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Introducing Computational Estimation

(Text taken from “Elementary and Middle School Mathematics, Teaching Developmentally”,
8th edition by John A. Van de Wlle, Karen S. Karp, Jennifer M. Bay-Williams. Chapter 12
pages 229-230)

Whenever we are faced with a computation in real life or in school, we have a variety of
choices to make concerning how we will find a reasonable answer. A first decision is: "Do we
need an exact answer, or will an approximate answer be okay?" If precision is called for, we
can use an invented strategy, a standard algorithm, or a calculator. Often, an estimate will
suffice. How close an estimate must be to the actual computation is a matter of context, as
was the original decision to use an estimate.

The goal of computational estimation is to be able to flexibly and quickly produce an

approximate result that will work for the situation and give a sense of reasonableness. In
everyday life, estimation skills are valuable. Many situations do not require an exact answer,
so reaching for a calculator or a pencil is not necessary if one has good estimation skills.

However, computational estimation is a higher-level thinking skill that requires many

decisions. The NCTM Standards states, "Teachers should help students learn how to decide
when an exact answer or an estimate would be more appropriate, how to choose the
computational methods that would be best to use, and how to evaluate the reasonableness of
answers to computations" (NCTM, 2000, p. 220).

Students are not as good at computational estimation as they are at producing exact answers
and find computational estimation uncomfortable (Reys, Reys, & Penafiel, 1991; Siegler &
Booth, 2005).

Good estimators tend to employ a variety of computational strategies they have developed
over time. As early as grade 2, we teach these strategies and help students
developUnderstanding Computational Estimation

Understanding Computational Estimation

An estimate refers to a number that is a suitable approximation for an exact number given the
particular context. This concept of an estimate applies to measures and quantities as well as
computation.Three Types of Estimation. In the K-8 mathematics cur-riculum, estimation
refers to three quite different ideas:

• Measurement estimation-determining an approximate measure without making an exact

measurement. For example, we can estimate the length of a room or the weight of a

• Quantity estimation--approximating the number of items in a collection. For example, we

might estimate the number of students in the auditorium or jelly beans in the "estimation jar."

• Computational estimation- determining a number that is an approximation of a computation

that we cannot or do not wish to determine exactly. For example, we might want to know the
approximate amount we are spending at a store and need to add the cost of several items to
see whether $20.00 will cover the amount.
Is It an Estimate or a Guess? Many students confuse the idea of estimation with guessing.
None of the three typesof estimation involves guessing. Each involves reasoning and sense
making. Computational estimation, for example, involves computation; it is not a guess at all.
It is therefore important to (1) avoid using the words guess and guessing when working on
estimation and (2) explicitly help students see the difference between a guess and a reasonable

Computational estimation may be underemphasized in textbooks that focus on the standard

algorithm, but it appears in the Common Core State Standards and is an important part of
being able to do mathematics. If you recall the problem-solving process, the last of the four
steps is to look back. If students practice estimating when they are computing and "look back"
at the end of a computation, they should be able to see whether the answer is in the ballpark.
Take403 - 138, mentioned above. At a glance, this answer has to be over 200, so an incorrect
answer of 175 (a common error) would be recognized as impossible.

Suggestions for Teaching Computational Estimation

Here are some general principles that are worth keeping in mind as you help your students
develop computational estimation skills.

Use Real Examples of Estimation. Discuss real-life situations in which computational

estimations are used. Some common examples include comparative shopping (which store has
the item for less; adding up distances in planning a trip; determining approximate monthly
totals (school sup-plies, haircuts, lawn-mowing income, time watching TV); and figuring the
cost of going to a sporting event or movie including transportation, tickets, and snacks.
Discuss why exact answers are not necessary in some instances but are necessary in others.
Look at newspaper headlines to find where numbers are the result of estimation and where
they are the result of precision (e.g., "Hundreds of Students Leave School IlI" versus
"Fourteen Students Injured in Bus Accident"). Students are more motivated with real
examples for example, asking older students, "Are you a million seconds old? How can you
find out?"

Use the Language of Estimation. Words and phrases such as about, close, just about, a little
more (or less) than, and between are part of the language of estimation. Students should
understand that they are trying to get as close as possible using efficient methods, but there is
no "one correct" or "winning" estimate. Language can help convey that idea.

Use Context to Help with Estimates. Situations play a role in estimation. For example, it is
important to know whether the cost of a car would likely be $950 or $9500. Could attendance
at the school play be 30 or 300 or 3000? A simple computation can provide the important
digits, with knowledge of the context providing the rest.

Accept a Range of Estimates, and Offer a Range as an Option. Since estimates are based
on computation, how can there be different answers? The answer, of course, is that any
particular estimate depends on the strategy used and the kinds of adjustments in the numbers
that might be made. Estimates also vary with the need for the estimate.

Estimating someone's age from an approximate year they were born is quite different from
trying to decide whether your last $5 will cover the three items you need at the Fast Mart.
These are new and difficult ideas for young students.
What estimate would you give for 270 + 325? If you use 200 + 300, you might say 500. Or
you might use 250 for the 270 and 350 for the 325, making 600. You could also use 300 for
270 and add 325, getting 625. Is only one of these "right"?

By sharing students' estimates and letting them discuss how and why different estimates
resulted, they can begin to see that estimates generally fall in a range around the exact answer.
And don't forget the context. Some situations call for more careful estimates than others, and
all results should be judged on their reasonableness.

Important teacher note: Do not reward or emphasize the estimate that is the closest. It is
already very difficult for students to handle "approximate" answers; worrying about accuracy
and pushing for the closest answer only exacerbate this problem. Instead, focus on whether
the answers given are reasonable for the situation or problem at hand. Offer ranges for
answers that are estimates. Ask whether the answer will be between 300 and 400, 450 and
550, or 600 and 700.

Focus on Flexible Methods, Not Answers. Remember that your primary goal is to help
students develop strategies for making computational estimates quickly. Reflection on the
strategies therefore will lead to strategy development.

Class discussion of strategies for estimation is just as important as it was for the development
of invented methods of computation. For any given estimation, there are often several very
good but different methods of estimation. Students will learn strategies from one another. The
discussion of different strategies will also help students understand that there is no "right"
estimate. Here is an activity in which a specific number is not required to answer the

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