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Noel Jehoshaphat P.


AB Psych

The parts of the brain are very important in various ways which could help the way a
person thinks. Take for example Albert Einstein. Albert Einstein had a very unique brain that
manifested in his works. For instance, Einstein’s inferior parietal lobule was wider than normal
and seemed better integrated. This part of the brain is responsible for special cognition and
mathematical thought. This would explain why Einstein had a very good grasp on mathematical
equations and theories and even based his theory of relativity on the laws of mathematics.
Einstein also had an extra ridge on his mid-frontal lobe. The mid-frontal lobe is apparently used
for plans and working memory and a normal person only has three ridges. Einstein however had
four ridges which makes his memory superb and his plans were incredibly detailed. Einstein’s
parietal lobes were also dramatically asymmetric and that he had a knob on his right motor strip.
This was correlated to musicians and Einstein would you know it is a violin player. Einstein also
had a very unusual corpus callosum. Researchers found out that Einstein’s was thicker than in
control groups which suggests enhanced co-operation between brain hemispheres. Knowing all
these things gives us a question though. Are these characteristics of the brain achieved over time
in our lives or are they genetics. The problem with this question however is that no brain is the
same because no person is the same. This is also the reason why the brain is very complicated
because one cannot know for sure. Therefore, one cannot be sure whether Einstein’s genius was
a product of nature or a product of nurture. This is the reason why the brain of Einstein was
studied to begin with because the men behind this project wanted to learn the secrets of genius.

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