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2. The body is a material entity, not unlike a machine

INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE with clockwork mechanisms
3. The opposite cures
COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE 4. Only methods found to be effective through rigorous
scientific study are appropriate means to a cure
● Collection of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures
used hand in hand with the conventional and 2 MAJOR DIFFERENCE OF ALLOPATHIC
● Done with Western Medicine
● Allopathic - cures disease, not individual; Alternative
ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE - maintain connectedness of human to environment
● Allopathic - believes in simple, one-cause disease;
● Medical treatments used instead of traditional Alternative - multifactorial etiological model of
medicine disease (can be stress, bad air, bad parenting…)
● Mind-body connection
● Replaces Western Medicine INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE

Examples: ● Appreciate wholeness of a person

Chiropractic ● Learning to view person in biological, psychological,
Homeopathy social, spiritual, perspective
Ayurveda ● Centralizes doctor-patient relationship
Herbal Medicine ● Sir William Osler: “It is much more important to
Acupuncture know what sort of patient has a disease than what
Reflexology sort of disease a patient has.”
● The patient and practitioner are partners in the
● Sir William Osler - founder healing process.
● Greek word: allos - other; pathos = disease ● All factors that influence health, wellness and
● Methods that attempt to counteract the disease disease are taken into consideration.
● The care addresses the whole person, including
Other terms: body, mind, and spirit in the context of community.
Western Medicine ● Providers use all appropriate healing sciences to
Conventional Medicine facilitate the body’s innate healing response.
Orthodox Medicine ● Effective interventions that are natural and less
Mainstream Medicine invasive are used whenever possible.
Biomedicine ● Because good medicine is based in good science,
integrative medicine is inquiry driven and open to
WESTERN MEDICINE new models of care.
● Alongside the concept of treatment, the broader
● Treatment of medical conditions with medications, concepts of health promotion and the prevention of
by doctors, nurses and other conventional healthcare illness are paramount.
providers who employ methods developed according ● The care is individualized to best address the
to Western medical and scientific tradition person’s unique conditions, needs and
4 MAIN FOCUS OF ALLOPATHIC MEDICINE ● Practitioners of integrative medicine exemplify its
principles and commit themselves to self-exploration
1. Doctrine of Specific Etiology - There is only one cause and self-development.
HEALING of body
● Naturopathic Doctors believe:
● Old English: Hal - wholeness, soundness, spiritual ○ The body has a strong, vital, and innate
wellness power to heal itself
● WHO: State of complete physical, mental, and social ○ Symptoms of disease reveal the body's
wellbeing, and not merely the absence of disease or attempt to reach a natural balance
infirmity ○ Practitioners must consider the entire
● Healing facilitates change that reduces stress, person (including mental, emotional, and
improves diet, promotes exercise, and increases the social health) in treatment
person’s sense of community and connection ● Focuses on:
● DOES NOT MEAN CURING ○ Eliminating bad habits and detoxification
● Cure - doing something (such as giving drugs or ○ Eating clean, organic food
performing surgery) that alleviates a troublesome ○ Corrective habits and lifestyle modification
condition ○ Hydrotherapy
● Six Fundamental Principles of Naturopathy
CATEGORIES OF COMPLEMENTARY ○ The Healing Power of Nature - trust in the
AND ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE body’s inherent wisdom to heal itself
○ Identify and Treat the Causes - look beyond
1. Alternative Medical System
the symptoms to the underlying cause
2. Mind-Body Intervention
○ First Do No Harm - utilize the most natural,
3. Biologically-based therapy
least invasive, and least toxic therapies
4. Manipulative and Body-based Methods (MBMs)
○ Doctor as Teacher - educate patients to the
5. Energy Therapy
steps of achieving and maintaining health
○ Treat the Whole Person - view the body as
an integrated whole in all its spiritual and
1. Homeopathic Medicine physical dimensions
2. Naturopathy ○ Prevention - focus on overall health,
3. Oriental Medicine wellness, and disease prevention
4. Ayurveda ● Requires degree to practice
5. Traditional Chinese Medicine
● Describe relationship of humanity to environment
● Samuel Hahnemann - German physician, founded ● Five Planets and their Elements (Ancient Chinese)
Homeopathic Medicine in the 19th century ○ Venus - Metal
● Based on: ○ Mars - Fire
○ Similia similibus curentur - like is cured by ○ Mercury - Water
like ○ Jupiter - Wood
○ Doses minimae - potentiation through ○ Saturn - Earth
dilution ● The function of our body interrelates closely to the
● Prepared by serial dilutions and vigorous shaking natural laws of the world around us
(sucussion) and contain no measurable active ● Life is seen arising from the magnetic interplay of the
ingredients polar force
● Five Major Branches of Oriental Medicine
○ Chinese Herbal Medicine
● Wide range of therapies considered as natural ○ Oriental Nutrition and Dietary Therapy
medicines ○ Tai Chi
● Requires natural methods to restore proper balance ○ Qi Gong

● Massage originated in ancient China ● Complete system of healing, 200 B.C. in written form
● Oldest system of bodywork ● The body is a delicate balance of two opposing and
● Stimulates the flow of qi to promote balance and inseparable forces: Yin and Yang
harmony ○ Yin - cold, slow, or passive principle
● Often combined with acupuncture ○ Yang - hot, excited, or active principle
● Health is achieved by maintaining the body in a
TAI CHI, QI GONG "balanced state"
● Imbalance leads to blockage in the flow of qi (or vital
● Combine slow, deliberate movements, meditation, energy) along pathways known as meridians
and breathing exercises ● Three Main Therapeutic Modalities
● Martial arts that help circulation, balance, alignment ○ Acupuncture and moxibustion - burning of
● Restores energy, qi or chi an herb above the skin to apply heat to the
● Benefits acupuncture point
○ For pregnant: Increase flexibility, improve ○ Chinese Materia Medica - catalogue of
balance natural products
○ Help lower bp and cholesterol levels ○ Massage and manipulation
○ Good for diabetics
Some research suggested that the use of CAM therapies are
● The science of life safe and effective. However, there are others that dispute this
● Natural healing from India claim that can even lead to harmful instances. The following
● Sanskrit: Ayur - life; Veda - science reasons are the cause on why CAM related research has been
● Comprehensive system of medicine that places equal slower in the last years:
emphasis on the body, mind, and spirit, and strives
to restore the innate harmony of the individual 1. Time and funding problems
● Some of the primary Ayurvedic treatments include 2. Regulatory issues
diet, exercise, meditation, herbs, massage, exposure 3. Conflict in finding researchers and institutions willing
to sunlight, and controlled breathing to conduct ample research
● Most powerful of all three doshas ● Provide information on the appropriate use of CAM.
● Controls the basic body functions, like how cells ● Ask questions to customers about their use of CAM.
divide ● Being aware of potential adverse reactions and
● Controls the mind, breathing, blood flow, heart interactions with conventional medicines.
function, and ability to get rid of waste through the ● To ensure that stocks of homeopathic medicines,
intestines herbal medicines, or other complementary therapies
are obtained from a reputable source of supply.
PITTA DOSHA (fire and water)
● Pharmacist have a responsibility to ensure that all
products they recommend are of appropriate quality.
● Controls the digestion, metabolism, and certain
hormones that are linked to the appetite
R.A. 8423
KAPHA DOSHA (water and earth)
● Traditional and Alternative Medicine Act of 1997
● Approved: December 9, 1997
● Controls muscle growth, body strength and stability,
weight, and the immune system
(a) To encourage scientific research on and develop products that contain as active ingredient/s serial or
traditional and alternative health care systems that have underground part/s of plant or other materials
direct impact on public health care; ● "Natural product" - those foods that grow
(b) To promote and advocate the use of traditional, spontaneously in nature whether or not they are
alternative, preventive and curative health care modalities tended by man
that have been proven safe, effective, cost effective and ● "Manufacture" - production, including preparation,
consistent with government standards on medical practice; propagation, processing, formulating, filling, packing,
(c) To develop and coordinate skills training courses for repacking, altering, ornamenting, finishing, or
various forms of traditional and alternative health care otherwise changing the container, wrapper, or
modalities; labelling of a consumer product
(d) To formulate standards, guidelines and codes of ethical ● "Traditional healers" - relatively old, highly
practice appropriate for the practice of traditional and respected people with a profound knowledge of
alternative health care as well as in the manufacture, quality traditional remedies
control and marketing of different traditional and alternative ● "Intellectual property rights" - is the legal basis by
health care materials, natural and organic products, for which the indigenous communities exercise their
approval and adoption by the appropriate government rights to have access to, protect, control over their
agencies; cultural knowledge and product
(e) To formulate policies for the protection of indigenous and
natural health resources and technology from unwarranted MANDATE:
exploitation, for approval and adoption by the appropriate Republic Act 8423 (R.A. 8423) mandates the Philippine
government agencies; Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care (PITAHC)
(f) To formulate policies to strengthen the role of traditional “to improve the quality and delivery of health care services to
and alternative health care delivery system; and the Filipino people through the development of traditional
(g) To promote traditional and alternative health care in and alternative health care and its integration into the
international and national conventions, seminars and national health care delivery system“.
meetings in coordination with the Department of Tourism,
Duty Free Philippines, Incorporated, Philippine Convention VISION: “People’s health through traditional and alternative
and Visitors Corporation and other tourism-related agencies health care”
as well as non-government organizations and local
government units. MISSION: “We lead in the research and development,
promotion and advocacy, and development of standards on
Definition of Terms: traditional and complementary medicine (T&CM); and we
● "Traditional and alternative health care" - the sum ensure its accessibility, availability, sustainability and
total of knowledge, skills and practices on health integration into the national health care system.”
care, other than those embodied in biomedicine,
used in the prevention, diagnosis and elimination of
physical or mental disorder. WHAT IS MEDICINE?
● "Traditional medicine" - recognized by the people to
help maintain and improve their health towards the Medicine - the science and practice of caring for a patient,
wholeness of their being managing the diagnosis, prognosis, prevention, treatment,
● "Biomedicine" - discipline of medical care
palliation of their injury or disease, and promoting their
advocating therapy with remedies that produce
effects differing from those of the diseases treated
● "Alternative health care modalities" – other forms Traditional Medicine - derived from plants or animals
of non-allopathic, occasionally non-indigenous or Modern Medicine - made by scientists in laboratories and
imported healing methods, though not necessarily are based on substances found in nature
practiced for centuries nor handed down from one
generation to another
● "Herbal medicines" - finished, labeled, medicinal
Medicinal Plant Function

Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis) Skin wounds

Indian Pennywort (Centella Depression and for longevity


Cat’s Whiskers (Orthosiphon Gout, diabetes and

aristatus) rheumatism

Basil (Ocimum basilicum) Coughs, colds, bronchitis

Medicinal Animal Function

Sea cucumber Japanese encephalitis, hole

in the heart

Leeches Skin diseases, infections

Centipede Lockjaw and convulsions

Ant Hepatitis B

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