question, mire EEE 3, 3, 34 12. [3] From Kinematic equé v=w-2aS O= 1 -2aS 13, (b) V=V,+ t+ FP ia jy tett FP =f" d= J" 14, (d) x= att bec? ve Raat 2br-3ot* dt a= 2m 601=0 2 1% a 3 2 yeerrol se ¥(2) e mateo 3c 15, (b) vebve aus neve 2x dt we o(bvs) faued dx & ~_aysinot 16. (@) =F y= 2 =awcosor 17, [200] w = 20m/s,5, =500m,v=0 Using third equation of motion 0= (20) 22.500 sanimis ‘After brakes are applied 10m) s,S) = 250m,v =? v? = (207 - 20.250 nv=utat 18. (d)_ Using law of motion’s equa 60 = 10+ 2¢=> 2¢= 50 1= 25 sec, © scanned with OKEN Scanner 19. (c) According to question, u=0 170 es oi) Fann? “a On subtrating (i) from (ii), we get 1 1 = x=5a[Q0?-F]= a( far ) =30m From () bar? =10 2 Hence, option (c) is the correct answer. 20. (b) We have, G=a,itaptaz Since, z coordinate is constant. Therefore, a, = 0 4=309 a see G=30) dv 21, (100) Itis given that = 5 (100) tis gi z So, acceleration of particle is given by a= a= 100 mis? (v= 20 mis) 22. [2] d=—=100) +507 m sis tar 2 ai +bjp=0 007 +50j)x4 = 200) +1007 a _ 200 5 100 Time taken by the ball thrown at on angle of O _2vsind h (4)= \vsind ] 24. (b) Let the length of train be / and its acceleration be a From kinematic equation, =a 2 Velocity when middle point crosses the post, + l r 2 i? +204 2 1 28.) Sy=uttoayr Lge 32=042x4? = r= 2 see l at? =3x4+2x6x16 f 3 26, (d) Att=1,20m,3;) 4x2? = 18m sx2+l 2 Motion ina Straight Line “© © scanned with OKEN Scanner 2. awe = v= (ves)! ic ball passes through the earth's ‘will be produced and it , soit will 29, (b) When the metallis magnetic field. eddy current sell oppose the mation ofthe metallic all take more time. 30. (6) Given, w= 150s From kinematic equations, = 1+ v= 150-10 S At. 1=3 seconds y v= 150-30= 120 At. = $ seconds V, = 150-50 = 100 120_ #41 os iY ox 100 x a uM. (d) 20m (oon (02)°04 40 o1 00 +60 = 360ms ‘SEE PYQs Physics 132, [300] Displacement in 1 sec is given by, ism =4+5(20-1) 1 5, =04410x(2-8-1) $,= 75m AU =0.4x10%75 ‘AU = 300/ 433, [120] Velocity ofthe bal just before reachin, 8 the grog Pgh Amis Velocity of the ball just after the rebound, vy = Pah =10m/s Let us suppose ball B travels (180 ~ 100) = 80 ma f second, Then ball A travels the same distance iy (425. According to the question, for ball A. 1 2 80=—gx(t42) pete?) 1 = 80 =2x10x (142)? r= 2sec For ball B lie 80 =ul+— gt ult ogt 1 2 80 =ux2+>%10%(2)° 2 Qy 80 = 204 bx 10x4 2 => 60 = 2u=> n= 30 ms! 35. (a) Letus suppose ball B travels (180 second, Then ball A travels the same: According to the question, for ball 4 gx(rr2y x10x(04 2] © scanned with OKEN Scanner 3 1=2sec For ball B Lie 80=ur+d gr 38 80=ux 242 «10% (2) 80-20 dc10%4 3 60=2u> 1 30 ms" 36, (a) The time taken by mango to fall from the tre is, fe pxt9 | 2see 8 :. The position of the cadet who receive th he Mang willbe, memes 9x10° ga = 2 oe 00 2=Sm 19.6m v= 9 km/h f Re 37. (b) Atmaximum height, velocity is zero so, 0=1—2gh or w= J2gh lees 1a Ass=u+at® so, = \2ght + gr 2 3 an 38 or 2 igh + [gh 88h gt ~22ght += = 0 or) = —__V¥ —_ 3 3 2g Beh 4 Nee per" 5 2 a pgh+ sn S8 Be 38. (a) At maximum height velocity, v= 0 momentum = mv = m *0=0 39. (d) Time to reach at max height, ¢ a No. of balls thrown in | see = 1. 1 So, time taken by each ball = see 804 gy = mm A Qe gn? 40, (b) For time of ascent, 0.410 A MB HNO 521010 Grn gee & 10 From formula, vw # at =u 64 i) tii For time of descent, ata) = 4m/ sec’ 10 [From equation (i)] (ity On dividing equation (i) with equation (iif) ta waded V2 iy on i 4. w (44) di) Motion in a Straight Line © scanned with OKEN Scanner 42. [6] At,1=2s, distance covered by ball = 80 m ih 1 S0r ~pxlor =80m A 450 misec Now, velocity B with respect to A Let time taken to collide be f 2h Vet 80 = 201= r= dsee Total time = 4 +2= 6 see ° msec a) 50 m/sec 50 msec |r ~ by @). 30 misec 43, B92) Applying, s=ur+ La h=19.6n2+ 449.8% =58.8m Height above tower 196x196 2g 2x98 = 19.6 + 58.8 = 78.4m = 78.4 => k= 392 44, [5] Let h be the height at which velocity becomes equal to magnitude of acceleration veutat 10=0+ 10r =o t= 1 sec 1 heuttcat 2 1 = 0x14 Sx10x1x1 2 =5m 45. (3) First ball For first ball, lip seuttcar 2 —haux6~2x10x6%6 2 80 — 6 for second bal, hax 5+ x10%1 5x15 f= 1Sut 1.25 From (i) and (ii) 180 ~ 6u = 1.5u + 11.25 7,5u= 180 - 11.25 => u=22.5 m/s For third ball ‘i heu+tar 1 ior h=0x1+—2x10F 2 = 45=5¢ e=9 1=3 see, 46. (d) Let time taken by the object to reach the ground ber Therefore, 1 ut+—at? 2 La 15 =101-~ gt" 38 5f—10t-75=0 sec. Distance covered by balloon in 5 sec, h=10*5=50m Total height of balloon = 75 + $0 = 125m 47. (b) Smbelow, velocity of frst stone, v= 2gs = 10m fs +20= 101+ x 38 For second stone, alge xe 5a On solving these two equation, we get 1= 2sec nx 4 *10%4=20m H=20+5=45m. JE PQs Physieg © scanned with OKEN Scanner 48, (b) Speed of bal to reach a height hw = Jgh h . Sas Given, $= Using kinematic equation, $= ur+ Lay? sie fer 49. (a) Time taken by first drop to reach the ground. 2h 29.8 (te 2: e og Time for which second drop has fallen, 50, (50) 51. (a) hth d+ 2.464d 52. (@) |, os 1, = time to reach top = 2 8 +h =2h time of fall _ pen £ g & Total time = 1,+ = ont aft g g 53. (b) ALH=h,v=0 = gh throughout this motion 54. [8 oi) Here, b= 100 l Using, § = w+—ar 2 Motion in a Straight Line © scanned with OKEN Scanner ound V (mis) f= 100m 1 16 a-+|=16 > 2B. *{ 3 ~e g=8mis Hence, acceleration due to gravity near the surface oon that planet is 8 mvt $8. (c) Area under the graph from = 0 to f= 20 sec abaset0s (Set0)+ L025 415420 = 200m" ‘Area under the graph from f= 20 to (= 25 see 1 2 445%(20) = 50m’ Ay = 3*5*(20) So distance covered = A, + A, = (200-+ 50)m= 250m Displacement = 4,— 4, =(200 - 50)m = 150m 56. (c) Area of velocity time graph gives displacement of body in given time. ‘Area under acceleration time graph gives change in velocity in the given time. 57. (d) Displacement of the body = 16-8 + 16-8 = 16m Distance travelled by the body = E jareal = 48 m 5 displacement _ 1 Distance 3 58. (a) s. slope 2 0 always increasing (4-1) a de os a0 0 GO; and at 19207 > (B-1V) 50 for fist halt 0 forsecond halt (c-m) x = constant dt wy 59. (a) Asslope of B> Slope of A Speed of B > Speed of A SHS 60, (a) The slope ofthe given v Versus x graph is mj —_ and intercey + vy, Henee, varies with x ay % ’ {2} Xo oi Using equation (i) in equation (i), we get vt (tee (20) eRe PGs ‘Thus the graph of a versus isa straight line ha 2 Yo. pe a Bs intercey, 2-2. % x gi, (J 1OtgritO<¥5 200m 50,if 200m < x< 400m ) 80 < 200m | 0 $if200m <5 4m] if 0 < x< 200m 0 if 200m < x< 400m (ims) 10 2 x(m) 0200-400 62. (b) Acceleration (a) is constant v4 (Straight line graph) ‘And.x

& dt Imx+n ms + mx 1 2mx+n Retardation of the motion, dy 2m i — (2mx+n)? 70. (6) v=at+ pe a =-2mv* 4 at+Br = ds=(x1+pr") Applying integration both side. [2a 3 = 78 273 Ti. (a) F =cosoti +sinwofj is = © -o(-sinoti +cos04) a= 2 --«(cosatl +sinog) a -oF Gis antiparallel to 7 3.7 =0(-sinot cosot+coswt so LF 72. [3] Wehave given, the distance covered by particle varies with time 4,27 = a? + 261+ 6 Dev = 2at +25 Hence, value of m is 3. Motion in a Straight Line © scanned with OKEN Scanner

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