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1|Williams Maternal Anatomy24th Ed


II. Blood Supply
I. Skin, Subcutaneous Layer and Fascia o Femoral Artery
 LANGER LINES  Superfical Epigastric
o Anterior Abdominal Wall- Transverse  Superficial Circumflex Iliac
 Vertical Incisions – wider scars  Superficial External Pudendal
 Low Transverse Incision (Pfannenstiel) –  Supplies:
superior cosmetic results  Skin
o Subcutaneous Layer  Subcutaneous Layers of the Anterior
 Camper Fascia- Abdominal Wall
 Superficial Fatty layer  Mons Pubis
 Mons Pubis and Labia Majora o External Iliac Vessels
 Blend with Ischioanal Fossa  Inferior Deep Epigastric
 Scarpa Fascia  Deep Circumflex Iliac
 Continues to the perineum as  Supplies:
o Perineal Infection or  Fascia
hemorrhage superficial to this o Internal Thoracic Vessels
can extend upward to involve  Superior Epigastric
the superficial layers of the  Maylard Incision, Inferior Epigastric
abdominal wall Artery may be lacerated lateral to the
 Muscles rectus belly and can rupture following
 Midline abdominal trauma and create a rectus
 Rectus Abdominis, Pyramidalis sheath hematoma
o Pyramidalis o Hesselbach Triangle
 From the pubic crest inserts  Lateral- Inferior Epigastric Vessels
into the linea alba and lie on  Inferior- Inguinal Ligament
top of the rectus abdominis  Medial- Lateral border of Rectus Muscle
beneath the anterior rectus  Hernia that protrudes through the
sheath triangle- Direct Inguinal Hernia
 Extends across the Entire Wall  Hernia that protrudes through the
 External Oblique, Internal Oblique deep inguinal ring, lateral to the
and Transversus Abdominis triangle- Indirect Inguinal Area
o Fascia from these untie in the III. Innervation
midline to form the Linea Alba Both Intercostal
 Anterior Abdominal Wall and Subcostal are
o Wide separation can lead to o Intercostal nerves (T7-11) Anterior rami of
Diastasis Recti or hernia o Subcostal Nerve (T12) Thoracic Spinal
o RECTUS SHEATH o Iliohypogastric& Ilioinguinal (L1)
 Above the rectus sheath,  Transversus Abdominis Space- between
aponeuroses is found on anterior abdominal wall and tyransversus
both ventral and dorsal abdominis
surface  Intercostal and Subcostal can be severed
 Below the sheath, it is only during pfannensteil incision.
found on the VENTRAL part,  Iliohypogastric and ilioinguinial can be
only the thin Transversalis severed during LTCS or entrapped during
fascia and peritoneum lies closure
on the dorsal surface
2|Williams Maternal Anatomy24th Ed

o Openings:
I. VULVA aka PUDENDA - Vagina
 Mons Pubis - 2 Bartholin Gland Ducts
o Aka Mons Veneris - 2 Skene (Paraurethral) Gland Ducts
o Fat filled o Fossa Navicularis- between the fourchette
o Hair forms the escutcheon and vagina; found ONLY in nulliparas
 Labia Majora o Urethral opening is below the pubic arch
o Homoloogue of Scrotum and above the vaginal opening
o Round ligaments terminate at the upper
boprders of the Labia majora
o No hair on the inner surface Glands Description/Function
o Apocrine, Eccrine and Sebaceous glands Bartholins - Aka Greater
are abundant Vestibular Gland
o Rich in elastic and adipose tissue - Inferior to the
vascular vestibular
 Labia Minora
o Homologue of ventral shaft of the penis
- 5’ and 7 ‘oclock on
o Divides into lamellae
the vestibule
o Fusion of lamella forms the frenulum of
the clitoris and the upper merge to form
Minor Vestibular Lined by simple mucin
the prepuce
secreting epithelium
o Also forms the fourchette
and open along the
o HART LINE hart line
- Medial- squamouse non keratinized Skene -open along the
epithelium (Paraurethral) inferior aspect of the
o No hair follicles, eccrine and apocrine urethra
glands Lie distally near the
o Numerous Sebaceous glands urethral meatus
 Clitoris -inflammation can
o Prinicipal female erogenous organ lead to urethral
o Homologue of Penis diverticulum
o Glans- stratified Squamous formation
o Body
- 2 corpora cavernosa II. VAGINA AND HYMEN
o Blood Supply  Hymen
- From Internal pudendal Artery o Elastic and Collagenous connective
 Deep Artery of Clitoris- Body Tissue
 Dorsal Artery of Clitoris- Glans o Non-keratinized Stratified Squamous
and Prepuce Epithelium
 Vestibule o Imperforate Hymen- accumulation of
o Fom urogenital membrane menstrual blood
o Almond shape o Pregnant Woman- thick and collagen
o Border: rich
- Lateral- hart Line o Hymeneal or Myrtiform caruncles-
- Medial- External Surface of Hymen Multipara women
- Anterior- Frenulum  Vagina
- Posterior- Fourchette
3|Williams Maternal Anatomy24th Ed

o Musculomembranous tube that extends Urethrovaginal sphincter

into the uterus muscles
o Separated from the bladder- 
Vesicovaginal Septum  Posterior Triangle
III. PERINEUM  Contains the Ischioanal fossae, anal
 Diamond shaped canal and anal canal sphincter complex.
 Boundaries:  Pelvic Diaphragm
 Anterior- Pubic Symphysis o Deep to the anterior and posterior
 Anterolateral-Ischiopubic Rami and Ischial triangles
Tuberosities o Substatntial support to the pelvic
 Posdterolateral- Sacrotuberous Ligaments viscera
 Posterior- Coccyx o Levator and and Coccygeus
 Triangles  Levator: Pubococcygeous,
 Anterior Triangle Puborectalis and Iliococcygeus
o Divided into 2 spaces by Perineal  Pubococcygeus: Pubovaginalis,
Membrane Puboperinealis and Puboanalis
o Boundaries: o Most Commonly Damaged Muscle
 Sup: Pubic Rami during Childbirth: Pubovisceral
 Lat: Ischial Tuberosities greater risk for POP or Urinary
 Post: Superficial Transverse Incontinence
Perineal muscles  Perineal Body
 Superficial  Fibromuscular mass
 Superficial: Colles Fascia  Aka Central Tendon of the Perineum
 Deep: Perineal Membrane  For Perineal support
 Closed Compartment  Superficial
 Contents: Bartholin Glands,  Structures that converge :
Vestibular Bulbs, Clitoral Bofy  Bulbocavernous
and Crura, Pudendal Vessels  Superficial Transverse Perineal
and nerve and the  EAS
Ischiocavernous,  Deep
Bulbocavernous and Superficial  Perineal Membrane
Transverse Perineal Muscles  Pubococcygeus muscle
 Ischiocavernous Muscle- help  IAS
maintain clitoral erection  Ischioanal Fossa
 Vestibular Bulb  Aka Ischiorectal Fossa
 Coropora Spongiosa of the  Bulk of the Posterior Triangle
Penis  Inmjury ot vessels in the posterior
 Terminate in the middle of triangle can lead to hematoma
the vaginal opening formation in the ischioanal fossa
 Deep  Anal Canal
 Continuous superiorly with  Distal continuation of the rectum begins
the pelvic cavity ar the level of levator ani attachment to
 Contents: Urethra and the rectum and ends at the anal skin
Vagina, Internal Pudendal o Upper: Columnar Epithelium
Artery, Compressor o Dentate or Pectinate Line: Simple
Urethrae and Stratified Squamous Epithelium
 Hemoorhoids
4|Williams Maternal Anatomy24th Ed

o External- distal to the pectinate Dissection caudally within thespace lifts the
lines; stratified squamous bladder off the lower uterine segment for
epithelium; painful hysterectomy
o Internal- above the dentate line,  Pear Shaped
covered in insensitive anorectal  Upper Triangle- Body or Corpous
mucosa; Painful only if it becomes Lower Cylindrical Shape- Cervix
thrombosed or necrotic Isthmus- union of the two parts; forms the
 Anal Sphincter Complex lower uterine segment during pregnancy
o Internal Anal Sphincter (IAS) Uterine Cornu Origin of fallopian tube and
 Continuation of rectal circular origin of round and uterovarian ligaments
smooth muscle layer Fundus- between the points of fallopian tube
 Parasympathetic fiber insertion and the convex upper uterine
 Superior, Middle and Inferior segment
Arteries Uterine Body- muscle
 Contributes the bulk of anal Pregnancy stimulates remarkable uterine
canal resting pressure for fecal growth due to muscle fiber hypertrophy
continence Cervix
o External Anal Sphincter (EAS)  Fusiform
 Striated muscle ring  Upper boundary: Internal Os
 Ant Attachment: Perineal Body o Level @ which peritoneum is
 Post. Attachment: Coccyx reflectd up onto the bladder
 Maintains constant resting o Portio Supravaginalis- above
contraction vagina’s attachment to the
 Inferior Rectal Artery- (Int. cervix; covered by
Pudendal Art) peritoneum; wehere the
cardinal ligaments attach
 PUDENDAL NERVE o Portio Vagionalis- lower
 S2-S4 Ant. Rami cervical portion which
 Exits: Greater Sciatic Formaen protrudes to the vagina
 Ischial Spines serves as landmark for o Ectocervix- exterior to the
Pudendal Nerve Block EOS- nonkeratinized
 Lies within the Alcock’s Canal splitting squamous epithelium
of the obturator internus investing o Endocervis- single layer pof
fascia mucin secreting columnar
moves out and onto the
1. Uterus
 Situated between the bladder (ant) and
o Chadwick Sign-blue tinit
rectum (post)
o Goodell Sign- cervical edema
 Entire posterior wall is covered by
o Hegar Sign- Isthmic softening
 Lower portion of peritoneum Pouch
of Douglas MYOMETRIUM
 Anterior wall is united to the posterior
 Living Ligature- interlacing fibers
wall Vesicouterine space
that surround myometrial vessels
and contract to compress these,
5|Williams Maternal Anatomy24th Ed

integral to hemostasis at the o Spiral Arteries- supply

placental site during the 3rd stage functionalis layer;
of labor hormonally responsive
 Body>cervix (10%); inner wall>ou o Basal Arterie/Straight
ter wall; Lateral wall> anterior Arteriesbasalis layer; not
and posterior wall hormonally sensitive
o Ovarian Branch Tubal and
ENDOMETRIUM Fundal branch to the
 Varies greatly throughout the fallopian tube
menstrual cycle  Ovarian Artery
 Functionalis vs. basalis o Direct branch of the aorta
o Enters the broad ligament
LIGAMENTS through the
 Round infundibulopelvic ligament
o Male Gubernaculum o The uterus has dual blood
o Extends lateral and supply to prevent ischemia if
downward into the inguinal ligation of the uterine or IIA
canal  Veins
o Location of the Sampson o Arcuate Veins from Uterine
artery from the Uterine Vein  IIV CIV
Artery o Pampiniform plexus 
 Broad Ovarian vein
o Winglike structure  Rt. Ovarian Vein IVC
o Uterine vessels and ureter are  Lt. Ovarian Vein  Left
found in its base Renal Vein
o Divides the pelvic cavity into  ANTERIOR DIVISION
anterior and posterior o Pelvic Organs
compartments o Perineum
o Suspensory Ligament of the  POSTERIOR DIVISION
Ovary- from the peritoneum o Buttock and Thigh
that extends beneath the end o Superior Gluteal, Lateral
of the fallopian tube; contains Sacral and Iliolumbar
nerves and ovarian vessls o Ligation distal to the
 Cardinal posterior division avoid
o Aka Mackenrodt or compromised blood flow to
Transverse Cervical Ligament these areas
o Thick base of the broad  Endometrium Lymphatics
ligament o Confined in the basalis layer
 Uterosacral o LN from the cervix
o Forms the lateral boundaries Internal Iliac Nodes
of the pouch of Douglas o LN from Uterine Cornu:
 BLOOD SUPPLY and LYMPHATICS  Internal Iliac Nodes
 Uterine Artery  From the Ovarian LN 
o Main branch of the IIA Paraaortic LN
enters the base of the broad  INNERVATION
ligament o Predominantly Autonomic
o Crosses over the ureter  Sympathetic
6|Williams Maternal Anatomy24th Ed

 Superior Hypogastric Plexus

 T10-L2
 Sacaral promontory Rt. And
Lt Hypogastric Nerves
 Parasympathetic
 From S2 –S4
o Inferior Hypogastric Plexus
 3 Plexuses
o Vesical Plexus- bladder
o Middle Rectal- Rectum
o Uterovaginal Plexus-
Frankenhauser Plexus;
proximal FT, Uterus and
Upper Vagina
o Uterosacral
o Sensory Fibers
 Inferior Hypogastric Plexus
 T10-T12,L1
 Pelvic Splanchnic (S2-S4) cervix
and upper part of the birth canal
 2 Hypogastric Nerves (Sympathetic)
and 2 Pelvic Splanchnic Nerves
 S4-S5
2. Ovaries
 Ovarian Fossa of Waldeyer

3. Fallopian Tubes
7|Williams Maternal Anatomy24th Ed


 4 bones: Sacrum, Coccyx and 2 Innominate Characteristic Male Female

Bones Built Massive, Bony Slender,
o Innominate Bones: Ilium, Ischiuma Prominence Smooth, Light
dn Pubis bones
 Joints Shape Deep Funnel Flat Bowl
Brim Heart Shaped Circular or
Joints Types Elliptical
Symphysis Pubis Fibrocartilagenous Cavity Conical/Funnel Broad and
Sacroiliac Joint Synovial Round
Sacrocaoccygeal Joint Synovial Hinge Outlet Smaller Larger
“Great international Bodies, So Punctual”
False Pelvis True Pelvis Broad in Females
ABOVE the Pelvic Brim BELOW the Pelvic Brim
No Obstetric Bony canal which the Greater Scaitic Notch
Significance fetus passes at time of Ischial Tuberosities
labor Body of Pubis
Subpubic Angle (90-100°)
Preauricular Sulcus

Diameters of the Pelvis

Diameter Inlet Cavity Outlet  TRUE PELVIS
AP Obstetric 11.5cm 11.5-13.5cm o Pelvic Inlet
Conjugate-  Narrowest in APD and Widest on TD
 Plane of Pelvic Inlet is tilted forwards
True  Superior Straight
Conjugate-  55° Angle of Inclination (L5 and
11cm Plane of Inlet)
o Increase in the Angle of
12cm Inclination (High Inclination)
Oblique 12cm can cause delayed engagement
Transverse 13-13.5cm Interspinous Intertuberous of the fetal head and descent
– 10cm -11cm of fetal head; favors
Occipitoposterior position
Longest Diameter of TD of Inlet and APD of ◊For the proper descent and engagement of
Pelvis Anatomic outlet fetal head, it is important that the uterine axis
Shortest Major Interspinous Diameter coincides with the axis of inlet
Longest AP of Inlet Diagonal Conjugate o Pelvic Cavity
Shortest AP of Inlet Obstetric Conjugate  Boundaries:
Only AP measured Diagonal Conjugate  Above: Pelvic Brim
Clinically  Below: Plane of Least Pelvic
Critical Obstetric 10cms ( if obstetric Dimension
Conjugate conjugate <10cm  Ant: Symphysis Pubis
vaginal delivery is not  Post: Sacrum
8|Williams Maternal Anatomy24th Ed

** Internal Rotation of the Fetal head occurs 013cms or 5 1/4in

when the BPD of the Fetal Skull occupies this when the head is
wide pelvic plane while the occiput is on the passing through the
pelvic floor at the plane of least pelvic introitus in the 2nd
dimension stage of labor

o Pelvic Outlet Transverse Intertuberous

 Midpelvis- Ischial Spine 11cm
 Plane of Least Pelvis Dimension Innerborders of ischial
 IR occurs at this level tuberosities
 Marks the beginning of forward Subpubic Angle 2 descending pubic
curve of the pelvic axis rami
 Most cases of Deep Transverse 85°
Arrest occur here WASTE SPACE of MORRIS
 Ischial Spines represent St.0 of the
head - 1cm from the midpoint of the inferior
 External Os lies at this level border of the symphysis pubis
 Landmark for Pudendal Block
 Interspinous Diameter- smallest pelvic PELVIC SHAPE
diameter and is important in cases of
Characteristic Gynecoid Android
obstructed labor
Intro Female Male
 Anatomical Pelvic Outlet
 Lozenge Shape
Shape Oval Heart
 Boundaries
AP DIameter TD slightly TD >AP
o Symphysis Pubis
bigger than
o Pubic Arch
o Ischial Tuberosities
Subpubic 90 <90
o Sacrotuberous Ligaments
o Sacrospinbous Ligaments
Outcome -No -Delayed
o Tip of Coccyx difficulty in Engagement
 Plane of Anatomical Outlet Engagement -Deep
 Anterior Sagittal Plane -MC Transverse
o Ant. Sagittal Diameter (6-7cm)- Position of Arrest
lower border of the pubic Head: Left -Persistent
symphysis to the center of Occiput Occiptoposterior
bituberous diameter Transverse Position
 Posterior Sagittal Plane or Left common
o Apex lies at the tip of the coccyx Occiput
o Posterior Sagittal Diameter (7.5- Anterior
10cm) from the tip of the Type of Normal Difficult
sacrum to the center of Delivery Instrumental
bituberous diameter Delivery
Diameters of Pelvic Outlet
AP Diameter Lower border of the Characteristic Anthropoid Platypelloid
symphysis pubis to tip Intro Ape Like Flat Pelvis; Least
of coccyx Pelvis Common
9|Williams Maternal Anatomy24th Ed

Variety de
Shape AP Oval Flat Bowl Mentovertical Partial / Brow
AP DIameter ONLY pelvis TD >>>APD Submentovertical Inc. / Face
in which Submentobregmatic Comp. / Face
APD >TD **Brow presentation always CS is done
Outcome -Diameter of -Head engages Engaging Diameters
Engagement in TD with Presentation AP Cms
is APD marked Vertex Suboccipitobregmatic 9.5
-Mc asynctitism Brow Mentovertical 14
Position: -Engaging Face Submento bregmatic 9.5
Occipito- diameter is Submentovertical 11.5
Posterior supersub
Nonrotation diameter
is common (18.5cm) Type Etiology Feature
instead of usual Rachitic Rickets -Reniform
BPD (9.5) Shape of Inlet
Type of Face to -If head is able shortening of
Delivery Pubes to negotiate the APD w/o
inlet by means affecting TD
of asynclitism -Flat Sacrum
Normal labor -Widening of
otherwise CS TD of outlet
Triradiate Osteomalacia -Triradiate
“Miss Tina So Pretty” Severe Rickets shape of Inlet
M- biMastoid- 7.5cm in Adults -tuberosities
T- biTemporal-8cm are closer and
S- Super Subparietal Diameter- 8.5cm arch is
P- biParietal Diameter- 9.5cm narrower
-short sacrum
**APD of the skull are always bigger than TD with coccyx
** The longest APD of Fetal skull- pushed
Mentovertical- 14cm forward
The 2nd longest AP diameter is Naegeles Congenital One ALA is
Submentovertical/Occipitofrontal- 11.5cm Osteitis of SI jt absent
Mode of
Delivery: CS
AP Diameters of the Fetal Skull Roberts Both ala
Diameters Attitude Presentation absent
of the
Suboccipitobregmatic Comp. Vertex
Suboccipitofrontal Inc.  Vertex
Occipitofrontal Marked Vertex
10 | W i l l i a m s M a t e r n a l A n a t o m y 2 4 t h E d

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