23B Teichert - 8 Nov 2023

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S.E.C. Registration Number


(Company's Full Name)

F E L I X R E Y E S S T . ,
B A R A N G A Y B A L I B A G O , C I T Y O F
S A N T A R O S A , L A G U N A 4 0 2 6

(Business Address: No. Street City / Town / Province)

Atty. Helen G. Tiu 7759 7595

g Corporate Secretary
Contact Person Company Telephone Number

1 2 3 1 SEC Form 23-B

Month Day Month Day
Fiscal Year Form Type Annual Meeting



Issuer of Securities under SEC-MSRD

No. 27, Series of 2021
Secondary License Type, If Applicable

Dept. Requiring this Doc. Amended Articles Number/Section

Total No. of Stockholders Domestic Foreign

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----

To be accomplished by SEC Personnel concerned

File Number LCU

Document I.D. Cashier


Remarks = pls. use black ink for scanning purposes

sEcuRmEs AND ExclIANeE coMussioN
lklro hbnl., Phlll|.I)Iltee

FORM 23-8


Flled put.rant to 5bcdoh 23 al the SecurfroG Reouqun code
I too,#ncgLro¥ul','e:o':Eel 8ubjec`

i, Name oua .care-or nti[drcrru rar.OnTeichert|Janlel I is.IJel `eirrie ." irloira e.yrncoiMondeNissin CorDoration (MONDE} i. rteiummel`IP oT I`Cpemng rErcon u] It]Uar

(Chock aw I]pplk:abb)

low Ctw®,
Nlmbe, Hontw,a, _ i/mcB/ _ one/
(9r`.e dtt bl-13wi (epec]ly below)

19018 RItz Towers, 6745 Avala Avenue 286€46-88? Nove mber 2023
(rmet) 4, Cmz.rE]h,p 6. nAmendmorit Due otChi|I"1WarTinycor] Chief Risk Management Officer and
Interlm Chief lntemal Au dit Executive

Maka6 122G German

Cclty` (.ro\lm:.| ira-i-i -oat i
Table 1 -Equ ty Sei;urtttos Bertelicialy CtwiREd

1. Cla.a ot Equity Secunty 2 TmnErmr\ 4` Securities Actiub.a (4) ]r I_id a/ (D) a. Amourri at 8.cuhtb8 0\^rr\od at e 4 c~hlp Form 6 Nalure ol lndLec` B®rwlic"
D,t(hiorthtorrtdr) a, Morty Pir.ct (lJ`) or lndlibct \1) . OWICDNP

\ numb./ of sh.I..
AtnoL'rt (A) o' (D) P,faB

Commorl Shares at Phpo.50 par value aBof

{BE*girlning Balance as of Septerhoer 7. 2023) b9/0"2023 NH 159,700 (Dl NIA

Thls SEC Fom 238 Is belng fl ed to dlscrose theappointmentOfMr.TeicherlaslnterlmChioflnternalAudltExecutlve f octlveNovember30.an23,whichtlHehew`l holdlnadditiontohiscur entde=IgnatlonaE\ChiefRiskMarTE]gernentOf l¢erTherehasbe nnochangelntheshareholdingsofMr.Teitherfsincethefl lngc>fhlslastSECForm238.

=s=-f5Essaiziaii;L==J:=cai#ISL±;=±sE.:=iii±=J,5¥>se±,re r>Syif,5`±S`¥¥ xf'' %.ti=<J+dyr3*5SIts ,`,**

' " I-1 i, , I - •1 \, -I "I

RI-mi"±r Ropert on a eepe-ate Wne ror cacl claee ot quin/ HicuTD!-he-ncDtry o`med drr"r ol Irol\petry.
(1) A percoo E! dr!ctry or hdrGcdy the cor-ncLal ow`er or .T¢. equ!ty fecurify win ma]f-ct ta wha:h he hoe or 6hares
(A) Votw-iPl :o\^t.r vwhEh lrBlidee th-apvl.I to vat- I]r I-droct the vctny Dt, guen 9.cLrfu and/or
(a) I"erfui:rR Dover vmth lrolude® hp po\h`.I a. .Ep]er Dl or to dlr.c` the dtsfoaiferi Dt. such securty
(2) A peleon w]I in ckermao to ha/. .n lrdl:!cL ber``.`cll .dyied h any eqLJty I.cu/fry wl:h B
(A) hera b, members at -Fn.I.orf5 mn`edrfe t.mlbl a.Bung the mme ho\ifhold.
(a) hek] b` I partner)hip A whEh .urh pe/aoh lo a 9]neral ponmr,
(C} hen a` 1 coiporaton o{ whlBh 5Lth p.r.a i lE -ILO.hal.ng 5harehouer. or
(D; 5ub'e(I I zmy ¢orThacl ar\rarg.-I]nt or uld®rEbrd iq whlch givca a*h perin utJ]ng roner a. irvoglml!rt po\^.r \rm rty5prd rx ELr:h cecurty
i=oRM 2a€ |con"u.a) Table IL , Oorivatne SocLlrrtbo6 PcctLIIrod, Dlsposed of, or Banchci]try owned
(!4.. uar.aof!, opeors, I:on`whbE i..uifty-I

1 ut!rhr3(IV: secLimy I iranElcfron JI.-.,-

tue 5ecurltie6 in :).. + \",1- iu. rra[ure

Exerclse puce Da'B AGqulied (A) oi DI 6pceed a/ (D) Exarcrsabte ancl UndEriring S ecu'itles +1 \ ®`\ 1, Do'iv®t+® 6h,P Fom of lnc.rect

of Doweho (Monln/Dayrrr) Expiratm Data S®oL' ,rty Seeumfs al Chnvdtive Benofieinl

S®Ounty (Month/Donyoai) BonoficlallyOunodhtEndofMonth Secu,fry.DlreBt`D)lndIT,Ct(I) - Ormorsh/p

uam Exercrmpe t=P Tat,a r`Date mount oThorfe,af8rqub

• Arrounl (A) Or 'D) The


1 1 "/2023

rtoto FjE thre-I.) copbe ofthi§ form, one of whx;h muck be manuatw 6unBd.

Attach nddrt`onal shoots If §pec® provided i6 insufflcE!nt

I +_`__ `-I ILL_ '1 . - : .,--- `' ,.``-, ,
(sot INCFtEA3EiDEcfiEASE Of` EaurvAIENT TO sN OF THE OuT6TAhunro conTAL stock OF IssLiER)

Item 1 . Security and Issue.

State the title of the class of eciurty 8ecurities to which this Form relates and the name and address of the principal execLltwe offices of the rs§uer of such securitieB.

ben 2. Identity and Background

lf the person filing this Form is a corporation, par[nership, syndicate or other group ot persons, §fate its name, the province, country or other place Df Its organization, its principal
business, the address of its principel office and the Information reciuired by (d) ancl (e) of this Item. If the pErson filing this staterrient B a riatural pers`on. provide the information
speCified in (a) through (t) of this Item wth respect to Such person(s).
a. Name;
b. Resit]ence or business address;
c. Present principal occupation or employment and the name. princlpal business and address of any corporation or other organization in which such emph]yment le cDnclucted;

d. Whalher or not, during the last five years, such perscin has been convicted in a crimirlal proceeding (excltlding traffic violations ar 6imllar mlsdemeanors) and, if so, give the
dates, nature of conviction, name and locatlon of court, any penalty imposed, or other dieposltion of the case:
e, Whet.her or not, during the last five years, siich person \ras a party to a civil proceedLng of a judit:ial or administrative body of competent Juriedietlon, damestjc ar foreun. and as a
re6utt of Such proceeding \M]s or is subject to any order, Judgment or decree, not subseciuently reversed, suspended ar vacated, permanently or temporarily enjoining, barring,
§uspendrng or otherwlse limitlng involvement in any type of bu6inessr seciJiltle6, commodities or banklng, and

i. CItlzen8hlp.

Item 3. Pu.pese of Transaction

State the purpose or purposes of the acquisrtion of 8ecumies of the issuer. Describe any plans or proposals iwhich the reporting persons rrfay have which relate to cir vrould result

a. The acqui§ltlon by any person of additional se®urities of the issuer, or the dlspositlon of securities of the lsBuiEr,
b. An e`Aracirdlnary corporate transactLon` such as a merger, reDrganlzation or liqulclatlan, invoMng tile issuer or any of Its siibeidlarie6;
c. A sale or transfer of a material amount of assets of the i3suer cir of any of its subskliarie=.
cl Any change in the present board of dlrectctrs or management of the is§uer, including any plama or propD§als to change the number or term of directors or to fill any existing
vacaricies cln the board;
e. Any material change in the present capltaluzation or dlvidend policy I)f the 166uer;
f. Any other material change in the ls§uer's business or corporate structure,
a. Charges in the issuer's charter, bylaus or instrumerits corresponding thereto or other actions whlch may imipede the acqui§ition of control qf the i§§uer by any person,

h. Causing a class of securitie§ of the re§uer to be dells;ted from a seciirt[Ies exchange

i, Any actlon §imllar to any df thcree enumerated above.

Item 4.
a. State the aggregate number and percentage df the class of securities identified pursuait to lteim 1 benefimawally Dvmed (identifying those chares which there iB a right to acciuire

b. For each person named in response to paragraph (a), ndicate the T`umber of shares as to whroh there is sole power to vote or to direct the vote, shared povrer to vote or td direct
the vote. golB or Shared I)ovrer tD dspo6e or to direct thE dispDsiti€]n. Provide the applicable ir`formation requirecl by Item 2 vrith respect to each person with whom the power to
vote or to direct the vote t)I to dispose or d[rect the dl5pceition iE §haied.
c Describe Einy transaction in the ctaGs of 6ecuritie§ reported on trat irere effected during the past sixty (60) days by the persons named in respcr`iBe to paragraph (al. The
description Shall inclLlde, b`Jt not nece§sanly be limited to. (1 ] the identrty cif the person who effected the transaction, (2) the date of the tran§action, (3) the amount of se(;urities
Involved, (41 thEL pneE per share or lmit; and (5) where or howthe trBnsE]ction was effected.
cl lf any other pei9on i§ kncwn tD have the right to receive or the po\L`ei to ciirect the reeeipt of diviclend§ from, or the proceeds from the Sale of such secumies, a 9tetement to that
effec,t should be included in responEe to this Item arid, if 5ueh mtere§t relates to more than five (5%) percent 'of the class such person Should be ldentmed.

a. If the fllmg iS an amendment reflecting the fact ttiat the iepDrting perean has ceased to be the beneflcial Curler ot more than five (5%) percent of the ofass of §ecLirities, state the
date on whH:h 5LFoh bene&icial ouner§hlp veg IedLlced.

ltelTl 5. Contracts, ArranEBment&, underitandings or Relation=hipe with Refpce( to Secu\rities ot the lesuer
Des{:ribe anr contract. arrangement, undert.t€ndlng Dr relationEr!ip amang the person rained in ttem 2 ancl bet\reen sLich persor`s and any person with respect to any se(;Liritie§
of the is8Lre, includJng but not limited tD transler or voting of any Ef the aeourltiE§, flnder'S fees, joint ventures, loan Qr option ariangements, puts or calls, guarantees of profits.
dlvision or profits or lc]s§, or the grring or withholding of prome§ naning the person wth whom Such contracts, arrangements, understandings or relatieiiships have been entered
into. Include BUEh information tar any Df the s3cuFitie§ that ate pledged or ather"se subject to a contingency the occurrence ot which would give another person voting power or
lnve6tmem pewEr aver Such §EcurftjeB e*cEpt that dl6clasure Dtstanda,rd default and similar provrsion8 conta,inecl in loan agreements need not be included.

nem a. Material to be Filed a5 Ethlblts

Copies of aH urritten a9reements, cantract§, arTaingiements, wnderstanding6, plans or proposals relatirig to:
a. the acquigitirm Df is§uei control, liqurdation, Bale or a6senB, mEnger or change in busine6s or corporate striicture or any other maker a§ di6clo6ed in Item 3; ancl

b. the transfer or `.citJng Df the gecuritre§. fmdeFTS fees, peiim TEmturE§, optioma puts, calls, guarantees of loans, guarantees again9t lds§E§ or the glving or withholding of any proxy aB
disclosed in Item 5.

After reagmnahlE mquiry and lD lhB best of ingi' krmulEdgE ancl beliief,I certify that the information set forth in this Report i§ true, complete and accurate. This
report js 5iEned im the (=fty of Makati, a,n November ,a. E023„
•-+3L= ,i
Chief F{isk Management C)fflcer and
Interim Chief lntemal Audit Executive

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