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Noel Jehoshaphat P.


AB Psych 3

One of the shows that I have watched that gave me information about clinical
psychology was the show “Dexter.” this show was about a man whose name is Dexter and he is
a serial killer who murders other criminals as well. Since he is also a forensic technician, he
knows a lot about the criminals who managed to escape the justice system through various
loopholes or even lack of evidence. The reason why this show introduced me to clinical
psychology is because of the interesting way they show human behaviour. The fact that Dexter
is a murderer with morals is interesting enough but as you watch the show longer, you will see
that he even has some moments of love, care, and protectiveness towards the people that he
cares about. The fact that he can feel these feelings despite being a sociopath really shows that
sometimes we truly do not understand the minds of people.

Another show that I have watched that showed me topics concerning clinical psychology
is a show that I used to watch with my family called “hoarders”. It’s a reality TV show that
shows people who have hording disorder. The show even calls in the best psychologists in order
to help these people with their disorders. The things depicted in the show is actually very sad
and heart-breaking since the people who have the disorders have a very difficult time in letting
go all the things that they have collected. This in turn has made their homes into something
that can be described as a garbage dump due to the amount of things and even trash that they
refuse to throw. This is one of the shows that really showed me that mental health is a big part
of our lives and that if you have mental health problems, it will reflect in your life.

Another show is actually a medical show called the good doctor. It is about Dr. Shawn
Murphey who is a surgeon who has autism. Shawn is actually very good at his job but he has
trouble connecting with people due to his autism. This leads to troubles that do not normally
occur to the average doctor or even person. It really gives light on the situation that people
with autism have. it is also lets us understand that even if people have autism, it does not mean
that they are helpless. In fact, the different way of thinking may even be what we need in order
to solve problems that the “normal person” finds impossible to solve. this has been shown
many times as the show progresses which makes Dr. Shawn indispensable to the hospital that
he is working on. He even gives advice and suggestions that other doctors wouldn’t consider
and yet it ended up working and saving patients’ lives. It really goes to show how if a person is
diagnosed with autism, it isn’t the end all be all.

The last show that I will talk about is the movie Split. The movie is a psychological thriller
movie which shows a man named Kevin who is suffering from DID. Kevin abducts 3 young
women under the orders from one of the many personalities that he has. the movie shows how
personalities can develop within people who have DID and the movie even shows Kevin
transitioning into these different personalities throughout the whole movie which is very
fascinating to watch. it shows how tragic a person who suffers from DID and how they try to live
their lives may differ from how other personalities want to live their lives. According to various
psychologists, the way the actor James McAvoy played the character was very realistic and how
he transitions into these personalities is like how a lot of people with this disorder transitions as
well. I also thought it was interesting when the therapist in the movie would talk about the
personalities and how the character really believed that he was each of those different persons

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