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Name: Malang, Bai Putri Rohaina S. Year and Section: BS BIO ECO-1B
Schedule: MWF 7:00-9:30 Date: April 05,2023




 To be able to identify and describe the functions of the integumentary system.

A. Label the figures representing the bones of the body. Using the skeleton model and chart, locate
these bones.

1. Cranium 9. Ribs 17. Femur

2. 10. Lumbar 18. Patella

3. 11. Radius 19. Tibia

4. Hyoid bone 12. Pelvic Girdle 20. Fibula

5. Clavicle 13. Ulna 21. Tarsal

6. Scapula 14. Ossa capri 22. Metatarsal

7. Sternum 15. Ossa metacpri 23 phalanges

8. Humerus 16. Ossa digitorum manus

B. Answer the following questions.

1. What are the major bones of the axial skeleton?

 Skull
 Rib cage
 Vertebral column

2. What are the major bones of appendicular skeleton?

 shoulder girdle,
 upper limbs (arm)
 pelvic girdle
 lower limbs (leg)
3. What are the functions of the cranium?
- It protects the ears, brains and eyes.

4. What are sutures?

- Sutures are the immovable joints between the 8 cranial bones. There are 4 sutures and
those are coronal,sagittal, lambdoid, and squamous
5. List the paranasal sinuses.
 Frontal sinuses
 Maxillary sinuses
 Ethmoid sinuses
 Sphenoid sinuses

6. Why are these sinuses important?

- Those sinuses are important because it will keep our mucus to dry our nose for us to be
able to breathe.
7. What are the five types of vertebrae?
1. C1
2. C2
3. C7(7 cervical)
4. T12 (12 thoracic)
5. L5 (5 lumbar )

8. Why is it that the vertebral column is curved?

-it curve because it helps absorb and disperse stress caused by daily activities such as walking And other
activities and it is curved because it increases the flexibility of our spine.

9. Define the following:

a. Kyphosis – in which the spine of the upper back tilts forward

b. Lordosis – when the lower back arches outward

c. Scoliosis – in which the spine curves either to the left or right

d. Osteoporosis – is a bone disease that develops when bone mineral density and bone mass
decreases, or when the structure and strength of bone changes e. Slipped disc – A slipped disc is when a
soft cushion of tissue between the bones in your spine pushes out.

10. What are the bones that made up the thoracic cage?

 Ribs
 Sternum
 thoracic vertebrae

11. What are the organs protected by the thoracic cage?

- the heart and lungs

12. What are the different types of ribs?

 True ribs
 False ribs
 Floating ribs

13. What structures do ribs have in common?

- ribs have in common with thoracic cage.

14. Relate the thoracic cage and breathing.

- thoracic cage protect the organs that is responsible for breathing which is the lungs and the heart.

15. What are the organs protected by the pelvis?

-intestines, urinary bladder, and internal sex organs.

16. Where are the true ribs and false pelvis?

- first seven ribs attach to the front of the sternum and are called true ribs. The lower 8, 9, and 10 pairs
of ribs, which are not directly attached to the sternum, are called pseudo ribs.
17. How are the male and female pelvis structurally different?

- they are different because in the male pelvis the sacrum is a larger and heaviest and it is not flexible it
cannot open or stretch while in the female pelvis the sacrum it is small and wide that creates a canal
that stretch and flexible for giving birth.

18. What is the importance of the patella?

- the importance of patella is to protect the knee joints.

19. What are the functions of the arches of the foot?

- it absorbs and repuls the foot while walking or running.

20. Define flatfoot and clawfoot.

Flatfoot is a condition in which one or both feet have little or no arch. As you stand up, the soles of your
feet are pressed into the ground, while It is called clawfoot because of the unusual appearance of the
affected foot. Patients with this condition have a deformity in which the toe joint closest to the ankle is
bent upward and the other toe is bent downward with a tight contracture.

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