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Journal of Cleaner Production 152 (2017) 198e210

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Journal of Cleaner Production

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Critical analysis of the Life Cycle Assessment of the Italian cement

L. Moretti a, *, S. Caro b
a  di Roma, Rome, Italy
Department of Civil, Constructional and Environmental Engineering, Sapienza, Universita
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Universidad de Los Andes, Bogota, Colombia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The interest for environmentally related issues in the construction industry has grown faster in recent
Received 7 December 2016 years, demonstrating the neccesity to promote both a more responsible use of non-renewable resources
Received in revised form and a better use of renewable resources. As a consequence, there is an increasing number of environ-
20 March 2017
mental documents and institutional acts on this topic that demonstrate the need for greener approaches
Accepted 20 March 2017
Available online 21 March 2017
in the area of construction engineering. The objective of this study is to evaluate the environmental
impact of the Italian gray cement and clinker industry, after distinguishing between the upstream and
the core phases of these processes. The study considered clinker and cement generated during 2014 in
eleven Italian plants that produced materials complying with the European standard EN 197-1 “Cement -
Clinker Part 1: Composition, specifications and conformity criteria for common cements”. The environmental
From cradle to gate assessment was conducted through a Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) of these industrial processes, following the
LCA standard EN 15804 “Sustainability of construction works, environmental product declarations, core rules
Ecoinvent for the product category of construction products” and the Product Category Rules (PCR) 2010:09 version
Best available techniques 2.1 “Cement”. The results permitted to construct the first sector Environmental Product Declaration
(EPD) related to cement production published until now by the International EPD System. The analysis of
the results demonstrated that among the different phases involved in the production process of these
materials (i.e. extraction and production of raw materials and fuels, transportation and core production
process), the core phase is responsible for most of the greenhouse emissions (i.e. more than 85% of the
total process for clinker, and more than 79% of the total process for cement), and the acidification and
eutrophization potential (i.e. 43% and 62% of the total process for clincker, and 33% and 55% of the total
process for cement). It was also found that the cement production is mainly responsible for the following
environmental impact categories: the overall electrical consumption required as part of these industrial
processes (116 kWh/Mg), the output flows of components for re-use and materials for recycling (0.21 and
0.17 kg/Mg, respectively), and the biogenic CO2 emissions (16 kg/Mg). The results highlight the envi-
ronmental benefits of applying Best Available Techniques (BAT) for this industry, as reported in the
European Reference document for the “Production of Cement, Lime and Magnesium Oxide”.
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction are responsible for trapping heat in the atmosphere. According to

the World Meteorological Organization’s Annual Greenhouse Gas
In recent years, the concern for the preservation of the envi- Bulletin (2016), the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmo-
ronment and the interest in environmental-related construction sphere reached in 2015 the symbolic and significant milestone of
issues have grown faster, becoming a main criterion for the 400 parts per million for the first time in history. In 2009, the In-
development of socioeconomic policies (Miccoli et al., 2014a, ternational Energy Agency and the World Business Council for
2014b). Most of these efforts have focused on reducing the emis- Sustainable Development (2009) specifically investigated the
sions of greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide (CO2), which environmental impact of the cement industry, since this material e
which is used as binder in the construction of hydraulic concrete e
is the second most used substance around the world after water,
* Corresponding author. and its production is associated with high amounts of CO2
E-mail address: laura.moretti@uniroma1.it (L. Moretti).

0959-6526/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L. Moretti, S. Caro / Journal of Cleaner Production 152 (2017) 198e210 199

emissions, as demonstrated by several published studies (e.g. Cao conducting a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of cement (i.e. a tech-
et al., 2016; Stafford et al., 2016a; Feiz et al., 2015). In fact, it is nique for assessing the potential environmental aspects associated
estimated that this industry is responsible for generating approxi- with a product) (ISO, 2006a), some pre-specified minimum re-
mately 5% of the current global man-made CO2 emissions quirements are stated by the Product Category Rules (PCR) 2010:09
(Summerbell et al., 2016). version 2.1 “Cement” (The International EPD® System, 2014).
To produce cement, several materials including limestone, clay Indeed, the cited documents can be used to prepare the Environ-
and other clay-like materials are heated in rotary kilns at 1400  C to mental Product Declaration (EPD) of this material, in what it is
form a solid substance called clinker. Clinker is then combined with known as a type III label (ISO, 2006b). A type III label is a document
gypsum and other constituents to produce cement (Alunno that quantifies the environmental impact of a product based on its
Rossetti, 2007). LCA, which is verified by a qualified third party.
There are various types of cement kilns currently used in Italy, Within this context, the Italian cement industry representative
including the following: body (AITEC) promoted the generation of the LCA of this material,
and the development of the sector Environmental Product Decla-
 Lepol kiln, which uses a semi-dry process (i.e. in a nodulizing ration (EPD) of the average Italian Cement. The importance of
pan, 11e14% of water is added to the dry raw materials, also conducting such assessment is the fact that the Italian cement in-
known as “raw meal”, before its burning); dustry is the second European cement producer with over 21
 preheater with cyclones, which uses a dry process (i.e. the raw million of Mg generated in 2014, which represents more than 13%
mix powder is heated by the kiln exhaust gas before the initi- of the total production of the 28 European Union (EU) countries
ation of burning processes in the kiln); (AITEC, 2015). Moreover, the EU cement industry, which “only”
 precalciner heater, which uses a dry process (i.e. the homoge- represents 3.14% of the global cement production (China accounts
nized raw meal is introduced into the top of the preheater tower for 51.3%), is a world leader when it comes to innovation, research
and it passes downwards through a series of cyclones to the and development.
precalciner vessel at 850  C, where extra fuel is burned; at the In general, the results obtained from a LCA of the cement in-
end of the precalcination phase, the feed is burnt in the kiln). dustry could be efficiently used to evaluate the environmental
impact of concrete materials (Moretti, 2014), to compare the impact
The type of kiln significatively affects the heat input require- of different building materials (Moretti et al., 2013, 2016, 2017) and/
ment and the NOx (i.e. nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide) emissions or to assess specific environmental performances of projects con-
rate (Mikulci c et al., 2016). Among the three types of kilns, the structed with such materials (Loprencipe and Cantisani, 2015;
precalciner heater is considered the most efficient system, because Loprencipe et al., 2015; Miccoli et al., 2014c). Moreover, they
it facilitates the use of secondary fuels, as tired-derived fuels (TDF) could be used to pursue further research efforts (e.g. environmental
(Stafford et al., 2016b). Besides, this heater reduces the quantities of impact of building and civil constructions, etc.) and to perform
non-renewable fuels needed for the kiln operation and the quantity comparison studies with other industries. The methodology to
of iron added to the raw meal. Moreover, it also reduces the con- accomplish this goal consists on using the LCA formulas for cement,
sumption of urea or ammonia required for decreasing the amount after considering both the Life Cycle Inventory analysis (LCI) and
of NOx emissions, avoiding the risk of ammonia slip resulting from the Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) of the material (ISO, 1998,
the Selective Non-Cathalytic Reduction (SNC). It should be noted, 2006c,b). Studies of this nature should also consider a “from cradle
though, that the use of this type of kiln does not significately affects to gate” boundary approach, including upstream and downstream
the amount of CO2 emissions. processes, as specified in The International EPD® system (2015).
The production of cement releases greenhouse gas emissions The objective of this work is to assess and evaluate the Italian
both chemically and physically: while the heating of limestone gray clinker and cement produced during 2014 using a statistical
chemically releases CO2, the burning of fossil fuels required to heat approach and LCA procedures. To accomplish this goal, a total of 11
the kiln indirectly results in physically produced CO2 (Bebi, 2007). plants among those associated to AITEC were considered as a
Chemical-emissions that derive from raw materials calcination representative panel data set. Also, 29 different impact categories,
follow the equation: which are recommended by the standard EN 15804 and by other
European guidelines (de Baan et al., 2013; Benini et al., 2014), were
CaCO3 þ heat/CaO þ CO2 ðgÞ (1) included in the analysis. The study considered 10 different formulas
of clinker and 45 cement formulas defined in the European stan-
where CaCO3 is calcium carbonate, CaO is calcium oxide, and CO2(g) dard EN 197-1 (EN, 2000).
is carbon dioxide. The interpretation of the LCA results, which followed existing
While these emissions are not reducible, physical-emissions can methodological recommendations (ISO, 2000), allowed comparing
be cut down through the use of alternative fuels and/or by adopting the environmental impact of the materials, and identifying the
energy-saving technologies. For example, the use of alternative strengths and weaknesses of the processes evaluated. This, in turn,
fuels like biomass or waste materials could have an immediate is useful for improving and updating the technology used as part of
impact on the carbon profile of the cement industry (e.g. Supino these industrial processes and boost competitiveness. In this re-
et al., 2016). However, it is important to stress that even though gard, it is important to mention that the Italian sector has con-
political and research authorities consider carbon dioxide emission ducted significant investments to minimize the environmental
as the main, and often the only, environmental impact category to effects of these industrial production processes in recent years, at
be assessed, a proper environmental evaluation of industrial the time that has promoted the generation of innovative cements
related processes requires a broader and more inclusive approach with a lower overall environmental impact. Therefore, the infor-
(Seidel, 2016). mation obtained from this study could be efficiently used to further
The standard EN 15804 “Sustainability of construction works, support these on-going efforts. The results from this work also
environmental product declarations, core rules for the product provide statistical information useful to analyse the Italian industry
category of construction products” (EN, 2013) provides guidelines (AITEC, 2016a), in the light of the Best Available Techniques
to elaborate an unbiased set of data useful to examine and improve established by the European Integrated Pollution Prevention and
the environmental performance of a building material. For Control Bureau (European Commission, 2013). Finally, the results
200 L. Moretti, S. Caro / Journal of Cleaner Production 152 (2017) 198e210

may be also used to compare the EPD of these materials to the EDP  representativeness of at least 10% of the national production;
of other cements produced in Europe (European Cement Associa-  kiln type;
tion - Cembureau, 2015a,b,c), and to the first-ever EPD of cement in  plant productivity;
North America (NRMCA, 2015).  geographical position of plants;
 product typology (cement type and strength classes);
 use of natural and secondary fuels and raw materials; and
2. Data and methods
 range of energy consumption.
2.1. Cradle-to-gate analysis
The panel defined in this study considered 9 full cycle plants (i.e.
gray clinker and cement production), 1 mill cement plant (i.e. only
According to the General Programme Instructions for Environ-
milling of clinker and other constituents needed for cement pro-
mental Product Declarations (The International EPD® System, 2015)
duction) and 1 clinker plant (i.e. only clinker production). Thus, the
and the Product Category Rule (PCR) 2010:09 version 2.1 - Cement,
panel includes 45 cement types and covers 22% of Italian cement
the system boundaries for this study were defined as explained
production during the reference year. Besides, the selected plants
are characterized for having Lepol kilns, rotary kilns with preheater,
The LCA study took into account all processes required to pro-
and precalciners with tertiary air.
duce clinker and cement (Fig. 1):
In terms of productivity, the annual production of the selected
plants ranges from 80,000 Mg to more than 100,0000 Mg of gray
 extraction and production of raw materials and fuels (module
clinker, and from 100,000 Mg to more than 1,000,000 Mg of gray
cement. This distribution is representative of the total Italian pro-
 transportation of raw materials, fuels and energy resources from
duction, as confirmed by the first LCA of the Italian cement devel-
the extraction location up to the plant gate, and internal trans-
oped by AITEC (2013).
port processes within the plant (module A2);
In terms of the representativeness of the geographical position
 production of clinker and cement (module A3).
of the plants, Fig. 2 compares the location of the plants that belong
to the panel with the location of all cement and clinker plants in the
Modules A1 and A2 are representative of the upstream pro-
country (AITEC, 2015). As observed from this figure, the location of
cesses, whereas module A3 represents the core production process.
the selected plants can be considered representative of the national
Other modules defined in the standard, such as Modules A4-A5 (i.e.
spatial distribution of cement and clinker plants.
construction process stage), B6-B7 (i.e. use stage, modules related
In terms of the cement type, the European standard EN 197-1
with the operation of the building), B1-B5 (i.e. use stage, modules
categorises cements into main five types, based on their
related with the building fabric), C1-C4 (i.e. end-of-life processes)
and D (i.e. supplementary information beyond the building life
cycle), were not included in this work. According to the standard EN
 CEM I is a Portland cement (>95% clinker);
15804, however, modules A1 to A3 are considered sufficient for
 CEM II is a Portland composite cement (65e94% clinker);
conducting a comprehensive “cradle to gate” LCA. The selected
 CEM III is a blastfurnace cement (5e64% clinker);
reference year for the analysis was defined as 2014 and the declared
 CEM IV is a pozzolanic cement (45e89% clinker);
unit was 1 Mg of gray clinker or cement produced in Italian cement
 CEM V is a composite cement (20e64% clinker).

Table 1 shows the composition of the cement types considered

2.2. Representativeness and relevance of the selected panel in this analysis, expressed as percentage by total mass of the ma-
terial. It is noteworthy that cement type CEM V was not considered
Representativeness and relevance of the 11 plants included in in the analysis due to its low production (only 2% of the total).
the panel are guaranteed because, as explained next, they satisfy Table 2 compares the cement type production in the panel of
the typical recommended criteria in the following aspects (The study with respect to the cement type production in Italy (AITEC,
International EPD® System, 2014):

of raw materials
Milling of crude
A1 B6-B7
Extraction, B1-B5
A2 Homogenization
production of C1-C4
Transportation Calcination-burning
raw materials D
(both external of raw meal to
and fuels
and internal) clinker
Production of
Cooling Modules
Cement milling not
Storage and
Waste management

Fig. 1. System boundaries of study.

L. Moretti, S. Caro / Journal of Cleaner Production 152 (2017) 198e210 201

Panel distribution
Italian distribution
North Central South Islands

Fig. 2. Geographical cement production in Italy - year 2014.

Table 1
Percentage by mass composition of cement types.

Cement type Notation Clinker Blastfurnace slag Silica fume Pozzolana Fly ash Burnt shale Limestone Other constituents

I Portland cement I 95e100 0e5

II Portland-limestone cement II/A-LL 80e94 6-20 (LL) 0e5
II/A-L 80e94 6-20 (L) 0e5
II/B-LL 65e79 21-35 (LL) 0e5
III Blastfurnace cement III/A 35e64 36e65 0e5
IV Pozzolanic cement IV/A 65e89 11e35
IV/B 45e64 11e35

Note: This table is derived from the European standard EN 197-1 (2000). LL means limestone with the total organic carbon content 0.20% by mass; L means limestone with
the total organic carbon content 0.50% by mass; for each cement type, A and B refer to the clinker content.

2015). Data reported in this table demonstrate that the panel In this reference year, the Italian clinker production used 5.3% of
properly represents the Italian production in terms of the type of thermal energy from biomass and the percentage of caloric sub-
cement produced. stitution by means of alternative fuels was equal to 13.3% (AITEC,
Existing data also show that the differences between the diverse 2016b). Lower values of alternative fuels were reported to have
types of cement strengths produced in the selected panel and in the been used in the plants of the panel. During the reference year,
totality of the Italian industry are below 2%, which makes it possible 3.45% of the total thermal energy of the panel plants derived from
to conclude that the panel ensures a good representation in terms biomass, and the percentage of caloric substitution was 7.05%.
of this aspect. These differences related to energy consumption aspects between
Regarding the use of secondary fuels or raw materials in the the selected panel and the national industry were considered in the
cement industry (as waste or by-products of chemical industry), it interpretation phase of the study.
is important to mention that these materials provide an alternative Finally, Table 3 compares the energy and fuel consumption of
in terms of an integrated waste management strategy, which saves the Italian cement industry and of the selected the panel (AITEC,
natural and non-renewable resources and permits to recover waste 2015). All data refers to 1 Mg of produced cement. As observed
in highly controlled conditions (Schneider et al., 2011). At the Eu- from this table, the panel accurately describes the electricity and
ropean level, this strategy is considered a Best Available Technique non-renewable fuels consumption of the Italian industry.
to reduce environmental impacts (Directive, 2003/53/EC). In 2014, In conclusion, all previously presented data confirm and validate
it is estimated that the use of alternative fuels in the Italian cement the representativeness and relevance of the plants that were
industry avoided a total of 234 Mg of CO2 emissions (AITEC, 2016b). included in the selected panel.

Table 3
Table 2 Energy consumption of cement production in Italy and in the selected panel pro-
Production of cement by type in Italy and in the considered panel - year 2014. duction - year 2014.

Cement type Italian production Panel production Energy consumption Italian production Panel production

CEM I 13.40% 11.46% Fossil and petcoke 0.070 Mg/Mg 0.073 Mg Mg

CEM II 67.50% 68.59% Heavy fuel oil 0.002 Mg/Mg 0.002 Mg/Mg
CEM III 4.20% 3.22% Methane 0.819 m3/Mg 0.768 m3/Mg
CEM IV 12.70% 16.73% Alternative fuels not available 0.057 Mg/Mg
CEM V 2.20% 0% Electricity 117 kW/Mg 116 kW/Mg
202 L. Moretti, S. Caro / Journal of Cleaner Production 152 (2017) 198e210

2.3. Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) “Products” are used as constituents in these industrial processes
because they can correct the composition of the raw mix, e.g. iron
For each type of clinker and gray cement produced in the sulphate is a chromate-reducing agent (Erdem et al., 2011) which
selected plants, the EPD® system requires an LCI analysis, which permits to control the levels of soluble chromium (VI), as required
corresponds to the quantification of material flows, energy flows, by the Chromium (VI) Directive 2003/53/EC. Without considering
and environmental burdens associated with the production of a clinker as a product in the cement composition, Table 4 shows that
predetermined amount of the product. The inventory analyses the products used to obtain clinker and cement were respectively
conducted in this study considered all the material and energy 1.43% and 7.88% by mass of the total components used to manu-
flows, according to the cut-off rules defined by the standard EN facture these materials. The most used product in the clinker pro-
15804. The data collection process for the inventory analysis in- duction was a secondary raw material obtained from the treatment
volves three different data categories (The International EPD® and recovery of slag from incinerated Municipal Solid Waste or
System, 2015): MSW (Officine dell’Ambiente, 2015). It is also relevant to highlight
that the products related to CEM III constitute 33.84% by mass of the
 primary data, also defined as “selected data”, which are pro- total materials used in the production (Table 4), mainly due to the
vided by the producers through on-site surveys; use of blastfurnace slag.
 secondary data, also defined as “selected generic data”, which is Data in Table 4 also shows that the wastes used for the pro-
available in the literature; and duction of clinker and cement are 0.76% and 4.36% by mass of the
 tertiary data, also defined as “other generic data”, which are total materials used in the production of the materials, respectively.
obtained through statistical data reported in the literature. Regarding the cement type, it was found that CEM IV uses the
majority of waste material for its production (i.e. 13.16%). In this
For the LCI analysis to be valid, the contribution of the tertiary particular case, the main contribution to this value comes from fly
data should not exceed 10% of the overall environmental impact ashes.
from the product system. In terms of the wastes resulting from the industrial production
In this study, primary data included the composition of the of clinker and cement, only materials such as pallets, bags, poly-
clinker and cement materials (Table 4), energy consumption, and ethylene film and refractories were considered in the study. These
emissions and waste production of each plant. Table 4 lists the data, in conjuction with those related to air emissions (dust emis-
average amount of materials, including raw materials, products (i.e. sions included), were allocated to the clinker production. Besides,
the result of another production process) and wastes, required to only waste products from the ordinary production process were
produce the declared unit of clinker and cement (quantities accounted and allocated to the production of cement. No impacts
exceeding 1000 kg represent the water content of the components). related to maintenance operations and the use of materials were
In this table, the values for the “average” materials were calculated considered in the analysis, because a study conducted in 2003 by
as the weighted average of all materials used or produced in the Buzzi Unicem for the preparation of the first LCA of the Vernasca
selected plants. (Italy) cement plant showed that these items have a negligible
As observed in Table 4, the natural raw materials used for clinker impact in the analysis (Buzzi Unicem, 2003).
production include calcareous raw materials and alumino-silicate, Data related to road, rail and sea transport of fuels and raw
whereas the natural raw materials used for cement production materials, which affect the A2 phase of the LCA, are partially pri-
vary according to the type of cement to be produced. Also, it is mary data. The producers provided information regarding modes of
noteworthy that gypsum, natural or chemical, is present in the transportation, the average distance from the plants, the amounts
production of all types of cements, since it is used to control the transported in the cement plants and, when known, the upper
hardening rate of this material. emissions limits of the tracks used to transport fuels and raw

Table 4
Raw materials for clinker and cement production in the selected plants.

Material Average Average CEM I CEM II CEM III CEM IV

clinker cement

(kg/Mg) (kg/Mg) (kg/Mg) (kg/Mg) (kg/Mg) (kg/Mg)

Natural raw Limestone 917.41 115.13 19.51 159.95 34.55 11.83

materials Clay 164.51
Mineral ore 2.49
Silica sand 15.14
Travertine 54.04
Gypsum 22.57 18.73 23.54 35.68 25.28
Pozzolana 3.13 26.2 0 0.29 0 155.31
Marl 437.47 14.99 0 21.09 0 3.13
Fluorite 0.74
Perlite 0.15 0 0 0 0.9
Products Clinker 765.88 929.42 767.08 584.67 685.2
Urea, ashes of pyrites, ammonia solution, ammonia, regenerated sand, iron oxide, sodium 23.3
bicarbonate, calcium hydroxide, by products of concrete production
Iron sulphate, additives, slag, calcium sulphate, sodium chloride, CKDþBPD 27.08 4.62 19.66 338.83 4.37
Waste Flake’s lamination, refractories, sludges, ashes from MSW, ashes from biomass, exhaust foundry 12.35
sand, synthetic calcium fluoride, ashes from coal combustion, iron oxides, recycled limestone,
recycled cement
Fly ash, chemical gypsum, recycled cement, chemical calcium sulphate 34.73 31.756 12.72 7.45 134.25

Total 1630.58 1006.73 1004.04 1004.33 1001.18 1020.27

Note: CKD refers to Cement Kiln Dust, BPD to Cement By-pass Dust and MSW to Municipal Solid Waste.
L. Moretti, S. Caro / Journal of Cleaner Production 152 (2017) 198e210 203

Table 5
Secondary raw materials considered as “selected generic data” or “other generic data”.

Secondary raw material Information about the source

Synthetic calcium fluoride Obtained by the filtration of fluorine-rich process water

Calcium Sulphate By-product of aluminium fluoride production
Ashes of pyrites Material derived from database Ecoinvent 2.2
Sodium chloride Powder production of sodium chloride
Recycled cement Cement from silos
Iron silicate Material modelled using the database Ecoinvent 2.2
Iron sulphate By-product of dioxide titanium production or steel pickling
Slag Co-product of steelmaking
CKDþBPD Dust collected by a filter system during cement production
Ammonia solution By-product of methane refinery process
Urea Material obtained from the production of urea ammonium nitrate

Note: CKD corresponds to Cement Kiln Dust, and BPD to Cement By-pass Dust.

materials. These data allowed considering the transport as primary

data. When this information was not available, the authors X
assumed the emissions-related data; in this case, the information IC ¼ CF ic ðxÞ$INVðxÞ (2)
was classified as “selected generic data”.
Information about secondary raw materials, wastes used in the
where IC is the Impact Category, obtained from the inventory of the
production of cement, and clinker and alternative fuels were
substance x, INV(x), and CFic(x) is the characterization factor
considered secondary data. When available, the processes required
assigned to the substance x for the calculation of IC.
for their production were included as part of the analysis using the
The database Ecoinvent 2.2, integrated in the software package
Ecoinvent database (Pre  consultants, 2016). Otherwise, these data
SimaPro (Pre  consultants, 2016), was used to assess the
were provided by the suppliers or obtained from existing envi-
impact categories listed in Table 7. It is important to stress that the
ronmental databases available in the literature.
initial 26 impact categories listed in this table are defined as part of
Finally, tertiary data were obtained by the production cycle of
the EN 15804 specification. However, the LCIA herein conducted
the materials.
also included the following three additional impact parameters (i.e.
Tables 5 and 6 list secondary raw materials and wastes used as
categories number 26 to 29 in Table 7): i) Land Use (LU), which is
“selected generic data” or “other generic data” in the evaluation of
one of the main drivers of biodiversity loss according to de Baan
the LCA of the clinker and cement production.
et al. (2013), ii) Human Toxicity Potential (HTP), and iii) Ecotox-
From the data listed in Table 6, only the impact of any work that
icity (ET). These categories were considered due to the interest of
was necessary to use the waste in the plant was considered in the
the European Community on these aspects. The methods used to
analysis (e.g. consumption of electricity and heat), as well as the
assess these additional parameters include the use of the following
impact related to its transportation. Consequently, the Polluter Pays
software: i) ECO-Indicator 99 (E) V2.08 for LU (Pre  consultants,
Principle was applied in this study, i.e. the environmental impact of
2016), ii) CML 2 BASELINE 2000 V2.05 for HTP (Guine e et al.,
the production of residual materials was not considered as part of
2002), and iii) ECO-Indicator 99 (E) V2.09 for ET (Pre  consultants,
the main analysis, and only transport and treatment, if any, were
included in the study.
The value of the impact category TRPE (number 10 in Table 7)
corresponds to the sum of the values of RPEnoRM and RPEasRM.
Similarly, the value of the impact category TnonRPE (number 13 in
2.4. Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) Table 7) corresponds to the sum of the values of nonRPEnoRM and
Data collected in the LCI was modelled using the characteriza- For the Abiotic Depletion Potential-Elements category (ADP-E,
tion factors listed in EN 15804:2012 þ A1:2013. The concept of number 6 in Table 7), in addition to the elements listed in
characterization factors allows comparing the ability of different EN15804:2014, other minerals were also considered. These min-
substances to cause the same environmental impact. These factors erals are specific of the production of clinker and cement and they
convert the assigned LCI results into a common unit of a category are related to the life cycle of the raw materials used in the pro-
indicator, expressed as equivalent (eq) due to the applied “con- duction of these materials. These substances and their character-
version” process, as explained by Equation (2): ization factors are:

Table 6
Waste considered as “selected generic data” or “other generic data”.

Waste Information about source

Recycled limestone Waste of limestone quarries

Ashes Waste of co-incineration or combustion of thermal power plants or biomass burning
Bottom ash Waste of co-incineration, combustion of thermal power plants, biomass burning or MSW combustion
Sludges Waste from concrete production, textile production or other industrial process
Chemical gypsum Waste of dioxide titanium production or of flue-gas desulphurization of fossil-fuel power plants
Refractories Waste from kiln maintenance
Flake’s lamination Waste from production of concrete reinforcing bars
Exhaust foundry sand Waste from foundry processes
204 L. Moretti, S. Caro / Journal of Cleaner Production 152 (2017) 198e210

Table 7
Impact categories considered in the LCIA.

Parameter Number Impact category Parameter Unit of measure expressed per

typology declared unit

Environmental 1 Global Warming Potential GWP kg CO2 eq

impacts 2 Ozone layer Depletion Potential ODP kg CFC11-eq
3 Acidification Potential of soil and water AP kg SO2 eq
4 Eutrophication Potential EP kg PO4 3- eq
5 Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential POCP kg C2H4 eq
6 Depletion of abiotic resources-elements ADP-E kg Sb eq
7 Depletion of abiotic resources-fossil fuels ADP-F MJ
Resources use 8 Use of renewable primary energy excluding renewable primary energy resources used as RPEnoRM MJ
raw materials
9 Use of renewable primary energy used as raw materials RPEasRM MJ
10 Total use of renewable primary energy resources used as raw materials TRPE MJ
11 Use of non-renewable primary energy excluding non-renewable primary energy resources nonRPEnoRM MJ
used as raw materials
12 Use of non-renewable primary energy used as raw materials nonRPEasRM MJ
13 Total use of non-renewable primary energy resources used as raw materials TnonRPE MJ
14 Use of secondary materials SRM kg
15 Use of renewable secondary fuels RSF MJ
16 Use of non-renewable secondary fuels nonRSF MJ
17 Net use of fresh water Water m3
Waste categories 18 Hazardous waste disposed (as defined by the Italian directives) HW kg
19 Non-hazardous waste disposed (as defined by the Italian directives) nonHW kg
20 Radioactive waste disposed (as defined by the Italian directives) RW kg
Electricity 21 Electricity consumption E kWh
Output flows 22 Components for re-use ReU kg
23 Materials for recycling ReC kg
24 Materials for energy recovery ERec kg
25 Exported energy ExE MJ
Biogenic emissions 26 Biogenic CO2 emissions BCO2 kg biogenic CO2
Additional 27 Land use LU PDF m2yr
parameters 28 Human Toxicity Potential HTP kg 1.4-DB eq
29 Ecotoxicity ET PAF m2yr

 Clay, bentonite, in ground: 3.59E-5 kg Sb eq/kg; of the analysed panel: 10 formulas of CEM I, 20 formulas of CEM II, 2
 Granite, in ground: 8.76E-11 kg Sb eq/kg; formulas of CEM III and 13 formulas of CEM IV.
 Gravel, in ground: 1.09E-11 kg Sb eq/kg; An initial observation from the data presented in Table 9 is that
 Pozzolan: 2.93E-12 kg Sb eq/kg; the clinker production strongly affects the environmental impact
 Sand, unspecified, in ground: 6.54E-12 kg Sb eq/kg; results of the different cement types. This is observed in the global
 Vermiculite, in ground: 5.65E-9 kg Sb eq/kg. warming potential or GWP values: higher cement contents (i.e.
average CEM I) are related to larger values of GWP, which has a
For the calculation of the biogenic CO2 emissions, the biogenic value similar to that of the average clinker. Indeed, the GWP result
content of different alternative fuels, listed in Table 8, was used. The obtained in Table 9 mainly derives from the clinker production. Due
biogenic content of these fuels contributes to the BCO2 impact to this condition, the lowest GWP value corresponds to CEM III,
category (number 26 in Table 7). which is the type of cement with the lowest clinker content
(Table 2). This type of cement presents the best environmental
performance compared to all other cement types since it presents
3. Results the lowest values of emissions and the minimum energy and water
consumption (i.e. ADP-F equal to 4628 MJ/Mg, nonRPEnoRM equal
The results obtained from the LCIA are summarized in Table 9 to 4847 MJ/Mg and Water equal to 1.35 m3). This result is due to fact
for the A1, A2 and A3 phases. Data in this table refer to the that a reduction of the clinker-to-cement ratio implies both lower
declared unit of the average produced gray clinker or cement (i.e. emissions and lower energy usage. Besides, considering that the
1 Mg). The results were obtained after considering the production “minus” sign in Table 9 refers to the cases where the overall cradle-
of a total of 45 different formulas of cement produced in the plants to gate process was not found to contribute to the investigated
impact category, it is possible to conclude that the production of
clinker and cement does not use raw materials as primary energy
Table 8
(both renewable, RPEasRM, and non-renewable, nonRPEasRM), that
Biogenic content of alternative fuels.
this production does not contribute to generate hazardous waste
Alternative fuel Biogenic content (% of fuel mass) (HW) or radioactive waste (RW), and that it does not contribute
Refuse-derived fuel 50 either to the export energy (ExE) or to the recovery energy (ERec)
Plastics 0 categories.
Tires 30
The authors analysed the data after breaking them down ac-
Oil emulsion 0
Solvents 0
cording to the type of kiln, because this factor plays a relevant role
Dried sewage sludges 90 in the formation of pollutants, as explained in the initial section of
Cutouts of not chlorinated rubber 0 this document. Fig. 3 shows the results of six of the most relevant
Animal feeds 100 impact categories (GWP, AP, EP, POCP, TRPE and TnonRPE) that were
L. Moretti, S. Caro / Journal of Cleaner Production 152 (2017) 198e210 205

Table 9
Results of the LCIA.

Impact category Average clinker Average cement Average CEM I Average CEM II Average CEM III Average CEM IV Unit of measure

GWP 960 793 964 788 641 723 kg CO2 eq/Mg

ODP 5.19E-05 4.5E-05 5.4E-05 4.4E-05 4.0E-05 4.3E-05 kg CFC11-eq/Mg
AP 2 1.96 2.13 1.97 1.41 1.92 kg SO2 eq/Mg
EP 0.31 0.27 0.32 0.26 0.18 0.26 kg PO4 3- eq/Mg
POCP 0.47 0.5 0.51 0.51 0.38 0.48 kg C2H4 eq/Mg
ADP-E 6.99E-05 1.4E-04 1.1E-04 1.4E-04 1.5E-04 1.7E-04 kg Sb eq/Mg
ADP-F 5840 5250 6269 5173 4628 4987 MJ/Mg
RPEnoRM 89 247 203 262 107 239 MJ/Mg
RPEasRM e e e e e e MJ/Mg
TRPE 89 247 203 262 107 239 MJ/Mg
nonRPEnoRM 6026 5502 6545 5422 4847 5238 MJ/Mg
nonRPEasRM e e e e e e MJ/Mg
TnonRPE 6026 5502 6545 5422 4847 5238 MJ/Mg
SRM 36 86 67 59 345 163 kg/Mg
RSF 248 199 262 209 89 133 MJ/Mg
nonRSF 462 394 534 381 164 399 MJ/Mg
Water 1.08 1.67 1.47 1.74 1.35 1.62 m3/Mg
HW e e e e e e kg/Mg
nonHW 0 3 5 4 3 2 kg/Mg
RW e e e e e e kg/Mg
E 85 116 154 112 105 110 kWh/Mg
ReU 0.25 0.21 0.26 0.22 0.43 0.09 kg/Mg
ReC 0 0.17 0 0.22 0 0.1 kg/Mg
ERec e e e e e e kg/Mg
ExE e e e e e e MJ/Mg
BCO2 19.4 16.2 22.5 16.1 7.56 14 kg biogenic CO2/Mg
LU 4 6.61 5.66 6.94 3.28 6.58 PDF m2yr/Mg
HTP 58 59 65 59 48 56 kg 1,4-DB eq/Mg
ET 4 4.47 4.72 4.24 4.47 5.23 PAF m2yr/Mg

Note: please refer to the third and fourth columns of Table 7 for a full description of the acronyms used for the impact categories. The symbol “e” means that the overall cradle-
to gate process does not contribute to the investigated impact category.








Kiln type

Fig. 3. Clinker production process: comparison of the impact categories related to the type of kilns (“A” correspond to precalciners kilns with tertiary air, “B” to kilns with preheater,
and “C” to Lepol kilns). GWP: global warming potential; AP: acidification potential; EP: eutrophication potential; POCP: formation potential of tropospheric ozone; TRPE: total use of
renewable primary energy resources used as raw materials; and TnonRPE: total use of non-renewable primary energy resources used as raw materials.

obtained in this study for the clinker production, for the different example, a 95% of GWP for the “A” kiln means that precalciner kilns
types of kiln. In this table, “A” refers to precalciners with tertiary air, with tertiary air emit on average 95% of the GWP emitted by kilns
“B” to kilns with preheaters, and “C” to Lepol kilns. For each impact with the preheater type “B”, which have a value of GWP equal to
category, the percentage values in this table correspond to the ratio 100%. The results demonstrate that the cement kiln technology
between the value obtained for each type of kiln and the maximum mainly affects the energy consumption, as previously reported by
value obtained among the three examined kiln types. Thus, for Nilsson et al. (2007).
206 L. Moretti, S. Caro / Journal of Cleaner Production 152 (2017) 198e210

The results presented in Fig. 3 indicate the relevant role of the (ADP-F), Renewable and non Primary Energy (TRPE and TnonRPE),
pre-calciner kiln (“A” in Fig. 3) in the overall environmental impact Secondary Raw Materials (SRM) and Renewable Secondary Fuels
of the clinker production. As observed in this figure, this type of kiln (RSF), since these resources are obtained directly from the nature
presents the best performance in terms of atmospheric emissions and, therefore, they belong to the upstream process. In the up-
and fuel consumption, while the Lepol kilns are associated with the stream process of the clinker production, petcoke, and electricity
highest values of emissions and fuel consumption, as already production and distribution are the cause of more than 90% of the
demonstrated by Strazza et al. (2010). It is noticeable that these ADP-F.
results support existing recommendations provided by the Euro- The contribution of the A3 phase to the first seven impact cat-
pean Reference document for the Production of Cement, Lime and egories listed in Tables 9 and 10 present a rather uniform distri-
Magnesium Oxide (European Commission, 2013) that makes part of bution between the examined cement types. The results also show
the Best Available Techniques (BAT) for these industrial processes, that the core processes of the production of clinker and cement
which recommends using a dry process kiln with multistage pre- mainly contribute to GWP emissions: 86.65% for the average clinker
heating and precalcination because “In this type of kiln system, and 79.46% for the average cement. Besides, the emissions pro-
exhaust gases and recovered waste heat from the cooler can be used to duced by the core process in the selected plants are significant for
preheat and precalcine the raw material feed before entering the kiln, AP (43.47% for average clinker and 33.86% for average cement), EP
providing significant savings in energy consumption”. (55.15% for average cement) and POCP (16.87% for average cement,
As mentioned previously, data listed in Table 9 refer to the A1- with the highest value of 22.29% for CEM IV). However, the values
A3 processes (Fig. 1). Table 10, on the contrary, lists the percent- obtained for CEM III show significant divergences compared to all
age contribution of the core production processes or A3 phase other cement type. This is mainly due to the composition of this
(Fig. 1) with respect to the overall cradle-to-gate analysis. Conse- material (Table 2), which is characterized for having low values of
quently, the complementary percentage values of those presented clinker content.
in Table 10, which are required to reach a total of 100%, corresponds In the production of cement, Water and electricity consumption
to the allocation of the A1-A2 phases. (E) also show a decisive contribution from the core processes.
Table 10 demonstrates that for both, clinker and cement pro- Indeed, clinker cooling (i.e. when it comes out the kiln) and cement
duction, the impact of the core process, and therefore the clinker milling are responsible for 27.06% of the impact category Water in
production, is prevalent for most of the emission-related impact the average clinker production, while the A3 phase of E corre-
categories. sponds to more than 99% of the average clinker and cement pro-
According to the allocation criteria issued by EN 15804, the duction. With respect to the other impact parameters, Ecotoxicity
emissions, waste production and electricity consumption in the (ET) and Human Toxicity Potential (HTP) were not found to be
plants were allocated in the A3 phase of the LCIA. These criteria significantly influenced by the final stage of the cement production,
explain the percentages of 0% that were obtained for the following with percentages of contribution of 7.95% and 9.88% for the average
categories: Abiotic Depletion Potential Elements (ADP-E) and Fuels cement, respectively. On the contrary, as observed in the results

Table 10
Percentage contribution of the A3 phase.

Impact category Average clinker Average cement Average CEM I Average CEM II Average CEM III Average CEM IV

Contribution of A3 phase/contribution of A1-A3 phases (%)

GWP 86.65% 79.46% 81.18% 80.16% 71.42% 77.54%

ODP e e e e e e
AP 43.47% 33.86% 34.23% 33.63% 16.32% 36.81%
EP 62.39% 55.15% 58.58% 55.15% 37.87% 53.79%
POCP 22.21% 16.87% 12.16% 17.31% 6.53% 22.29%
ADP-E e e e e e e
ADP-F e e e e e e
RPEnoRM e e e e e e
RPEasRM e e e e e e
TRPE e e e e e e
nonRPEnoRM e e e e e e
nonRPEasRM e e e e e e
TnonRPE e e e e e e
SRM e e e e e e
RSF e e e e e e
nonRSF e e e e e e
Water 27.06% 17.80% 15.76% 17.45% 7.67% 16.69%
HW e e e e e e
nonHW e 21.90% 0% 33.55% 0% 24.69%
RW e e e e e e
E 99.89% 99.95% 99.97% 99.94% 99.92% 99.95%
ReU 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
ReC e 100% e 100% e 100%
ERec e e e e e e
ExE e e e e e e
BCO2 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
LU e e e e e e
HTP 11.37% 7.95% 7.76% 8.09% 4.10% 8.51%
ET 14.83% 9.88% 7.94% 11.24% 3.41% 10.50%

Note: please refer to the third and fourth columns of Table 7 for a full description of the acronyms used for the impact categories. The symbol “e” means that the A3 process
does not contribute to the investigated impact category.
L. Moretti, S. Caro / Journal of Cleaner Production 152 (2017) 198e210 207

from Table 10, the core process of the cement production contrib- the second sample moment about the mean. For a normal standard
utes to 100% of the output flows ReU and to the biogenic emissions distribution, b2 is equal to 3 and k is 0. For other distributions, the
BCO2. Finally, it is noticeable that the impact factor ReC is null kurtosis describes the shape of the probability density distribution:
during the overall “from cradle to gate” process (Table 9) for clinker, if k > 0, the curve is leptokurtic and it is more peaked than a normal
average Cement I and average Cement III, while for the other two distribution, while if k < 0 the curve is platykurtic and its central
cement types, the A3 phase constitutes the total contribution (i.e. peak is lower and broader than that corresponding to a normal
100%) for this impact factor (Table 10). distribution.
In order to better interpret the LCA results listed in Tables 9 and Opposite to what was done in Tables 9 and 10, the average
10, the authors conducted a comprehensive statistical analysis. The values in Table 11 were not weighted with respect to the mass
set of values for conducting this analysis corresponds to the results produced in each plant. That is, for each impact category, the
of the different cement and clinker formulas for the 11 plants arithmetic mean of the environmental impacts obtained for each
analysed. For every impact category, the mean, standard deviation, plant was computed. The values of impact categories listed in this
coefficient of variation (CV, defined as the ratio of the standard table refer to the “from cradle to gate” analysis (i.e. phases A1 to
deviation to the mean), maximum, minimum and excess kurtosis A3). The results obtained for the cement type CEM III are not herein
values were calculated. Equation (3) presents the definition of the disclosed due to privacy reasons; although this information is
excess kurtosis: limited, since only two formulas of CEM III are currently produced
by two different plants of the analysed panel. It is relevant to
k ¼ b2  3 (3) mention that the statistical analysis summarized in Table 11 was
conducted for a subset of only 7 categories (GWP, ODP, AP, EP, POCP,
where b2 is the kurtosis index equal to (Equation (4)) ADP-E, ADP-F) because:
b2 ¼ m4 m22 (4)  these parameters have a direct, significant and tangible effect on
the environment (i.e. emissions and depletion);
where m4 is the fourth sample moment about the mean, and m2 is

Table 11
Statistical analysis of LCIA.

Impact category Statistical parameter Mean clinker Mean cement Mean CEM I Mean CEM II Mean CEM IV

GWP mean (kg CO2 eq/Mg) 964.3 801.6 972.3 794.1 710.9
standard deviation (kg CO2 eq/Mg) 42.2 125.0 47.9 82.6 73.6
CV 4% 16% 5% 10% 10%
maximum (kg CO2 eq/Mg) 1032.4 1045.5 1045.5 985.1 802.7
minimum (kg CO2 eq/Mg) 901.8 581.5 861.6 630.4 585.4
excess kurtosis 0.73 0.82 3.19 0.20 1.05
ODP mean (kg CFC11-eq/Mg) 5.24E-05 4.7E-05 5.6E-05 4.6E-05 4.22E-05
standard deviation (kg CFC11-eq/Mg) 1.18E-05 1.2E-05 9.8E-06 1.1E-05 1.18E-05
CV 22% 25% 18% 25% 28%
maximum (kg CFC11-eq/Mg) 6.41E-05 7.1E-05 6.4E-05 7.1E-05 5.61E-05
minimum (kg CFC11-eq/Mg) 3.17E-05 2.5E-05 3.3E-05 2.8E-05 2.53E-05
excess kurtosis 0.91 0.88 2.75 0.10 1.70
AP mean (kg SO2 eq/Mg) 2.1 2.1 2.3 2.1 1.9
standard deviation (kg SO2 eq/Mg) 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.7 0.6
CV 31% 30% 18% 32% 33%
maximum (kg SO2 eq/Mg) 3.7 3.6 3.3 3.6 3.0
minimum (kg SO2 eq/Mg) 1.4 1.2 1.7 1.3 1.2
excess kurtosis 4.77 0.52 2.96 0.20 0.98
EP mean (kg PO4 3- eq/Mg) 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
standard deviation (kg PO4 3- eq/Mg) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
CV 21% 23% 16% 21% 22%
maximum (kg PO4 3- eq/Mg) 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
minimum (kg PO4 3- eq/Mg) 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2
excess kurtosis 1.47 1.29 0.90 1.30 1.43
POCP mean (kg C2H4 eq/Mg) 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.5
standard deviation (kg C2H4 eq/Mg) 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
CV 38% 40% 31% 42% 42%
maximum (kg C2H4 eq/Mg) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.8
minimum (kg C2H4 eq/Mg) 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.3
excess kurtosis 7.05 0.30 8.10 0.79 1.29
ADP-E mean (kg Sb eq/Mg) 7.44E-05 1.7E-04 1.4E-04 1.7E-04 1.76E-04
standard deviation (kg Sb eq/Mg) 2.42E-05 1.3E-04 1.2E-04 1.3E-04 1.11E-04
CV 33% 75% 87% 78% 63%
maximum (kg Sb eq/Mg) 1.27E-04 4.9E-04 4.9E-04 4.6E-04 4.42E-04
minimum (kg Sb eq/Mg) 4.36E-05 5.8E-05 6.9E-05 5.8E-05 7.89E-05
excess kurtosis 1.33 1.12 9.43 0.60 2.72
ADP-F mean (MJ) 5899.6 5450.7 6520.1 5337.4 4882.2
standard deviation (MJ) 1269.7 1281.1 1030.8 1203.0 1241.8
CV 22% 24% 16% 23% 25%
maximum (MJ) 7214.2 8101.7 7465.3 8101.7 6418.3
minimum (MJ) 3654.8 3100.5 3972.0 3333.1 3100.5
excess kurtosis 0.87 0.78 4.17 0.11 1.58

Note: please refer to the third and fourth columns of Table 7 for a full description of the acronyms used for the impact categories.
208 L. Moretti, S. Caro / Journal of Cleaner Production 152 (2017) 198e210

 they are correlated with other, not examined, impact categories. production process requires a more thorough investigation since
For example, the use of petcoke impacts the production of CO2 the Global Warming Potential, or GWP, is only one - though the
emissions and other pollutants. Furthermore, electricity is a most famous - of the environmental categories to be considered
secondary energy source, and the “costs” related to this infra- when evaluating the impact of an industrial product. The scientific
structure are also considered as part of these 7 items; experience gained in environmentally related issues demonstrates
 these 7 parameters are consistently selected to be analysed in that the exclusive consideration of CO2 emissions limits the possi-
existing similar studies (e.g. Strazza et al., 2010; Stafford et al., bility of conducting a correct LCA, and promotes the chances of
2016a, 2016b). selecting of a low CO2 material that could present unacceptable
environmental burdens.
The statistical results in Table 11 suggest that the global This study focuses on the Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) of
warming potential impact category, or GWP, presents the lowest CV the Italian cement industry, based on the standard EN 15804
values. Also, the normal-like distribution for this category was “Sustainability of construction works, environmental product dec-
found to be more peaked for CEM I. This could be partially larations, core rules for the product category of construction
explained from the data listed in Table 10, which shows that the products” and the Product Category Rules (PCR) 2010:09 version 2.1
core processes have a strong influence in the impact categories “Cement”. The work involved gray clinker and gray cement pro-
related to emissions. In this sense, the improvement of technology- duction and it was conducted using information for 2014, for a
related processes, the use of alternative fuel sources, and the pro- declared unit of 1 Mg of the final product (i.e. clinker or cement). A
duction of cement with low clinker content could let the sector to total of 11 plants were included in the analysis, and 10 different
reduce its environmental impact. formulas of gray clinker and 45 formulas of gray cement were
The ozone layer depletion potential results, or ODP, show that considered, which involved CEM I, CEM II, CEM III and CEM IV types
the shape distribution for this impact category is less similar to a of cement, as defined by the EN 197-1.
normal distribution when compared to GWP, although they both In the initial part of the study, representativeness and relevance
present the largest peaks for the CEM I material. of the selected plants was demonstrated. Next, the average values
Data in Table 11 also show that the impact category presenting of 29 different environmental impact categories weighted by the
the highest variability is ADP-E, or the depletion of abiotic production mass in the respective plants were computed, according
resources-elements. The main contribution to the obtained ADP-E to the standard EN 15804 and to some recent European guidelines.
values derives from several sources, including not only raw mate- The database Ecoinvent 2.2 was used to perform the LCIA for both
rials but also electricity and petcoke and their transportation, materials.
which could partially explain this result. The results showed that the core process of cement production,
In terms of the eutrophication potential, or EP, the results reveal also known as the A3 phase, is responsible for the main contribu-
that this category presents a low variability and that it has a kur- tion to GWP (793 kg/Mg) and electricity consumption (116 kWh/
tosis value close to 1 in all five examined scenarios, which means Mg). These results are mainly due to the fact that more than 95% of
that the normal standard distribution could properly describe the the energy needs of the Italian cement industry are satisfied
behaviour of this parameter. through the use of non-renewable primary energy sources. Indeed,
Besides, the difference between the maximum (8102 MJ/Mg) the use of non-Renewable Primary Energy excluding non-
and the minimum (3101 MJ/Mg) values of depletion of abiotic renewable primary energy resources used as raw materials (non-
resources-fossil fuels that were obtained for the cement produc- RPEnoRM) was found to be 6026 MJ/Mg for the production of the
tion, or ADP-F, points out the possibility of having a significant average clinker and 5502 MJ/Mg for production of the average
reduction of the current mean energy required for the production cement, whereas the use of Renewable Primary Energy, excluding
of clinker and cement. renewable primary energy resources used as raw materials (RPE-
Finally, the statistical analysis demonstrates that the parameter noRM) was only 89 MJ/Mg for the average clinker and 247 MJ/Mg
GWP, which is the most commonly used to evaluate the environ- for the average cement.
mental impact of industrial processes, has a stable trend, which It is important to highlight that the importance of this study is
explains why the cement industry is a global concern in terms of its that it provides results and statistics on the Italian cement industry
environmental impact. Also, the impact categories obtained for the through a comprehensive assessment of its environmental impact.
cement type CEM I consistently presented the highest values of Consequently, the LCA herein conducted provides data that could
excess kurtosis due to the “simple” composition of this cement. be used to compare the environmental impact of the Italian cement
Moreover, the “simple” composition of this cement, which is the industry with other construction material industries or to cement
most similar to clinker, produced the highest emissions and con- industries in other countries, as well as to evaluate the impact of
sumption values. The other cement types show lower and, in some different products derived from this material.
cases, negative values of excess kurtosis, mainly due to the vari-
ability of their composition. The existence of this variability reveals Acknowledgment
that there is a possibility for adopting technical strategies for
reducing the environmental impact related to cement production. The authors appreciate to financial support provided by the
Italian cement industry representative body.
4. Conclusions
The interest in environmental-related development issues has
significantly increased in recent years. To analyse the environ- ADP-E Depletion of abiotic resources-elements (kg Sb eq)
mental effects of a specific process, several documents available in ADP-F Depletion of abiotic resources-fossil fuels (MJ)
the literature have quantified greenhouse gas emissions and, AITEC Italian cement industry representative body
particularly, CO2 emissions. Due to this approach, many interna- AP Acidification Potential of soil and water (kg SO2 eq)
tional research organizations have focused their attention on the BAT Best Available Techniques
cement industry, because it contributes to 5% of the worldwide CO2 BCO2 Biogenic CO2 emissions (kg biogenic CO2)
emissions. However, the environmental evaluation of this BPD Cement By-pass Dust
L. Moretti, S. Caro / Journal of Cleaner Production 152 (2017) 198e210 209

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