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1935 Government Act

of India
Ms. Tehmina Ejaz
Lecturer at Quaid Azam University (QAU)
International Islamic University (IIUI)
Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU)
Rawalpindi Law College (RLC).
1935 Act
The Government Act of India
• Introduction:
• The period of 27 months from July 1937 to October 1939,
when the Congress ministries ruled eight out of eleven
Indian provinces was crucial for the Hindu-Muslim
relations and the future of the region
Congress Ministries The Government of India
Act of 1935
• It was practically implemented in 1937.
• The provincial elections were held in the winter of 1936-37. There were two
major political parties in the Sub-continent at that time, the Congress and the
Muslim League. Both parties did their best to persuade the masses before
these elections and put before them their manifesto.
• The political manifestos of both parties were almost identical, although there
were two major differences. Congress stood for joint electorate and the
League for separate electorates; Congress wanted Hindi as official language
with Deva Nagri script of writing while the League wanted Urdu with
Persian script.
Provincial elections of 1937 And their Results.

• Under the Act of 1935, the elections were held in the provincial assemblies
in 1937. There were total 1771 seats (1585 seats in the lower House and 186
in the Upper House) in the provincial assemblies. Out of the total 1585 eats,
the Congress won 706 seats and in eleven provinces. On the whole, the
Congress captured less than fifty per cent seats which refuted its claim to
speak for all Indians, it also won 26 Muslim seats out 491 and Muslim League
won only 106 seats
Settlement Of Congress Ministries

• Congress won clear majority in 5 provinces: Madras, C.P, U.P, Bihar and
Orissa. Coalition government was formed in Bombay, Bengal and Punjab.
Unionist party of Sir Sikandar Hayat made ministry in the Punjab. Congress
tried to seek assurance from Governors not to interfere in the workings of
the ministries who had powers or set aside the advice of the ministers.
Congress refused to make coalition with the Muslim league by offering nearly
impossible terms and conditions.
Dictatorship Of Congress Ministries:

• The Congress ministries in eight provinces lasted from July 1937 to October
1939. During this period, these ministries used all methods of dictatorship
and acted under the Congress High Command to suppress and persecute the
• For the Muslims and the minorities, the congress rule was nothing short of
troubles and trials. The policies adopted by the Congress were as under:
1937 Congress Ministries

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