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Automation in Construction 106 (2019) 102862

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Design, construction and monitoring of an ice composite shell structure T

a,b a,b,⁎ a,b a,b c d
Yue Wu , Xiuming Liu , Boxuan Chen , Qingpeng Li , Peng Luo , Arno Pronk
Key Lab of Structures Dynamic Behavior and Control of the Ministry of Education, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150090, China
Key Lab of Smart Prevention and Mitigation of Civil Engineering Disasters of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin
150090, China
School of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150090, China
Department Built Environment, Eindhoven University of Technology, Den Dolech 2, 5600 MB Eindhoven, the Netherlands


Keywords: Ice structures are widely constructed in cold regions as landscapes or shelters. However, owing to the poor
Ice composite shell mechanical properties of the material and the masonry construction method, the appearance modelling and
Structural analysis building scale of ice structures are limited. It is necessary to discover an innovative high-performance ice ma-
Inflatable membrane structure terial and to establish a large-span ice shell construction method. Based on previous studies, a free-form ice
composite shell is designed and constructed with an inflatable formwork. A combined optimization algorithm is
Geometric imperfection
proposed to determine a reasonable inflatable formwork for the construction, and exhaustive structural in-
Structural monitoring
vestigations on the behaviour of the ice composite shell under multiple load conditions are conducted.
Subsequently, some key technologies for the construction process and health monitoring of the ice composite
shell are discussed. The results show that the ice composite material is suitable for the construction of large-span
ice shells. The morphological design objectives of the free-form ice shell are achieved based on the previously
mentioned optimization algorithm, and the structural analysis provides a theoretical foundation for the struc-
tural safety and construction quality of the ice shell. Moreover, the effects of the ambient temperature and solar
radiation are not negligible, and further research is required.

1. Introduction composite. Li et al. [13] invented Ultimate Pykrete by adding sodium

carboxyl methyl cellulose gelatin polyelectrolyte complex to pulp cel-
Ice structures using ice and snow as the main materials are widely lulose materials to increase the material strength and shorten the
constructed in cold regions as landscapes or shelters [1,2]. Ice and snow freezing time.
are easily obtained and fabricated, produce no pollution, and are vi- The construction technology is another key problem of ice and snow
sually appealing [3]. Therefore, ice and snow structures play an im- structures. Bricking ice blocks is a traditional and still popular con-
portant role in cold regions [4]. Temporary snow shelters have been struction method for ice structures. Similar to traditional brick masonry
built in the Antarctic to protect humans against the cold and stormy structures, ice masonry structures also have the advantage of easy
weather [5]. construction. However, their span and height are limited. Another
Plain ice as a structural material bears certain problems: an in- construction method is to apply an inflatable membrane as a building
sufficient strength, a large temperature sensitivity, and unstable me- formwork, to spray it with a cellulose–water mixture, and to let it freeze
chanical properties, which greatly affect the structural performance of layer by layer to form an ice shell. Ice shell structures belong to the
ice structures. To solve these problems, Pyke proposed a composite of category of thin shell structures [14]. Theoretical analyses and the
ice and sawdust, the so-called ‘Pykrete’ [6], in 1942. Nixon [7–9] tested engineering practice have proved that the structural behaviour [15] of
the fracture toughnesses and bending strengths of different ice com- a thin shell structure is much better than that of a masonry structure.
posite materials. Further, Pronk et al. [10,11] conducted comparative The inflatable-formwork construction method is based on thin-shell
tests by mixing glass chips, cotton, steel slag, and other materials. They concrete structures. In 1940, Californian architect Wallace [16] devel-
found that the compressive strength of the ice composite with 10% oped a method that uses inflated sailcloth cushions to support a flexible
sawdust was increased three times compared with that of plain ice. Cruz reinforcement; the cushions are sprayed with shotcrete with an in-
and Belis [12] measured the compressive strength of ice–cellulose creasing thickness to create a strong and stable shell structure. This

Corresponding author at: School of Civil Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, P.O. Box 2619, 202 Haihe Road, Harbin 150090, China.
E-mail address: (X. Liu).
Received 23 July 2018; Received in revised form 9 May 2019; Accepted 5 June 2019
0926-5805/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Y. Wu, et al. Automation in Construction 106 (2019) 102862

Fig. 1. Isler's ice structure experiments.

technology was further explored by Bini [17,18] with his patented fracture behaviours of ice shell structures.
‘Binishell’ system for RC shells in 1969. In the 1980s, Sobek [19] in- According to the previously mentioned studies, many researchers
vestigated the use of pneumatic formworks for the construction of have conducted studies on the composite materials, construction
concrete shells and focused on how to limit concrete strains during the methods, and failure mechanisms of ice structures. However, these
construction by strengthening the membrane with circumferential steel studies are primary investigations. Several aspects must be further ex-
cables. Isler [20,21] worked with fabric formworks to design and pro- plored, such as the form-finding of complexly shaped inflatable form-
duce shell structures made of ice in the 1960s. Every winter, he con- works, short- and long-term structural performances of ice structures,
ducted experiments by freezing a fabric or spraying water over objects and shape control during the construction.
like plants, inflated balloons, hanging ropes (Fig. 1). An international team of students and professors from the Harbin
From 1985 until 2012, Kokawa [22–24] developed a method for Institute of Technology, Eindhoven University of Technology, and the
creating thin ice shells by alternately spraying layers of snow and water University of Leuven designed and constructed an ice composite shell in
onto a pneumatic formwork. The snow acts as a sponge and absorbs the Harbin, China. The ice shell is 11.0 m wide and 4.3 m high. Its shape is
water, which quickly turns into a solid ice layer. The biggest dome was based on the Chinese Tianshan lotus, which consists of twelve inversed
built in 2001 and had a span of 25 m, which was a world record at that petals, as shown in Fig. 3. The aim was to investigate the construction
time [25]. Based on Kokawa's work, Pronk improved the construction feasibility and long-term mechanical properties of large-span and
method and realized several ice composite structures with inflatable complexly shaped ice structures. The paper is organized as follows:
formworks in 2014 [26], 2015 [27] and 2016 [28]. Dallinger and First, a combined form-finding algorithm is proposed to determine the
Kollegger presented a new construction method that uses inflatable complexly shaped inflatable formwork for the construction (Chapter 2).
formworks for ice domes. The key elements of this newly developed Chapter 3 mainly presents the structural analysis of the ice composite
method are the distortion of individual flat ice segments and their shell based on the finite-element method. Next, the integrated con-
subsequent lifting to the final position in order to form a continuous struction process and some key technologies for the shell shape control
dome structure. They successfully built an ice dome [29] with a base are presented in Chapter 4. The structural reanalysis and long-term
diameter of 10 m and a height of approximately 4 m, as shown in Fig. 2. performance of the ice shell are analysed in Chapter 5. Finally, Chapter
Coar realized a number of fabric-formed ice shell structures with fi- 6 presents the main conclusions.
berglass bars and hanging fabrics as building formworks in 2011 [30].
In 2015, he constructed a fabric-formed ice origami structure [31] in
cooperation with MIT (Mueller) and VUB (De Laet). 2. Form-finding for inflatable formwork
Owing to the complex failure mechanisms of ice, Handy [32] ana-
lysed the mechanical performance of an igloo and revealed its operating The previously mentioned researchers [24,27] used 2D membrane
mechanism. Further, Pronk [26,28] conducted a brief finite-element bags as ice shell construction formworks, which resulted in models with
analysis and predicted the failure mode of the ice shell structure. Ko- relatively regular and simple structures. However, this traditional
kawa [33] conducted a long-term structural observation of an ice shell method is unsuitable for complexly shaped shell designs, such as the
and investigated the variations in the structure performance with re- free-form ice shell in Fig. 3. Thus, a combined optimization algorithm is
spect to the ambient temperature variations. In addition, Li and Du [34] introduced for the form-finding of complexly shaped inflatable form-
used the acoustic emission technology to explore the damage and works in this section.

Fig. 2. Dallinger's construction method for ice domes.

Y. Wu, et al. Automation in Construction 106 (2019) 102862

Fig. 3. Shape of ice composite shell.

2.1. Form-finding method for complexly shaped formworks Further, the stiffness matrix is not required in the iteration process,
which saves memory and time. Therefore, VFIFE has a remarkable
The main purpose of form-finding for inflatable formworks is to predominance regarding nonlinear problems and complex structural
generate a reasonable minimal surface or equilibrium surface which behaviours compared with traditional numerical analysis methods.
approximates the ice shell model via the adjustment of the shape con- The simulated inflatable membrane has constant-strain triangular
trol parameters. A cable net is added to enhance the partial load- elements [15], and the cables are two-node linear elements. The form-
bearing capacity of the inflatable membrane and the global stability. finding for the cable–membrane structure shown in Fig. 4 is based on
For a simple foundation construction and membrane removal, the in- the following assumptions:
flatable formwork and bottom foundation have no additional connec-
tions. The inflatable membrane is only fixed to the foundation via the 1. The membrane element remains flat before and after the deforma-
cable net. The schematic of the cable net is shown in Fig. 4. The bottom tion. The tensile stress of the cable element section is constant along
of the formwork is constrained to the ground by 12 cables. The form- the axial direction, and the cross-sectional area remains constant
finding parameters of the inflatable membrane are set according to the before and after the deformation.
real construction conditions and material parameters, as shown in 2. The membrane and cable can only be tensioned but not compressed
Table 1. and bended. Hence, only three degrees of freedom exist at the nodes
The form-finding shape of the inflatable membrane is closely related of the membrane element and cable element.
to the Young's modulus of the membrane (Em) and Young's modulus of 3. A relative slide between the cable and membrane is not considered
the cable (Ec). Therefore, these two parameters are selected as the form- in the form-finding process. The membrane nodes coincide with the
finding control variables. Further, the vector form intrinsic finite ele- cable nodes, and the nodal imbalance force is the superposition of
ment (VFIFE) method [36] is introduced for the form-finding of the the internal forces of the membrane and cable elements acting on
inflatable membrane, which is a strongly nonlinear and large de- the common node, as shown in Fig. 5.
formation problem. Thus, the traditional finite-element method is in-
effective. Other than traditional numerical analysis methods which are 2.2. Optimization method for form-finding parameters
based on continuum mechanics and vibrational principles, VFIFE is
based on a point value description and the vector mechanics theory. A shape error function φi is defined to evaluate the shape difference
With the description of point values and path units, VFIFE describes the between the form-finding result F and target model T in each point i:
structural system as being composed of particles, the motions of which
are determined by Newton's second law. During the calculation pro- Pt Pf
= ,
cedure, the structural stiffness matrix does not have to be integrated Pt
and can increase (or decrease) elements or change any property of the
where Pt and Pf represent the point coordinates in the target model and
structural system. An advantage of VFIFE is that the equilibrium state
form-finding model, respectively. The genetic algorithm (GA) [37] is
can be obtained via iterations from any assumed unbalanced state.
applied to adjust the shape control variables. The arithmetic mean of
the shape errors φi is used as the fitness function ψ of the GA:

= .
N (2)

Further, the low-elasticity modulus form-finding method is applied

such that the optimization variables Em and Ec must satisfy the fol-
lowing to enhance the computational efficiency and stability of the
optimization algorithm:
1000 Em,i Em (3)

1000 Ec,i Ec (4)

Fig. 4. Schematic of cable net. Em,i < Ec,i (5)

Y. Wu, et al. Automation in Construction 106 (2019) 102862

Table 1
Form-finding parameters.
Analysis parameter Value Analysis parameter Value

Young's modulus of membrane (Em) 1350 MPa Initial pressure (Pinitial) 200 Pa
Poisson's ratio of membrane (νm) 0.3 Section area of cable (Sc) 314 mm2
Thickness of membrane (tm) 0.8 mm Young's modulus of cable (Ec) 8700 MPa
Density of membrane (ρm) 0.6 kg/m2 Tensile strength of cable (σcable) 16.0 MPa

mean values of the ice composite test data are taken as the mechanical
parameters for the structural analysis (Table 2). In addition, the coef-
ficient of the linear expansion of the ice composite is consistent with
that of plain ice for the lack of experimental research. The tensile
strength of plain ice is 0.1 MPa according to the Chinese standard code
GB 51202-2016, the tensile strength of the employed ice composite is
10 times that of plain ice. Further, the compressive strength (5.0 MPa)
is 43% higher than that of plain ice (3.5 MPa). Thus, the incorporation
of composite fibers greatly enhances the mechanical properties of the
plain ice.

3.2. Load cases

Only the dead load of the ice shell is considered in the traditional
structural analysis method [26,33], and little is known about the
structural performance of ice shells under multiple load conditions. The
loads acting on the ice composite shell in this study mainly include the
dead, wind, snow, and thermal loads. By referring to the Chinese
technical standard for ice and snow landscape buildings (GB
51202–2016) and considering that ice shells are only temporary
buildings, the dynamic effects of ice structures are not considered. The
Fig. 5. Interaction between cables and membranes. wind load is determined according to the characteristic value of the
equivalent static wind load specified in the Chinese Load Code (GB
where Em,i and Ec,i denote the membrane Young's modulus and cable 5009–2012), as shown in Fig. 9, which corresponds to a 5-year return
Young's modulus for the iteration step i, respectively. Fig. 6 presents the period. Based on the standard code GB 5009–2012, the characteristic
optimization flow chart of the form-finding process for inflatable value of the snow load on the horizontal projection plane of the
membranes. structure is shown in Fig. 10. The thermal action of the ice composite
shell is based on an ambient temperature of −15 °C (initial tempera-
2.3. Form-finding software platform ture). According to the local meteorological data of Harbin and re-
gardless of other actions (e.g. solar radiation), the average minimal
By combining the VFIFE and GA methods in the parameterized temperature can reach −30 °C, and the average maximal temperature
platform Grasshopper [35], the inflatable formwork analysis software can reach −5 °C during the service period.
ice-Form [38] is developed with C# based on the .NET Framework 4.0. Based on the GB 51202–2016, eight load combinations (Table 3) are
The evolution process of the average fitness of the population is ob- analysed. The bold part represents the controlling load in each load
tained via multiple iterations, as shown in Fig. 7. According to the re- combination; (+) and (−) indicate the temperature increase and de-
sults, the GA exhibits a high convergence and computational efficiency, crease conditions, respectively.
and the minimal fitness function ψmin is calculated with only 95 itera-
tive corrections. Fig. 8 presents the shape error φi of the inflatable 3.3. Static analysis
membrane between the target model and final form-finding model. The
maximal shape error is approximately 3%. It mainly occurs at the in- Abaqus [39] is applied to analyze the ice composite shell. Based on
tersection of the middle petals of the inflatable membrane. It is previous designs and construction experiences, the ice shell is assumed
worthwhile to mention that the VFIFE method uses the explicit in- to have a uniform thickness of 8.0 cm. The finite-element mesh gen-
tegration method. Thus, a reasonable and appropriate time step is very eration is completed with the help of the Gmsh open-source program
important for the convergence of complex nonlinear problems and [40], as shown in Fig. 11. Further, S8R eight-node quadrilateral shell
deserves further investigations. elements are adopted. The bottom of the ice shell is simply supported,
and only the three translational degrees of freedom are constrained.
3. Structural analysis of ice composite shell The maximal tensile stress, maximal compressive stress, and vertical
deformation [41] of the ice composite shell under different load con-
3.1. Material properties of ice composite ditions are listed in Table 4.
According to the table, load combination 4 is the most unfavourable
The employed ice composite material is a white pulp fiber compo- case. In this state, the maximal tensile stress reaches 0.76 MPa and is
site material with a mixture ratio of approximately 1%, which considers mainly distributed at the bottom of the ice shell. The maximal com-
the influence of the pump efficiency in the subsequent construction. pressive stress is approximately −0.64 MPa and mainly distributed at a
Based on the previous material tests conducted by Pronk [2,10], the height of approximately 70–80 cm from the ice shell bottom. The

Y. Wu, et al. Automation in Construction 106 (2019) 102862

Fig. 6. Optimization flow chart.

Fig. 7. Evolution of entire population (ψmin). Fig. 8. Form-finding shape error analysis.

maximal tensile and compressive stresses do not exceed the specified 4. Construction of ice composite shell
strength limits in Table 2. As shown in Fig. 12, the maximal vertical
deformation under the load combination is approximately 8.2 mm. It is 4.1. Construction process
mainly concentrated in the top area of the ice shell. The value is much
lower than the allowable displacement value (L/500 = 22 mm). The The construction process of the ice composite shell consists of six
static analysis results show that the influences of wind and snow loads major steps, as shown in Fig. 13. Firstly, the ice ring beam is built with
are insignificant because the ice shell structure is a temporary building. ice bricks, and the bottom cable is fixed to the ring beam. After the ice
The temperature action is the key factor affecting the structural safety ring beam is frozen completely, the inflatable formwork is installed, and
of the ice shell. the cable net is connected with U-shaped buckles. The internal pressure
of the inflatable formwork is gradually increased to the final design

Y. Wu, et al. Automation in Construction 106 (2019) 102862

Table 2
Material parameters (−15 °C).
Material parameters Ice Ice composite Material parameters Ice Ice composite

Compressive strength 3.5 MPa 5.0 MPa Density 920 kg/m 900 kg/m3
Tensile strength 0.1 MPa 1.0 MPa Coefficient of linear expansion 50e−6/°C 50e−6/°C
Young's modulus 850 MPa 800 MPa Poisson's ratio 0.3 0.3

Fig. 11. Finite-element mesh.

Table 4
Structural analysis results for different load conditions.
Load Maximal tensile Maximal compressive Maximal vertical
condition stress (MPa) stress (MPa) deformation (mm)

1 0.48 −0.38 −3.4

Fig. 9. Wind load distribution diagram. 2 0.51 −0.54 −3.1
3 0.53 −0.49 −7.0
4 0.76 −0.64 −8.2
5 0.52 −0.38 −4.1
6 0.53 −0.50 −7.7
7 0.48 −0.34 −5.5
8 0.38 −0.36 −5.4

pressure of 300 Pa. Subsequently, the cellulose–water mixture is pro-

duced and continuously sprayed onto the external surface of the in-
flatable formwork with a centrifugal pump. The spraying continues
until the thickness of the ice shell approximately reaches the design
thickness (8.0 cm). After that, the inner inflatable formwork can be
removed, and the ice composite shell is completed, as shown in Fig. 14.
The previously mentioned construction process is similar to
Kokawa's method [24] but considers some improvements for the
spraying material. In the ice pantheon projects [42] of Kokawa, a
combination of snow and fresh water is used. Milled snow is used to
cool down the water such that the water freezes faster. The snow ab-
Fig. 10. Snow load distribution diagram. sorbs the water. This self-compacting effect increases the density of the
so-called ‘Snow-Ice’. During each blowing procedure, the snow depth
Table 3 must be maintained below approximately 1 cm. Otherwise, when the
Load combination factors. water is sprayed, only the upper layer of the snow will transform into
ice, and the other layer may remain as snow. This condition is called
Limit State No. Dead load Wind Snow Thermal
‘sandwich snow’ and causes material imperfections in the completed ice
ULS 1 1.2 1.4 1.4/0.7 1.4/0.7(+) shell. In this study, a cellulose–water mixture is used instead of the
2 1.2 1.4/0.7 1.4/0.7 1.4(+) traditional snow–ice mixture. The composite material is uniformly
3 1.2 1.4 1.4/0.7 1.4/0.7(−)
sprayed with a centrifugal pump until the design thickness is reached.
4 1.2 1.4/0.7 1.4/0.7 1.4(−)
5 1.35 1.4/0.7 1.4/0.7 1.4/0.7(+)
The field experiments show that the addition of pulp fibers enhances
6 1.35 1.4/0.7 1.4/0.7 1.4/0.7(−) the adhesion of the composite material to the inflatable formwork. In
7 1.35 1.4/0.7 1.4/0.7 0 addition, pulp fibers with small particles have a better water retention
SLS 8 1.0 1.0 0.7 0.7(−) capacity, which reduces the water injection loss.
Notes: ULS denotes the ultimate limit state and SLS denotes the serviceability
limit state.

Y. Wu, et al. Automation in Construction 106 (2019) 102862

Fig. 12. Structural responses under load combination 4.

Fig. 13. Construction process of the ice composite shell.

Y. Wu, et al. Automation in Construction 106 (2019) 102862

Fig. 14. Night scene of ice composite shell.

4.2. Analysis of working pressure

Fig. 16. Force diagram of ice shell and membrane.
The working pressure of the inflatable membrane has an important
effect on the shape control of the building formwork and the ice shell Sstr + Sdef
stability during the construction. At present, there is a lack of relevant = ,
Sice (6)
research on thin shell structures constructed with inflatable formworks.
Sobek [43] discussed the initial shape of a reinforced concrete shell and where Sstr represents the area in which the stresses exceed the limits
the deformations of an inflatable formwork caused by shotcrete. Gen- (σt > σtf or σc > σcf), and Sdef expresses the area in which the de-
erally, concrete requires a long curing period (usually more than formations exceed the limit (d > L/500).
28 days) to resist its dead weight and external loads. Therefore, for the As shown in Fig. 15, with gradually increasing ice shell thickness,
load analysis of the inflatable formwork, the full thickness of the con- the over-limit area of the ice shell structure decreases gradually. When
crete shell should be considered in the load case. Compared with the the thickness of the ice shell exceeds 2.0 cm, the structural over-limit
traditional concrete material, the strength development of the ice rate of the ice shell structure is less than 1%. It can be observed that
composite is completely different because it is closely related to the when the thickness of the ice shell exceeds a certain limit, the ice shell
freezing rate. It can resist the loads when the liquid material freezes structure can carry its dead load independently. Then, the internal
into a solid. pressure of the inflatable formwork can be reduced. Thus, the power
Abaqus is applied to simulate the structural behaviour of the ice consumption and construction costs can be effectively reduced. It is
composite shell with varying thicknesses. Because the construction time assumed that the inflatable formwork carries the total load of the ice
of the ice shell is short, only the dead load is considered in the overall shell structure when the shell thickness is less than 2.0 cm.
mechanical analysis of the ice composite shell. The ice shell thickness is Based on the previous analysis, a schematic of the equilibrium
gradually increased from 0.1 cm to the design thickness of 8.0 cm, and a analysis for the ice shell and membrane can be approximately derived
structural response over-limit rate function ν is defined to express the (Fig. 16):
overall structural behaviour of the ice shell structure:
P=T + G, (7)

where T represents the membrane stress, G the dead load of the ice shell
with 2.0 cm thickness per unit area, and P the internal pressure of the
inflatable formwork. Further, = 1 r with r as maximal curvature ra-
dius. To prevent the relaxation of the inflatable membrane, a membrane
stress of more than 25% of the initial form-finding pressure (Table 1)
must be ensured:

T > 25% Pinitial = 25% 200Pa = 50Pa (8)

The minimal working pressure Pmin is determined by substituting

the relevant parameter values:

Pmin > T + G = 234 Pa (9)

Based on previous ice shell construction experiences, Kokawa's

empirical value [24] for the working pressure is in the range of
300–500 Pa. The theoretical minimal working pressure obtained in this
study is close to the result of Kokawa. By considering the possibility of
sudden accidents (e.g. membrane deflation and the requirements of the
foundation anchorage and cable net bearing capacity of the inflatable
formwork) during the construction process, a final working pressure P
Fig. 15. Structural response over-limit rate. of 300 Pa is obtained.

Y. Wu, et al. Automation in Construction 106 (2019) 102862

Fig. 17. Deformation diagram for different geometric imperfections.

Fig. 19. Distribution of key points for error monitoring of structural construc-

stress of the ice shell also increase with increasing geometric deviation,
as illustrated in Fig. 18. The maximal tensile stress and maximal com-
pressive stress increase by 44.7% and 40.1% for 1/100 initial im-
perfection, respectively, which exceeds the limits in Table 2.
According to the previously presented calculation results for the ice
shell structure, it can be concluded that the maximal deformation and
maximal stress of the ice composite shell are greatly influenced by
geometric imperfections. Thus, the construction error should be con-
trolled during the ice shell construction. Regarding the ice shell men-
tioned in this paper, the construction errors should be maintained
within 1/300 to satisfy structural security.

5. Monitoring of ice composite shell

Fig. 18. Stress diagram for different geometric imperfections. 5.1. Structural monitoring scheme

The thickness and coordinates of several key points of the ice shell
4.3. Analysis of construction error
are measured after its construction. The key points lie on the crossover
points of the rope connection, as shown in Fig. 19. The thickness of the
Compared with the traditional rigid scaffold, the inflatable form-
ice shell is measured by drilling a hole through it. The three-dimen-
work applied in the ice shell construction is a flexible formwork and
sional coordinates of the key points are measured with an electronic
exhibits various uncertain factors on the construction site. Hence, the
total station [45].
shape of the completed shell is difficult to predict. The deviations [44]
To observe the long-term structural performance of the ice compo-
in the ice composite shell mainly originate from two aspects: first, the
site shell in the natural environment, it is monitored for 55 days until its
imperfections of the inflatable formwork (including form-finding de-
collapse. Thereby, the thickness variations of the ice shell and vertical
viations) and installation errors during the construction process;
deformations of certain key points with respect to the ambient tem-
second, the thickness deviations caused by the inhomogeneous spraying
perature changes are monitored. The measured points are divided into
of the cellulose–water mixture. Owing to the lack of relevant theoretical
two groups: two points on the sun-side and three points on the night-
and experimental research studies on the influence of imperfections on
side, as shown in Fig. 20. Further, by using a probe-type temperature
ice shells, the initial defect distribution of the structure is determined
hygrometer, the temperature and humidity of the ice shell are mon-
with the least-order model for eigenvalue buckling with reference to the
itored. Fig. 21 shows photographs of the ice shell on-site monitoring
consistent-mode imperfection method applied for conventional con-
crete thin shell structures. For the deviation analysis model, 1/1000, 1/
600, 1/300, and 1/100 of the ice shell span (L) are selected as structural
5.2. Structural reanalysis based on construction error monitoring data
imperfection amplitude. Fig. 17 presents the curve of the maximal de-
formations of the ice shell for different imperfections. The maximal
The thicknesses of the key points of the ice shell are measured via
displacement of the structure increases with increasing geometric im-
the previously mentioned monitoring method. The minimal thickness of
perfection. When the deviation is L/100, the maximal deformation of
the key point is 7.8 cm; the maximal thickness is approximately 11.2 cm
the shell reaches 0.01715 m, which is approximately twice the value of
(Fig. 22). Thus, the maximal deviation from the designed thickness of
the perfect model. The maximal tensile stress and maximal compressive
8.0 cm is 3.2 cm. The thicknesses of the most key points are larger than

Y. Wu, et al. Automation in Construction 106 (2019) 102862

Fig. 22. Thickness of partial key points.

Fig. 20. Distribution of key points for long-term structural monitoring.

the designed thickness. The non-uniform thickness of the ice shell is

mainly due to the incongruous spraying process and the fluidity of the
composite material.
Simultaneously, the coordinates of the key points of the ice shell are
measured. The construction errors can be determined by comparing the
coordinates of the key points on the completed ice shell with those of
the corresponding points in the design model. The calculation equation
is consistent with Eq. (1). As shown in Fig. 23, the right side of the ice
shell entrance exhibits a greater deviation. The maximal construction
error is approximately 8.86%. These errors are mainly due to the par-
tially insecure cable anchorage of the inflatable formwork, which
causes the corresponding part of the inflatable membrane and the re-
sulting ice shell to be upward. The finite-element model of the ice shell
presented in Chapter 3 is modified by using the measured geometric
coordinates and thickness of the ice shell (Fig. 24). Subsequently, the Fig. 23. Shape error analysis of real model and design model.
static analysis of the modified model is carried out with Abaqus. The
analytical results show that the maximal vertical deformation of the ice
5.3. Long-term performance analysis of ice structure
structure is approximately 10.1 mm and does not exceed the displace-
ment limit of 22.0 mm. The maximal tensile stress and compressive
Thickness reductions of the ice shell structure exposed to the natural
stress of the structure are 0.88 MPa and 0.73 MPa, respectively, and
environment will cause irreparable structural damages. Thickness re-
thereby all within the material strength limit, as shown in Fig. 25.
ductions are mainly caused by the sublimation and melting of the ice
According to the reanalysis of the ice structure, the completed ice shell
material under solar radiation, ambient temperature, and humidity.
structure satisfies the structural safety requirements.
The monitoring data in Fig. 26 show that when the daily maximal

Fig. 21. On-site monitoring of ice shell.

Y. Wu, et al. Automation in Construction 106 (2019) 102862

Fig. 24. Modified finite-element model.

Fig. 26. Thickness variations of sun-side and night-side key point.

temperature is below −5 °C, the key points of the sun-side and night-
side exhibit no significant thickness variations. The thickness variations
of the ice shell are mainly due to the natural sublimation of the ice
structure caused by environmental factors. Moreover, the sublimation
rate of the sun-side is approximately 0.33 mm/day. The sublimation
rate of the night-side is approximately 1/3 that of the sun-side. The ice
shell test of Ishizawa in Antarctica [46] in 1993 led to a similar con-
clusion: the thickness of an ice dome rapidly decreases owing to sub-
limation in summer when the average ambient temperature is below
−8 °C. However, the sublimation rate of the ice shell has not been re-
corded in this experiment. For a daily temperature above −5 °C, the
thickness of the sun-side decreases evidently. It decreases to 1.5 cm in
approximately 10 days under the combined influences of solar radiation
and temperature factors. The main reason for the thickness reduction of
the ice shell on the sun-side is the heat absorption (solar radiation) on
the ice shell surface, which leads to a higher local temperature on the
sun-side with respect to the ambient temperature. Thus, the higher local
temperature can reach the melting point temperature of the ice mate-
rial. However, the thickness of the night-side decreases slightly. The Fig. 27. Deformation and thickness variation of sun-side key point.
influence of the solar radiation on the night-side is weak, and the
thickness reduction is mainly due to the natural sublimation of the January 3 and February 11), the sun-side of the ice shell deforms by
material (sublimation rate of approximately 1.25 mm/day). This ana- approximately 0.4 cm. The deformation rate (0.01 cm/day) is much
lysis indicates that the ambient temperature and solar radiation have lower than the theoretical value (0.22 cm/day) provided by Kokawa
significant influences on the thickness variations of an ice shell. [47] for the same rise–span ratio. The main reason for the difference is
According to the thickness variations in Fig. 26, the sun-side of the that the ‘sandwich snow’ problem exists in the snow–ice material used
ice shell is a weak part during the long-term service. Further, the by Kokawa for the ice shell construction. The problem leads to a low
change laws of both thickness variations and vertical deformations of compactness of the plain ice and very large creep deformations of the
the sun-side ice shell are depicted in Fig. 27. When the daily maximal ice structure. With increasing temperature, the structural deformation
temperature is below −5 °C (corresponding to interval between increases to the limited design deformation value of L/500 = 2.2 cm.

Fig. 25. Structural reanalysis results.

Y. Wu, et al. Automation in Construction 106 (2019) 102862

Fig. 28. Exterior view immediately after the collapse.

Afterwards, the deformation rate increases exponentially to a maximal Acknowledgements

value of 6.0 cm. Finally, the ice shell collapses. According to the
thickness variations and vertical deformations in Fig. 27, both vary The authors are grateful for the financial support from National
slightly at low temperatures. When the daily temperature exceeds Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) under Grant No.
−5 °C, the thickness decreases rapidly, which degenerates the local 51778182. And the authors would like to acknowledge all the members
bearing capacity and causes a large vertical deformation. and volunteers who participated in the ice shell construction.
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influences of the ambient temperature and solar radiation, the ice References
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