Script English Activiti - Leyton Derailed Train

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Thank you, headquarters. This is Alicia Woods reporting. I am currently at the scene where Leyton train got derailed.

With me, an eye witness who saw the accident flash before her eyes.
Miss, can you introduce yourself?
Hello… My name is Leticia Brooke, I’m 42…
Miss Leticia, where were you and what were you doing when the accident occurred?
I-I was driving to the station’s cafe, I always go there on weekends…
Is there any acquaintance of yours that was trapped?
Yes, my ex-husband was in the train
How are you feeling right now, miss?
Seeing the train goes off the railing and just crashes, I’m very… frightened
I’m so sorry, that must have been traumatizing but can you tell me what do you think cause the accident in the first
[LAUGHS PYSCOPATHLY ] I can’t believe it was THAT easy to mess with a train
Miss?! This is NOT a laughing matter. People got hurt. My father almost died in there!
Liam. Why can’t he just DIE already?!
What did my father do you wrong?!
Oh, hunny ~ Has it been so long that you don’t recognize your own mother?
Liam HAD it coming. Should’ve thought before ruining MY LIFE
I can’t believe you did that! People like you should rot in jail…
I don’t regret my decisions! IF I HAVE THE CHANCHE I’LL DO IT ALL AGAIN!

Thank you, headquarters. This is Alicia Woods reporting. I am currently at the scene where Leyton train got derailed.
With me, an eye witness who saw the accident flash before her eyes.
Miss, can you introduce yourself?
Hello… My name is Leticia Brooke, I’m 42…
Miss Leticia, where were you and what were you doing when the accident occurred?
I-I was driving to the station’s cafe, I always go there on weekends…
Is there any acquaintance of yours that was trapped?
Yes, my ex-husband was in the train
How are you feeling right now, miss?
Seeing the train goes off the railing and just crashes, I’m very… frightened
I’m so sorry, that must have been traumatizing but can you tell me what do you think cause the accident in the first
[LAUGHS PYSCOPATHLY ] I can’t believe it was THAT easy to mess with a train
Miss?! This is NOT a laughing matter. People got hurt. My father almost died in there!
Liam. Why can’t he just DIE already?!
What did my father do you wrong?!
Oh, hunny ~ Has it been so long that you don’t recognize your own mother?
Liam HAD it coming. Should’ve thought before ruining MY LIFE
I can’t believe you did that! People like you should rot in jail…
I don’t regret my decisions! IF I HAVE THE CHANCHE I’LL DO IT ALL AGAIN!

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