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Cent. Eur. J. Geosci.

• 4(1) • 2012 • 81-93

DOI: 10.2478/s13533-011-0052-0

Central European Journal of Geosciences

Investigating sediments and rock structures beneath

a river using underwater ERT
Research Article

Jannis Epting∗1 , Andreas Wüest1,2 , Peter Huggenberger1

1 Applied and Environmental Geology, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Basel,

Bernoullistrasse 32, 4056 Basel, Switzerland
2 Present address: Keller + Lorenz AG, Tribschenstrasse 61, 6005 Luzern, Switzerland

Received 27 October 2011; accepted 14 January 2012

Abstract: This article presents hydrogeophysical investigations performed in a well-developed, long-term hydrogeological
gypsum karst research site where subsurface evaporite dissolution has led to the subsidence of a river dam and
an adjacent highway; both constructed on gypsum-containing rock, southeast of Basel, Switzerland. An obser-
vation system was set up to improve the protection of surface and subsurface water resources during remedial
construction measures of the highway and in order to understand the processes, as well as the temporal evolu-
tion, of rock water interaction (flow and dissolution).
However, no detailed hydrogeological information beneath the river could be derived from the previous investi-
gations. To supplement the basic knowledge on this area, underwater Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT)
measurements were conducted in the river bed upstream of the dam. The ERT-data are interpreted together with
drill-core information and a conceptual 3D-Model of the area behind the dam and beneath the river. Results help
to delineate weathered zones, associated faults and the thickness of sediment deposits behind the dam, as well
as to locate voids within the local karst system. The combination of the ERT and modeling allows the optimization
of future site-specific remedial construction measures.
Keywords: Dam site • Subsidence • Karst evolution • Conduit development • Underwater ERT
© Versita sp. z o.o.

1. Introduction present hydrogeophysical investigations derived from a

well-developed long-term hydrogeological research site
for gypsum karst [3, 4].
The common procedures for controlling gypsum karst de-
Infrastructures constructed on soluble geologic formations
velopment beneath subsided infrastructure are deep cut-
are prone to subsidence [1, 2]. Karst features develop
off trenches backfilled with impermeable material, close-
much more rapidly when found within gypsum-bearing for-
spaced grout curtains that are intended to fill all cavities,
mations than they do in carbonate formations. While the
as well as piling measures to support the infrastructure.
characterization and modeling of flow in heterogeneous
Such remedial measures profit from the understanding of
and porous media has been investigated intensively, we
the principal processes that lead to karstification and the
subsequent localized weathering of rock and preferential

E-mail: flow paths (conduits) to some degree.

Investigating sediments and rock structures beneath a river using underwater ERT

Non-destructive geophysical methods can result in a more

comprehensive and detailed site characterization than
could be achieved by drilling alone, especially in com-
plex environments such as karst areas and unstable sites
where invasive techniques, such as drilling, cannot be per-
formed [5–9]. ERT surveys also play an important role in
investigating water-covered areas; as they can efficiently
produce continuous underground images [10–12].
In this study, the results of underwater ERT within a river
bed upstream of a dam are presented. At the site, sub-
surface evaporite dissolution has led to subsidence of a
river dam and an adjacent highway, both constructed on
gypsum-containing rock. Furthermore, the integration of
underwater ERT into a 3D model of the river sediment de-
posits and the underlying weathered gypsum rock is pre-
sented. Results are discussed together with previous hy-
drogeological and hydrogeophysical investigations [3, 4]
to describe the current state of the rapidly developing
gypsum karst.

2. Settings and previous investiga-

The area of investigation is located along the Birs River
southeast of Basel, Switzerland (Fig. 1). The hydrology
is strongly affected by an artificial river dam and the pro- Figure 1. Investigation area in the urban agglomeration of Basel
duction of hydropower from a small hydro-electric power showing the remedial measures as well as ERT profiles.
plant. The dam, as it is today, was constructed in the
1890’s [13]. However, documentation of anthropogenic im-
pacts in this region, including the deviation of water for a.s.l. River-groundwater interaction is dominated by the
early manufacturing business in Basel, reaches back as hydraulic river head and variations of river bed conduc-
far as the 11th century [14]. tance upstream of the dam during flood events.
Upstream of the dam, river water infiltrates into the highly The stratigraphic column includes the lithological se-
permeable fluvial gravel and into the weathered bedrock, quences for the geological and hydrogeological model-
where it follows the hydraulic gradient around and be- ing and extends from the Quaternary river gravel to the
neath the dam and exfiltrates downstream into the river. Gipskeuper sequence (Fig. 2). Quaternary gravel, silty
These processes enhance karstification in the soluble com- flood deposits, as well as artificial fillings beneath the
ponents of the Gipskeuper and result in an extended highway overlie the Triassic and Jurassic strata on the
weathering zone within the bedrock as well as in the de- right side of the river. On the map in Figure 2, the Qua-
velopment of preferential flow within cavities. Such fea- ternary sequence has been removed, and the complex pat-
tures play a major role in the evolution process of a rapidly tern of lithological changes in some parts of the investiga-
evolving karst system. As a result, these processes have tion area is illustrated. These sequences consist of marls
enhanced karstification in the soluble components of the and clays (Obere Bunte Mergel), dolomites (Gansinger
gypsum-containing rock and have led to the subsidence Dolomit) and sandstones, marls (Schilfsandstein/Untere
of the dam and the highway of up to 21 cm over the Bunte Mergel), and, for most of the investigation area,
last 30 years. To prevent further subsidence, construction Gipskeuper. Gipskeuper is made up of a series of evap-
measures were carried out in two major project phases in orite layers and intercalations of marls. The lithological
2006 and 2007 [3, 4]. term Gipskeuper as used in this paper generally includes
The vertical drop to the base level downstream of the dam the mineral gypsum and also refers to anhydrite, which, in
is 7.3 m. As there is sufficient water supplied by the the deeper subsurface, is the more common anhydrous form
Birs River, the pondage is practically constant at 266.2 m of calcium sulfate. In its non-weathered appearance the

J. Epting, A. Wüest, P. Huggenberger

Figure 2. Geological, tectonic map with removed Quaternary sequence (modified after unpublished data, Pfirter [49]), as well as lithostratigraphy,
hydrostratigraphy, modeled geological units (modified after Bitterli-Brunner et al. [50], Gürler et al. [51], Pearson et al. [52], Spottke
et al. [53]) and longitudinal cross section. Expression of regional geological formations: Obstusus Tone – clay; Arietenkalk, Rhät –
limestone; Untere and Obere Bunge Mergel - greyish to reddish marls and clays; Gansinger Dolomit – Dolomite; Schilfsandstein –
sandstone; Gipskeuper – gypsum Keuper.

Gipskeuper is characterized as having a low permeabil- wells for groundwater or subsidence measurements. In to-
ity, however, with its weathered appearance, Gipskeuper tal, 12 observation wells were fitted with automatic data
can be considered as a heterogeneous (karstified) aquifer. loggers for monitoring the following physical parameters:
Areas below the dam and the highway are strongly weath- hydraulic head, temperature and electrical conductivity.
ered due to gypsum dissolution in the Gipskeuper and are Additional lithostratigraphic information could be derived
loosened over several meters of thickness. from reports made during the installation of the piles. Hy-
The investigation area is characterized by the Eastern draulic connections and flow velocities within the inves-
Rhinegraben Master fault accompanied by an intense tec- tigation area were investigated by a dye tracer test in
tonic segmentation into compartments [15]. The Triassic 1996. Maximal groundwater flow velocities ranged from
strata dip at an angle of approximately 45◦ to the West 85 to 111 md−1 ; values typical for conduits within well-
and are subdivided by a series of NNE-SSW normal faults developed mature karst systems [16].
(Fig. 2). Fracture zones are associated with rock weakness
and can locally increase permeability within sequences, The first investigational studies beginning in the 1990’s
resulting in enhanced groundwater leakage and the de- focused on drilling campaigns providing 1D lithostrati-
velopment of paths for preferential flow (Tectono-karstic graphic profiles from borehole logs. The primary purpose
conduits). for drilling boreholes was to find significant permeable
Multiple data sources were available for the investiga- zones within the underlying bedrock and existing cavi-
tion area: (1) lithostratigraphic profiles from borehole ties. Although the probability of encountering cavities is
logs as well as coarse geological information on piling fairly low and relies on a hit-or-miss approach, in total,
measures and locations with supplementary cement injec- 7 cavities with diameters ranging from 0.3 to 2.7 m were
tion (Fig. 1); (2) continuous groundwater measurements detected at a depth of 15 to 18 m. The borehole data
(Fig. 1); (3) results from dye tracer tests; and (4) the na- suggests that the thickness of the weathered Gipskeuper
tional geological map. A total of 24 vertical boreholes ranges from 2.2 to 14.8 m. Additionally, in the 1990’s
were drilled in several investigation phases from 1993 several boreholes hydraulically connected aquifers. The
to 2007. Most boreholes were equipped as observation connection is documented by drill-core protocols and was

Investigating sediments and rock structures beneath a river using underwater ERT

recently confirmed by geochemical and hydraulic data (Ta- rounding media as well as an interpretation and/or assign-
ble 1; [3]). ment of changes in physical parameters. Each method has
The borehole data suggest that the occurrence of cavities, limitations in depth of exploration and resolution, depend-
and consequently the development of conduits, is concen- ing on the settings.
trated at the base of the weathered Gipskeuper (lixiviation Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) can be effective
front), where most of the solution cavities were encoun- in settings where faults and “weak” zones beneath the wa-
tered. The majority of the encountered cavities contain ter layer can be expected. Among others, Dahlin [17], Loke
clay, gravel and calcite fillings. During episodic floods, and Barker [18], Donner [19], Pellerin [20] and Khalil [21]
these fillings are partially flushed, allowing more aggres- describe various ERT applications for environmental sci-
sive water to enter the system. Consequently, the devel- ences and hydrological questions. Geophysical mapping
opment of conduits occurs in response to the flooding of with ERT has been successful for investigating and map-
passages. The map in Figure 2 also shows the course of ping features in karst terrains (e.g. [22–25]), exploring
the Birs River in 1798 compared to the situation in 1983. shallow subsurface cavities [26–28], within complex ge-
The river was straightened in the 19th century and cut into ological areas [29, 30], and in urban areas (e.g. [31]). Fur-
the Triassic bedrock, resulting in a narrow couloir. thermore, numerous ERT investigations have focused on
However, such intrusive exploration methods deliver lim- dam leakage (e.g. [32]) and buried paleochannels [33, 34].
ited information on the geometry of karst features and Active faults are often imaged as low resistivity zones
their connectivity; in addition they are costly, time- (e.g., [35–37]), so continuous imaging of resistivity struc-
consuming and can leave hydraulic connections. In the ture can be a powerful tool for mapping active fault zones.
current case study, the drilling of several boreholes re- In addition, since a resistivity survey is sensitive to ver-
sulted in a connection of groundwater-bearing horizons in tical structure, the delineation of the location of vertical
the gravel deposits and of the easily soluble evaporitic weak zones is auspicious.
bedrock. This caused the accelerated vertical groundwa- For ERT surveys in water-covered areas, electrodes are
ter movements to locally stimulate karstification. installed on the lake or river bed, or floated on the water
Further hydrogeological and hydrogeophysical investiga- surface, however, direct contact with the earth is favorable
tions, including groundwater and karst evolution model- as it amplifies the current into the earth, and with this
ing [3, 4, 16] within the investigation area on the river the sensitivity to subsurface anomalies. Kwon et al. [38]
bank, under different hydrologic and geotechnical bound- used ERT in a river to detect faults by employing floating
ary conditions, both before and after the construction re- electrodes as well as electrodes on the river bed. In ad-
mediation measures, allowed the description of: (1) pref- dition to their field case study, Kwon et al. [38] presented
erential flow in the shallow subsurface (calculated leak- a numerical study evaluating the potential of underwater
age rate range between 25 ls−1 during base flow and up to ERT surveys when using floating electrodes or electrodes
90 ls−1 during major flood events [4]); (2) zones that are re- placed at the bottom of the river bed with regards to elec-
lated to groundwater flow around the dam, including flow trode spacing, sensitivity and electrode spreads. Nyquist
dynamics; (3) drainage phenomena of karst features such et al. [39] used stream bottom ERT to map groundwater
as cavities and conduits; (4) the weathering horizon within discharge and assess groundwater-surface water interac-
the Gipskeuper; (5) near-surface faults and fractures that tion within streams. They show that patterns of groundwa-
are associated with “weak” zones; and (6) buried pale- ter discharge can be mapped at the meter scale. Crook et
ochannels. However, no information on the thickness of al. [40] used ERT imaging to characterize the architecture
sediment deposits, weathered zones, or karst and fault of substream sediments, whereby they used electrodes in-
features within the gypsum rock beneath the river behind stalled on the river bed. Their results provide an estimate
the dam could be derived from these investigations. The of the sediment volume behind a log jam.
current study focused on filling this deficit by applying In this case study, underwater ERT measurements were
further non-destructive methods. conducted in the river bed upstream of the dam to sup-
plement the basic knowledge within the outlined gypsum
karst research site. 56 underwater graphite electrodes
3. Methods with a fixed spacing of 1 m for all measurements limit the
maximal profile line to 55 m (Advanced Geosciences, Inc.
There are a number of geophysical techniques which are (AGI), Sting/Swift R1 resistivity meter). From Loke [41],
applicable to investigations of geological structures near the maximum prospective depth for the Wenner setup can
the surface (e.g. [3]). All methods are based on mapping be calculated by multiplying the length of the profile line
specific physical contrasts between the target and the sur- with a factor of 0.173. The minimum length of a profile

J. Epting, A. Wüest, P. Huggenberger

Table 1. Compilation of borehole information (Epting et al. 2009a).

OW monitoring filter section in status from (m a.s.l.) to (m a.s.l.) difference

1 inclinometer Gipskeuper void (filled) 259.48 257.18 2.30
2 - fluvial gravels and Gipskeuper connection sealed - - -
3 head, T, EC fluvial gravels and Gipskeuper (sep- connection unclear, siphon mechanism - - -
4 head, T, EC fluvial gravels and Gipskeuper void, connection 250.92 248.62 2.30
5 - Gipskeuper void (filled), connection sealed 254.20 251.50 2.70
6 - - void (filled), connection sealed 253.60 252.80 0.80
7 head, T, EC Gipskeuper - - - -
8 - - sealed - - -
9 head, T, EC fluvial gravels and Gipskeuper void (filled), connection 257.05 256.25 0.80
10 head, T, EC fluvial gravels and Gipskeuper connection, siphon mechanism - - -
11 - - sealed - - -
12 head, T, EC fluvial gravels siphon mechanism - - -
13 head, T, EC fluvial gravels and Gipskeuper connection unclear, siphon mechanism - - -
14 head artificial fillings and Gipskeuper connection unclear, siphon mechanism - - -
15 - - sealed - - -
16 head unweathered rock dry - - -
17 - - sealed - - -
18 head slope clay to Obere Bunte Mergel - - - -
19 inclinometer - - - - -
20 head, T, EC weathered Gipskeuper void 252.17 250.77 1.40
void 249.87 249.57 0.30
21 head artificial fillings, Schilfsandstein, connection - - -
66 - - - - - -
69 - - - - - -
72 - - - - - -

line is 28 m (constrained by the river width) and the max-

Table 2. Compilation of underwater ERT profiles. Grey: ERT Profiles
imum length of the profile line is 55 m (constrained by that were combined to one 220 m long longitudinal profile
the electrode layout), resulting in an exploration depth of (We 1 to 7). The Dipole-Dipole layout was tested for com-
parison of layout types. We 8 is the closest profile to the
approx. 5 to 10 m. dam followed by We 9, 10 and 11 (see Fig. 1)
Reaching this depth allowed the entire thickness of the
sediment deposits to be investigated down to the weath- profile date length (m) comment
ering zone, as documented by the boreholes and the depth Longitudinal profiles parallel to the river
We1 07.08.2008 55 Wenner layout
of the subsurface structures of the dam [3, 4]. The rela-
We2 06.08.2008 55 Wenner layout
tively heavy electrodes and anchors at the end of the elec-
We3 06.08.2008 55 Wenner layout
trode cables sufficed to secure the installation on the river
Dd1 06.08.2008 55 Dipole-Dipole layout
bed. All measurements were carried out during low river We4 22.08.2008 55 Wenner layout
discharge situations (4 to 7 m3 s−1 , average discharge is We5 22.08.2008 55 Wenner layout
15 m3 s−1 ) in July and August 2008 (Table 2). The topog- We6 22.08.2008 55 Wenner layout
raphy of the river bed and depth of the water along the We7 22.08.2008 55 Wenner layout
survey lines was also recorded. Transverse profiles perpendicular to the river
Figure 1 shows the locations for the various ERT profiles We8 07.08.2008 49 Wenner layout
lines within the river behind the dam, where the longitudi- We9 06.08.2008 43 Wenner layout
nal profile line of 220 m (parallel to the river) - (Table 2). We10 22.08.2008 40 Wenner layout
The single profiles were recorded 2 to 4 m from the right We11 02.07.2008 28 Wenner layout, not covering
river board. The length of the four transverse profile lines the total river width
across the river was adapted to the width of the river bed

Investigating sediments and rock structures beneath a river using underwater ERT

varying between 28 and 49 m (Table 2). The transverse

profile lines could not be continued outside the river be-
cause of the steep highway dam.
Reynolds [42] summarizes the strengths and weaknesses
of the commonly used electrode arrangements (arrays) for
ERT (Wenner, Schlumberger and Dipole-Dipole). Gener-
ally, the Wenner setup was chosen because of the high
signal strength obtained within areas where major back-
ground noise is expected and the good resolution of verti-
cal changes in the subsurface. Also, Wenner arrays were Figure 3. Distribution of measured resistivity values in comparison
to the results of other authors.
the best in terms of signal to noise ratio [11]. A con-
siderable disadvantage of the Wenner setup is the poor
resolution of horizontal changes in the subsurface. One
of the longitudinal profiles (Table 2) was also carried out the dam and beneath the river. The conceptual 3D-Model
with a Dipole-Dipole setup; the gain in capturing horizon- was modeled using GoCAD© (Geological Objects 47-48).
tal changes in the subsurface was only slightly improved.
Therefore, the Wenner setup was favored.
Post-processing and data interpretation was carried out
4. Results
using the inversion program RES2DINV [43]. It automat-
Figure 3 shows the distribution of measured resistivity
ically determines topographically corrected 2D electrical
values in comparison to the results of other authors. Gen-
resistivity models of the subsurface by inverting the data
erally, two resistivity zones or layers can be distinguished
obtained from electrical imaging [30]. A robust inversion
(Fig. 4): a resistive (100 to 500 Ωm) surface layer corre-
was used as it is more suitable for detecting and sharp-
sponding to the streambed sediments as well as two ver-
ening linear features such as faults and contacts within
tical structures corresponding to karst and or fault zone
such complex geological settings of karst regions [3]. The
fillings and a conductive (10 to 40 Ωm) bottom layer cor-
inversion parameters were kept constant in order to retain
responding to the bedrock. Nyquist et al. [38] identified
the comparability of the various measurements. The in-
three resistivity layers in similar settings: a resistive (100
version parameters for RES2DINV are summarized in the
to 400 Ωm) surface layer corresponding to the streambed
sediments, a conductive (20 to 100 Ωm) middle layer cor-
As a large proportion of the current flows through the wa- responding to residual clay sediments, and (unrelated to
ter layer, electrical resistivity in water-covered areas is the current case study) a resistive (100 to 450 Ωm) bottom
greatly influenced by the water depth. Therefore, elec- layer corresponding to the carbonate bedrock. Crook et
trical resistivity and geometry of the water column must al. [39] could show that, for similar settings, the bound-
be known for an accurate robust inversion [12, 39, 44, 45]. ary between the lower two resistivity regions correlates
The electrical resistivity and geometry of the water col- well with the interface previously logged between the al-
umn is fixed in the earth model and the inversion program luvial gravels (95 to 1500 Ωm) and underlying weathered
attempts to determine the electrical resistivity of the cells limestone (10 to 75 Ωm).
that would most accurately reproduce the observed elec- For all measurement values of the apparent resistivity, the
trical resistivity measurements [46]. The electrical con- calculated Root Mean Square (RMS) error was less than
ductivity of the river water was measured by digital con- 5%, indicating that the measurements were undisturbed
ductivity meter for each field day and varied between 390 and that the electrical resistivity models resulted in one
and 417 µScm−1 . This results in an average electrical plausible solution [19].
resistivity of the water column of 25 Ωm (conversion 1 Ωm
Figure 4 shows a three-dimensional fence diagram of the
equals 1 S−1 m−1 ). The water layer within the investiga-
inversion results from the longitudinal profile combined
tion area varied between 0.4 and 1.85 m. As the height
with the transverse profiles and the lithostratigraphic in-
of the ponded water upstream of the dam is practically
formation of 4 boreholes. The results of the ERT mea-
constant at 266.2 m a.s.l. the depth variations of the wa-
surements show that the underground can be divided into
ter layer are brought about by the topography of the river
two layers, a water-saturated layer of sediments with high
bed, which was measured after installing the electrodes.
resistivity and a weathered rock layer with low resistivity.
The ERT-data are interpreted together with drill-core in- Furthermore, two anomalies in the ERT results indicate
formation and a conceptual 3D-Model of the area behind vertical structures with high resistivity. The interpreta-

J. Epting, A. Wüest, P. Huggenberger

Figure 4. 3D fence diagram of ERT results illustrated together with lithostratigraphic information in boreholes (all axes in m). The topmost blue
color stands for the water layer.

tion of the results of the ERT measurements are covered 2 to 3 m and correlate with the lithostratigraphic informa-
in the discussion. tion derived from the boreholes. The thickness of the sed-
iment deposits increases from upstream regions towards
the dam. These findings correlate with the progression of
5. Discussion the surface of the gypsum rock (c.f. Fig. 2).
(2) The bottom of the sediment deposits corresponds to an
The discussion is focused on the occurrence of two ERT erosion surface of the river preceding the dam construc-
anomalies: (1) karst features such as cavities, conduits, tion. The undulating interface of low and high electrical
fractures and fault zones generally result in an increase in resistivity values might be explained by the former pro-
electrical resistivity if they are filled with air (near-infinite gression of paleochannels and pool sequences. Findings
electrical resistance), and, providing there is a electrical agree with the results of the previous ERT measurements
resistivity contrast with the surrounding rock, a decrease and information from geological as well as historical maps.
if they are filled with clay and water. Although clay frac- (3) Zones with relatively low electrical resistivity values
tions will decrease electrical resistivity more than water, up to a maximal 40 Ωm, beneath the sediment deposits,
in the field their influence cannot be determined due to could be associated with the weathered gypsum. Low
the shape of the features and the fact that the degree of electrical resistivity values result from water with high
the filling is, most of the time, unknown; and (2) electrical solution content within water-saturated clays. Especially
resistivity contrasts between various sedimentological se- within these zones, the weathering process resulted in the
quences and their degree of weathering. In the following, removal of gypsum and the remains of the clay component.
the observed features are discussed in detail: Zones with comparably higher electrical resistivity values
(1) Zones with relatively high electrical resistivity values between 40 and 100 Ωm on the western part of the first
above 100 Ωm are associated with sediment deposits be- transverse profile could be explained by the more resis-
hind the river dam. The rather high electrical resistivity tant Schilfsandstein (c.f. Fig. 2). Findings correlate with
values could be explained by the existence of coarse fluvial the lithostratigraphic information derived from the bore-
gravel. The thickness of the fluvial sediments range from holes at the river board and information from the geo-

Investigating sediments and rock structures beneath a river using underwater ERT

Figure 5. Conceptual 3D-Model derived from ERT results and interpreted lithological and fault features. A (view from NW): ERT-Profiles and
drill-core information; B (view from NW): ERT-Profiles, drill-core information and interpreted lithology of the bedrock (pink: Gipskeuper;
violet: Schilfsandstein; cf. Fig. 2); C (view from SW): ERT-Profiles, drill-core information, interpreted lithology of the bedrock (transparent
pink: Gipskeuper; transparent violet: Schilfsandstein; cf. Fig. 2) illustrated together with faults and the progression of the Gipskeuper-
Schilfsandstein interface (dark and light grey, respectively); D (view from NW): ERT-Profiles, drill-core information, interpreted lithology
of the bedrock (transparent pink: Gipskeuper; transparent violet: Schilfsandstein; cf. Fig. 2) illustrated together with faults and the pro-
gression of the Gipskeuper- Schilfsandstein interface (dark and light grey, respectively); and E (view from NW): water- (blue), river bed-
(brown) and bedrock- surfaces (pink and violet) illustrated together with faults and the progression of the Gipskeuper- Schilfsandstein
interface (dark and light grey, respectively).

J. Epting, A. Wüest, P. Huggenberger

logical map. As the underwater ERT measurements only 6. Conclusions

reach to a maximum depth of 10 m, the detection of sharp
boundaries between weathered and non-weathered zones
The conducted underwater ERT measurements and high
was not possible.
electrical resistivity contrasts in the subsurface enabled
(4) The subsurface image shows that the high resistivity the separation of the river sediment deposits from the un-
anomalies develop vertically under the river bed. Within derlying weathered gypsum rock. Furthermore, results en-
the longitudinal profile at approx. 50 m, as well as in the abled the description of the progression of paleochannels
second transversal profile at approx. 18 m, regions can be and pool sequences, as well as karst features in combi-
observed where the interpreted weathered gypsum rock is nation with the local fault system. Through the analysis
vertically cut through and high electrical resistivity values of the images from five resistivity profiles anomalies ap-
occur. The reason for these structures beneath the river peared to be connected to each other and the strike di-
bed could be gravel-filled sinkholes, possibly in combi- rection could be derived. These results help to delineate
nation with the local fault system. Similar karst features the thickness of sediment deposits behind the dam, and
were observed in the river bed further south. Furthermore, to locate distinct karst features that promote preferential
this karst feature could be part of a conduit system that flow, which play a major role in the karst evolution pro-
reveals a siphon mechanism according to the hydrological cess. The observations suggest that the karst system is
characteristics of the river stage as has been described already in a well-developed, mature state.
in Epting et al. [4]. The location of the anomaly on the
The main limitations of underwater ERT measurements in-
longitudinal profile correlates with a mapped small-scale
clude the restricted investigation depth for cross sections
fault on the surface which is associated with large-scale
in narrow rivers and the requirement of high electrical re-
fault activities (Fig. 2). The location of the anomaly on
sistivity contrasts in the subsurface. For the present case
the second transversal profile correlates with the mapped
study, the applicability was supported by previously con-
boundary of lithofacies (Fig. 2). Both locations interpreted
ducted surface ERT measurements that already indicated
as karst features or faults are associated with geologically
high subsurface heterogeneity and electrical resistivity
weak zones. Both anomalies extend down to the bottom
contrasts. For cases where structural subsurface hetero-
of the resistivity image, which implies that the structures
geneity but no electrical resistivity contrasts are to be
extend much deeper.
expected, as in coarse gravel environments with low elec-
Figure 5 shows the final interpretation result as a concep- trical conductivity and water with low mineralization con-
tual 3D-Model derived from ERT results and interpreted tent, other hydrogeophysical investigation methods, such
lithological and fault features. Figure 5A shows the loca- as GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) could be employed.
tion of the longitudinal and four transversal ERT-profiles Due to the multiple data sources and hydraulic data from
within the modeled 3D body. Figure 5B illustrates the observation wells and high-resolution 3-D hydrogeologi-
ERT-profiles and the interpolated surface of the bedrock, cal models, it was possible to partially eliminate ambigu-
including the lithologies of the Gipskeuper and the Schil- ity in data interpretation and to describe the relationship
fsandstein. Figure 5C shows the progression of the East- between the different observed features in a spatial con-
ern Rhinegraben Master fault together with two small- text.
scale faults derived from the geological map (Fig. 2). The
The results give the opportunity to optimize future inves-
small-scale fault in front was extended according to the
tigations and remedial construction measures to extend
vertical anomaly observed in the longitudinal ERT-profile
existing observation networks for subsidence monitoring
(see above). The derived strike direction of this anomaly
and to stabilize the dam; including the implementation of
is approx. 300◦ WNW, and corresponds to to the strike
optimal localized grout curtains and stabilizing piles. The
direction of the mapped fault further to the south. Both
regions where fault or karst features were detected should
faults indicate a steep dip. Furthermore, the progression
be especially considered as “weak” zones and reinforce-
of the interface of the lithologies of the Gipskeuper and
ment prioritized. However, during remedial construction
the Schilfsandstein is visible. An approximate dipping of
measures and reinforcements water protection issues must
45◦ to the West that was derived from geological mapping
be considered in an appropriate way.
is also indicated within the ERT-profile. Figure 5D illus-
trates the various modeled surfaces, including the water-, This subsurface information now allows the adaptation of
river bed- and bedrock- surfaces as well as faults and the geometries and distribution of aquifer properties in
the progression of the Gipskeuper-Schilfsandstein inter- existing hydrogeological karst evolution models that were
face. The volume of sediment being held behind the dam set up for process modeling and to document the develop-
is approx. 3.2E04 m3 . ment of the karst system.

Investigating sediments and rock structures beneath a river using underwater ERT

Acknowledgements 2000,Technische Universität Berlin

[9] Fenning P.J., Brown A.J., Nind D., Geophysical sur-
The authors would like to thank Rebecca Page for lan- veys across a ground subsidence feature, in Proceed-
guage editing the manuscript and Horst Dresmann for as- ings for SAGEEP 2000, Washington D.C., 2000, 857-
sisting in the setup of the conceptual 3D-Model in Go- 866
CAD. The field surveys were supported by Fabian Wigger, [10] Chung H.J., Kim J.H., Park K.P., Kwon H.S., Choi
Johannes Darnutzer, Max Respondek, Piotr Halicki, An- H.S., Kim K.S., Kim J.S., Application of geophys-
nette Affolter, Rebecca Page and Hanspeter Wüest. ical results to designing bridge over a large fault:
Geotechnical Problems in Asian Countries, Proceed-
ing of Fourth Asian Young Geotechnical Engineers
Conference, 2001, 45–48
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Appendix: Inversion settings for the underwater ERT data processing in

Parameter Value
Initial damping factor 0.16
Minimum damping factor 0.015
Line search option Always
Convergence limit for relative change in RMS error 0.4%
Number of iterations 5
Vertical to horizontal flatness filter ratio 1
Model for increase in thickness of layers Default
Number of nodes between adjacent electrodes 4
Flatness filter type, Include smoothing of model resistivity Model changes only
Reduce number of topographical datum points No
Carry out topography modeling Yes
Type of topography trend removal Average
Type of Jacobian matrix calculation Gauss-Newton
Increase of damping factor with depth 1.1
Type of topographical modeling None
Robust data constrain Yes
Cutoff factor for data constrain 0.05
Robust model constrain Yes
Cutoff factor for model constrain 0.02
Allow number of model parameters to exceed datum points? Yes
Use extended model? No
Reduce effect of side blocks? No
Type of mesh Normal
Optimize damping factor? No
Time-lapse inversion constrain None
Type of time-lapse inversion method Simultaneous
Thickness of first layer 0.5
Factor to increase thickness layer with depth 1.1
Use finite element method Yes
Width of blocks Normal width
Make sure blocks have the same width Yes
RMS convergence limit 1%
Use logarithm of apparent resistivity Yes
Type of inversion method Concurrent
Proceed automatically for sequential method No
IP damping factor No
Use automatic IP damping factor No
Limit resistivity values Yes
Upper limit factor 50
Lower limit factor 0.02
Type of reference resistivity Average

J. Epting, A. Wüest, P. Huggenberger

Model refinement Normal

Combined Marquardt and Occam inversion Not
Type of optimization method Gauss-Newton
Convergence limit for Incomplete Gauss-Newton method 0.003
Use data compression with Incomplete Gauss-Newton No
Use fast method to calculate Jacobian matrix. Yes
Use higher damping for first layer? No
Extra damping factor for first layer 2.5
Type of finite-element method Triangular
Factor to increase model depth range 1
Resistivity variation within water layer Minimize variation
Optimize Jacobian matrix calculation No
Automatically switch electrodes for negative geometric factor Yes
Force resistance value to be consistent with the geometric factor No
Shift the electrodes to round up positions of electrodes No


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