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Prepared by:


Period of Utilization: FIRST Semester 2021-2022

Reviewed by:


Chair, Social Science Department Chair ,IM Committee


Program Chairperson Chair, Curriculum Committee

Recommending Approval:


Dean, CAS


Director, Curriculum and Instruction

Approved for Utilization:


Vice President, Academic Affairs


COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to appreciate and practice dance as lifelong recreational
activity for health and wellness. It will give extensive understanding in fundamental dance step, proper
execution, form and timing which aims to promote fitness and to arrange and create different dance
combinations and routines.

CREDITS: 2-0-2


At the end of the course, the students should be able to:

A. Competencies

1.) Identify concepts of basic to more complex dances.

2.) Recognize mechanics in learning and developing skills in dancing.

3.) Create dance routines and combinations that promotes lifelong fitness.

B. Skills

1.) Properly execute movements, patterns and different dance forms.

2.) Demonstrate different exercises and drills to improve skills in dancing.

3.) Perform and interpret different kinds of dances.

C. Values

1. Demonstrate creativity, positive self-image and feelings of self-worth through dance

as an enhancement activity in achieving a healthy lifestyle.

Teaching-Learning Activities

Online Research
Group Activity
Video Tutorials/Demonstrations


Movement/Skills Analysis
Performance Test (Video Presentations)
Practical Test (Video Presentations)
Written Quizzes/Exam
Grading System:

A. Activities/Performance Task……..60%
B. Term Exams…………………………..….40%

TOTAL: 100%

Class Policies:

1.) All online meetings shall begin and end at the designated class schedule provided by the TAU-
OUR. If student is unable to attend to online discussions, he/she must notify the course facilitator
immediately to arrange other modalities for learning and discussions.

2.) E- learning packs and materials will be distributed by the course facilitator at the beginning of the
class. It is the student’s preference if he/ she may want to print these learning materials. In cases
wherein student lacks mobile device, internet connection, or any other means to get the e- learning
materials, he/she must communicate with the course facilitator immediately.

3.) During online classes or discussions, the student must turn off or put into silent mode his/her
mobile device to avoid distraction. Video recording during e- discussions is also prohibited. E- copy of
discussion video will be posted by the course facilitator at the google classroom assigned to the subject.

4.) Students MUST comply to all requirement provided by the course facilitator, as much as
possible, within the given time frame or period of submission. If not possible, late submission is still
allowed provided that the course facilitator is notified ahead of time and the reason for late submission
of requirement is valid.

5.) All students are also required to give all the contact information he/she may have to the course
facilitator (e.g. cellphone number/s, Facebook account, e-mail/s). This information will be solely used for
academic purposes only. For students who does not have any means or contact information, please
notify to course facilitator immediately.

6.) All outputs shall be submitted in the Google classroom or any modalities discussed in the online
class. If the student is not able to submit requirements via online modality, he/she must notify the
course facilitator immediately to arranged other ways in which he/she can pass her requirement.

Wee Topic/Content
1 Overview of the subject/course.
Course requirements and Grading System
2-3 I. Introduction
A. Meaning of dance
B. Phases of dance program
C. Reasons why people dance
D. Kinds of dances
A. Simple exercises to improve dancing
B. Tips and reminders on how to become a good dancer
C. Ten Rules of correct dancing position which can be practiced with an
imaginary partner


A. What Is Folkdance?
a.) Descriptions/Kinds of Folk Dance
b.) Characteristics of Philippine Folk Dances
c.) Do’s in Folk Dancing
B. Fundamental Dance Positions of Arms and Feet in Folk Dance
C. Basic Dance Steps in 2/4 and 3/4 time signature

D. Dance Interpretations
10 Mid-Term Exam
11- IV. Social/Ballroom Dance
14 A. What is Ballroom Dance?
B. Classification of Ballroom Dances
C. Benefits of Ballroom Dancing
D. Dance Steps in:
1. Swing
2. Cha-cha

15- V. Fitness Dance

19 Final Exam


After this lesson, the students are expected to:

1.) Explain the meaning of dance.

2.) Discuss the concepts of dance.

3.) Enumerate the phases of dance program.


A. Meaning of dance
B. Phases of dance program
C. Reasons why people dance
D. Kinds of dances

Dance – comes from the German word “danse” meaning “to stretch”
- a form of movement usually accompanied by music wherein the dancers move in
time with music.
- a social expressions of feelings and thoughts of people or group of people
through body movement

Two Important factors in dancing:

1.) Rhythm – term which denotes an aspect of quality of movement

-measured motion of flow, characterized by basically regular recurrence of elements or
features as beats, sounds, or accents.
2.) Motion – movements of the body


1. Creative Rhythms – an end product of exploration and improvisation of movements as
children learn the parts of their body and to use them as instruments of expression.
2. Folk/Ethnic Dance – cultural art form handed down from generation to generation. It
communicates the customs, beliefs, rituals, and occupations of the people or the country.
3. Social/Ballroom Dance – dances in social gatherings with more formal atmosphere generally
held during evenings and participants are usually in formal attire.
4. Recreational Dance – includes dance mixers, square dance, round and couple dances
generally during informal gatherings and parties, reunions and the like.
5. Creative Dance – the highest form dance. It is the end product of exploration and
improvisation of movements as the dancer or choreographer expresses his feelings or
emotions, ideas, and interpretations. A dance with a definite form, a beginning and an

1.) As a Profession – to educate and entertain others

2.) Religious purposes – for thanksgiving and different rites of passages; praises;
to drive away bad spirits
3.) Entertainment – mass and people, royalty and nobility
4.) Courtship
5.) Outlet of self-expression, personal creativity
6.) Celebrations for occasions and festivities
7.) Therapy – emotional outlet and rehabilitation
8.) Health and fitness as a form or exercise


1. Rhythmic dance
2. Folk/Ethnic dance
3. Ballroom/Social dance
4. Modern Dance
5. Hip-hop
6. Contemporary dance
7. Cheerdance
8. Aerobic dance
9. Zumba, etc.
Performance Task /Activity 1: Brainstorming and Sharing Experiences

1.) Make a video of yourself while answering the following questions orally.
2.) Start by introducing yourself first, by saying your name, age, and where do you live.
3.) You can write your answer in a piece of paper and you can read it, to make easier for you.
4.) You can use English or Tag-lish in answering the questions.
5.) Please limit the video within 1-2 minutes only.
a.)Do you dance? If yes or no, explain your answer in 3-5 sentences.
b.)“Dance is an art”. Please elaborate/discuss in 3-5 sentences.
c.)Dancing is a “skill”. Please elaborate/discuss in 3-5 sentences.
d.)What kind of dance you like most? Why? Explain your answer in 3-5 sentences.
Criteria/Grading System:
1.) Correct Answer/Reasoning =50%
2.) Clarity and Briefness…………=50%

6.)Send your video in Google Classroom / Personal Messenger /Email of your Instructor.
(which is more convenient for you.)


After this lesson, the students are expected to:
1.) Acquire the knowledge in learning how to the dance.
2.) Understand the concept on how to improve dancing skills.
3.) Apply the techniques in learning how to dance.

A. Simple Exercises to Improve Dancing

B. Tips and reminders on how to become a good dancer
C. Ten Rules of Correct Dancing Position which can be practiced with an
imaginary partner


Note: Counting (counts or cts.)- Number of repetitions.
1. Starting with feet together, kick your right foot forward as far as possible- toe pointed
out and leading. Return to feet together and do the same with your left foot. Do this
sideward and backward. This exercise will train your feet and ankles to look attractive
from both the side and back views.
Counting: 8cts each. (Forward/Backward/Sideward Right/Sideward Left)
2. Stand with your heels together and your hands loosely at your side. Step sideways on
your right foot to the right, and draw your left foot behind the right. At the same time,
bring your arms and hands up. Sway to the right. Repeat with your left foot to the left
side, and draw your right foot behind the left. At the same time, bring your arms and
hands up.
Counting: 16cts to the right/ 16 counts to the left
3. Starting position, feet cross stand. Body bends outside to the left and to the right.
Counting: Bend to the right, hold for 12cts.
Bend to the left, hold for 12cts.
4. Standing feet together, take a long step forward with your right foot, and place your
weight on the foot. Bend the right knee and keeping the body erect, bend as far down
as possible. (Forward Lunges) Do this also on the Left leg.
Counting: Forward Right leg: Bend on your knee, hold for 12cts.
Forward Left leg: Bend on your knee, hold for 12cts.
5. Standing feet together, without bending your body forward, raise your right foot until its
parallel to the floor. Stretch your toes out-not up.
Counting: Right leg forward: Hold it for 5cts. then lower it slowly. Repeat 3x
Left leg forward: Hold it for 5cts. Then lower it slowly. Repeat 3x
6. Breathing exercise:
Start with feet together, arms on the side. Step right foot forward, rise up un your toes,
and raise your arms upward while doing the Inhale breathing. Bring down your arms and
toes down, do the exhale breathing. Do this slowly, 3x. Feet together, step left foot
forward and repeat the breathing exercise.


1. All body motions in dancing are governed entirely by the movement of your feet and
placement of your weight.
2. Movement of the feet and placement of the weight are two factors that should be
concentrated in order to acquire the correct dancing appearance.
3. In any kind of dance lessons either in written instruction or video, pay attention to the
foot that carry the weight.
4. Don’t strive for graceful motions by swaying from the waist or moving your head or
shoulders. Always maintain your height.
5. If the step you are learning calls for a turn of the body or shoulder movement, that will
come automatically, without conscious thought the way you move your feet and place
your weight.
6. In learning new step, it takes repetitions before your muscles can achieve smooth
flowing motions. These are the routines:
1. Repeat the step, without music, twelve times (12x). Repeat with feet
together each time, count aloud.
2. Still without music, repeat the pattern continuously as you progress around
the room.
3. Dance with the music, using slow tempo. Count with the music.
4. Try dancing with the steps with fast/normal tempo.
1. Practice correct dancing position, face the mirror and stand naturally and comfortably.
2. Raise your arm in a typical dancing position with a partner.
3. Maintain a good standing position (feet together). Bring out the best in your looks.
4. Keep the weight over the balls of your feet, it will make you feel quicker and lighter as a
5. Maintain a habit of keeping feet close together unless you are taking a definite step.
Feet apart is not a pretty sight.
6. For graceful dancing, always turn your toes out, not in.
7. When dancing with partner, adopt a comfortable position for both of you not too close
and not too far.
8. The man’s right arms is held at the level that most comfortable to his height and that of
his partner. The woman should take a firm hold of her left hand just in the back of the
man’s right shoulder.
9. A man can lead best when he holds his partner almost directly in front of him, just a bit
of his right. This way, he can look ahead, over her right shoulder.
10. Don’t lean forward or backward just assume a natural, comfortable position and your
partner will find you a natural comfortable dancing companion.

Performance Task /Activity 2: ”KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS LEARNED”


Choose 1 of the following:

1.) Make a video of yourself while doing the simple exercises to improve dancing. Time
duration: Approximately 3miuntes.
Grading System: Interpretation 50%;Execution 25%;Enthusiasm 25%
2.) Search other exercises/stretching to improve dancing skill and make a video of yourself
doing the activity. Limit the video within 2-3 minutes only.
Grading System: Execution 50%;Effectiveness 25%;Enthusiasm 25%



After this lesson, the students are expected to:

1.) Learn basic dance movements.
2.) Acquire proper dance form and positions.
3.) Perform dance routines flawlessly and gracefully in time with the music.


A. What Is Folkdance?
a.) Descriptions/Kinds of Folk Dance
b.) Characteristics of Philippine Folk Dances
c.) Do’s in Folk Dancing
B. Fundamental Dance Positions of Arms and Feet in Folk Dance
C. Basic Dance Steps in 2/4 and 3/4 time signature

A. Folk dances are traditionally dances of a country which evolved naturally and spontaneously
in connection with everyday activities and experiences of people . These are traditional
dances handed down from generation to generation that describes the traditions, belief,
occupations, ways of life and characteristics of people living in a certain nation through body

a.) Descriptions/Kinds of Folk Dances

1.) National Dances -present throughout the island with little or no modification.
2.) Local Dances – present in certain localities only.
3.) Occupational – dances depicting action of certain occupation, industry or human labor.
4.) Religious or Ceremonial -dances being performed in connection with religious vows and
5.) Comic Dances – depicting funny movements for entertainment.
6.) Game Dances – having play elements (dance mixers)
7.) Wedding Dances – dances being performed during wedding feast.
8.) Courtship Dances – dances depicting love-making
9.) Festival Dances – dances fitting for special occasion or any social gathering.
10.)War Dances -dances showing imaginary combat or duel.

b.) Characteristics of Philippine Folk Dances

Philippine Folk dances are described in terms of the following:

1.) Dancers stand apart.

2.) Partners stay apart at 6’ away.
3.) There is little, if any, bodily contact.
4.) Most dancers are in long formation.
5.) Most of the dances are done by pairs or couples.
6.) Hand movements play an important part.
7.) Most dances begin and ends with “saludo”.
8.) Dance from the lowlands have more foreign elements than those found in the uplands.
9.) War dances are found among non-Christian tribes.

c.) Do’s in Folk Dancing

Folk Dancing will require the following tips:

1.) Dance in natural, simple and direct manner.

2.) Dance with ease and smoothness.
3.) Use proper costumes for dance.
4.) Follow directions and dance instructions as closely as possible.
5.) Dance with feeling ang expression.


The fundamental positions of the arms in folk dancing include five positions:

First Position:

Arms are raised forward forming circle in front of the chest with fingertips of both hands
about an inch apart.
Second Position:
The arms are placed sideways a little below shoulder level with palms facing up.
Third Position:
The right arm is raised above the head forming half a circle (amplified position),
while the arm remains in second position.
Fourth Position:
The right arms is still raised and remains in an amplified position, while the
left arm is placed in front of the chest, as in the first position.
Fifth Position:
Both arms are raised forming a circle over the head in an amplified position.
Folk dancing requires the five fundamental positions of the feet.

First Position:
Both heels are together while toes are apart at an angle of about 45 degree or more.
Second Position:
Both feet apart sideward about a pace distance. Heels are parallel to each other.
Third Position:
The right heel of one foot is close to the instep of the left foot.
Fourth Position:
The right foot is forward about a pace distance with toes out.
Fifth Position:
The right foot is placed in front of the left foot with the right heel close t
o the toes of the left foot.


a.) Dances in 2/4 time signature

Polka sa Nayon
b.) Dances in 3/4 time signature
Sayaw sa Cuyo

BASIC STEPS IN 2/4 (You can also perform/execute in ¾)

Dance Steps Step Pattern and Counting No. of measure

1 Bleking step Heel-place, close 1
Ct. 1 ct.2
2 Close step Step, close 1
Ct.1 ct.2
3 Brush step Step, brush 1
Ct.1 ct.2
4 Step swing Step , swing 1
Ct.1 ct.2
5 Cut step Cut or displace 1
6 Hop step Step, hop 1
Ct.1 ct.2
7 Touch step Point . close 1
Ct.1 ct.2
8 Cross step Cross step, close 1
Ct.1 ct.2
9 Slide step Slide, step 1
Ct.1 ct.2
10 Rocking step Fall & raise ,fall & raise 1
Ct. 1 ct.2

Basic Steps in ¾
Dance steps Step Pattern and Counting Measure
1 Change step Step, close, step 1
Ct. 1 ct. and ct.2
2 Cross changed step Cross step, close, step 1
Ct.1 ct. and ct.2
3 Contragansa Leap, cross step, close 1
Ct.1 ct. and ct.2
4 Heel and toe change Heel in front, point toe bwd. Step,close 2
step step ct.1 ct.2 ct.1 and ct.2

Performance Task /Activity 3 (MID-TERM EXAM): “DANCE INTERPRETATION”


1. Watch the tutorial video and demo in Fundamentals in Folk Dance.
2. Option A:
a.) Make a video of yourself performing the fundamental arms and feet position (right
and left), and fundamental basic steps.
b.) You can use any music of your choice. 2/4 or 3/4 time signature
Option B:
a.) Interpret your chosen Philippine Folk dance
b.) Make a video presentation

3. Individual or pair or you can create a group with your classmates near you (maximum 6

4. Criteria/Rubric-Dance Routine

Criteria 5 Excellent 4 Very 3 2 Needs 1 Poor Rate
Satisfactory Satisfactory Improvement
1. Mastery Showed very Almost Showed Showed little Performed
of Steps high level of showed average mastery of poorly of the
mastery of mastery of mastery of the steps dance steps
the dance the steps the steps
steps but some
errors are
2. Proper Showed Executed the Executed the Executed the Executed the
Execution excellent dance steps dance steps dance steps dance steps
performance almost with average with little incorrectly
accurately accuracy accuracy
but some
errors were
3. Rhythm/ Followed the Followed the Followed the Could hardly Could not
Tempo correct beat correct beat correct beat catch up with catch up with
and tempo and tempo and tempo the beat and the beat and
of the music of music but of music tempo of tempo of
excellently some error with average music music
were accuracy
4.Coordina- Showed Showed Showed Showed little Performed the
tion / exemplary coordinated average coordination dance without
Timing coordinated movements coordination and timing control and
movements but slight of proper timing
errors were movements
5.Good Showed very Showed high Showed Showed very Failed to show
Form high level of level of average little level of gracefulness,
gracefulness, gracefulness level of gracefulness, poise and
poise and , gracefulness, poise and bearing in
bearing in poise and poise and bearing in performing the
performing bearing in bearing in performing dance steps
the dance performing performing the dance
steps the dance the dance steps
steps steps
6. Showed very Showed high Showed Showed little Failed to
Enthusiasm high interest interest in average interest in perform the
in executing executing interest in executing the dance steps
the dance the dance executing dance steps enthusiastically
steps steps the dance

Scale Equivalence and Interpretation

Scale Equivalent Interpretations

Grade in
Percent (%)
5 95% - 100% You showed an excellent performance! Congratulations! I’m
very proud of you.
4 89% - 94% You did a very good performance although you committed
minimal error. Try to work on it. Keep it up!
3 82% - 88% You did a good performance. Try to exert more effort in getting
a higher grade next performance. Good Luck!
2 75% - 81% Your grade though passing shows that you did not exert so
much effort. Try to exert more effort in getting a higher grade
next performance. Good Luck!
1 Below 75% You got a failing grade in this activity. I am sure that this is not
what you are aiming for. Please see me during our consultation
To get your total score, add the points. Divide it by the number of criteria (6) to get the
average. Then refer to the equivalent grade in %. It’s up to the evaluator to choose the exact
corresponding percentage. Example: Scale 5 may be between 95% - 100%.

5. Send your video in Google Classroom / Personal Messenger /Email of your Instructor (which is
convenient for you.)



After this lesson, the students are expected to:

1.) Understand the benefits of social /ballroom dancing.

2.) Perform basic steps and routines of Swing and Cha-cha-cha.

3.) Enjoy dancing as an exercise and physical activity.


A. What is Social/Ballroom Dance?

B. Classification of Social/Ballroom Dances

C. Benefits of Social/ Ballroom Dancing


Ballroom dance may refer to almost any type of social dancing used for recreation. It also refers
to a set of partner dances, which are enjoyed both socially and competitively around the world. There
are also a number of historical dances, and local or national dances, which may be danced in ballrooms
or salons.

The term “ballroom dancing” is derived from the word ball, which in turn originates from the
Latin word “ballare” which means “ to dance”. In times past, ballroom dancing was social dancing for the
privileged, leaving folk dancing for the lower classes. These boundaries have since become blurred, and
it should noted even in times long gone, many ballroom dances were really elevated folk dances. Social
dancing is more relaxed; dancers don’t have to exhibit and show off. They just have to express
themselves in the dance.

1) Standard/Ballroom style. These are flowing dances where the couple move around the entire dance
floor in a counter clockwise fashion.

 Waltz
 Tango
 Foxtrot
 Quickstep
 Paso Doble

2.)Latin Style. These are energetic dances that reflect the syncopated rhythm of the music being danced

o Swing
o Rumba
o Samba
o Mambo
o Cha-cha
o Jive


1. It is a wonderful, gentle but thorough way to exercise your body.

2. Develops coordination of mind and muscle.
3. Encourages good poise, regardless of age.
4. Tones up the body and gives that “good to be alive” feeling.
5. Teaches social graces.
6. Helps to keep you youthful and up-to-date.
7. One of the few hobbies of couple or friends can do together.
8. A great social asset.
9. Promotes self-confidence and self-assurance.
10. Probably the cheapest and most rewarding way to spend your leisure time.
11. Can be started at five years of age and can still be enjoyed when you are 95!


I. SWING – in 1930’s which ballroom dance reached one of its highest peaks of popularity and
finesse in the United States came the New Orleans and Chicago-style Jazz of Benny Goodman,
who is the band leader credited with developing rhythm eventually known as Swing.

Basic Steps in Swing: Male and Female

Counting: 1,2,3,4 = 1 measure

Count 1- Step Right foot forward
Count 2- Step Left foot forward
Count 3- Step Right foot backward
Count 4- Step Left foot backward
Count 1 and 2 you are in close position (pulling your partner to come closer)
Count 3 and 4 wide/ open position (pushing your partner using both hands, arm length)

Proper Position:

FRONT Side/ Audience

Male – Female
(left side) – (right side)
Back Side

( The female partner is always on the right side of the male partner when facing Audience/ or
Instructor or/ video camera)

Example Routines/Figures in SWING

Suggested Music: 1.)” Awitin At Isasayaw Ko” 2.) “Dance Again”

Figure 1- Basic Steps

a.) Starting position. Two hand hold, facing partner.

b.) Swing Basic steps 4x (4 measures)

Figure 2- Quarter Turns

a.) Starting position. Two hand hold, facing partner.

b.) Male/Female: Step right foot (ct.1) doing quarter turn to your right side, continue basic
steps, ct. 2,3,4)
c.) Make 3 more quarter steps to go back to your original position.

Figure 3 – Change Places

a.) Starting position. Two hand hold, facing partner.

b.) Execute 4 x basic steps
c.) Exchange places with your partner by stepping right foot ct.1 going to the right
(Clockwise) ct. 2, step left foot facing your partner close pos. 3 step R foot, 4 step L foot
d.) Execute, ( c.), going back to your original position.
e.) Repeat (c.) and (d.)
Figure 4 – One Hand Hold Alternate Right and Left (w/Change Place)

a.) Starting position. Two hand hold, facing partner.

b.) Execute 2 basic steps and 2 change places
c.) Putting Right hands together over there heads, exchange places clockwise. Female in
front side with a half turn facing audience ( going to your right). Male moving at the
back side.
Ct.1, step R foot going to your partners place pulling each other close, ct. 2, step L foot
make the turn, ct.3 and 4 on your partners position pushing away from each other still
holding hands. (Only the female can do the turn, male just do the steps)
d.) Release right hands, and join left hands together above the heads. Male will be in front,
doing half turn facing audience, female moving at the back side going to original
position. Counting the same as ( c.)
e.) Repeat (c.) and (d.)

Figure 5 – “Fan Position”

a.) Starting position. Two hand hold, facing partner.
b.) Execute 2 basic steps and 2 change places.
c.) Joining right hands together ,shoulder level, ct. 1, Female step R foot forward, ct.2 step
twist L foot going to side of partner/ Male pulling partner to his right side with a twist .
Ct.3 and 4. female step back in position holding partners shoulder with the left hand.
Going back to original position, Ct.1, step R foot, ct.2 L forward going forward, turning
under partners Right arm, ct. 3 and 4 step backwards in place. Male doing basic steps on
his place. (2 measures = (Female) 1m going to fan position + 1 m going to original
d.) Repeat (c.) using Left hands together, going to left side of Male partner.
e.) Repeat (c.) and (d.)

II. CHA CHA – the Cuban dance that evolved from Mambo in the mid-1950’s. In 1951 a Cuban composer
and violinist Enrique Jorrin introduced the cha-cha-cha to Cuban dance floors while playing with
Orchestra America; it was simply called “mambo-rumba” at the beginning.

Basic Step in Cha Cha Cha

There are ways to count cha cha cha rhythm:

You may count : 1,2,3 and 4

Or 1,2, 1 and 2

Or 1,2, cha cha cha

Man’s Part:
a.) Step Left foot forward………………………ct.1
b.) Step Right foot in place…………………….ct.2
c.) Take three steps moving backward
(Left , Right, Left)
ct.1 and 2 (or 3 and 4 or cha cha cha) = (1 measure)
d.) Step Right foot backward…………………ct.1
e.) Step Left foot in place……………………..ct.2
f.) Take three steps moving forward
(Right ,Left , Right)
ct. 1 and 2 = (1 measure)

Lady’s Part:

a.) Step Right foot backward……………….ct.1

b.) Step left foot in place…………………….ct.2
c.) Take three steps moving forward
(Right , Left , Right)……………ct.1 and 2 = (1 measure)
d.) Step Left foot forward……….ct.1
e.) Step Right foot in place …….ct.2
f.) Take three steps moving backward
( Left, Right, Left ) ………………..ct. 1 and 2 = (1 measure)

Sample Figures/Routines in Cha Cha

Suggested Music: “Chili Cha Cha” “Angelina” “Todo Todo”
Figure 1 -Basic Cha cha
a.) Starting position: Partners facing each other, arm’s length.
b.) Execute 4 basic steps
c.) Join Right hands together (shoulder level, elbows slightly bent),
execute 4 basic steps

Figure 2 – Alemana Turns

a.) Starting position. Partners facing each other Right hands together.
b.) Execute Alemana turns (full turn while joined hands) in every four basic steps:
For Female: Step bwd (ct.) 1, and cha cha cha, Step forward (ct.)2 and cha cha cha
Step back (ct.) 3, and cha cha cha , Step forward (ct) 4 Turn cha cha cha
For Male: Step fwd ct. 1 and cha cha cha ; Step bwd ct. 2, and cha cha cha;
Step fwd ct. 3 and cha cha cha; Step bwd ct.4, and cha cha cha
Step fwd ct.5, Turn cha cha cha
Note: In Full turn, Always use left foot or forward step, and turn to your right (clockwise)
until you face your partner.
Counting: Step forward ct. 1 , Turn, cha cha cha

Figure 3 – Spot Turns

a.) Starting position. Partners facing each other, two hand holds.
b.) Execute 3 basic steps and do the spot turns in front.
For Female: Step bwd. Ct. 1 and cha( 3x) ; Step fwd. ct.2 and cha( 3x) Step bwd. Ct.3 and cha(3x)
Step Left Foot in front side ct.1 (Partners in side by side position Male holding left hand of
partner with Right hand) and cha( 3x) (going back to position facing partner 2 hand hold.)
Do this in opposite direction.
Step Right ft. back side, ct.2 and cha 3x (Partners in side by side position Male holding right
hand of partner with his left hand.)
Step L ft. front side ct.3 and cha 3x ; Step R ft. backside ct.4 and cha 3x
Step Left foot in front ,ct.5, Spot Turn to your Right(Clockwise), cha cha cha (Swing hands
forward and release, doing the turn, going back to position two hand hold facing partner.)

For Male: Step fwd. Ct. 1 and cha( 3x) ; Step bwd. ct.2 and cha( 3x) Step fwd. Ct.3 and cha(3x)
Step Right Foot in front side ct.1 (Partners in side by side position Male holding left hand of
partner with Right hand) and cha( 3x) (going back to position facing partner 2 hand hold.)
Do this in opposite direction.
Step L ft. back side ct.2 and cha 3x ; (Partners in side by side position Male holding right hand of
partner with his left hand.)
Step R ft. front side ,ct.3 and cha 3x ; Step Left foot in backside ,ct.4 and cha 3x
Step Right foot in front ,ct.5, Spot Turn to your Left (counter clockwise), cha cha cha (Swing
hands forward and release, doing the turn, going back to position two hand hold facing

Performance Task /Activity 4: “LET’S DANCE!”


1.) Watch the video tutorial and dance demo in dancing Swing and Cha cha cha.
2.) Make a video presentation with partner/or without a partner.
3.) With partner, classmate/friend/relative, male and female, or can both male, or both female.
4.) The presentation includes one (1) minute Swing and one (1) minute Cha cha cha only.
5.) You can perform the sample figures/steps in the video or you can make your own
6.) Send your video in Google Classroom / Personal Messenger /Email of your Instructor (which
is convenient for you.)
7.) The same Rubric Dance Routine will be used in grading the performance.



After this lesson, the students are expected to:

1.) Explain the concept of Dance Fitness.

2.) Perform exercise dance routines.

3.) Create routines for effective dance fitness program.


A. What Is Dance Fitness?

Dance fitness - a dance work out following an instructor.

Two main categories of dance fitness are as follows:

1.) Cardio-based dance fitness - most dance fitness focus on cardiovascular exercise.
- Instructors plan easy-to-follow choreography that keeps participants moving in
an effort to raise their heart rates.

Types of cardio dance:

a) Zumba is based loosely on Latin dance

b) Bokwa on African dance
c) Doonya on Bollywood dance
d) LaBlast on ballroom dance
e) Jazzercise on jazz dance
f) Kerboomka on club-style dance
g) Broadway Bodies on Broadway dance
h) Hip Hop Abs
i) Turbo Jam
2.) Slower-paced dance fitness - focus on different elements of physical fitness.
a) Barre workouts- are ballet-inspired routines that incorporate elements of yoga,
Pilates, and strength training with light weights work to improve balance,
coordination, core strength, and flexibility while also enhancing the strength of
smaller, stabilizing muscles.
b) Pole dancing helps improve flexibility
c) Dance styles that meld dance with yoga or martial arts (like Yoga Trance Dance
or Nia) bring a mind-body element to dance-focused workouts.

Performance Task /Activity 5 (FINAL EXAM) : “LET’S GET MOVING!”


1.) Create a group within your class 6-10 members only.

2.) Download videos of fitness dances that you will follow.
3.) Make a (10) ten minutes video of your group while doing the fitness dances.
4.) Members can do the dance together, or just send a video of each member to the group
leader and make the video presentation doing the steps simultaneously. (Pag sama-samahin
ang mga kanya-kanyang video na ginawa na may pare-parehong music at galaw or steps sa
isang video)
5.) Put the name of each member on the video or wear name tag for identification. Only one
member will send the recorded video.
6.) Grading System:
a.) Choreography:…………………………………..20%
b.) Execution:………………………………………….30%
c.) Effectiveness of the dance move:……..20%
d.) Enthusiasm:……………………………………….30%
7.) Final Course Requirement:
1.) Submit Instructional video of Zumba or any Fitness Dance.

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