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Kilosbayan v Guingona Kilosbayan v Guingona

I. Recit-ready summary venture exists. Petition granted, lease contract declared invalid for being
contrary to law
Kilosbayan is filing to protest PCSO’s entering into a Contract of
Lease with Berjaya Group Berhadto to establish an on-line lottery system. II. Facts of the case
Berjaya set up a local company, PGMC, through which assistance would
be offered to PCSO. The contract provides that PGMC will build and This is a petition seeking to prohibit and restrain the implementation of
maintain all facilities needed at its own expense, and at the end of the 8- the “Contract of Lease” executed by PCSO and Philippine Gaming
year lease term, the facilities would revert to PCSO. Kilosbayan is Management Corporation (PGMC) in connection with online lottery system
claiming that this violates section 1 of RA 1169 (the PCSO charter), —also known as “lotto.”
which prohibits PCSO from holding lotteries in collaboration, association,
or joint venture with any person, association, or entity. Pursuant to Sec. 1 of PCSO’s charter, which granted to them the
authority to hold and conduct “charity sweepstakes races, lotteries, and
Issue is WON the Lease Contract is legal and valid vis-à-vis RA 1169 as other similar activities,” PCSO decided to establish an online lottery system
amended by BP 42 which prohibits PCSO from holding and conducting to increase their revenue base and diversify the source of their funds. Upon
lotteries "in collaboration, association or joint venture with any person, learning of this, the Berjaya Group Berhad (Group), a multinational
association, company or entity, whether domestic or foreign." No, the company in Malaysia engaged in successful lottery operations in Asia,
Contract of Lease violates the Charter and is therefore invalid. running both Lotto and Digit games, thru its subsidiary, Sports Toto
Malaysia," with its "affiliate, the International Totalizator Systems, Inc., . . .
Section 1 of RA 1169 as amended by BP 42 prohibits the PCSO from an American public company engaged in the international sale or provision
holding and conducting lotteries “in collaboration, association, or joint of computer systems, became interested and offered their services and
venture with any person, association, company or entity, whether resources to PCSO.
domestic and foreign.” Collaboration is defined as the acts of working
together in a joint project. Association means the act of a number of Thus, the Group and some Filipino investors organized a Philippine
persons in uniting together for some special purpose or business. Joint corporation known as the Philippine Gaming Management Corporation
venture is defined as an association of persons or companies jointly (PGMC) intended to be the medium where the technical and management
undertaking some commercial enterprise; generally all contribute assets services required for the project would be offered and delivered to PCSO.
and share risks. The
PCSO then formally issued a Request for Proposal for the Lease
SC believes that, despite the name of the contract being a “Contract of Contract of on-line lottery system for PCSO. (Provisions are in the notes).
Lease”, it is actually either a collaboration, an association, or a joint Considering the citizenship requirement, PGMC claims that the Group will
venture. The terms of the contract reveal that PCSO will provide its reduce their equity stake to 40% by selling 35% out of the 75% foreign
franchise to operate the on-line lottery system, while everything else, stockholdings to the local investors. Thereafter, PGMC submitted their bid
including the risks, shall be borne by the bidder PGMC (maintain and to PCSO. This was then submitted to the Office of the President.
upgrade the facilities, bear all expenses needed to operate the on-line
lottery system, comply with rules, and train PCSO personnel for eventual The OP gave the go-signal to PGMC to operate the online lottery
take-over of the on-line lottery system. These conditions show that PGMC system and that the implementing contract would be submitted not later
is indispensable in the running of the on-line lottery system; they show than Nov. 8, 1993 for final clearance and approval by the Chief Executive.
that both parties have interest in the on-line lottery, and in fact it is PGMC This was published in various newspapers of general circulation.
bearing the greater burden of expenses and risks, and thus clearly a joint

G.R. NO 113375 PONENTE: Davide, J.

ARTICLE; TOPIC OF CASE: Joint Ventures—Informal JV arrangements DIGEST MAKER: Alec


Kilosbayan v Guingona Kilosbayan v Guingona

On Nov. 4, 1993, KILOSBAYAN sent an open letter to President Fidel a. Thus they are not engaged in gambling or in public
V. Ramos opposing the setting up of the lottery system, claiming that it has service relative to telecommunications network, which
serious moral and ethical considerations. But despite this, it was reported by petitioners regard as an indispensable requirement of an
the media that Malacañang will push through with it and that it is PCSO online lottery system
which will operate the lottery while the winning corporate bidders are 2. PCSO is not sharing franchise in collaboration, association, or
merely the “lessors.” KILOSBAYAN requested copies of all documents joint venture with PGMC
related to the lottery aware from Executive Secretary Guingona, who 3. It states that the execution and implementation of the contract does
promised to deliver it before the end of the month. But on that same day, an not violate the Constitution and the laws;
agreement entitled “Contract of Lease” was finally executed by PCSO and 4. The issue on the "morality" of the lottery franchise granted to the
PGMC and this was approved by the President. (Contract of Lease PCSO is political and not judicial or legal, which should be
provisions in notes) ventilated in another forum
5. Petitioners do not appear to have the legal standing or real interest
Thus, KILOSBAYAN, with its co-petitioners filed a petition where in the subject contract and in obtaining the reliefs sought.
they claim that that the Office of the President, Executive Secretary, PCSO
GADALEJ-ed by: (1) approving the award of the contract to and (2) The SolGen, Executive Secretary Guingona, Assistant Executive Secretary
entering into the “contract of lease” with PGMC for the installation and Renato Corona, and PCSO maintain the ff.:
operation of the online lottery system considering that: 1. Petitioners’ interpretation of “in collaboration, association or joint
1. PCSO is prohibiting from holding and conducting lotteries in venture” ignores the reality that PCSO, as a corporate entity, is
collaboration, association, or joint venture with any person, vested with the basic and essential prerogative to enter into all
association, company or entity (based on their charter) kinds of transactions or contracts which are necessary to attain
2. A congressional franchise is required before any person can their purpose and objectives.
establish and operate a telecommunication system (Under Act a. What PCSO Charter seeks to prohibit is an agreement
3846) akin to a joint venture or partnership where there is a
3. PGMC is disqualified from operating a public service with less community of interest in the business, sharing of profits
than 60% Filipino-owned and/or controlled corporation (Under and losses, and a mutual right of control, a characteristic
Art. XII of Constitution) which is not present in the contract of lease.
4. PGMC is not authorized by its character and under Foreign b. The role of PGMC is limited to that of a lessor of the
Investment Act to install, establish, and operate online lotto and facilities for the online lottery system, much like a
telecommunication systems. contract of a piece of work.
c. They further claim that the establishment of the
Thus, petitioners pray that SC issue a temporary restraining order and a telecommunications system stipulated in the Contract of
writ of preliminary injunction commanding the respondents to cease and Lease does not require a congressional franchise because
desist from implementing the challenged Contract of Lease and, render PGMC will not operate a public utility;
judgment declaring the Contract of Lease void and without effect and i. Even granting arguendo that PGMC is a public
making the injunction permanent. utility, it can establish a telecommunications
system even without a legislative franchise
In reply, PGMC asserts that: because not every public utility is required to
1. They are only an independent contractor of a piece of work and not secure a legislative franchise before it could
a co-operator of the lottery franchise with PCSO, establish, maintain, and operate the service

G.R. NO 113375 PONENTE: Davide, J.

ARTICLE; TOPIC OF CASE: Joint Ventures—Informal JV arrangements DIGEST MAKER: Alec


Kilosbayan v Guingona Kilosbayan v Guingona

In the deliberations of the case, the court sought to consider only the B. Subject to the approval of the Minister of Human Settlements, to
following issues and ruled as follows: engage in health and welfare-related investments, programs, projects
1. Locus standi of petitioners  7 justices voted to sustain locus and activities which may be profit-oriented, by itself or in
standi while 6 didn’t collaboration, association or joint venture with any person,
2. Legality and validity of Lease Contract vis-à-vis RA 1169 as association, company or entity, whether domestic or foreign, except
amended by BP 42 which prohibits PCSO from holding and for the activities mentioned in the preceding paragraph (A), for the
conducting lotteries "in collaboration, association or joint venture purpose of providing for permanent and continuing sources of funds
with any person, association, company or entity, whether for health programs, including the expansion of existing ones, medical
domestic or foreign."  7 justices held that the Contract of Lease assistance and services, and/or charitable grants: Provided, That such
is invalid, while 6 didn’t want to express any opinion since they investments will not compete with the private sector in areas where
considered the petitioners to have no standing. CJ didn’t take part investments are adequate as may be determined by the National
because his brother-in-law is one of the Directors of PCSO Economic and Development Authority." (emphasis supplied)

III. Issue/s SC held that by the exception explicitly made in paragraph B, Sec. 1
of the PCSO Charter, PCSO can’t share its franchise with another by way of
WON the Lease Contract is legal and valid vis-à-vis RA 1169 as amended collaboration, association, or joint venture. It cannot also assign, transfer or
by BP 42 which prohibits PCSO from holding and conducting lotteries "in lease such franchise.
collaboration, association or joint venture with any person, association,
company or entity, whether domestic or foreign." No, the Contract of Moreover, SC agrees with the petitioners that, notwithstanding the
Lease violates the Charter and is therefore invalid. denomination or designation of the contract as a Contract of Lease, it still
violates the exceptions in Sec. 1, which prohibits PCSO from holding and
IV. Ratio/Legal Basis conducting lotteries “in collaboration, association, or joint venture” with
another. SC is also unconvinced by the argument of petitioners that they are
Section 1 of RA 1169 amended by BP 42 provides: only an independent contract of a piece of work, thus they do not
contravene the law. Because the intention of the parties, which may be
"Sec. 1. The Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office.— The gathered from the provisions of the contract itself, clearly show otherwise.
Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office, hereinafter designated the
Office, shall be the principal government agency for raising and A careful analysis and evaluation of the provisions of the contract
providing for funds for health programs, medical assistance and and a consideration of the contemporaneous acts of the PCSO and
services and charities of national character, and as such shall have PGMC indubitably show that the contract is not in reality a contract of
the general powers conferred in section thirteen of Act Numbered lease under which PGMC is merely an independent contractor for a piece of
One thousand four hundred fifty-nine, as amended, and shall have work, but one where the statutorily proscribed collaboration or association,
the authority: in the least, or joint venture, at the most, exists between the contracting
A. To hold and conduct charity sweepstakes races, lotteries and
other similar activities, in such frequency and manner, as shall be Collaboration means working together in a joint project. Association
determined, and subject to such rules and regulations as shall be means the act of a number of persons in uniting together for some special
promulgated by the Board of Directors. purpose or business. Joint venture is an association of persons or
companies jointly undertaking some commercial enterprise; generally all

G.R. NO 113375 PONENTE: Davide, J.

ARTICLE; TOPIC OF CASE: Joint Ventures—Informal JV arrangements DIGEST MAKER: Alec


Kilosbayan v Guingona Kilosbayan v Guingona

contribute assets and share risks. It requires a community of interest in the PCSO would, primarily, provide the franchise. This intention is
performance of the subject matter, a right to direct and govern the policy in incorporated in the Contract of Lease.
connection therewith, and duty, which may be altered by agreement to share
both in profit and losses. Thus, the Contract of Lease is not what it purports to be. It is
carefully crafted to provide a built-in defense in the event that the
The contemporaneous acts of PCSO and PGMC reveals that PCSO agreement is violative of the exception is Sec. 1(B) of the PCSO charter.
had neither funds of its own nor expertise to operate and manage an online But, it can be seen within its provisions that the parities intended to be
lottery system. These contemporaneous acts are: in or to have a joint venture for a period of 8 years in the operation and
1. PCSO said that they are seeking a suitable contractor to build, at maintenance of the online lottery system.
its own expense, all the facilities needed to operate and maintain
the system and The joint venture is established by the following which confirm
2. They will exclusively bear “all capital, operating expenses, and PGMC’s indispensable role in the pursuit, operation, conduct, and
expansion expenses and risks” and; management of the online lottery system—with the PGMC bearing the
3. Submit a comprehensive nationwide lottery development greatest burden because of its assumption of expenses and risks, and the
plan ...which will include the game, the marketing of the games, PCSO the least, because of its confessed unwillingness to bear expenses and
and the logistics to introduce the game to all the cities and risks.
municipalities of the country within five (5) years, and; 1. The risk-bearing provision in the rent, as defined in the lease
4. The operation of the on-line lottery system should be "at no contract (which is the amount to be paid to PGMC as
expense or risk to the government" — meaning itself, since it is a compensation for the fulfillment of its obligation, including but
government-owned and controlled agency. not limited to the lease of Facilities) is not a fixed amount but it
may be drastically reduced, or in extreme cases, nothing may be
In short, the only contribution PCSO will make is its franchise or due or demandable because PGMC binds itself to “bear all risks
authority to operate the online lottery system, with the rest, including the of the revenue from the ticket sales,” is inherent in a joint-venture
risk of business, borne by the proponent or bidder. This is why PCSO and not in a lessor-lessee relationship
warned that the proponent must be able to prove that it is an entitle able to 2. In event of any pre-termination of contract or suspension of
take on the role of responsible maintainer of the online lottery system. operation of the online lottery system in breach of the contract
PCSO made it clear that the proponent can propose a period of the contract and through no fault of PGMC, PCSO binds itself to “promptly,
that doesn’t exceed 15 years and that it is assured of the rental which and in any event not later than sixty (60) days, reimburse the
doesn’t exceed 12% of gross receipts. LESSOR the amount of its total investment cost associated with
the On-Line Lottery System, including but not limited to the cost
PGMC even admitted that upon learning of PCSO’s decision, the of the Facilities, and further compensate the LESSOR for loss of
Group and its affiliates wanted to offer their services and resources to expected net profit after tax, computed over the unexpired term of
PCSO, thus they organized the PGMC as a medium which the technical and the lease” is inherent in a joint venture because the payment of
management of the services for the project would be offered and delivered expected profits or rentals for the unexpired portion should be
to PCSO. This just proves that the Group knew that PCSO had nothing but enough, if it were a contract of lease.
its franchise, which PCSO solemnly guaranteed it had as stated in the 3. If it truly were a contract of lease, SC cannot comprehend why
General Information of their Request for Proposal. Thus, both parties knew, PGMC should allow a restriction on the pursuit of “any activity or
from the inception, that necessarily leave to the PGMC the technical, business in competition with or adverse to the online lottery
operations, and management aspects of the on-line lottery system while the system of PCSO unless it obtains their consent.”

G.R. NO 113375 PONENTE: Davide, J.

ARTICLE; TOPIC OF CASE: Joint Ventures—Informal JV arrangements DIGEST MAKER: Alec


Kilosbayan v Guingona Kilosbayan v Guingona

4. If PGMC was really only a lessor, the imposition of their Gaming Management Corporation (PGMC) is hereby DECLARED
obligation to provide PCSO with the audited Annual Report sent contrary to law and invalid.
to its stockholders, and within 2 years from the effectivity of the
contract, cause itself to be listed in the local stock exchange and VI. Notes
offer at least 25% of its equity to the public, is unreasonable and
whimsical and and could only be tied up to the fact that the
PGMC will actually operate and manage the system; hence,
increasing public participation in the corporation would enhance
public interest.
5. The PGMC shall put an Escrow Deposit of P300,000,000.00
pursuant to the requirements of the RFP, which it may, at its
option, maintain as its initial performance bond required to ensure
its faithful compliance with the terms of the contract.
6. The fact that PCSO shall designate the necessary personnel to
monitor and audit the daily performance of the on-line lottery
system; and promulgate procedural and coordinating rules
governing all activities relating to the on- line lottery system
confirms that PGMC will be the one to operate the system and
PCSO may monitor and audit the daily performance of the
system. This admits of coordinating and cooperative powers and
functions of the parties.
7. The PCSO may validly terminate the contract if the PGMC
becomes insolvent or bankrupt or is unable to pay its debts, or if it
stops or suspends or threatens to stop or suspend payment of all or
a material part of its debts.

Finally, SC held that in the light of the PCSO's Request for Proposal and the
above highlighted provisions (the reasons above why it is a joint venture),
as well as the "Hold Harmless Clause" of the Contract of Lease, it is safe to
conclude that the actual lessor in this case is the PCSO and the subject
matter thereof is its franchise to hold and conduct lotteries since it is, in
reality, the PGMC which operates and manages the on-line lottery system
for a period of eight years.

V. Disposition

WHEREFORE, the instant petition is hereby GRANTED and the

challenged Contract of Lease executed on 17 December 1993 by respondent
Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) and respondent Philippine

G.R. NO 113375 PONENTE: Davide, J.

ARTICLE; TOPIC OF CASE: Joint Ventures—Informal JV arrangements DIGEST MAKER: Alec

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