Internet Access Speed

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Astrindo Vocational School, Tegal City

2022/2023 academic year

The current development of information and communication technology allows us to

connect our computers to the internet in various ways. There are several choices of the type of
internet speed that we can use, the following is the internet speed according to the channel we
Communication made on the internet is data communication. Everything that is sent via the
internet is in the form of text, sound, images that are sent in the form of data. This means using
the internet is exchanging data between two computers. Sending e-mails, for example, we send
in the form of text data. Another example, if we open a web page, we are actually sending a web
page by sending the URL address. Then the web page server computer will send the web page
we requested.
In moving data from one computer to another on the internet, the speed of data transfer is a
matter of great consideration. Usually we want the requested data to arrive quickly for us to use
or study. The speed at which data transfers from a server computer on the internet to our
computer is very dependent on the speed of data transfer from the provider we use. Data transfer
speed is expressed in bits per second (bps), meaning how many bits of data can be transferred
from one computer to another in every second.
Regarding data transfer speed, there are several components that determine this, including:
a. Bandwidth
b. Proxy Servers
c. Backbone
d. Data Security

1 Data Transfer Speed on the Internet

1. Bandwidth
Bandwidth is the width of the data channel that is shared by the data being transferred.
Bandwidth can be analogized as a road that is passed by vehicles simultaneously. What if there
are as many vehicles passing by? Of course the movement becomes slower. Think about how to
make a dense vehicle move quickly? Of course, the way includes widening the road. We need to
know the bandwidth owned by an ISP to determine the ISP's ability to transfer data.
Bandwidth is most widely used as a measure of data flow speed. But what is the actual
bandwidth? Bandwidth is a measure of the amount of information that can flow from one place
to another in a certain time. Bandwidth can be used to measure both analog data streams and
digital data streams. It is now common for the word bandwidth to be used more to measure
digital data streams.
The unit used for bandwidth is bits per second or often abbreviated as bps. As we know that a bit
or binary digit is a number base consisting of the numbers 0 and 1. This unit describes how many
bits (numbers 0 and 1) can flow from one place to another in every second through a medium.
It turns out that the concept of bandwidth is not sufficient to explain network speed and what is
happening on the network. For this reason, the concept of Throughput emerged. Throughput is
the actual bandwidth that is measured at a certain time in a day using a specific internet route
when downloading a file. How to measure bandwidth? And how does that relate to throughput?
As discussed above, bandwidth is the number of bits that can be sent in one second.
Meanwhile, though throughput has the same unit and formula as bandwidth, throughput is more
about describing the actual (actual) bandwidth at a certain time and under certain conditions and
internet networks that are used to download a file of a certain size.
By only using bandwidth as a benchmark, for example we use telkom speedy (328 Kbps) to
download a 64KB (kilo bytes) file that should be downloaded in the blink of an eye or one
second, but after being measured it actually takes 4 seconds. So if the size of the downloaded file
is 64 kb, while the download time is 4 seconds, then the actual bandwidth or we can call it
throughput is 64 kb / 4 seconds = 16 kbps.
Unfortunately, the throughput for many reasons, is sometimes very far from the maximum
possible bandwidth of a medium. Some of the factors that determine bandwidth and throughput
1. Network devices;
2. Type of data being transferred;
3. Network topology;
4. The number of network users;
5. Client/user computer specifications;
6. Server computer specifications;
7. Electrical induction and weather;
8. and other reasons.
By understanding these concepts we can begin to calculate our actual internet connection speed
requirements and the required connection options. Not only because they are consumed by
advertisements that spread the promise of high bandwidth at a low price.
The speed of data transfer in the world of computers and telecommunication is the amount of
data in bits that passes through a medium in one second. Generally written in bits per second
(bits per second) and symbolized bit/s or bps not bits/s. Often confused with bytes per second or
B/s or Bps.
Data transfer speed table
Application Description Symbol Speed
1,000 bit/s 1 kbit/s or 1 kbps 1 kilobit or one thousand bits per second The average speed of dial-
up internet in Indonesia today is 56 kbps.

1,000,000 bit/s 1 Mbit/s or 1 Mbps 1 megabit or million bits per second The speed of data
transfer via wireless communication at 2.4GHz is 2 Mbps while the speed of a standard switch is
100 Mbps.
1,000,000,000 bit/s 1 Gbit/s or 1 Gbps 1 gigabit or one billion bits per second The speed of a
switch with Gigabit technology is 1 Gbps.
1,000,000,000,000 bit/s 1 Tbit/s or 1 Tbps 1 terabit or one trillion bits per second None
If we study data transfer rates, we will not be separated from the terms download, upload,
downstream, upstream and usage. Let's discuss the meaning of these terms:
1. Downloading is the activity of copying data/files/applications from a computer connected in a
network to a local computer. To carry out download activities, computer users must make a
request for the data/file/application on a web page.
2. Upload is the reverse of the download process. So uploading can be interpreted as the activity
of copying data/files/applications from the local computer to the internet (server).
3. Downstream is the speed of data flow when the customer is downloading with a maximum
speed of up to 284/512 Kbps.
4. Upstream is the speed of data flow when the customer is uploading with a maximum speed of
up to 64 Kbps.

2. Proxy Servers

To facilitate service, the customer's address must be stored properly. The proxy server functions
to store the customer's favorite addresses. With a proxy server, customers can access their
favorite websites more quickly. Why is that? This is because the server stores frequently visited
web pages. So that if a customer visits his favorite website, the customer does not need the
website server, but only connects directly to the ISP's proxy server. A proxy server will save
bandwidth usage because customers no longer need to connect directly to frequently visited

3. Backbones

Backbone is the ISP network's main connection channel with the internet. Creating a backbone
requires high technology and large funds. Most ISPs lease the backbone from other companies or
share it with other ISPs. Using a shared backbone can save costs but reduce the access speed of
each ISP.

4. Data Security
Transferred data must of course be safe from interference in the form of data completeness
and data quality. For this reason, the network system needs to provide data security. Internet
transactions are prone to piracy. Therefore we need to know whether an ISP uses a firewall for
online transaction security or not. This affects the speed of data access, especially when we
upload (enter data from the local computer to a server computer on the internet) and download
(retrieve data from the internet), so that the process will run smoothly. Services provided we also
need to know what services are provided by an ISP. Does the ISP provide e-mail accounts, how
many e-mail accounts are provided, is the ISP equipped with a spam filter, and various other
services. This serves to speed internet access, especially in the use of fast e-mail and the size of
the account capacity that can be used, so that we can use this service to the fullest.

We also need to know what technologies ISPs have to improve their performance. Currently,
data compression technology allows data transfer to be faster. We need to know if an ISP is
supported by this kind of technology. This is for our convenience and speed in internet access.
2. Factors Affecting Internet Access Speed
When we access the internet sometimes feels fast and sometimes feels slow. Many factors affect
the speed of internet access. Internet connection using multiple devices from different service
providers. The factors that affect the speed of internet access are:
1. Computer Unit
The computer plays a very important role in the speed of internet access because the computer
has a hard drive, RAM, and processor which play an important role in the work process of the
computer. If the hard drive is used with low speed, the internet access speed will also be low, as
well as if you use RAM or a low-speed processor, this will greatly affect the speed of internet
2. Modems
The modem also greatly affects the speed of internet access. Modems have different speeds. The
modem that is often used is a modem with a speed of 56 kbps.
3. Communication Network used for Internet Access.
To access the internet we can use telephone line services, CDMA, GPRS, and satellite. Each of
these services has a different speed. The lowest speed is using a telephone line.
4. Big Bandwidth
Bandwidth is the width or width of the frequency range used by signals in the transmission
medium. Bandwidth is usually measured in Hertz. The greater the bandwidth provided by the
ISP, the faster the internet access.
5. Number of users accessing the server simultaneously
Internet access speed at certain hours is usually very slow, this is due to the large number of
internet users accessing the internet simultaneously. At 08.00 - 15.00 WIB, the internet network
is usually busy. For this reason, if it's not urgent, it's better to access the internet outside these

3. How to Measure Internet Access Speed

The things that need to be considered so that our measurement of internet access is accurate are:
1. If your computer is on a network and all computers are connected to the internet, it's better to
make sure other computers are not downloading or uploading and it's even better to turn off the
computer other than the server
2. We recommend that you only connect to the internet on a router or server PC if it is not
possible to turn off other computers. You just have to disable the local network.
3. Make sure your computer is clean from all viruses, apam or spyware.
After you have done the things above, now is the time to measure the speed of internet access.
The trick is to open the CJY-Net website. By using this web you can measure connection speed
using a web browser, both for access via modem, leased line (Astinet), ADSL, cable modem, and
others. Measurements with CJY_Net are relatively more accurate because they use an internal
network. If you are using a 56 kbps modem, and your telephone line is good enough, then the
connection speed is >40 kbps. If the speed is far below this value, the modem driver you are
using may not be suitable. If an error occurs please do Refresh.
4. Type of Internet Access Speed
Access speed will depend heavily on network technology around the distance and the
distance/environmental conditions when the internet connection is made. The development of
information and communication technology now allows us to connect computers to the internet
in several ways. There are several choices of types / types of internet speeds that can be used.
Here is the internet speed according to the selected channel
The telephone network has penetrated more and more widely, so that we can connect computers
to the internet. How to connect a computer to the internet using a telephone cable is often called
Dial-Up. Dial-Up via the PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) line will connect us to
Telkom's ISP. Connection to Dial-Up is generally used by individuals who want to connect to
the internet from home. The computer used is usually a single computer (not a computer
network). Internet access speed using Dial-Up can reach a maximum speed of 56 Kbps.
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) is a modem technology that operates at a frequency
of 34 kHz – 1104 kHz. This is the main cause of the difference in data transfer rates between
modems and ADSL with conventional modems that work at frequencies less than 4 kHz. The
advantage of ADSL is that it provides the ability to access high-speed internet and voice/fax
simultaneously (on the customer side by using a splitter to separate telephone lines and internet
access, as well as sending multimedia data to computers, notebooks and handheld computers.
3G is a third generation technology that refers to the development of wireless telephone
technology. 3G as a wireless solution that can provide access speed: 144 kbps for fast moving
conditions (mobile) 384 kbps for walking conditions (pedestrian) 2 Mbps for static conditions in
a place
High Speed Packet Access is the result of the development of the first wave of 3G technology
Release 99 (R99) so that HSPA is able to work much faster when compared to the R99
connection. Related to CDMA network; HSPA can be aligned with Evolution Data Optimized
(Ev-Do) which is a development of CDMA 2000. HSPA networks are mostly spread over the
1900 MHz and 2100 MHz spectrum but some run at 850 MHz. A larger spectrum is used
because the operator can cover a wider area and the ability to refarming and reallocating the
UHF spectrum.
HSPA provides different data transmission rates in HSDPA (High Speed Downlink Packet
Access) downlink and in HSUPA (High Speed Uplink Packet Access) uplink, according to the
development standards carried out by the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) HSPA
advanced developments can further facilitate access to cyberspace because fiber features neat
and sophisticated so as to reduce data transfer costs per mega bit.
Wireless LANs
Wireless LAN technology works by using radio waves. Initially this technology was designed for
indoor office applications. However, now Wireless LANs can be used in indoor peer to peer
networks as well as point to point outdoors or point to multipoint in bridge applications. Wireless
LAN is designed to be very modular and flexible. This network can also be optimized in
different environments, can overcome geographical constraints and the complexity of cable
installation. 60000kbps
Broadband internet technology is generally defined as a network or internet service that has a
high transfer speed due to the large data path width. The usual transfer speed promised by
broadband services is up to around 128 kbps or more. Broadband networks can be used by many
groups, from students, game enthusiasts, to small offices and branch offices that wish to have a
high-speed connection with their head office. The most common broadband technology used in
Indonesia to connect your internet connection is DSL technology, cable technology and fixed
wireless. Each media has its own advantages and disadvantages.

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