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204100 IT & Modern Life 1

Department of Computer Science

Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University

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Assistant Prof. Dr. Wijak Srisujjalertwaja
Assistant Prof. Dr. Dussadee Praserttitipong
Translated by Associated Prof. Dr. Rattasit Sukhahuta

204100 IT & Modern Life 2


1. Online Collaboration Concepts

2. Services That Support Online Collaboration
3. Preparing for Online Collaboration
4. OnlineClick to edit
Collaboration Master title style

204100 IT & Modern Life 3

1. Online Collaboration

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1. Online Collaboration
• Online Collaboration is when two or more users collaborate which includes
communicating, sharing resources and data, and setting collaboration goals by using
software tools that facilitate online collaboration via computer networks, which can be
intranets or the Internet.

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1.1 Online Collaboration Tools’ Main Capabilities

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(1) Designating (2) Communication (3 ) Sharing Files and
collaboration groups between group members Resources

1.1 Online Collaboration Tools’ Main Capabilities

To facilitate effective online collaboration, the online tools need to be able to do the
1) Designating collaboration groups
2) Communication between group members
3) Sharing Files and Resource

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1.1 Online Collaboration Tools’ Main Capabilities (cont.)

(1) Designating
collaboration groups

Team A Team B

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1.1 Online Collaboration Tools’ Main Capabilities (cont.)

1) Designating collaboration groups :
Online collaboration tools should have functionalities that allow users to define:
• Which users are in (and NOT in) a group
• Role and responsibilities of a user in a group, which can vary from one user to

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1.1 Online Collaboration Tools’ Main Capabilities (cont.)

(2) Communication between
group members

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Chat or Instant

Video Call/Conference


1.1 Online Collaboration Tools’ Main Capabilities (cont.)

2) Communication between group members:
Online collaboration tools should have ways for users working in the same group to
communicate with each other. Each communication way can vary in form, how it is provided,
and whether it is real-time or not. Such communication services include video call or video
conference, chat or instant message, and email.

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1.1 Online Collaboration Tools’ Main Capabilities (cont.)

(3) Sharing Files and

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1.1 Online Collaboration Tools’ Main Capabilities (cont.)

3) Sharing Files and Resources :
This functionality allow collection of collaboration results such as document files,
presentation files, meeting records, and other files. Sharing files will also need to make sure
all members (that should) have access to the most recent files for their works, making timely
decision, and communication for collaboration

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1.2 Importance Characteristics of Online Collaboration Tool

Allow Multiple users with

concurrent access

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Real time response

Global reach

1.2 Importance Characteristics of Online Collaboration Tool

1) Allow multiple users with concurrent access
More than one users should be able to access the same file or resource at the same time
for effective collaboration and decision-making

2) Real time response

The tool should allow activities including sending messages, editing and updating contents
to occur in real time. This will make communication and shared information current, making
communication and collaboration current and convenient.

3) Global reach
The tool should allow access from anywhere in the world with Internet connection.

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1.3 Online Collaboration Tools

Online Calendars
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Applications Master title style

Social Media

Online Learning Environments

1.3 Online Collaboration Tools

Tools supporting online collaboration include:
 Productivity applications, such as Microsoft Office programs
 Online meetings
 Social media
 Online calendars
 Online learning environments

These tools will be used together. For example, when students are collaborating for a
report, they can:
• Use productivity applications (Word) to make a report
• Use social media used for exchanging ideas
• Schedule for meeting on online calendar

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1.4 Benefits of Online Collaboration

Sharing Data and Schedule

Reduce Travel Expense

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Increase Teamwork Efficiency

Simplify Communication

1.4 Benefits of Online Collaboration

 Sharing data and schedule: users can access the files via the cloud computing
services with file access and modification control from multiple users working on
the files together, and tracking change history of those files. In addition, the users
can make an appointment on online calendars by sharing details on their personal
working calendar.
 Reduce Travel Expense: communication over the internet, allowing users to talk
and collaborate over distances, reduce travel expenses. Coworkers no longer need
to share office and can instead work from anywhere in the world.
 Increase Teamwork Efficiency: there are many online working collaboration tools
technology tools that users can choose. The team can pick tools appropriate to
their skills and requirements, which improve team’s efficiency to reach theirs goal
 Simplify Communication: working through collaboration tools is a part of building
team’s cooperation and communication skills. Various tools also allow groups
designation. These can make communication easier.

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1.5 Risks in Online Collaboration

Malware threats

Identity or Data Theft

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Unauthorized styleto Shared Files

Service Interruptions

Insufficient Management of Version Control

1.5 Risks Associated with Using Online Collaborative Tools

 Malware Threats: one of the things to watch out for when connecting to outside
networks is malware, which is the software that can damage entire hardware
resources, software and data, or provide unauthorized access to corporate
resources. These malware include viruses, worms, Trojans, spyware, adware,
 Identity or Data Theft: hacker can gain access to that private information and
resources, including reading, editing, and copying
 Unauthorized Access to Shared Files: it is important to control access to shared files
and information to prevent people who does not have access right from doing so
 Service Interruptions: either internal, external networks can go down from various
reason, including power outage, which will affect online collaboration
 Insufficient Management of Version Control: users can modify shared files at the
same time so that it is important to select tools that can track these changes correctly

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1. Online Collaboration Concepts

2. Services That Support Online Collaboration
3. Preparing for Online Collaboration
4. OnlineClick to edit
Collaboration Master title style

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2. Services That Support Online Collaboration

Conventional Online

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2. Services That Support Online Collaboration

In the past, we using computers for communication or by sending files, messages,
email through the web application. The data will be stored on senders and
recipient’s desktop or notebook computers.

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2. Services That Support Online Collaboration (cont.)

Cloud Computing
Mobile Technology

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2. Services That Support Online Collaboration (cont.)

On the other hand, in present days, we have more services that can support online
collaboration and make it more convenient, such as:
 Mobile Technology: allows collaboration via mobile device such as tablet and smart
phone, so that users can work in any place or any time (depend on the work)
 Cloud computing: allows user to connect to datacenters with a lot of servers, which
provide computational and data management service and can support up to millions
of users. Users can also store and share files via cloud service, such as OneDrive or
Google Drive.

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2.1 Cloud Computing

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2.1 Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a type of service available to users via the internet. It works as
• The service provider provides IT infrastructure and basic functions to support
users in all aspects: networking, data storage, system testing, database
management, and various software specialized to businesses. All software
and data are stored on the provider’s server
• The users do not need to have any technical knowledge, only that they are
connected to the Internet and simply use that service.
• The users do not need to install hardware and software at their location.
Users can also choose to use and pay for particular services, allowing them
to match service selection to their needs and budget.

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2.1.1 Benefits of Cloud Computing

Reduced Costs
Enhanced Mobility

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Scalability Automatic

2.1.1 Benefits of Cloud Computing

 Reduced Costs: using cloud computing bring IT to business easily and (usually)
also at reduced costs, since the organization can use IT services without (or
with less) IT infrastructure. Furthermore, using applications via cloud computing
also redeuce software cost.
 Enhanced Mobility: user can access the application/service anywhere with (decent)
Internet connection, unless the services are blocked by local authorities.
 Scalability: cloud computing provided on-demand resources with real-time services
that can reach a large group of users. User or organization can specify service that fit
their needs and budget. Also, if the needs or the budget are to change, the users can
increase or decrease the amount of storage/ number of service as required.
 Automatic updates: since (most of) the software are installed on central host(s), they
can be updated there without needing individual users to install new version of the

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2.1.2 Risks in Cloud Computing

Dependence on Provider Risk of Data Protection and


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styleLoss of Privacy

2.1.2 Risks in Cloud Computing

 Dependence on provider: cloud computing relies on Internet connection and
particular service provider which connect interruption can lead to transaction
damage. Also, provider can raise cost/reduce quality of service, leading to
increase in cost
 Risk of data protection and control: such as risk of malware or unauthorized
 Potential loss of privacy: online collaboration requires sharing data of many people.
Hence, there maybe risk of unauthorized access to sensitive and private data of team
members and clients, leading to loss of privacy.

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2.2 Online Collaboration with Mobile Devices

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2.2 Online Collaboration with Mobile Devices

A typical mobile device has Internet access with varying capabilities and size according
to the usage purpose, with focus on portability
In recent years, mobile devices have grown in popularity from increased availability of affordable
products, resulting in expanded customer base. Example of mobile devices are smartphones and
Mobile devices are developed to be used with different operating systems (OSs), such as:
 Apple's iOS : mobile OS developed for devices produced by Apple, such as iPhone,
iPad, and iPod
 Google’s Android: mobile OS developed by Google. It supports mobile devices from
many brands
 Microsoft's Windows Phone: mobile OS developed by Microsoft. Discontinued.

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2.3.1 Mobile Connection for Online Collaboration

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2.2.1 Mobile Connection for Online Collaboration

Mobile connection can be done (mostly) in 2 ways:
 Bluetooth: it is a personal wireless technology standard for the short-term
information exchange directly between devices to exchange information. The
connection is temporary, and user can determine which devices they will
connect to/allow other to connect to their own device
 Internet (or other network) connection: is a connection to shared network.
Connected device can share information in a wider range. For mobile device, such
connection can be done in 2 ways:
 Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN): is a wireless connection of more
than one devices through local area network (LAN). Such network can
be expanded by Wi-Fi routers or Wi-Fi hotspots. Nowadays, Wi-Fi
connections are available in more public places such as airports, hotels,
coffee shops, allowing mobile devices to connect to the Internet
wirelessly in those locations

Mobile Internet (3G/4G/5G): is a wireless connection through device’s cell
network, provided by cell phone service provider.

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2.2.2 Data Synchronization

Data Backup

Application Upgrade
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and Restore

Keeping Data Up-to-date

2.2.2 Data Synchronization

The synchronization technology is designed to manage the storage of a single file on two or
more devices and automatic update to make sure all copies of that file have the same
content. Synchronization between devices are done by data transfer, over LAN for
synchronization between nearby device, and over the Internet for remote devices.

The examples of benefits of data synchronization are:

 Data backup – if your storage/computer is damaged, you still have data somewhere
 Application upgrade and restore – the backup data/files can be used to fix
applications on your damage machine
 Keeping data up-to-date – changes made to the file on one machine will
automatically apply to the same file on other machine as well.


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