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Revised Syllabus

Advanced Machine Learning Lab

V Semester
Version 1.00 3 0 2 7 4 5 Elective

Pre-requisites/ Fundamentals of Machine Learning, Python Programming,

Exposure Basics of Statistics

Course Description
The objective of this course is to learn and understand advanced topics in the field of machine learning and its
applications. This course gives a graduate-level advancement in machine learning and in-depth coverage of new
and advanced algorithms in machine learning, as well as their underlying theory. The course assumes basic
knowledge of machine learning, and a good background in probability and statistics, linear algebra, and
optimization methods. It emphasizes approaches with practical relevance and discusses a number of recent
applications of machine learning in areas like Deep Learning, Information retrieval, recommender systems, data
mining, computer vision, natural language processing and robotics. This course aims to delve deeper into the
intricacies of various algorithms and methodologies used in advanced machine learning applications. This
course will teach students how to investigate data from beginning to end using a machine learning perspective.
It will teach students a few of the most crucial machine learning algorithms, how to extract and select valuable
features that best reflect your data, and how to assess the effectiveness of your machine learning algorithms.

• To provide a comprehensive understanding of advanced machine learning algorithms beyond the basics.
• To develop skills in using recent machine learning software for solving practical problems
• To expose students to the latest developments and applications of advanced machine learning in various
fields like computer vision, natural language processing, speech recognition, recommendation systems,
and autonomous agents
• To provide students with a solid theoretical understanding of the principles behind advanced Machine
learning algorithms.
• To Foster critical thinking and research skills in students and to apply machine learning to real-world

Course Outcomes
On completion of this course, the students shall be able to
Identify/Recognize the feasibility of applying a of advanced machine learning algorithms for a
particular problem

Identify cutting-edge applications of machine learning and effectively use modern software tools
to solve real problems based on machine learning.

CO3 Apply advanced machine learning models to solve real-world problems.

CO4 Evaluate advanced machine learning approaches for a given problem

Compare and analyze different advanced Machine learning Models based on evaluation
Advanced Machine Learning Lab on the basis of modules
This lab will be carried out in three modules and five graded and four non graded experiments. Every
module contains a real-life problem that can be solved by machine learning algorithms. Students will
download datasets from standard repositories and will build a machine-learning model. Students will
work from applying feature engineering to UX/UI designing. Evaluation will be done on the basis of
the given rubrics.

List of modules:
Unit-1 Contact Hours: 4 hrs

Experiment 1 Implement a basic perceptron to classify a linearly separable dataset.


Experiment 2 Build a multilayer perceptron to classify a non-linear dataset using TensorFlow/Keras.

For a given dataset (download it from UCI Machine Learning Repository or from SKlearn dataset library perform following task.
1. Implement Artificial Neural Network (ANN) in Python from Scratch using Churn
Experiment 3
Modelling dataset or any other of your choice.
2. Perform Support Vector Machine (SVM) for Model Evaluation to get prescribed
3. Apply Principal Component Analysis (PCA) algorithm for Dimensionality Reduction.

Experiment 4 Implement AGNES (Agglomerative Nesting) for clustering a dataset.

(Non-Graded) Implement DIANA (Divisive Analysis) for clustering a dataset.
For a given dataset (link of the dataset: perform following task.
Experiment 5 1. Observe the dataset and apply all necessary data preprocessing techniques.
(Graded) 2. Training and building Random forest tree using ID3 algorithm from scratch.
3. Predicting from the tree and find out all the performance evaluation metrics.

Unit-2 Contact Hours:4 hrs

Experiment 6 Implement a basic CNN architecture with convolutional and pooling layers for image
(Non-Graded) classification on the CIFAR-10 dataset.

Students will download dataset of Handwritten English Alphabets from the repository
and will perform following task.
Experiment 7
1. Write a script to convert .CSV file to actual images in .PNG format in structured
2. Design a handwritten English alphabet recognition system using CNN

Students will download dataset from Kaggle repository Choose a dataset that consists of a
large text corpus. Examples include books, articles, or even song lyrics. Preprocess the
dataset by cleaning the text, removing unnecessary characters or symbols, and splitting it
into training and validation sets. Implement an RNN model architecture using either
LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory Train the RNN model using the training dataset,
Experiment 8
adjusting hyperparameters such as learning rate, batch size, and number of training

1. Evaluate the performance of the trained model using the validation dataset.
2. Calculate metrics to assess the quality of generated text.
Unit-3 Contact Hours:4 hrs

Experiment 9
Case study on attention model for the computer vision task.
Students need to work on how to apply advanced applications of Deep Learning
techniques in real world. Student would be encouraged to know more about Computer
Vision Libraries and how they are implemented in Python. Students need to work on
cancer data and design a prediction model on it (dataset can be downloaded from standard
Experiment 10 repositories (Kaggle, UCI machine learning, Github).
1. Detect an Object from cancer data (cancer using OpenCV or imagenet)
2. Perform the classification of detected object with performance parameters.

T1: Mitchell T.M., Machine Learning, McGraw Hill (1997).
T2: Andreas C. Miller, Sarah Guido, Introduction to Machine Learning with Python, O’REILLY (2001).
T3: Deep Learning" by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, and Aaron Courville
T4:Deep Learning with Python François Chollet 1 Manning Publications 2017

R1: Bishop C., Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Springer-Verlag (2006).
R2: Deep Reinforcement Learning Pieter Abbeel and John Schulman MIT Press 2020

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 1 2 3
CO1 - 3 - 1 - - - - 2 - 1 2 1 2 3
CO2 - 3 - - 3 - 1 3 2 - 1 2 2 2 3
CO3 3 - 3 - 2 2 1 1 2 - 1 3 3 2 2
CO4 - 2 2 - 2 1 1 - 2 - 1 3 2 3 2
CO5 - - 2 3 2 1 1 - 2 3 1 3 3 3 3

A. CO PO correlation matrix of each subject to be mapped with

B. High correlation (3); Medium correlation (2); Low correlation (1)
Assessment Pattern- Internal and External
The performance of students is evaluated as follows:
Components Internal End Term Viva-
Assessment Voce
Marks 60 40
Total Marks 100
Final CO
S. Assessment Assessment Frequency Weight-age mapping
of actual
No. Tool Type of Task in Internal
Class CO1, CO2,
Assessment CO3, CO4,
1. 30 3 45
(Graded CO5
Experiment) Internal
CO1, CO2,
3. Mid-Term Test 10 1 15 CO3, CO4,
CO1, CO2,
End Term
4 External 40 1 40 CO3, CO4,
Rubrics for evaluation
Graded Experiments –30 marks each - 4 Times – Weighted 45 Marks in internal.
Expectation not Partial Expectation Approached
Score Meets Expectation Exceeds Expectation
Total met met Expectation
Phase Parameter
Marks 5 1 2 3 4 5
10 0-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
Data Poor data Basic data Competent data Effective data Outstanding data preprocessing and
Preprocessing preprocessing and preprocessing and preprocessing and EDA, preprocessing and EDA, uncovering deep insights, and
and EDA EDA, lacks EDA; some important gaining valuable insights thorough EDA, revealing addressing data complexities effectively.
5 understanding of data insights may be missed. from the data significant insights and Detailed dealing with missing values,
characteristics preparing data optimally wrong data, feature extraction,
performing EDA
Feature Poor understanding Basic feature Competent feature Effective feature Exceptional feature engineering and data
Engineering and of feature engineering engineering and data engineering and data engineering and data cleansing; creatively applies techniques
Data Cleansing and data cleansing cleansing; some cleansing; utilizes cleansing; employs to extract meaningful features and
5 techniques; fails to techniques are applied, relevant techniques to advanced techniques to cleanses data comprehensively.
preprocess data but results may not be preprocess data enhance model
effectively optimal effectively performance.
Model Selection Limited Makes some attempts Makes informed model Demonstrates strong Exhibits exceptional model selection
Conduct and understanding of at model selection and selection and conducts model selection skills and expertise, identifying the best models for
Worksheet Hyperparameter model selection and hyperparameter tuning, reasonable effectively tunes the given tasks, and finely tunes
of 30 Tuning hyperparameter but the chosen models hyperparameter tuning, hyperparameters to hyperparameters to achieve state-of-the-
Modules tuning; struggles to and parameters may not resulting in moderately obtain well-optimized art performance
Learning choose appropriate be the most suitable. optimized models. models
(Graded) models and tune
Implementation Over-reliance on hard Some implementation coding and library Adopts best coding Implements the majority of advanced
Methodology coding with using library functions, functions effectively, practices, utilizing techniques using library functions and
(hard code/ numerous errors and but coding practices producing functional appropriate library follows impeccable coding standards.
library inefficiencies may not be optimal. implementations functions, and
functions) demonstrates modular
Prediction and Incorrect and Basic model Produces acceptable Generates accurate model Achieves exceptional model predictions,
evaluation of unreliable predictions with some model predictions, predictions, evaluating evaluating with state-of-the-art metrics,
model predictions; minimal evaluation metrics, but evaluating with common with multiple metrics, and presents comprehensive analysis
or no evaluation of results lack thorough metrics, and providing and performs in-depth
model performance analysis meaningful insights. analysis.
Demonstration No demonstration of Basic model Presents functional and Demonstrates well- Showcases exceptional model demos
of model the model or presents demonstration but lacks user-friendly model designed model demos with intuitive and polished interfaces or
(Services, APIs, non-functional and user-friendly interfaces demos with simple with user-friendly seamless integration options.
UX/UI, Android 5 poorly designed or integration options. interfaces or integration interfaces or integration
Applications) demos capabilities options.

Course Project Evaluation – Once – Weighted 15 marks in internal.

Assessment Total Approached

Parameter Score Expectation not met Partial Expectation met Meets Expectation Exceeds Expectation
Tool Marks Expectation

Interpreting Excels in data analysis,

Visualizations Analyzes data Demonstrates strong data using advanced
Performs minimal data Conducts basic data analysis
Data Analysis effectively, drawing analysis skills, revealing techniques to extract
analysis and struggles to but may overlook important
and 5 meaningful insights, and valuable insights with clear and deep insights and
draw insights; patterns; visualizations lack
Visualization presents results with insightful visualizations presents them in a
visualizations are unclear clarity
decent visualizations. visually compelling
Viva Demonstrates deep
15 Adequate knowledge of most knowledge; answer the
topics; answer the questions questions with
Machine Learning Adequate knowledge of
Superficial knowledge of with illustration. explanations and
Algorithms most topics; answer the
5 No idea about answers question; poor coherence with However, Difficult to hear; elaboration.
Understanding questions, but fails to
inadequate illustrations occasional eye contact; some Further, clear,
and elaborate.
mumbling, some distracting expressive voice;
mannerisms; poised, good posture, no
distracting mannerisms
Experimental Exemplary experiment
Design and report with
Experiment report is
Experiment report is comprehensive
Model poorly structured and lacks
Experiment report is basic well-structured with Thorough and well-documented
documentation; presents
Evaluation with some relevant content; relevant content; experiment report; includes all
essential components; detailed
lacks thorough documentation adequately documents essential components and
Experiment content is inadequate and experimentation and in-
and may have some the experiments and provides clear insights.
Report/Template disorganized. Experiment depth
5 disorganization. results, presents Delivers a well-structured
and Experiment presentation is unclear and Analysis, Presents
Presentation is basic with experiments with clarity presentation; effectively
Presentation lacks coherence; fails to experiments with
some clarity; may struggle to and coherence; communicates complex
effectively communicate exceptional clarity and
effectively communicate communicates the experiments and provides clear
the experiments and articulation; captivates
complex concepts and results methodologies and explanations.
findings. the audience with
results effectively
compelling and
insightful explanations
Term Assessment – Once – Weighted 40 marks in external.
The end term evaluation will be taken on the bases of mini project given to the student

Assessment Total Partial Expectation Approached

Tool Marks
Parameter Score Expectation not met Meets Expectation Exceeds Expectation
met Expectation

The problem
The problem statement is
The problem The problem
statement is challenging, involves The problem statement is highly
statement is statement is well-
Problem Selection and defined, but it may complex data, and innovative, addressing cutting-edge
unclear, lacks defined and
Definition 5 lack complexity or demonstrates an challenges in the field of machine
relevance, or is too relevant to
real-world understanding of learning.
simplistic. advanced machine
relevance. advanced ML .
learning concepts

Basic comprehension Demonstrates

of model competent Strong grasp of model
understanding of
development understanding of development
model development Exceptional comprehension of model
Model Development: concepts but model development techniques;
concepts; unable to development concepts; implements state-of-
Comprehension & 5 struggles to apply concepts and can effectively builds
implement or build the-art models with outstanding
Implementation them effectively; implement models with good
End Term models effectively; optimization and performance
40 models may have functional models; optimization and
Evaluation significant errors in
errors or lack moderate performance.
optimization. optimization.
The dataset is The dataset is well-
The dataset is
missing, not The dataset is preprocessed, and
available, but
relevant, or contains relevant, and relevant features are
minimal or basic The dataset is diverse, and advanced
significant errors, preprocessing is selected or
preprocessing is preprocessing techniques are applied to
Basic or done to handle engineered
Data Acquisition performed, optimize data quality, State-of-the-art
inappropriate missing data and effectively,
,Preprocessing and Relevant algorithms are implemented, and
5 algorithms are outliers, Advanced machine
Algorithm Selection algorithms are additional improvements or
chosen, or Appropriate learning algorithms
chosen, but the modifications are made to achieve
implementation is algorithms are are implemented
implementation outstanding results
missing. implemented with correctly with
may be
moderate success. satisfactory
incomplete or
have errors.
Technologies are
known but with
Effective use of
some deficiencies Passable
technology, strong Effective use of technology with knowledge
of logic, no demonstration of
Technologies used are grasp of logic, critical of alternative technologies and strong grasp
Technical Competency 5 demonstration of technical skills with
not known thinking and of logic, critical thinking and engagement
critical thinking, some engagement
engagement with with resources
engagement with with resources

Exhibits strong
Struggles with Demonstrates some Applies problem-
problem-solving and problem-solving solving techniques Demonstrates outstanding problem-solving
Problem Solving and abilities, using
5 lacks creativity in skills but mostly effectively and shows and creativity, proposing novel solutions and
Creativity innovative approaches
approaching follows conventional some creativity in exploring new avenues
to tackle complex
challenges. approaches certain scenarios

Partially fulfills the

Fails to address the scope; some aspects
Adequately fulfills the Successfully fulfills the
intended scope of the project align
scope; the project scope; the project aligns
adequately; the with the objectives, Exceptionally fulfills the scope; the project
meets most of the well with the
Scope Fulfilment 5 project lacks clear but major surpasses expectations, meeting all objectives
required objectives, objectives, and most
objectives and fails to components are with exceptional depth and innovation
but there are areas for requirements are met in
meet the required missing or
improvement a satisfactory manner.
specifications insufficiently
Demonstrates basic Writes clean and .Exhibits strong
Struggles with coding
programming skills, organized code with programming Demonstrates exceptional programming
Programming and produces non-
5 but code may lack good efficiency, but proficiency, writing expertise, producing highly optimized and
Proficiency functional or incorrect
structure and there may be well-structured and elegant code.
efficiency. occasional issues efficient code.
Thorough analysis with
Basic analysis
Inadequate analysis; Reasonable analysis valuable insights and
conducted, but lacks
incorrect or unreliable presented with some thoughtful Comprehensive and innovative analysis with
depth and
Analysis, results and results presented with meaningful insights; interpretations; results profound insights; results are outstanding,
5 comprehensive
discussion no meaningful results are mostly are accurate and well- discussed with exceptional clarity, critical
insights; results may
discussion or accurate and discussed, connecting analysis, and broader implications
have errors or lack
interpretation discussed adequately. to the objectives.
Non Graded Experiments (No marks) Continuous Feedback
Criteria Below Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations

Conceptual Understanding Demonstrates a limited understanding of Shows a solid understanding of advanced Displays a deep and comprehensive understanding of
advanced ML principles and struggles to machine learning principles and can advanced ML principles and can articulate complex
explain key concepts clearly. explain most concepts with clarity concepts clearly and concisely

Theoretical Knowledge Struggles to apply underlying Demonstrates a satisfactory application of Applies advanced mathematical and statistical
mathematics and statistics to advanced mathematical and statistical principles to concepts proficiently to derive and analyze ML
ML algorithms effectively. understand advanced ML algorithms algorithms accurately.

Algorithm Implementation Struggles to implement advanced ML Successfully implements most advanced Implements advanced ML algorithms proficiently,
algorithms and produces code with ML algorithms with correct and functional producing efficient, well-organized, and optimized
significant errors or inefficiencies. code. code.

Design and Analysis Struggles to design proper experiments Designs and conducts appropriate Demonstrates exceptional experimental design skills,
and analyze results effectively. experiments, and analyzes results and conducts in-depth analysis with insightful
reasonably well. conclusions.

Feature Engineering and Struggles to perform feature engineering Applies standard feature engineering Demonstrates creativity and domain expertise in
Selection and selection, leading to suboptimal techniques and performs adequate feature feature engineering and selection, enhancing model
model performance. selection performance significantly.

Model Training and Tuning Faces challenges in training models and Successfully trains models with Expertly trains models, using advanced
lacks effective hyperparameter tuning appropriate tuning, achieving reasonable hyperparameter tuning techniques to achieve state-of-
skills. performance. the-art performance.

Handling Complex Data Struggles with complex data types and Adequately handles complex data types Shows exceptional skills in working with complex
Types lacks proficiency in implementing using appropriate algorithms and data, implementing advanced algorithms for specific
relevant algorithms. preprocessing techniques data types.

Transfer Learning and Demonstrates limited understanding and Successfully applies transfer learning Expertly adapts and extends transfer learning
Domain Adaptation application of transfer learning concepts. techniques in various scenarios. approaches, achieving outstanding results in
challenging domains.

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