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★ Plant and animal cells are eukaryotic, which means they have nuclei. The distinction between them is that plant cells are
encased by a cell wall, whereas animal cells are not.

Parts of Animal Cell

1. Plasma membrane - “cells fortification”, separates the interior of the cell from the outside environment.
2. Cytoplasm -”cell environment”, fluid part enclosed by he membrane, contains organelles.
3. Nucleus - “cell brain”, contains most of the genetic material, in the form of DNA.
4. Endoplasmic Reticulum - “cell pipe system”, system of metabolic processes (smooth ER), protein manufacturing ribosomes
( rough ER).
5. Golgi apparatus - “cells delivery center”, it tags vesicles and protein to help them get carried to their correct
6. Centrosome - “cell anchor”, organizes and produces the microtubles of the cell’s cytoskeleton.
7. Mitochondria - “cell’s powerplant”, produce energy for the cell, break down carbohydrates and some durations lipids to form
molecule ATP.
8. Ribosome - “cell’s factories”, translate RNA into proteins.
9. Lysosome - “cell stomach”, vesicles filled with digestive proteins, can absorb something and break it down into recyclable
10. Peroxisome - “ cell firemen”, vesicle that defend (or neutralize) the cell from free radicals.
11. Cytoskeleton - “cell shapeshifter”, it modifies the cells shape and ensures mechanical resistance to deformation.
12. Vacuole - “cell compartments”, enclosed storage vessels which are filled with water containing inorganic and organic

Parts of Plant cell

1. Cell wall - Surround and protect the cell make the cell stiff and strong.
2. Cell membrane - hold and protect the cell. It also control the movement of materials into and out of the cell.
3. Cytoplasm - watery, gel-like material in which cell parts move.
4. Mitochondria - produce and supply most of the energy for the cell.
5. Choloplasts - contains chlorophyll and capture the energy of sunlight and use it to produce food for the cell.
6. Vacuoles - store food, water, and chemicals.
7. Nucleus - act as the “brain” of the cell. It also regulate and control all cell activities.
8. Nuclear membrane - surround and protect the nucleus. It is also the exist in the nucleus.
9. Chromosomes - also known as the “director of the cell” because it is the direct cell activities.

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