Wearables and The Internet of Things IoT Applications Opportunities and Challenges A Survey

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Received March 18, 2020, accepted April 3, 2020, date of publication April 7, 2020, date of current version April

23, 2020.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2986329

Wearables and the Internet of Things (IoT),

Applications, Opportunities, and
Challenges: A Survey
F. JOHN DIAN1 , (Senior Member, IEEE), REZA VAHIDNIA 1, (Member, IEEE),
1 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, British Columbia Institute of Technology, Burnaby, BC V5G 3H2, Canada
2 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada
Corresponding author: Reza Vahidnia (rvahidnia@bcit.ca)
This work was supported by the British Columbia Institute of Technology Research Grant.

ABSTRACT Smart wearables collect and analyze data, and in some scenarios make a smart decision
and provide a response to the user and are finding more and more applications in our daily life. In this
paper, we comprehensively survey the most recent and important research works conducted in the area of
wearable Internet of Things (IoT) and classify the wearables into four major clusters: (i) health, (ii) sports and
daily activity, (iii) tracking and localization, and (iv) safety. The fundamental differences of the algorithms
associated within each cluster are grouped and analyzed and the research challenges and open issues in each
cluster are discussed. This survey reveals that although Cellular IoT (CIoT) has many advantages and can
bring enormous applications to IoT wearables, it has been rarely studied by the researchers. This article also
addresses the opportunities and challenges related to implementing CIoT-enabled wearables.

INDEX TERMS Smart wearables, Internet of Things, cellular IoT.

I. INTRODUCTION and optimization to the applications, enhance the quality of

IoT-enabled wearables are smart devices that can be worn life, and increase productivity or safety.
as external accessories, embedded in clothing and garments, The advancements in low power mobile networks,
implanted in the body, or even adhered to or tattooed on decrease in the size of electronic devices and sensors, as well
the skin. These devices are able to connect to the Internet as the advantages that the smart wearables can provide have
in order to collect, send data and receive the information enabled the development of wearable technology in a fast
that can be used for smart decision making. These wearables pace. We have witnessed a rapid development of smart wear-
are becoming an increasingly important part of IoT tech- able products adapted for various applications during the past
nology and their development is moving from being simple few years. Smart watches, wrist bands, eye wears, headsets,
accessories to more specialized and practical applications. ear-buds, body straps, foot and hand worn devices, and smart
Smart wearables can interact with an array of other devices, jewelries are some of the wearables that have been developed
such as smartphones, for the purpose of computing and for different applications (Figure 1).
communication. Fitness activity trackers were the first big wave of wear-
Due to mobility of the human and animals, smart wearable able devices in the market followed by Bluetooth headsets,
devices are becoming increasingly important since they can smartwatches, and web-enabled glasses. The gaming industry
collect and send the data on the move and accordingly receive added more wearables, with virtual reality and augmented
information from the Internet which helps in making smarter reality headsets. However, the important life-altering appli-
decisions. The use of smart wearables can bring efficiency cations in wearable technology is found mostly in health
monitoring and medical use cases.
There exist several other works that have looked into dif-
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and ferent aspects of wearable technologies. For example, [1]
approving it for publication was Jingfeng Song . provides a survey of available products in the market as

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
69200 VOLUME 8, 2020
F. J. Dian et al.: Wearables and the IoT, Applications, Opportunities, and Challenges

a server on the Internet to be saved for offline processing in

future. The second form is to offload some of the computing
from the wearable device. In this form, the wearable IoT
device sends its data to the Internet for online processing and
consequently the IoT device will receive some information
that helps the IoT device to operate. The prevalence of wear-
able IoT can be fully recognized when we have integrated
IoT platforms and when many issues regarding data owner-
ship, policies on sharing data, privacy and safety issues are
The majority of the research works in the area of wearable
IoT use unlicensed short range communication technologies
such as WiFi and Bluetooth mainly to monitor the user’s
health, activity, location and ensure his or her safety. How-
FIGURE 1. Different wearables developed for various applications.
ever, the application of such solutions is limited to the use of
a gateway or mobile device to connect to the Internet. By the
well as the research prototypes. The authors in [2] surveyed emergence of cellular IoT technologies (e.g., LTE-M and NB-
all the existing electronic components used in the design IoT) introduced in 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP)
of garments used in wearable devices. The article in [3] Release 13, new methods and applications are expected to be
presents a survey of the sensors used in wearable devices. proposed for wearable IoT devices. In this paper, we reviewed
However, to the best of our knowledge, this paper is the first the opportunities and challenges associated with cellular
survey about the IoT-enabled wearables applications, oppor- IoT-based wearables.
tunities and challenges where we focus on various clusters The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.
of smart wearables and classify the existing applications of In Section II, we survey and classify the applications of smart
these devices by addressing the fundamental differences of wearables. Section III discusses the use of cellular IoT (CIoT)
the algorithms associated within a specific application in in smart wearables. In Section IV, the open research chal-
each cluster. We also study the applications, opportunities lenges associated with wearable IoT is discussed. Future
and challenges of cellular IoT in more details as the authors directions and conclusions are presented in Section V.
believe that cellular IoT can be a game changer in the area of
IoT-based wearable technology. II. WEARABLE IOT CLASSIFICATION
Since wearable IoT devices are battery operated, power To classify the applications of wearable IoT, and complete
consumption is considered as an important design factor. this survey, first, the state-of-the-art research works, papers
However, this does not mean that a wearable device cannot and articles in this area were collected. This work is done
perform complex processing or it is limited in the amount of by searching databases such as IEEE Xplore and Association
data that transmits due to extensive amount of power that in for Computing Machinery (ACM) digital libraries. Then the
these situations will be consumed. In general, if the wearable related works are categorized in clusters according to their
IoT device performs a large amount of processing or transmits application and each research paper is placed in one of the
large amount of data, then its battery needs to be charged more clusters as shown in Figure 2. It is seen that for some of the
frequently. This is quite possible in many applications and use clusters, there are a broader range of applications mostly due
cases. For instance, in a situation that the wearable IoT device to their importance. Besides the main clusters, there are other
is used to detect fall, the device might be worn during the time wearable IoT devices that are used in other applications such
that the wearer is not asleep and can be charged during his/her as virtual games in order to enhance gaming experience, pay-
sleep time. By the same token, the wearable IoT devices that ment applications, and education. Investigating these other
are used during a sport activity, can drain the battery during use cases are out of the scope of this survey.
the length of the activity which is usually a few hours and can In the following sections, each category is presented by
easily get charged afterwards. It is clear that if a wearable IoT listing the most significant published work.
device is used to find the trajectory of a bird within a year,
we not only need to limit the amount of processing and data A. HEALTH
transmission, but also try to find energy harvesting methods The health wearable IoT device is mainly used for remote
to increase the duration of battery life cycle. patient monitoring, treatment and in some cases for reha-
Wearable IoT technology can bring endless opportunities bilitation purposes. The sensors collect the health-related
for many applications. However, the true power of wearable data and the device may perform limited computation prior
IoT will be realized when there will be an integrated IoT sys- to transmitting the user/patient’s health information to the
tem available. For this reason, most of the existing research the Internet for further analysis. The device may also
papers connect to the Internet in one of the following two receive data to enable the user make further decisions.
forms. First, the wearable IoT sends its data to the cloud or In many applications, the wearable devices are connected to

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F. J. Dian et al.: Wearables and the IoT, Applications, Opportunities, and Challenges

FIGURE 3. Taxonomy of wearable health care IoT sensors.

2) Motion sensors: accelerometer and gyroscope.

FIGURE 2. Most researched wearable IoT application clusters. 3) Environmental sensors: ultrasound, pressure, tempera-
ture and etc.
4) Biochemical sensors: transdermal glucose.
smartphones to analyze the collected data and then transmit
Analyzing the aforementioned signals gives extensive
it to a cloud computing-based framework such as Microsoft
insight about the health status of the patient/user.
Azure or Amazon Web Services (AWS) in order to store, pro-
The figure below shows the taxonomy of the use cases
cess, and analyze the data. Mobile health applications can be
for non-invasive wearable IoT sensors excluding implantable
used to visualize the analyzed data and provide insight about
sensors [9].
the user/patient’s health. Moreover, in treatment applications,
Pulse rate can be read using wearables on the chest, wrist,
the analyzed data can be used to send special commands to
earlobe, fingertip, and more via PPG, pressure, and radio
the wearable such as heating up the body or applying a shock.
frequency (RF). In [10], a monitoring wearable device is
designed to detect the unambiguous changes in the heartrate.
1) HEALTH TREATMENT & REHABILITATION WEARABLE The wearable alerts the user by a vibration to take the nec-
SYSTEMS essary medicine. The researchers in [11] proposed a mul-
The IoT rehabilitation devices help disabled patients to main- tisensory wearable system to collect the necessary data in
tain and improve their physical or mental abilities. In [4], a order to warn the user of an impending cardiac arrest in
walker-based system for physiotherapy purposes is proposed the early stages. A low power communication module use
which continuously monitors and evaluates the movement a smartphone to collect the body temperature and heart rate
metrics of the walker and sends them to the cloud where and then signal processing techniques and machine learning
data is analyzed, and the results are presented on a mobile algorithms are used to accurately diagnose and warn sudden
application. An IoT-based armband for stroke rehabilitation cardiac arrests. The work done in [12], presents a system
is introduced by [5]. The wearable system measures the dedicated to monitoring the heart activity parameters using
bio-potential signals and the analyzed data is transmitted ECG mobile devices and sensors inserted in the fabric of the
wirelessly to a robot hand. Then, the received signals are clothes. The assessed parameters are heart rate and respira-
interpreted using a machine learning algorithm to give users tion.
insight and feedback about their muscle movements. The The wearables equipped with thermistor nasal sensor can
robot hand assists the user in adjusting his/her posture and measure the respiratory rate. The sensor counts the number of
walking pattern in real time. breaths taken by sensing the rise and fall of the temperature if
In [6], the researchers have designed a smart wheelchair the air exhaled [13]. In [14], a smart IoT solution is proposed
which allows the disabled person to easily interact with the for patients with asthma to measure their respiration rate. The
wheelchair via a mobile application that analyzes the data measured data is securely sent to the cloud where the patient’s
received from the sensors, and then visualizes the results information is analyzed. This system uses watermarking and
for caregivers to remotely monitor the patient. The publi- signal enhancement techniques to secure the data transmis-
cation in [7], introduces a rehabilitation system which is sion. In [15], using adhesive hydrogel, electrodes are placed
designed and implemented to help stoke patients suffering on human chest to detect the pulsatile vibration created as a
from upper limb disability. This rehabilitation system exploits result of respiration. The proposed system is capable to be
IoT through integrating gaming and wearable technology. worn or attached to the user’s shirt or chest belt. Then, col-
lected data is digitized and wirelessly sent using an impulse
2) HEALTH MONITORING WEARABLE SYSTEMS radio ultra-wideband transmitter which operates in 3.1 to
Depending on the type of sensors, the health monitoring 5 GHz frequency range. Due to its small size, light weight,
wearables are classified into four major categories [8]: low cost and low power signal processing circuitry the pro-
1) Bio-potential sensors: electroencephalography (EEG), posed respiration monitoring system has gained attention by
electrocardiography (ECG), electromyography (EMG), and other researchers. In [16], the researchers have designed a
photoplesmography (PPG) and etc. portable wearable IoT device to monitor the respiratory rate

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F. J. Dian et al.: Wearables and the IoT, Applications, Opportunities, and Challenges

where the sensor is implemented in a smart vest to constantly TABLE 1. Summary of healthcare IoT sensors in the literature.
monitor Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
patients at home during the rest period between respiratory
rehabilitation exercises. This total solution system also pro-
vides an e-health platform based on the Internet of Medical
Things (IoMT) paradigm.
The body temperature is typically measured by thermistor-
type sensors to detect the conditions such as hypothermia,
heat stroke and fevers. In [17], a wearable, IoT cloud-based
system is presented for real-time personal health monitoring.
The collected data from the sensors can be viewed both on
a cloud dashboard as well as an embedded display on the
wearable. In [18], a tablet-shaped ingestible sensor is devel-
oped to measure the core-body temperature based on gastric
acid power generation. A custom integrated circuit (IC) is
prototyped which could wirelessly receive the temperature
data transferred by a tablet-shape device of diameter 10mm
and height 8mm.
Blood pressure (BP) is not considered a vital health sign
and is frequently measured alongside the other three vital
signs (i.e., pulse, respiratory and temperature). While most
BP wearable devices are non-invasive, they are still obstruc-
tive. In many cases a chest wearable ECG is connected to the
other sensors with some wires. As far as we are concerned
there is no comfortable wearable device developed to contin-
uously measure the BP with high accuracy. In [19], a survey
on commercial wearable IoT devices to monitor the BP from
a metrological point of view is presented. In this survey the
lack of the traceability and reliability of the BP measurements
is addressed.
Pulse oximeter sensors measure the blood oxygen using
PPG signals. The most widely used form of such sensors embedded into this platform to automatically evaluate speech
are the wrist-wearable pulse oximetry wearables. In [20], information without the need to preserve raw audio data.
a non-invasive wearable cardiac monitoring and alert sys- A summary of the aforementioned articles about healthcare
tem is proposed which can continuously measure the car- IoT sensors in given in Table 1.
diac values and using pulse oximetry. This solution detects
the saturation level of oxygen as well as blood volume B. ACTIVITY RECOGNITION AND SPORTS
variations in the tissues. The heart rate is obtained through This category is related to applications where the wearables
filtering and processing the sensed signals. The mobile com- are worn during sport activities to record different metrics
munication and GPS system enable emergency alerts when of the user/athlete activity in order to improve his/her per-
the measured cardiac values are out of the threshold val- formance Also, applications of this cluster consider gath-
ues. Moreover, the system gives this opportunity to the ering data regarding the recognition of daily activities of
user to self-trigger the alert system through Google voice humans and animals. Although activity recognition can have
assistant. some applications in medical diagnostics and out-of-hospital
Some other wearable sensors with applications in health- health-care, the applications belonging in this cluster cover
care could measure the blood glucose. For example, in [21], use cases beyond health category.
an ingestible smart drug is designed which circulates in the In this section, we discuss the use of wearable IoT for two
body and senses the glucose level by passing IR radiation. related activities. The first set of activities belong to recog-
The measured blood glucose level is then transmitted to the nition of daily physical activities [23] and the second one is
smartphone wirelessly. Another application of IoT wearable related to activities that are related to specific sports [24]. The
devices is in mental wellbeing monitoring where physiolog- recognition of daily physical activities is usually dedicated
ical signs are collected through behavioral traits. In [22], to tracking routines and body movement related to skeletal
an IoT-based wearable social sensing platform is developed muscles such as walking forward, walking backward, jog-
through integrating behavior monitoring, privacy audio fea- ging, sleeping, running, going up or down the stairs, bending
ture, and environment sensing in a naturalistic environment. waist, frontal elevation of arms, bending knees, and jumping
In particular, privacy protected audio-wellbeing features are front or back. It also includes recognition of static postures

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such as sitting, sitting and relaxing, standing, laying down or tree [37]–[39], or artificial neural network and machine learn-
the recognition of going from one posture to another such as ing algorithm [40], [41].
going from standing posture to sitting one. For sport activities, measuring and estimating the perfor-
Generally speaking, IoT can bring an abundance of oppor- mance or efficiency of actions related to specific sport and
tunities for sport players, organizations and fans to increase providing feedback on parameters such as timing, angle or
their efficiency and offerings by creating an environment in amount of applying or releasing a force can help improve the
which athletes can receive better training or have access to accuracy and performance. Using these techniques, players
data that helps to keep them healthier, coaches are able to can get real-time feedback of their performance and improve
analyze injuries or find metrics on player performance, and their performance to make it more consistent. There are many
organizations can offer fan engagement strategies or allow papers that discuss the use of wearable devices for improving
fans to receive personalized offering from their favorite team. the quality of activities of a specific sport or even making the
Wearable IoT is a game changer in sport activities. However, wearer do something that would not be possible without wear-
the use of wearable IoT is currently limited due to some ing the wearable device. The wearer usually receives a mes-
leagues regulations and some challenges that need to be sage to help him/her to understand the quality of performance
resolved. Yet, as more and more organizations recognize the or provide help on how to proceed. These messages might be
advantages that IoT wearables can provide to players, coaches seen on the screen of the wearable or on displays in some
and fans, we will see that wearable IoT devices become other places. The wearer also may receive the messages or an
more and more prevalent in sports. Even though, wearable indication of a message using audio or haptics. The perfor-
IoT can provide endless opportunities to sports as explained mance of activities related to many different sports have been
above, in this section, we discuss those papers that are related researched such as badminton [42], [43], basketball [44],
to recognition of activities for specific sports such as ski- [45], rowing [46], [47], swimming [48], [49], hockey [50],
ing, climbing, martial arts, tennis, swimming, badminton, skiing [51], [52], martial art [53], [35], weightlifting [54],
weightlifting, or baseball. It should be mentioned that the tennis [55], baseball [56] and golf [57], [58].
other opportunities mentioned above have not received much
The human physical activity detection has found lots of This category, is used mainly for tracking human and animal,
attention [25]–[30], [23]. To detect human physical activity to determine their location online. Finding the position of
one or more sensors are installed on one or several wearable a person or animal who is wearing a wearable device is
devices attached to the body. These sensors generate signals important in many applications. Studying the trajectory trip of
that can be analyzed to detect the type of activity and find the a bird, finding the location of a senior citizen in a care-home
information that differentiates various activities. The existing facility, analyzing the movement of the people who are vis-
methods usually achieve this goal in four stages. The first iting an exhibition, or pet tracking are some examples of
stage is pre-processing, noise cancelation and signal range these applications. A comprehensive study on localization
adjustment which prepares the signal for the next stages. using IoT technology is published in [59], but the study does
The second stage is feature extraction in which the fea- not concentrate on wearable IoT. In general, the localization
tures or parameters specific to the signal are extracted. The methods discussed in literature can be divided into two main
extracted features can usually be categorized as structural categories. The ones that use offline training and the ones
features or statistical ones. The structural features find the that without using offline training can determine the location.
correlation among different signals. The statistical features The training dependent methods can be classified into three
can be found through time- or transformed-domain analysis clusters: 1) Fingerprinting 2) Stochastic-oriented models and
of a signal. Example of statistical features are mean value, 3) Machine learning based schemes. Fingerprinting has been
max value, peak, and size of signal. The transformation studied extensively using various types of signals includ-
typically used for finding the statistical features are Fourier ing general signal pattern, audio signal, video signal and
Transform (FT) [31], [32], Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) motion [60], [61]. General signal pattern usually depends
[33], or Wavelet Transform (WT). The third stage is feature on the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) value of
reduction which tries to find most important features that the wireless signal in which the location fingerprint is found
can be used in final stage by removing the redundant and through site survey and is recorded in a fingerprint data
irrelevant information. Classification is the last stage in which base. This fingerprint information is used later by a localiza-
the reduced set of features are clustered to find patterns tion algorithm online to estimate the location. Fingerprinting
among various activities using a classification algorithm. can be used on visual information captured by a camera or
Classification algorithms can be done using the probability audio signals captured by a microphone. The IoT devices can
of an activity according to a set of features and their prob- also use collaborative localization methods that are based on
abilities [34], the simulates between features according to a mutual position measurement of each IoT device as well as
dataset, transformation of features to a space that can help the relative distance of devices.
in identifying the type of activity [35], [36], hierarchy based The non-training dependent category of localization
model to map the features to activities based on a decision method can also be divided into various clusters. The main

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F. J. Dian et al.: Wearables and the IoT, Applications, Opportunities, and Challenges

many applications that wearable devices are used to detect or

prevent the falls.
The wearable IoT sensors intended for safety mostly focus
on three main applications: 1) fall detection and prevention
2) drowsiness fatigue detection 3) environmental condition


Accidental fall is a major issue for elder people. Even if
a fall is not fatal, the effect of a fall degrades the quality
of life substantially. To constantly monitor for fall events,
the use of wearable devices are more applicable as compared
to the other methods which use a fixed infrastructure such
FIGURE 4. Simulation results showing the accuracy of positioning in
as fixed camera [67]–[69] or smart tile [70] due to lack of
LTE-M networks using Release 13 and Release 14. limitation in location determination or even scene blocking
for those using camera. We hereunder discuss the literature
cluster includes the methods that use geometric information that use wearable IoT for the purpose of fall detection or
to estimate the location based on multi-lateration, triangula- prediction.
tion, region overlapping and other geometric related meth- To be able to detect fall usually the inertial sensors such
ods [62]–[66]. The other clusters of non-training category are as gyroscope or accelerometer are used. The fall detection
mobility, path planning and statistical [59]. system must be fast enough to detect fall fast to be ben-
A method used in cellular IoT 3rd Generation Partnership eficial. However, in order to detect fall events accurately
Project 3GPP Release 14 for location estimation based on and minimize false positive, the fall detection system must
geometric cluster is Observed Time Difference of Arrival differentiate between a fall and other daily activities [71].
(OTDOA). 3GPP Release 13 does not provide any positioning This can be done by finding parameters such as body posture,
information other than Cell Identity (CID), which indicates falling speed or angular velocity [72], [73]. It should be noted
the cell that the IoT device is located at. In Release 14 not only that some of these parameters not only vary from person to
development support for the feature of OTDOA is presented, person, but also change with aging [74]. Therefore, to be able
but also the standard introduces enhancements to complete to detect falls correctly, the fall detection algorithms need
the User Equipment (UE) measurement requirements for substantial computation. The fundamental idea behind most
enhanced CID. Note that OTDOA is a downlink-based posi- fall detection and prevention algorithms is to use the motion
tioning technique where an IoT device measures the times of information to differentiate between a fall and other types of
arrival of the Positioning Reference Signals (PRSs) received daily activities. A fall can be characterized as an involuntary
from several nodes relative to a reference node’s PRS trans- move which is not performed in a controlled manner and
mission to form the reference signal time difference (RSTD) causes abrupt motion with fast speed. The most popular meth-
measurements. The RSTD measurements are then translated ods for fall prevention are threshold-based schemes in which
into a geographical hyperbola where the positioned UE is the motion information such as vertical speed profile are
considered to reside. By considering multiple RSTD mea- compared with a set of threshold values to detect whether the
surements, the UE position can be estimated to be at the person is stable, has fallen, or is about to fall. The threshold
crossover point of the corresponding hyperbolas. By mea- values can be fixed or adaptive values. In general, the fix
suring horizontal position error of the LTE-M network as value thresholds result in lower computational complexity,
shown in Figure 4, we can show the cumulative distribution and lower performance as compared to the adaptive threshold
function (CDF) of horizontal error position. It is clear that by schemes.
using LTE-M network a resolution of approximately 50m is Adaptive thresholds can be dynamically calculated based
achievable horizontally which is suitable for many wearable on history and processing of individual data movement
applications. and motion information [75]–[77] or based on clustering
of people according to their gender, height, weight and
D. SAFETY age [78]. In [79] pretested reference templates for each
This category belongs to the wearables that are used to pro- type of fall using comparison between the angles and
vide safe environment for the users. For instance, a fatigue angular velocities of the thigh segment between falls and
monitoring system can notify the alert the drivers who fall normal activities are used for fall detection. Some other
asleep at the wheel and notify the employers. Or as another papers suggest the use of machine learning for this pur-
example, the wearable devices can collect the air quality data pose [80]–[82] such as using [83]–[85] the Support Vector
in the mines to assure the worker’s health and reduce risks for Machine (SVM) via feature selection procedures among a
miners and costs for employers. Fall prevention and detection number of raw signals from the gyroscope and accelerometer
especially in elderly people are a major problem and there are sensors.

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F. J. Dian et al.: Wearables and the IoT, Applications, Opportunities, and Challenges

2) DROWSINESS-FATIGUE-DETECTION humidity and then the data is communicated using an XBee

In general, the drowsiness detection techniques and alerting DigiMesh module.
systems can be classified into five categories as 1) image In [91], a wearable environmental sensor network to moni-
processing-based, 2) EEG-based, 3) artificial neural network- tor the urban environment is presented. The system has seven
based, 4) vehicular-based and 5) subjective measures [86]. environmental sensors including infrared temperature sensor,
In all these techniques, powerful processors are required to atmospheric pressure, accelerometer, temperature, relative
process the complex computations and detect drowsiness or humidity, ambient light, and IMU and the wireless commu-
fatigue. Another alternative is to send the raw data into the nication is through Wi-Fi. The power consumption of the
cloud and put the burden of processing on the shoulders of system is so low that the rechargeable battery may last up
the power servers. to seven days. The authors in [92], present a low-power
In [87], a drowsiness-fatigue-detection solution to increase wearable sensor network which measures CO2 concentration,
road safety is proposed. The system is based on wear- the Earth’s magnetic field, temperature and relative humidity.
able smart glasses and is composed of a pair of wearable The communication scheme of this sensor network is based
smart glasses, an in-vehicle infotainment telematics plat- on Bluetooth technology.
form, an onboard diagnostics-II-based automotive diagnos-
tic bridge, an active vehicle rear light alert mechanism, E. OTHERS
and a cloud-based management platform. The detection sys- Besides the four main clusters discussed so far, there are
tem is capable to detect whether the driver is drowsy or some papers that have used wearable IoT technology for
tired in real time and once such a condition is detected, other applications such as education [93], [94], virtual and
the other drivers are automatically alerted through the augmented reality [95], [96], law enforcement [97], or spy-
active vehicle real light alert mechanism. The collected ing [98]. Since there have not been lots of attention by the
data is also concurrently sent to a cloud-based management research community for these applications, we do not further
platform. discuss these use cases.
In [88], to detect the sleepy workers a low-cost EEG-based
system is proposed. The modified safety smart helmet is worn III. CIOT-ENABLED WEARABLE
by the worker and transmits the data to a local server which We found that use of CIoT wearable has not received enough
runs a random forest classifier algorithm to verify if the sleep attention in the literature. In most cases the connection to the
condition is sever to alert the shift supervisor. If the worker Internet for the wearable device is through the technologies
falls down, a single Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) sensor such as Wi-Fi or Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). The use of
can detect the fall. A mobile application is also designed these two technologies which exist in any cellphone device
where the supervisor can constantly monitor the worker’s has been discussed in many papers. The fact that all people
status. carry a cellphone these days, even though not completely true,
has become the assumption that has been used in many papers
3) ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITION MONITORING as justification for using cellphone as part of connectivity
Hazardous environmental situations may result in serious to the Internet. We have studied BLE technology and its
health problems and it is crucial to deploy fast response practical strengths and limitations extensively [99]–[107] and
systems in such environments to alert the workers. Moreover, believe that BLE is one of the enablers of IoT technology
the data gathered by the environmental wearable sensors that has a good potential to be used in wearable devices. But,
provide useful insight about the environmental impact on it is quite possible that CIoT will be the most widely used
subjects’ health. The wearables may also be installed on vehi- technology in the future for wearable devices. We believe the
cles or animals to form a mobile wireless sensor networks to use of cellular IoT will be increased in a fast pace in future
predict hazardous conditions. For example the data gathered years and it will replace other types of IoT communication
from the animals in different farms may help scientist to technologies such as Wi-Fi, or unlicensed Low Power Wide
predict earthquake in a specific area. Area Networks (LPWAN) solutions (e.g., LoRa and Sigfox)
The researchers in [89], presented a safety wearable in many use cases.
equipped with a self-powered sensor network which uses It is shown in the past that if the cost of equipment as well as
Maximum Power Point Control (MPPT) solar energy har- data plan for cellular systems implemented by telecommuni-
vesting, several low power environmental sensing nodes, cation companies are decreased, the users tend to prefer to use
and unlicensed log range wireless modules (i.e., LoRa). The cellular technology. For example, in 90’s when telecommuni-
wearable sensors measure the temperature, relative humidity, cation companies provided cellphones with limited incoming
and ultraviolet (UV) index in the surrounding area. The col- and outgoing voice usage hours in their plan, the users would
lected measurements are sent to a gateway and a cloud server use cellphones mostly outside of their homes and offices,
through a LoRa connectivity system. where landline systems were not available. As telecommu-
In [90], a wearable safety application is proposed to detect nication companies reduced the price and offered unlimited
hazardous conditions in the early stages and alert the work- calls during evenings and weekends and consequently unlim-
ers. The system detects CO2, the temperature and relative ited incoming and outgoing voice calls, users showed interest

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F. J. Dian et al.: Wearables and the IoT, Applications, Opportunities, and Challenges

such as micro-magneto-electric, thermoelectric, piezoelec-

tric, or photoelectric harvesting methods are some possible
options used in [108]. Among all energy harvesting methods,
solar energy is considered as a strong candidate as it provides
the highest power density. The disadvantage of solar energy
is its limitation to day times and outdoor places.

The wearable IoT devices have to be comfortable when worn
by the user. It is important that they are light and designed
in such a way that they do not disturb the normal activi-
ties of the user. The tradeoff between the complexity of the
FIGURE 5. Major challenges of wearable IoT technology.
computations and the weight of the wearable is one of the
major challenges. In [109], the idea of smart clothing or
wearable 2.0 for human-cloud integration is introduced which
to use their cellphone even in places where landline systems
tries to solve the problem with discomfort caused by wearing
were available. We have seen the same user behavior in data
multiple sensors in different part of the body for health care
usage over the Internet. In the past, due to the cost of data
usage and communication speed, users preferred to switch to
Wi-Fi and connect to hotspots instead of cellular connection. 4) SAFETY
However, as the cost of data usage is decreasing, more and
All wearable IoT devices use wireless technologies to trans-
more mobile users use their cellular connection to connect to
mit their sensed data to another node, gateway or a base
the Internet in places where Wi-Fi connection is also avail-
station. This wireless transmission involves radiofrequency
able. Therefore, while there exist some IoT enabling tech-
radiation which could have negative impact on the user’s
nologies today that may be used for wearable devices in local
health because the transceiver antennas are very close to
area or solve the wide area coverage requirement of the IoT
his/her body. In those wearables that are worn on the head
devices by using a cellular connection through a cellphone,
or eyes the radiation risks could be significantly higher. This
they fall short as compared to two existing CIoT technologies
safety concern is well addressed in [110] by reviewing the
of the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), which are
standard limits of human exposure to radio frequency elec-
LTE-M and Narrow Band IoT (NB-IoT) in terms of coverage,
tromagnetic energy and analyzing the radiation level of CIoT
scalability, interoperability, QoS, and security. LTE-M and
antennas. It is shown that the problem can be worse when
NB-IoT are introduced in Release 13 of LTE technology.
the wearable CIoT device is transmitting in areas with poor
In LTE Release, 14, and 15, the enhancements of LTE IoT
continued to provide cellular IoT connectivity to more IoT
devices and in more diverse applications. It should be noted 5) SECURITY
that the performance of CIoT will further hugely be advanced
The complexity of the wearable IoT devices is typically
with more implementation of 5G cellular technology.
reduced due to lightweight and less power consuming
designs. Consequently, there could be less strong security fea-
IV. IOT- ENABLED WEARABLE CHALLENGES AND tures on such devices. One of the challenges in wearable IoT
FUTURE POSSIBILITIES devices is how to implement security policies while keeping
The major challenges of the wearable IoT devices as shown the complexity of the system as low as possible. In general,
in Figure 5, are listed below: wearables are easy hacking targets due to poor encryption and
Since it is of high importance that the wearable device must 6) REGULATION
be comfortable when worn by the user and should consume There is currently a limitation in using wearable IoT devices
low amount of energy, they are typically small in size and in many industries due to lack of existence of proper regu-
the sensors have lower resolution compared to non-wearable lations. For example, in sports fields and arenas, the use of
devices. wearable IoT devices are technologically feasible, but it is
not being used due to the leagues regulations.
To minimize the human interaction and for wearable devices 7) PRIVACY
to operate for long hours without replacing or charging The constant exchange of personal data such as vital health
the battery, special considerations are to be taken into signals, dosage, and location between the wearable and the
account while designing the wearables. For example, low IoT hub can create an environment for privacy breaches.
power consumption systems or energy harvesting techniques Typically, wearable IoT devices are on broadcast mode which

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69210 VOLUME 8, 2020

F. J. Dian et al.: Wearables and the IoT, Applications, Opportunities, and Challenges

[110] J. Dian and R. Vahidnia, ‘‘Radiation safety hazards of cellular IoT REZA VAHIDNIA (Member, IEEE) was born in
devices,’’ IEEE Technol. Soc. Mag., 2019. Tehran, Iran. He received the B.Sc. and M.Sc.
[111] R. Lomotey, K. Sofranko, and R. Orji, ‘‘Enhancing privacy in wearable degrees in electrical engineering from Tehran
IoT through a provenance architecture,’’ Multimodal Technol. Interact., and Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran,
vol. 2, no. 2, p. 18, 2018. in 2006 and 2009, respectively, and the Ph.D.
degree from Ontario Tech University, Oshawa,
Canada, in 2014. From 2014 to 2015, he was
a Postdoctoral Fellow with Ryerson University,
where he conducted research on energy harvesting
systems. Since 2016, he has been a Senior Internet
of Things (IoT) Specialist with Rogers Communications Inc., and TELUS.
He is currently a Faculty Member with the Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering, British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT),
Vancouver, Canada. His research interests include wireless communications,
the IoT, and signal processing.

ALIREZA RAHMATI was born in Tehran, Iran.

F. JOHN DIAN (Senior Member, IEEE) received He received the B.Sc. degree in electrical engi-
the B.Sc. and M.S. degrees from Tehran Poly- neering from the Sharif University of Technol-
technics, Tehran, in 1990 and 1994, respectively, ogy, Tehran, in 2004, and the Ph.D. degree in
and the Ph.D. degree from Concordia University, telecommunication systems engineering from Tar-
Montreal, in 2004, all in electrical and computer biat Modares University, Tehran, in 2012. He was
engineering. He has over 20 years of experience with Ryerson University, from 2016 to 2018. From
in the areas of design and consulting with various 2007 to 2015, he was with the Research and Elec-
companies. Since 2010, he has been a Faculty tronic Center Artaaira, Tehran. He is currently a
Member with the School of Energy, Department Postdoctoral Fellow with the Department of Elec-
of Electrical and Computer Engineering, British trical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo. His main research
Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT), Vancouver, Canada. His research interests include statistical signal processing, the Internet of things, 5G
interests include the IoT, multimedia processing for telecommunication networks, and full-duplex radio.
applications, and big data.

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