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Sold to

Alexander Cortes
Daniel McEvoy



Chapter 1: Why Crypto, and Why Now?..............................6

Chapter 2: The Meta Idea of Money………………………….9

Chapter 3: Bitcoin and the Revolution...…………………..12

Chapter 4: Cryptocurrencies………………………………...19

Chapter 5: Buying and Selling Cryptocurrency………….26

Chapter 6: Safety and How Do You Store Crypto………..32

Chapter 7: When is the Right Time to Invest?..................39

Chapter 8: Decentralised Finance (DeFi)..........................46

Cryptocurrency - My Experience, and my Outlook

Said simply, the crypto industry is revolutionising the world.

As of right now it is 2021. Crypto has gone through another correction, and
Bitcoin is presently at $38,000 per 1 BTC, with articles being written that it’s
“dead”. For perspective, BTC was as low as $3,000 last year.

I don't think it is “dead”. In fact I think this is likely to be a fantastic time to


Crypto is a volatile market, without question, but it is one with immense

growth, major potential, and it will NOT be going away. It’s my belief it will
continue to grow, as it has since 2013, and will continue to become a
parallel economy worth trillions of dollars (a mark it already passed last

My first foray into buying crypto was in 2017. Since that time I have steadily
increased my investing, and crypto is now a major part of my overall
investment strategy in the long term. As my business has grown, so too
has my ability to invest. At this stage, I divert a few thousand dollars each
month into buying various coins, mostly using DCA (Dollar Cost Averaging).

Learning about Crypto corresponded with my education in how to think

about money as I made more money from my business. I include a long list
of reading recommendations at the end of this guide.

To be very clear, I am NOT a millionaire. I don't own hundreds of bitcoin. I

didn't buy DOGE at 0.0000001 cents and make a lucky fortune. I am not
pretending to be rich. This IS NOT a get rich quick guide.

I didn’t create this guide to bestow anyone secret strategies and esoteric
insider knowledge. I wrote this guide like I would my training programs
actually. It covers principles, technical but simple understanding, and is
written to teach you how to THINK about crypto. And hopefully buy it, if you

feel comfortable doing that.

Like many of you reading this, I am not a programmer. I am not a

blockchain expert. I am a BRO, a personal trainer, and my experience in
crypto has been that of an “average joe” trying to learn about something
that is still NOT readily accessible or understandable by the general public.

Crypto is in the news constantly now, Elon Musk is tweeting about

Dogecoin, articles are written of people supposedly becoming millionaires
overnight. Bitcoin hit the sixty thousand dollar mark earlier this year.

If you are IN crypto, it’s an exciting time. As of 2021, this is the overall state
of the industry (and the world)

- Bitcoin is sitting around a trillion dollar market cap

- We have many cryptocurrencies which have REAL adoption, and
collect billions each year from fees generated by it’s usage
- The US is printing vast sums of new money, which is causing high
levels of inflation of the US dollar.
- Institutions are flocking to get their money into this growing and
innovative industry
- The crypto ‘tokens’ and ‘coins’ now have REAL use cases intertwined
with their respective protocols- not just for speculation.

Crypto is continuously growing, and it is my firm belief that if you’ve

been putting off investing in crypto’s, you NEED to look into it now.

There is a term that floats around a lot “adoption”, ie, how many people are
buying into crypto. The estimated number as of 2021 is over hundred

This is still not that many compared to how many people use government
issued currencies obviously, but the number grows daily.

The current Crypto market cap (basically a dollar value assessment of
ALL the money in the market is) is 1.7 Trillion Dollars as current.

That is A LOT of money. In 2017, the last peak in the market, it was
estimated at $790 billion.

That's a 115% increase. And the increasing adoption means it will be

continuing to rise.

Along with the crypto market, we also have the printing of money which has
gone into overdrive the past year.

At the time of this guide (May 2021), inflation is becoming a reality, the
purchasing power of the dollar has gone down, prices have gone up,
and the current economic talk is talking heads being surprised at how
this could happen.

Your dollar is worth LESS today than it was a year ago. A growing
percentage of the government bond market is currently delivering negative
interest rates. (At one time government bonds were considered as good as
real dollars and investing in them was a guaranteed return. Today there are
bonds that pay you LESS than your investment)

With the amount of money printing done by central banks since March
2020, your money is being devalued, QUICKLY, and you need to find a
way around this.

You cannot afford to be naive. This is not galaxy brain prediction making.

If you’ve been putting off investing in crypto’s, you NEED to look into
it now.

This guide will serve as your introduction to crypto, covering all the basics
you need to understand.

As you read through this guide, I will be linking to LOTS of external
resources. Books, articles, etc. I want you to learn a MACRO view, so you
feel confident in whatever your personal decisions are. Some of these may
be affiliate links, or links to other products.

And to reiterate, this guide is created for entertainment and educational

purposes only. It is NOT financial advice, and any investments made are of
your sole discretion.

Chapter 1: Why Crypto, and Why Now?

This is where I'm going to make a BOLD argument:

The next 5-10 years will be one of the easiest times in history to get rich

(The following thread on twitter is required reading for a paradigm shift on

how to think about getting wealthy in this decade)

Why is it easier? Because right now we are presented with two rare
opportunities that make generating vast sums of wealth significantly easier:

1. We are in the middle of an adoption cycle for a new technology which

is reshaping the way we do finance
2. The FED’s printing press has been turned on to overdrive which has
created an explosive bull market and ‘only up’ for asset prices for the
foreseeable future.

The last time we saw the former opportunity was the Dotcom Bubble. If you
invested in the great internet stocks as they recovered from their
destructive bear market, and simply held, you were set for life. (Eg
Amazon, Google)

How many times have you seen investment blurbs that say “if you had
invested in XYX stocks when they went public, TODAY you’d be a

What's really the message behind this? It's that if you had recognized an
opportunity BEFORE it was publicly accepted and adopted, you could have
gotten wealthy.

This is the fortune of FORESIGHT? Can you see ahead to the future?

Cryptocurrency, or digital currency as it was once called, it's one of those

opportunities. For every bullshit article written about how crypto is “dead”,
the market continues to rise EVERY year. It has become a joke of “imagine
if you’d bought bitcoin at $1!!”

I have ZERO belief that crypto will magically go to zero because pundits
say so. I don't take these statements seriously at all.

Beyond the amount of money invested in crypto is the MILLIONS of people

who are devoted, fervently and religiously, to its innovation, adoption, and

To be politically incorrect, there is an entire generation of “turbo autists”,

geeks and nerds, founders and quiet millionaires and billionaires, all of
whom are investing their time, energy, money, and brain power into
REPLACING the current financial system with something better,
decentralized, and controlled by the users.

-Read the Bitcoin Standard for a 100,000 foot view of Bitcoin, Money, and a
Philosophical treatise of what makes it so powerful.

If you really want to believe that crypto is a secret scam by the CCP, or that
it could all go to zero if the internet magically goes away, or it's a scheme
by the new world order...okay cool. I dont know why the fuck you bought
this guide, but thats cool you think that. I presume you are planning on
living on an autonomous homestead with zero connection to the outside
world and using a wood burning stove, good luck to you.

Back to the point

We’re now seeing the same take place right now, except with the
added advantage of excessive money printing.

These periods of huge innovation are called ‘business cycles’, and

represent incredibly rare, life-changing opportunities to get rich, and they
dont require you to be a genius with insider knowledge. It's making the right
decisions, at the right time, and letting time multiply the value of those

Your goal is to find the market where the barriers to entry are Low and the
Lowest Common Denominator can enter and profit. You want to get in
BEFORE it becomes “common knowledge” that something is valuable, and
before larger institutions and the public narrative change.

Becoming Wealthy requires defying the crowd.

This is NOT only about crypto. This is every kind of market. No one took
Ecommerce seriously 20 years ago, today Amazon is the biggest company
in the world.

Today the price of Lumber has skyrocketed. But if you had bought acres of
timberland 10 years ago, people would have scratched their heads.

Hell, today having a Twitter account with a large following is considered

highly desirable and there are endless guides on how to grow your profile.

5 years ago having a twitter account meant nothing and it was a platform
for reporters and techies. The idea that you could build a business from it
was laughable.

You get my point.

Crypto is in the Opportunity Window that ANYONE can get In

But you need to get onboard before the space becomes over

Once the regulation hits, institutional investors all hop onboard, causing the
returns to normalise and the opportunity to diminish. And the prices to go
UP, and then the barriers to buying and investing start to emerge.

As talked about here:

“Regulation favours the wealthy. Anytime friction (regulation) is introduced

to a marketplace, it favours incumbents as the flow of money tightens and
they’re the only ones able to pay the significant startup costs and
transaction costs. At the start of a business cycle, however, it’s the
opposite. It’s a completely free market where anything goes. And a truly
free marketplace favors the most intelligent and the most daring. It favors
skill over existing wealth, which is why it’s so possible for poor people to
climb the socio-economic ladder if they catch the right business cycle.”

Missing out on a business cycle is like throwing away a winning

lottery ticket.


Chapter 2: The Meta Idea of Money

I do not believe you can understand crypto without understanding
how money works, so that is where we will start. This first section is
philosophical and written to expand your thinking on how money
works, and its role in human civilization.

What is money?

Money is a concept.

Milton Freeman: "Money is the unquestioned belief and agreement that

something has value. However, if that belief dissipates so does its value"

There are four characteristics to be called 'money':

1. Store of Value
2. Widely accepted
3. Transportable
4. Limited supply

Each one of these characteristics must be met to be classified as money

If you have a 20 dollar bill, it is objectively a piece of paper with numbers on

it. But it is “money” because within the US and Global Financial system, it’s
mutually agreed upon (widely accepted) that that piece of paper represents
20 units of the US dollar (a store of value)

You can spend those dollars, hold them on your person or deposit them
into an account, and those 20 dollars are a tiny fraction of the overall
supply of US dollars worldwide. So you can transport them, and the supply
is not infinite. If dollars were infinite, they’d not be worth anything.

There are many forms of Money in the world. Japan uses Yen, Mexico uses

Money is a Shared Idea

Money is a metaphysical phenomenon. It arises when people begin

conducting trade with each other, and start needing a metaphorical stand in
for value to make trading and transactions easier.

Because we use money every day, we take for granted how it works. How
did the first people to use money actually create money? How did they
decide what it's worth? How do you make everyone accept that sea shells,
or coins, or pieces of paper are now “money” and have value?

Money requires a STORY to be believed...

Money is FICTIONAL this way. It has value because it has been

mutually agreed to BELIEVE it has value.

Money is not REAL. It’s a BELIEF, compounded and expanded many times
The Story we Have about Money affects the Perceived VALUE of that
Money. This is why whenever the stock market goes down, or any country
goes through economic turmoil, the value of its currency declines. Why?

Because the STORY about that country has changed. Maybe we can't trust
it or rely on it so much, it's not doing very well economically. So that must
mean its money is not worth so much either.

Money is always based on TRUST. Without Trust, you don't have a

reliable supply of money

Modern Money is based on DEBT

Debt is another weird idea to think about. Debt is something that is OWED.

Since the Establishment of the Federal Reserve in 1913, every dollar

issued is a form of DEBT, owede by taxpayers.

If the Reserve prints more money, then its debt the public owes at a
hypothetical future date (this can be pushed out for a very long time).

Every time more money gets printed, more debt is owed.

When you combine with fractional reserve banking, in which banks can
issue loans far beyond the actual supply of money on hand, then you have
a system in which your dollars are issues of debt, backed by debt,
expanded on banks issuing debt, and then finally backed by...more debt.

When you learn this, it's a mindfuck. Taken to the extreme, it leads to
situations like Weimar Germany, where the currency is simply not WORTH
anything anymore. The debt is too great and it doesn't matter if the
government prints trillion dollar bills, it's been debased.

Read-When Money Dies, by Adam Fergusson

Global Debt was $281 Trillion dollars last year.

This is not doom and gloom. I don't expect the US economy or global
economy to crash down to a barter system, but there is no denying inflation

This takes up to the next chapter


Chapter 3: Bitcoin and the Revolution

When You Understand that Money is an IDEA, and that forms of money
have been created thousands of times throughout history, NOW you can
see how a “digital” form of money could exist. Like...BITCOIN

What is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is essentially the first ever digitally native version of money that
actually worked. You can read the white paper of how it works.

I'm going to link to it, and you should really READ IT.

A fast and dirty summary since most of you wont

● A “unit” of bitcoin is a highly encrypted piece of code that marks itself

on a digital ledger.
● A Bitcoin is a form of currency that allows you to transact directly with
other people.
● Each time it gets transferred back and forth, it marks itself on a digital
ledger, so you always know where it is and it doesn't get spent twice.
This solves the “double spend” problem that earlier forms of digital
money suffered from. Basically how do you keep track of the digital
dollar accurately so the same dollar isn't getting spent twice
● Bitcoin exists on a blockchain, a network of computers all using the
BTC protocol. There is no central control. This is why it is

There is no Bitcoin Federal Reserve. Anyone with enough computer power

and an internet connection could start producing Bitcoins. Anyone with a
wallet can transact in bitcoin. You don’t need to go to a bank to get a
Bitcoin account.

This is obviously NOT how the modern money supply works. You cannot
make your own dollars, or be your own bank. The system is centralized,
and there are middlemen (ie, banks and lending institutions) that mediate
the transactions.

Bitcoin is controlled by the people who use it. All of them together at once.

Bitcoin is not just a currency, it is a TECHNOLOGY that changes how

people do business and interact with each other

The Decentralization and Blockchain Protocol

.A system of decision making and interaction that is controlled not by a

PERSON, but by a PROTOCOL. One that if well designed, it cannot be
corrupted, changed, or taken over by bad actors. And it allows for EQUAL
participation from everyone involved.

This idea of using blockchains that follow protocols was one the most
revolutionary ideas to come out of Bitcoin, beyond BTC itself.

What is a blockchain?
Let’s not get into the rabbit hole of the complexities of blockchain. If this
subject intrigues you and you want to dive into it, read Mastering
Blockchain, by Imran Bashir .

The Bro version:

A blockchain is a database, similar to Amazon Web Services (AWS). The

idea is the blockchain stores the transactions that took place between
users. But the Bitcoin blockchain is VERY different from the AWS

1. Blockchains are immutable: The Bitcoin blockchain is SET IN

STONE. No one can change it.
2. Blockchains aren’t stored in a central database: AWS is
essentially a huge storage warehouse in one physical location.
Bitcoin isn’t. Bitcoin is stored by thousands of computers worldwide,
who all simultaneously sync to the Bitcoin network, and stay on top of
the latest transactions that come in.
3. Blockchains don’t suffer from downtime: The Bitcoin network
never shuts down for maintenance, it is ALWAYS online. AWS can
suffer from blackouts, bugs, etc. Because blockchains are stored

EVERYWHERE, there are always enough ‘nodes’ (computers synced
to Bitcoin) online for the network to function.

A blockchain is basically as its name suggests - a series of blocks that are

connected to a chain:

Each block contains the transactions of the Bitcoin network (Eg Sam
sending Joseph 1 Bitcoin). The blocks are ordered in chronological order,
and saved on thousands of computers worldwide.

If anyone was to try and hack Bitcoin, it is physically impossible, as

the sequence of blocks is remembered on THOUSANDS of computers
worldwide. How is anyone supposed to simultaneously change the
database of EVERY computer? It’s physically impossible.

How did Bitcoin Start?

January, 2009 the Bitcoin Revolution begins. Satoshi Nakamoto (identity is

still unknown) released 30000 lines of open source code for the world to
see. What they released was a decentralised monetary system, allowing
anyone to transact peer-peer in a permissionless, borderless and open

Why is Bitcoin revolutionising the financial world?

Quantitative easing: In the fiat system, paper currency is unlimited, as it is

no longer required to be backed by gold. Quantitative easing' is the central
bank's method of keeping the economy afloat, as more money in circulation
= more US spent/invested = economic growth = 'prosperity'. Almost a fifth
of ALL US dollars in existence were printed in 2020.

Bitcoin has a permanently capped total supply of 21 million Bitcoins. As it

stands, the inflation rate of new coins is at roughly 4% every year, and will
decrease to 2% every year in 2024 with the Bitcoin halving. This puts the
inflation rate of Bitcoin significantly below that of the US dollar (with the
recent money printing).

As the demand for digital money increases, the demand for Bitcoin will
increase, but the supply will stay the exact same. The same supply with
more demand = higher price for Bitcoin.

Peer to peer transactions: I can send cryptocurrency anywhere to anyone

without the need for an intermediary, such as a bank.

Pseudonymity: Bitcoin gives us a form of anonymity back. We don't have to

upload ANY details to create a Bitcoin wallet. The only publicly accessible
data is the public key, which again isn't related to you.

Globally, there are over 2 billion people without a bank. Bitcoin, but more
specifically DeFi, is giving these people access to create and manage their
own finances, and access to participate in the global economy.

Government free: Bitcoin is detached from any government oversight or

Global currency: Bitcoin gives anyone around the world access to a global
platform, and a currency which can be spent anywhere. No longer do you
have to convert between different native currencies with their high
conversion fees, you can simply pay with Bitcoin.

Immutable Blockchain: Every transaction in the history of Bitcoin is

uploaded into a digital block (group of transactions), which is connected to
every prior block like a chain. Thousands of computers worldwide have this
blockchain sequence downloaded, and are all connected to each other as
the verifiable sequence of blocks for the blockchain. No one can undo any
transaction at any point in time, and the further back a transaction on the
blockchain, the safer that transaction becomes from any potential attacks.

Double spending: Bitcoin solved the double spend problem that many prior
digital monies had. If you go into a coffee shop, and pay with Bitcoin, that
money is spent, and cannot be used to try and 'double spend' with another

What makes Bitcoin valuable?

To understand why Bitcoin has value, let's use an analogy, and look at why
art has value:

The Mona Lisa is worth roughly 850 million dollars. The Mona Lisa is
valuable because it is incredibly scarce, only one of them exists. But
scarcity by itself means nothing. Scarcity must be backed by demand.

The Mona Lisa has value because there are enough people who have the
combined belief that this piece of art is worth something in the future, as a
store of value for the long term.

Scarcity + belief in future value by a group of people = value

Bitcoin has a STORY attached to it. It's a form of money that's NOT a form
of government issued debt.

Read that again.

Bitcoin is NOT based on Debt

When you own a bitcoin and it is in your wallet, that is YOUR bitcoin. It is
not debt issued by the Bitcoin Reserve. It is not money your bank owes
you, though you could bridge over to the banking system and redeem that
bitcoin for dollars from someone willing to buy it for dollars.

The supply of Bitcoin is fixed at 21 million. Once all units of BTC have been
made, that is it.

Bitcoin is considered “Sound money” for this reason. Not because it can't
change sharply in price (as of now, it is changing all the time because of
the rise and fall of people using it daily) but because it cannot be
DEVALUED by inflating the supply. A government cannot print more of it
because it needs more of it to pay back debts from the last time it printed

To dive deeper on this, read the “Internet of Money” by Andreas M.


You might be asking though...

But the only way for people to get crypto is to buy them in dollars?
Isn’t that exchanging debt based money for cryptocurrency?

You are 100% right. IT IS. But here is the kicker that might blow your
fucking mind.

When you buy crypto with Fiat dollars, you OWN that crypto, and you just
took those dollars out of the market of the fiat system entirely.

This is why Crypto is an Existential Threat to Centralized banking and


Imagine you’re a federal reserve bank, with a debt based dollar dependent
on the GDP needing to keep growing, and the IOUs of taxpayers.

And then people start taking the dollars, they put them into a brand new
monetary system that is NOT based on debt, but on shared trust between
users, and the unit of currency they use is a deflationary supply.

So they’re taking money/debt/value/trust out of your system, putting it into

theirs, and you might never get it back.

This is why the mainstream narrative is against crypto. It is also why

Crypto has thrived and is a true revolution for humanity.


Chapter 4: Cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrency is a combination of everything that people do not

understand about money and technology.

-Now that you have some understanding of money works and how a
cryptocurrency (Bitcoin) could come to exist, lets cover cryptocurrency from
a Macro level

You can View Cryptocurrency as a Technological Evolution of Money:

The earliest form of 'currency' was the trade of goods. For example, a
farmer would trade amongst another farmer, giving his cows for fruits and

Then we transitioned to precious items, such as shells, wooden markers

and stones.

Next up, we evolved to trading precious metals (gold, copper, silver), which
were stored away in vaults, and traded amongst individuals through paper

Then we had paper money. Initially this paper money was backed by gold
(it inhibited the ability for money to be printed endlessly, as each note had
to be backed by an equal sum of available gold.)

By 1976, the US dollar was no longer backed by gold, meaning

theoretically any amount of money could be printed at will.

The Dot Com Bubble ushered a new found demand for online payments.
This led to the creation of platforms like Paypal (digital money)

Just over a decade after Paypal was created, Bitcoin, and subsequently
other cryptocurrencies were born.

The Digital Currency Revolution

The First iteration of digital money: In 1983, a research paper by David

Chaum introduced the idea of digital cash. In 1989, he founded DigiCash,
an electronic cash company, in Amsterdam to commercialize the ideas in
his research.

Unfortunately, the project failed, and was followed by newer iterations such
as 'e-gold', cybercash and beenz, adding slight tweaks and improvements
to try and build a digital cash that could survive and gain adoption.

During the same time period credit cards were gaining serious adoption,
and Paypal was created, which quickly destroyed these alternative forms of
digital money at the time.

We went through 3 key eras:

1. The Conception Era: This marked the birth of digital money in 1994. No
'usable' money, mostly ideas.

2. The Trial Era: This was when creators tried not just to create concepts,
but real and usable digital money that they hoped to become adopted in
society. This lasted till 2008.

3. The Cryptocurrency Era: This is when real world applications of

alternative digital currencies took off, with Bitcoin being the original.

The Crypto world is essentially a completely separate financial


The ‘traditional’ system is a series of financial services built on top of an

underlying currency. In the US, banks, insurance companies,
superannuation, financial brokering and more are services built on top of
the US dollar.

In Crypto, the goal is to do everything that this traditional system does, but
make it better, and native to a digital world, ie crypto currency.

So in Crypto, we have:

- Coins competing to become the underlying currency (Bitcoin,

Ethereum, BNB, etc)

- Coins competing to become particular financial services leaders
(AAVE is trying to become the leading lending platform, Binance has
become the leading crypto exchange)

When you invest in cryptocurrencies, most of the time what you’re

actually investing is in crypto assets. Most crypto’s are more so aligned
with being businesses that generate cash flow, over currencies which
operate as base layer monies like the USD.

Only a select few coins are actually trying to become currencies. Most
coins are actually assets, which are designed to be used within the
services they are trying to offer.

A very Simple analogy to understand this would be stocks.

You pay for a stock in dollars of course, but the stock is a share of that
company. Hopefully that company's value goes up overall, and your share
becomes worth more. So now your asset is worth more.

This is not a perfect comparison of course, but it illustrates the difference

between tokens that are designed to be used as a currency (like BTC),
versus coins that function as assets (say something like $LINK).

For crypto assets, ownership of their native token is essentially ownership

in the future revenue, and decision making process of their protocol.
Access to cash flow and decision making is the same value add that
owning stocks gives you.

When you own a stock, often you receive dividends, or the company will
do stock buybacks to push up the stock's price.

When you own a crypto asset, often you receive the crypto equivalent of a
‘buyback’, commonly in the form of what is called a ‘buy and burn’, which
is where the protocol will take a % of their revenue to buy their token from
exchanges, and burn it.

For example, the team behind the token AAVE have built a platform that
allows permissionless borrowing and lending. Users of this platform who
own the AAVE token receive trading discounts, while users who borrow
AAVE are not charged a fee to use the platform. AAVE holders also gain
governance rights over the AAVE network, based on the amount of AAVE
that they hold (they can vote on what the protocol does). 80% of protocol
revenue is also used to buy the AAVE token from exchanges, and remove it
from the market forever by ‘burning’ it.

As you can see, ‘cryptoassets’ like AAVE are quite similar to traditional
business models, simply adapted to the crypto industry.

What you will find as you explore crypto is that MOST crypto
currencies are not intended to be used as currencies. This is why
understanding a project's “use case” or utility is important for any
investment decisions you make.

This is also where “Decentralized Finance” comes from. There are many
projects/protocols that have been created to do various kinds of lending,
and they all have their own accompanying tokens.

Why do we need all these different forms of money and tokens? What
exactly are these projects all doing?

To be very clear, there are THOUSANDS of different tokens and protocols

that have been created. It would be impossible to list all of them, and the
overwhelming majority have gone bust and never even made it to public
prominence in the first place.

The OVERALL goal of cryptocurrency as an industry has been to problem

solve and create solutions to the issues of modern finance and banking.

There are a number of key fundamental problems with the monetary

system that crypto is trying to solve:

1. Lack of privacy: If you want to create a bank account, the institution will
ask for extensive personal details, photo ID, passport and much more. For
every transfer that is made, the bank knows exactly who is receiving and
sending the money.

2. Central bank control: Central banks control and dictate what happens in
the monetary system. Throughout history, when too much power was in the
hands of a small group of people, they ultimately became corrupted and
abused their position of power.

3. Quantitative easing: Quantitative easing refers to when central banks

increase the total supply of money in circulation. This has, in many third
world countries, had a huge negative impact. Countries such as Zimbabwe,
because of this immense money printing by their central banks, have one
billion and one trillion dollar notes, simply because so much money has
been printed. (As mentioned earlier, a characteristic of money is limited
supply, which has clearly not been the case in many countries, such as

4. Middleman transactions: The modern world is built on bureaucracies,

where two people attempting to do business, any kind of business, must
sign endless paperwork, use notaries and lawyers, and pay fees on top of
all of it. Middlemen systems are ripe for corruption, they make transactions
inefficient, and they are sluggish and often unnecessary.

5. Globalisation: If you wish to travel to a foreign country, you will likely

need to spend in their native currency. The conversion between currencies
is quite an expensive process, and can leave you severely out of pocket.
For a simple transfer of $300USD, at an airport rates can be anywhere
between $20-45. Roughly 5.1 trillion dollars is transacted between
currencies every year, so the cost of doing so is extraordinary.

6. Microtransactions: We're moving into a new digital age where people

have the ability to access micro-sums of information. For example, a future

social media platform may have the ability for users to pay micro sums of
money to access particular pieces of content. A highlight video of the latest
surfing comp could cost users 5 cents to watch. Right now, this is not
possible with our current monetary system.

Crypto is trying to solve all the above.

The STORY of Crypto, the VISION of crypto, is a world in which people can
transact privately, where their money is their money and not at the mercy of
a bank. It's a world where the money is not being devalued by quantitative
ease, ie, the money printer going brrrr. It's a world where contracts of any
kind can be stored safely and securely, and where doing business doesn't
require paying off corrupt officials because they control all the paperwork
and what gets done. It's a world where you can travel to another country
and do business, and not get shafted by exchange rates and someone
taking their cut out of your money. It's also a world where you can pay and
support people you follow and do business with DIRECTLY, peer to peer.

The Ideal Vision of Crypto is different from the Practical


Understand that the VISION of crypto is very utopian. I don’t think anyone
can argue that it’s not.

But the practical implementation and implications of creating a parallel

financial system is MESSY.

Read that again. The adoption and growth of crypto will not be a perfectly
clear process.

I don’t expect crypto to make banks and dollars disappear. The most likely
scenario is a world in which there are multiple financial systems you can
participate in. This world has come to exist already to a degree, and is
being created further as we speak by developers.

I’ve had the privilege of meeting crypto developers and programmers who
are brilliant people and are extremely passionate about what they are
creating. They see a future and are building towards it.

I’ve also seen how crypto is like any other financial domain, filled with
degenerates and speculators and noobs who hope to get rich quick and
have no real clue how anything works.

And there is everything in between.

Crypto is still the Wild West this way. It will be YEARS before it matures.
Keep this in mind with any kind of investments you make. Think long term
and keep a cool head.


Chapter 5: Buying and Selling Cryptocurrency

Alright, now we are getting into the practical stuff as to how we actually
acquire crypto.

Here is a breakdown of the several methods available:

Method Advantages Disadvantages

KYC Exchange eg: Coinbase - Trusted exchange so KYC - they have your identity
or Binance your funds are safe (not anonymous)
-Low fees - Third party - you have to
KYC=Know Your Customer -Access to lots of trust them with your funds
liquidity (can buy with
large sums at a good
-Can buy/sell at any

Non KYC exchange eg: - Decentralised, no -You can’t buy/sell with huge
HodlHodl way for any funds to amounts
get lost, stolen or - Orders all must be done
hacked (unless you manually
yourself mess it up)
- Completely
- No KYC required, so
can buy/sell straight

Peer to Peer in public -Anonymous/Pseudon -If you meet in person with

ymous large sums of money, there is
-Eliminate any the potential for something to
potential for hacking happen
-Potential limitations for larger

Exchanges - My Recommendation

Here is a full list of crypto exchanges which are regarded as the safest
places to buy and sell cryptocurrencies:

Understand that when you buy crypto on a major exchange, you are NOT
being a secret 007 operative with hidden money. Get that bullshit out of
your head. These exchanges all report to their respective home country
and they pay taxes and are legitimate businesses. This is not black market

- Binance
- Kucoin
- Coinspot (For Australians)

- Bitfinex
- Gemini
- Kraken
- Coinbase (careful as high fees)

Top pick: Binance

Binance is the world’s largest crypto exchange, and is the simplest way to
get your fiat currency (from a large number of options) into crypto at a low

For US residents and citizens, you can use Binance US:

For everyone else, you’ll be using

If you register through the above link, you will receive 10% off all
trading fees on the platform

To be able to purchase cryptocurrencies, you will need to be verified. This

process is very straight forward:

1. Click one of the above links

2. Register an account with your email and chosen password
3. Follow the steps in the pictures below to begin the verification

Once verified, you are now ready to purchase crypto directly through
your bank account.


Chapter 6: Safety and How Do You Store Crypto

Safety is PARAMOUNT in the crypto industry.

Millions of Bitcoins have been lost forever by those who simply didn’t take
good care of storing their coins.

Speaking personally I lost tens of thousands in the past from being

careless with one of my wallets keys and losing my seed phrase.

You Cannot Be Careless

Hundreds of millions have been stolen from exchanges being hacked, all
because users trusted all their funds with a centralised party.

How you store your crypto MATTERS. Read this section carefully.

Understanding Crypto Storage Basics

Public Key: Your public key is your public address, and it is what you send
to those you wish to receive funds from.

Public keys look like this


They are random strings of letters and numbers. Different chains have
different numbers they start with, but overall the keys are randomly

Private key: Your private key is the equivalent of your passcode to access
your wallet. DO NOT share this with anyone. Anyone with your private key
can from anywhere, gain access and withdraw your funds.

Private keys do not look any different from public keys. They are the
random string of numbers and letters. The difference is your private keys
access your wallet.

What do I do if I lose my wallet?

With any wallet that you create, whether it be a hot, cold, hardware, paper
or brain wallet, they all create the same wallet, just in a different form.

HUH? I don’t get it

I shall explain, because I know this confuses people. Let's back up a bit…

Crypto is recorded on digital ledgers, which are distributed on a blockchain.

These are basically long sequences of immutable code that CANNOT be

Every transaction that happens gets recorded FOREVER.

When you receive crypto, it's recorded on the LEDGER, and only YOU
have the code/key to access it.

This is what you are storing in your wallet.

This causes cognitive dissonance because people often mistakenly think of

crypto as being like digital gold or dollars where it's “physically” being

That's not what's happening. This might upset you initially, but understand
that this is what makes Crypto SECURE. A well designed protocol (like
BTC for example), its a record that can NEVER be changed.

This is why BTC and other tokens are called “transparent”. No one can
secretly alter the chain and “cook the books” to use a phrase that refers to
fraudulent accounting.

Back to Wallets...

When you create a new wallet it will give you a seed phrase, which
combines a random sequence of words you MUST remember. This
combination of words can be used to regain access to your private
key, and thus your wallet.

The seed, like the private key MUST be kept safely away from others. `

Your password to access your crypto is protected by another combination

of passwords basically.


Types of Storage

There are 2 main types of storage:

Hot Storage: Anything connected to the internet.

Cold Storage: Stored offline

Every other type of storage fits under one of these 2 categories:

Type of Storage Advantages Disadvantages

Exchange wallet-This is Easy to hop on and manage, It’s on the internet - and
where your crypto is and swap to other funds. An potentially can be hacked
accessed from the exchange exchange like Coinbase is It’s stored on an unsecure
you are using, say coinbase designed to feel similar to exchange - you don’t own
for example you logging into your bank your private key, and thus
account you don’t own your funds,
the exchange is acting as
3rd party and will often

deduct a fee for your

Software wallet. This is a You own your private keys, On the internet - which
wallet that exists online and thus your funds means it can still potentially
be hacked
Can send your
cryptocurrencies anywhere,
and use it as a digital wallet
to pay for goods/services.

Paper wallet-offline storage. Completely free Private key is exposed - if

This literally creates a wallet they have a copy of your
on the ledger that you Cold storage - offline storage printed paper wallet, they
access with your public and method (reduces ability for can access your funds
private key, which you internet based hacks)
literally store on a piece of Made of easily degradable
paper. You are the ONLY material
person with record of this
wallet existing Easy for someone to take
and use

Hardware Wallets-these are Most secure option for They cost money obviously.
basically little storage drives storing your cryptocurrencies And if you lose your wallet,
that you can use to store private keys you lost your crypto
your keys.
Can be recovered with a 24
Best hardware wallets 2021 word seed phrase if lost,
damaged or stolen. If you
were to break it, you can
simply order another one,
and load the seed phrase
onto the new device.

Offline cold storage

The onus of security and storage is on YOU the user

This is where crypto very obviously differs from traditional banking. If you
lose your debit card, you call your bank. You lose your keys, there is no one
to call, and you are FAWKED. Don't lose your keys or seed phrases,

A Simple Tactic to Keep Your Crypto Secure…

2 Factor Authentication

2 Factor Authentication must become a MANDATORY component of your

login process to any crypto exchanges.

This authentication process makes it a requirement that before you login to

your exchange, you must input a random 6 letter/number combination,
which refreshes every 30 seconds to a different data set.

This can get annoying at times, but this protects you against being hacked. make Crypto sound really risky…

Understand that if you are simply buying Bitcoin through coinbase for
example, your level of risk is low to nothing. The biggest risk is YOU
messing up a public key and losing your own coins

If you get deep into crypto though and start using software wallets,
doing swaps of exchanging one crypto for another, and doing
transactions with less secure exchanges or from questionable

Then yes, getting hacked can be a risk. So do what you can to minimize

If you don’t use 2FA, you are simply a sitting duck waiting for your
funds to be stolen.

Recommended Wallets:

Hardware wallet - Ledger

Software wallet - Exodus

Security continued-Let’s talk VPNS

What’s a VPN?

VPN stands for Virtual private network. A VPN gives you online privacy and
anonymity by creating a private network from a public internet connection.
When you use a VPN you are masking your IP address so your online
actions are virtually untraceable. IP address=Internet Protocol address,
which is sort of your virtual mailing address for your computer.

Using a VPN protects you from being hacked, and keeps your data
secure (check out this great article from Life Math Moneys website
that covers VPNS in depth)

VPNs also allow you to access websites that you would NOT normally
be able to access if you are based in the USA.

Remember, your IP is like a literal physical address. There’s lots of

restrictions for IP’s based in the USA.

Hypothetically if someone wanted to access websites that block US IP

addresses, they’d need a VPN to do so.

Using a VPN allows you to change your location to any that you desire, and
thus get around the issues of being US based.


You can’t use a VPN to purchase crypto with a debit/credit card, but if you
have already acquired crypto, and you have crypto in a wallet obviously,
you can send it anywhere you want. You can send your money where you
please, into whatever coin you want, and with the VPN, as a US
citizen/resident, use any exchange at your disposal, and not be restricted
by the harsh regulations. Hypothetically.


Chapter 7: When is the Right Time to Invest?

So when should I buy? This is the question on everyone's mind when they
first get serious about investing in crypto. Do you wait for the market to
drop? Will it be lower a month from now? How do you know when it's going

Again, we need to take a macro approach.

-I suggest reading, The Psychology of Money, by Morgan Housel, to go

deeper on how to think about money, decision making, and the paradigms
that guide us

There are 14 emotional

states in a market

This ‘Wall Street Cheat

Sheet’ is something that
has been used for
decades now, and for
every financial market
since has been accurate.

It doesn’t matter if it’s

crypto, stocks, precious

metals, or any financial asset class, the concept of greed and fear, buyers
and sellers, euphoria and despair ALWAYS takes place.

Now, if you compare the first picture to the second picture (The Dotcom
Bubble) the similarities
become very clear.

So what typically
happens in a market
cycle, is there are
different emotional

At the peak, the market

is exuberant, and
euphoric, and it is the
period not only of
maximum optimism, but
maximum financial risk.

At the bottom, the market is depressed, and full of despair, and it is the
period not only of maximum pessimism, but maximum financial opportunity.

Between the peak of euphoria, and the depths of despair, a series of

emotional states occur as well.

The initial price drop is felt with complacency. The market has gotten used
to pullbacks and dips, and thus view it as ‘just another temporary setback’.

As the price drops further, market participants begin to get anxious. Why is
this dip still dipping? It should have bounced by now?

Eventually, price drops so much that most of these market participants who
bought near the top finally capitulate, and sell their positions at the bottom.

Now as you can imagine, separating emotions from your investing, and
instead using a strategy behind how you invest will position you powerfully
to get great returns.

When the market is very optimistic, and there are no worried

investors to be seen, it might be worth considering taking some

When the market is very pessimistic, and there are no optimistic

investors to be seen, it might be worth considering buying into

Stages of a Market Cycle

There are 5 stages to a market cycle.

1/2: Discovery and Learning

There is lots of excitement in the market. This is the bull market phase of a
market cycle. A new technology is out, people are excited, and prices are
rising as new market participants enter the space to see what the hype is

about. When prices rise during a bubble, they go far beyond their
fundamental value. The market becomes over optimistic.

3. Plateau
At this point, the market is flat. This stage of the market happens after the
prior price boom. At this point, the uninformed investors look to exit the
market. They enter based on emotions, and they thus exit based on them

4/5: Innovation and Breakthrough

When the market declines after a bubble, prices go far below their
fundamental value. The market becomes overly pessimistic.

During this period, there needs to be new innovation taking place, to

reignite the bull market to occur again.

For example, Decentralised Finance has reignited another huge crypto

‘bubble’, where we see huge price increases, and vast sums of money
trying to get into the space.

The Flow of Money in a Crypto Bull Market

(The information below is based off historical data, and thus it can change
in the future)

‘Alt Season’ is a period in the market, where after many new market
participants enter crypto, move their funds away from Bitcoin, and into
riskier and riskier coins, looking to make big multiples on their money.

Why does this occur?
Historically, Bitcoin is the first coin to pump in a bull market. Bitcoin makes
major news headlines, and attracts new investors to the space. These new
investors obviously buy Bitcoin first, as it is the biggest and safest crypto,
and it is the one they saw slandered all over the news.

Once in Bitcoin, they’ve felt the gambling itch that is crypto. Crypto is
indeed the largest and most addicting casino in the world.

After feeling like they ‘missed out’ on getting rich during the Bitcoin bull run,
they search for smaller coins that have much more upside potential. These
coins have a variety of narratives attached to them, including “The next
Bitcoin” “A cheaper Bitcoin”, “The next big blockchain development” “This
coin was created by a team of Facebook executives!” etc etc.

These smaller projects also often have bigger, and more aggressive
marketing budgets that Bitcoin does.

It is easy to sucker new investors, as they have no idea what is good and
bad for a project.

It is very easy for crypto ‘influencers’ to take big paychecks from these
projects for sponsored video content, where they ‘shill’ the coin (promote it
to their followers).

Your goal as an investor is to understand these situations in the

market, and prepare yourself accordingly to get in before the herd
enters, and get out before the herd exits.

AJACS Personal Strategy,-Dollar Cost Averaging

The way I invest in crypto is highly boring and I don't have to think about it.
Its called DCA, Dollar Cost Averaging. I am obviously not the first person to
do this.

DCA is simple in premise-you simply make small investments ALL the time,
and don't bother trying to “time” the market. You do this under the
presumption that in a long enough time, that market/asset/investment will
go UP in value.

And your investment will go up.

You might be down at times, you might be up at times, you may not make
as much money as someone that tries to time the market and buys at
critical moments, or sells at critical moments, BUT you minimize your risk.

And you are essentially making a long term bet, which means you have a
long term mindset.

That's my approach. As such, I don’t particularly care what the market of

crypto is doing on any given day. I have my investments set weekly, and I
don’t look at them.

I think of investing like exercise: what matters for long term results is
consistency over time. That is making the right decisions over and over
again. And not interfering trying to over optimize the process.

This is not sexy or glamorous, but over 10-20-30 years, I'm betting it pays
out. People do this with stocks, they do it with real estate, and I'm doing it
with Crypto.


Chapter 8: Decentralised Finance (DeFi)

What is DeFi?

Decentralised finance is basically every traditional financial application, but

tailored for the crypto markets with it’s own set of advantages and

In traditional finance, you have businesses like banks, insurance
companies, lending providers, structured products, etc.

They have their own set of inherent disadvantages which the crypto
equivalents are trying to tackle.

Here is the main areas that make DeFi different:

- Removal of the middleman: DeFi is largely permissionless, where

anyone can participate in the numerous financial applications without
needing permission from an external party. If I want to lend my crypto,
I don’t need anyone’s permission to do so, I am free to do as I please.
Removing the middle man also allows for slimmer financial
applications (less rent seekers). This allows for overall lower fees,
where the lenders can receive higher yields, and borrowers lower
borrowing fees, as there is no longer a person in between taking a
huge chunk.
- Access to high yields: Banks are currently offering anywhere from
negative yield, to 2% PA for your money (even in a high yield savings
account!). DeFi offers a relatively safe 5-20%PA variable yield on
your money. Not only are the yields higher in DeFi, but the term
lengths are generally flexible, you aren’t forced to lock your money up
for large periods of time. Typically there will be a 7-14 day lockup
period for decent sized yields, which is much better than what banks
- For the People: You do still need to submit KYC documents, e.g. a
driver's license to participate on a lot of the DeFi platforms, but they
do not discriminate at all. They don’t need any prior borrowing/lending
history, bank statements, or anything else which in fact makes the
process very quick and easy to do.

Should you get into DeFi?

If you’re wondering whether to buy coins and lock up into yield farming to
grow your investment, here is what you need to consider:

- There is smart contract risk, and the possibility of impermanent loss.
You shouldn’t put money into DeFi that you can’t afford to lose.
- If you do plan to sell eventually, there are issues associated with
doing so. Eg on a market crash, it could be difficult to sell as the
spread available could lead to increased losses.
- Yield farming is confusing. If you don’t seriously understand what is
happening to your money when you are farming, staking and
providing it as liquidity, then you shouldn’t be risking much, if ANY of
your capital.
- Yield farming projects with insane ‘1000% APY!’ are still zero sum.
There is no such thing as ‘free money’!

However, saying this, the upside potential is huge. The big money won’t
be made in Bitcoin anymore, it’ll be made in the DeFi ecosystem.

Which platforms should you be using? currently offers variable interest rates from 6-12%PA on

your crypto.

The site is very simple to use, and the rates are competitive with other
options on the market.

But you need to remember an important factor:

Lending certain coins keeps you open to the risk of losing the value of your

If you lend Ethereum, and the price drops 40%, and you made 10% that
year from the yield, you STILL lost 30% of your overall portfolio size.

If you instead lended USDC (which is a stablecoin with its value pegged to
1 US dollar), you would capture that same upside from lending, without any
of the potential downside.

So you need to ask yourself: With the funds that I am lending, am I happy
simply to collect yield without the risk, or am I looking to own a crypto that
will likely rise in price, while also collecting yield?

Should you trade or invest

First I'll break down the differences between both as they relate to crypto,
and the advantages and disadvantages.

Trading is focused on the use of technical analysis to determine where to

buy and sell for a price that leaves you in profit. There are many trading
styles, including scalping (several minutes), day trading (several hours),
swing trading (several weeks), and also trading algorithms, where a bot
trades for you. In order to become an independent profitable trader it
will take 2-3 years and lots of losses. Everyone pays a tuition fee to the

Investing is focused on the use of fundamental analysis to determine

where to buy and sell for a higher price, and vice versa. Investing focuses
on buying things either deemed undervalued presently or likely to see
future growth, or a combination of both. You can become a profitable
investor today if you keep it simple and be consistent and disciplined.

Trading Investing

Advantages - You can make money in any - Investors outperform

market environment, both bull and 99% of traders in bull
bear. The skills you learn will markets
always make you money if you - Can become profitable
control your emotions. straight away if you
- If you don’t find researching simply implement a
projects interesting, it will likely be consistent
easy to focus on learning technical dollar-cost-average
analysis/trading strategy
- Less emotionally
- Allows you to focus on
increasing income which
is more in your control
then trading

Disadvanta - 90%+ of traders lose money - Requires a deep

ges - Emotionally draining understanding of how
- To be good at, it will take away projects work, and the
from all other pursuits in life ability to forecast their
- Takes 2-3yrs to become profitable future
at - You don’t make money
- Will have to pay a tuition to the when the market goes
market (your trading losses) sideways, you need the
market uptrending
- Your knowledge gained
of what are good
projects won’t
necessarily be useful in
10 years from now like
trading would.

Investing fundamentals for remaining rational in an irrational market

1. Anyone can make money in a bull market, you are not special - stop
thinking that

2. The trend is your friend

3.When everyone on twitter bandwagons on a theory for price predictions

(end of tax season, selling to buy christmas presents, etc) FORGET IT
IMMEDIATELY - it's no longer valid.

4. If you are getting fomo, ZOOM OUT

5. When trading, ALWAYS consider which price movement would fuck over
the most people. This is often the path taken.

6. Pin the wall street cheat sheet to your wall and look at it EVERYDAY - so
you don't get caught up in the media mania and irrational exuberance.



8. -Buy dips in bull markets till it stops working, sell rallies in bear markets
till it stops working

9. Humble yourself or be humbled by the market


Chapter 9: Where to go from here?

So you’ve just been dropped with a ton of new information, some of it

understood, but probably a lot of it still needing processing.

The thing to remember with Crypto is, it is a constantly evolving


Having the basics sorted, is equally as important as keeping updated with
information from the best crypto related accounts.

Here is our recommended follow list:

Travis Kling
Larry Cermak
Kyle Davies
Cole Garner
Bob Loukas
The Crypto Dog
Willy Woo
Classic Macro
Crypto Quantamental
Zhu Su
Alex Saunders
Moon Overlord

Anthony Pompliano

Anthony Pompliano's "The Pomp podcast" for crypto
insights from wall street - Advanced high level

The Wolf of All Streets, Scott Melkor - High level

What Bitcoin Did with Peter McCormack - fun

listening high level

Uncommon Core - High level crypto insights

Up Only Podcast with Cobie and Ledger -

High level insights mixed with entertainment

About the Co-Author

Daniel McEvoy is a full time Crypto Investor who has been in the space
since 2017. I reached out to him as his knowledge, and ability to teach is
top level. Daniel teaches everything he knows about crypto, investing and
trading on a number of different platforms, including:

Dans Crypto Telegram Channel

Dans Twitter Account

Dan’s Newsletter

He also run’s an exclusive VIP Crypto Channel which offers his day-to-day
teachings and application of his investing strategies to achieving financial
freedom from Crypto. You can enquire further about the group here

The DeFi Guide

Getting into DeFi now is the equivalent of discovering Bitcoin in 2016. The
space has just begun to see adoption, and has HUGE potential to
completely revolutionise how we do finance.

‘Making Money in DeFi’ is by far the best resource we’ve come across to
maximising your returns in the crypto space. The creators have personally

made millions from farming, staking, liquidity providing, etc, and teach
everything from beginner-advanced inside.

This link here will get you 40% off the guide so you can begin making
money immediately.

I hope that this guide has given an increased understanding of
cryptocurrencies, how to think about money, and any future decisions you
make are now done with confidence. Even if you elect not to invest in
crypto, you have gained greater understanding of money, finances, and
decision making that can serve you. Always approach any new subject with
a paradigm of finding first principles and learning the fundamentals. Crypto
may be intimidating today, but I believe it is the future for human freedom
and innovation. I look forward to seeing you there.


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