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Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology

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Nanozyme applications in biology and medicine:

an overview

Jafar Golchin, Kazem Golchin, Neda Alidadian, Shahrooz Ghaderi, Sajjad

Eslamkhah, Masoud Eslamkhah & Abolfazl Akbarzadeh

To cite this article: Jafar Golchin, Kazem Golchin, Neda Alidadian, Shahrooz Ghaderi, Sajjad
Eslamkhah, Masoud Eslamkhah & Abolfazl Akbarzadeh (2017) Nanozyme applications in biology
and medicine: an overview, Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology, 45:6, 1069-1076,
DOI: 10.1080/21691401.2017.1313268

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Published online: 21 Apr 2017.

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VOL. 45, NO. 6, 1069–1076

Nanozyme applications in biology and medicine: an overview

Jafar Golchina, Kazem Golchina, Neda Alidadianb, Shahrooz Ghaderib,c, Sajjad Eslamkhahb, Masoud Eslamkhahb
and Abolfazl Akbarzadehd
Division of Medicine, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran; bImmunology Research Center, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences,
Tabriz, Iran; cDivision of Molecular Medicine, Faculty of Advanced Medical Sciences, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran;
Division of Nanomedicine, Faculty of Advanced Medical Sciences, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran


Nanozymes, in nature, are artificial enzymes. Innovated by Ronald Breslow to mimic enzymes. Received 16 January 2017
Nanozymes have widespread applications including targeted cancer therapy, diagnostic medicine and Accepted 27 March 2017
bio-sensing even environmental toxicology. However, these applications are a novel research field in
biomedicine, but are growing fast. Enzyme-based applications such as immune-absorbent assay (ELIZA)
are expensive because of the complexity of producing enzymes and antibodies. Not only, some nano- Nanozyme; metal
particles can mimic these enzymes such as superoxides, but also they can manipulate biological path- nanoparticles; bio-mimic;
ways directly like autophagy. These abilities make them a suitable alternative for both therapy and medical application
diagnosis. In this review, we opted on metal nanoparticles and application of this cutting edged tech-
nology into modern medicine.

Introduction Although hydrogen peroxide itself is stable and less active,

but may convert into highly active and detrimental hydroxyl
Nanomaterials performance as enzymes
radical through Fenton chemistry. In nature, catalase
Natural enzymes are mostly proteins, made from amino acid employed as the most efficient enzyme for the conversion of
sequence and have a different structure. However, most hydrogen peroxide to less active oxygen. Some studies
Nanomaterials have different size or structure [1]. Although, showed catalase-like activity and SOD-like activity depend on
proteins are considered as soft materials, nanomaterial is Ce3þ/Ce4þ ratio. Oxidase reaction including of oxidizing a
hard with a porphyritic nucleus [2]. Notably, they share a cer- substrate by molecular oxygen late, converted into either
tain likeness, such as overall size, shape and surface charge, water or hydrogen peroxide. (AredþO2þH2O!AoxþH2O2 and
which enable nanomaterials to mimic enzyme [3]. In this part, AredþO2!AoxþH2O and Aredþ O2!AoxþO2). Cerium oxide-
we will look at different nanomaterial that can mimic natural based nano materials cerium oxide (ceria) identified as highly
enzymes as the base of texture similarity and flexibility. catalytic performance in various applications. Thanks to the
presence of mixed volume states of Ce3þ and Ce4þ, and oxy-
gen vacancies [5]. Cerium (III) nitrate reduces superoxide lead-
Cerium oxide-based nanomaterial
ing to superoxide oxidase (SOD) mimetic [6]. The initial
Cerium oxide nanoparticles and magnetic nanoparticles are studies demonstrated that vacancy-engineered nanoceria pro-
the most widely used metal oxide. CeO2 nanoparticles, (Ce3þ, tected of normal cells from radiation-induced damage but
Ce4þ), possess many unique properties that have proven in not tumour cells [7]. The protective role of the nanoceria is
biomedical and catalytic applications. Nanoceria mimics SOD related to omission of radiation-induced free radicals, which
thanks to catalyzing the dismutation of superoxide anions is may be to occur through oxidation process via a Ce3þ to
into hydrogen peroxide and molecular oxygen (2O2 þ 2 Hþ Ce4þ conversion [8]. Nanoceria and enzyme including (SOD,
!H2O2þO2) [1,4]. SOD have an antioxidant ability leading to catalase, oxidase) share their properties to some biomedical
many biological applications. Some alternative role exists for functions such as omission radicals both in vitro and in vivo
cerias as SOD (O2þCe4þ!O2þ Ce3þ and O2þCe3þþH2þ! [9–12]. For instance, nanoceria introduced as a novel super-
H2O2þCe4þ). Nanoceria mimics catalase and catalase the oxide dismutase (SOD), catalase and oxidase mimetic proper-
decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into molecular oxygen ties [13]. Recently, revealed that there is a significant
and water (2H2O2!2H2O þ O2). Hydrogen peroxide, end similarity between SOD and nanoceria by competitive elec-
product of superoxide radicals’ dismutation (2O2 þ 2 Hþ ! tron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) analysis [14]. According to
H2O2þO2), plays a dual role in biological systems. It may be a the evidence, nanoceria exhibit superoxide dismutase (SOD)
signalling molecule or a non-radical reactive oxygen species. activity by using a ferricytochrome [15]. Nanoceria showed

CONTACT Abolfaz Akbarzadeh Division of Nanomedicine, Faculty of Advanced Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran
ß 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

antioxidant activity by catalyzing dismutation reaction of Iron oxide-based nanomaterial

superoxide anions into hydrogen peroxide and molecular
Peroxidase, consisting of a large family of enzymes, catalyzes
oxygen [16]. Nanoceria is ROS scavenger and mimics the
chemical reactions and antioxidant properties of SOD [17]. the oxidation of its substrate with peroxide (hydrogen perox-
However, we do not know yet what physical characteristics ide in most cases) (AH2þROOH!A þ ROH þ H2O). Thanks to
exactly, make nanoceria effective at scavenging superoxide reaction, peroxidases play many critical roles in biological sys-
anion [18]. Although, some studies suggest that the surface tems, such as detoxifying reactive oxygen species [33] (e.g.
of nanoceria oxidation state plays a perfect role in the SOD glutathione peroxidase) and defending against pathogens
mimetic. The ability to scavenge superoxide related to cerium [34] (e.g. myeloperoxidase). Peroxidase (especially HRP) has
(III) concentrations at the surface particle [19]. On the other been widely used in bio-analytical and clinical chemistry, it
hand, SOD plays important role in redox biology and cellular employed as a conjugate to an antibody for enzymatically
Anti-inflammatory response [20]. Free radicals overproduction catalyzing colorimetric substrates for signalling or imaging
such as nitric oxide (NO) by the enzyme inducible nitric oxide [35]. Novel sensing platforms designed for both H2O2 and
synthase (iNOS) is critical to regulate inflammation. NO over- glucose detection by Fe3O4 nanoparticles as peroxidase [36].
production leads to some disease and collaborates to tissue The results of these initial studies stimulated rapidly expand-
destruction, consequently [21]. The ability of nanoceria to ing interests in the use of iron oxide nanomaterial as a perox-
scavenge free radical or reactive oxygen species (ROS) and idase mimic. Among them, Fe3O4 (magnetite) nanomaterial
inhibit inflammatory mediator helps to protect the whole cel- have studied well. Magneto ferritin (Fe2O3 in ferritin) nano-
lular architecture against inflammatory disease. Also, it has a particles are employed for targeting and visualizing tumour
potential to manage chronic inflammation conditions thanks tissues [37]. GU et al. showed, iron oxide nanoparticles (both
to reducing ROS production [22]. In parallel, superoxide dis- Fe3O4 and g-Fe2O3) exhibited dual enzyme mimetic proper-
mutase (SOD) enzymes are required for antioxidant defenses, ties including catalase and peroxidase [37].
maintaining the steady-state levels of O2; surprisingly, nano- a. (Fe3þþ H2O2!FeOOH2þþHþ, FeOOH2þ!Fe2þþH2O,
ceria are remarkably efficacious in reducing the inflammation Fe þH2O2!Fe3þþOH þ H) b. (Fe3þþH2O2!FeOOH2þþHþ,

both in vitro and in vivo [23]. SOD have anti-apoptotic prop- FeOOH2þ!Fe2þþHO2, HO2!!HþþO2, HO þ HO2/

erties although the signalling pathway of this anti-apoptosis O2 !H2O þ O2)
mechanism is not clear, but maybe related to Ce3þ/ Other nanomaterials have been studied for oxidase
Ce4þ redox reactions [24]. Some studies demonstrated that mimetic properties. Fe2O3 nanowires explored as a sensor for
SOD is neuroprotective. In a neurodegenerative disease like glucose detection using their oxidase-like activity [38]. The
Alzheimer, free radicals play an important role [25]. Using a non-enzymatic glucose sensor was fabricated with a Fe2O3
mouse hippocampal brain slice model of cerebral ischemia, nanowire [34]. Also, Iron oxide nanoparticles using magnetic-
showed that ceria nanoparticles reduce ischemic cell death ally isolate and purify proteins, DNA, viruses and even whole
50%. These findings proposed that the scavenging proper- mammalian cells [37]. Autophagy or programmed cell death
ties of nanoceria to eliminate peroxynitrite. It must be 2 (PCD2) has attracted a great deal of research interest in
answered, in which mechanism cerium oxide nanoparticles tumour biology in recent years. In general, autophagy is elim-
mitigate ischemic brain injury. Peroxynitrite plays a pivotal inating the non-functional bio-molecules even organelles
role in the dissemination of oxidative injury in biological tis- from cellular milieu [35]. Novel iron oxide NPs synthesized
sues [26]. There is another application of nanoceria-based that induce autophagy in the lung cancer cell line (A549) and
enzymes such as promotion of stem cell growth. For not in normal cells (IMR-90) [36]. Notably, autophagy corre-
example, Xiang et al. showed that nanoceria increased vascu- lated with ROS production as well as mitochondrial damage.
larization of bone grafts by activating calcium channel Protection against ROS clearly suggested the implication of
through mesenchymal stem cells. [27]. Also, they used cerium ROS in hyper-activation of autophagy and cell death. Pre-
oxide nanoparticle as a modified scaffold to improve the treatment of cancer cells with 3-MA (an autophagy inhibitor)
blood vessel distribution inside of tissue engineering bone. also exhibited ROS induction mitochondrial damage and pro-
Because of the unique properties of cerium oxide nanopar- mote cellular death in cancer cells. These results confirmed
ticles such as power to proliferate stem cells [28]. It may be that iron oxide NPs induce classical mTOR pathway in A549
used as scaffold/artificial niche. However, ceria-nanoparticles cells. According to the evidence, iron oxide NPs may trigger
produced as therapeutic agents in some inflammatory dis- cancer cells specifically. One of the most wide nanomaterial
ease, they have wide range applications in diagnostics medi- via numerous reports in the literature, testify to their poten-
cine [29]. For example, ceria nanoparticle as oxidase mimic tial applications in medical diagnostics, controlled drug
use in the detection of glucose in serum or urea. This method release and separation technologies, is superparamagnetic
is based on the changes in the physicochemical properties of iron oxide (Fe3O4) nanoparticles [39]. These nanoparticles are
ceria, as chromogenic indicators, in response to the analyte. using in sensing, imaging, separation and capture of analytes
Another application of nanoceria is Immunoassay technique [40]. They have used for (bio) analysis, (bio) electrocatalysis,
thanks to HRP enzyme sensing. Thus, the conjugate nanoceria drug delivery, bacteria inactivation [41] and Lithium-Ion
detect cancer cells [30]. Ceria oxide nanoparticle has a unique Batteries [42,43], Stem cell tracking, which is an emergent
application in environmental toxicology for an instant: nano- field of regenerative medicine, following the stem cells fate
ceria deleted pollutants by oxidation of CO and hydrocarbon after their introduction in the body [44]. Also, upper-para-
from automobile engine lightening [31,32]. magnetic iron oxide (SPIO) nanoparticles are very useful for

Figure 1. Biomedical and industrial applications of nanomaterials.

mesenchymal stem cells growth [45]. Ferro-carbon-promoted Experimental studies demonstrated that the H2O2-activating
cell growth thanks to its ability to diminish intracellular H2O2 ability of Fe3O4 MNPs is not so close to the removal of hydro-
through intrinsic peroxidase-like activity [46]. Also, ferro-car- gen superoxide, but it may modify by increasing the
bon may accelerate cell cycle and proliferation, which may be H2O2-activating ability of Fe3O4 MNPs of refractory organic
mediated by the free iron (Fe), released from lysosomal deg- pollutants from wastewaters [60]. H2O2 detection is useful in
radation and involves the alteration of Fe on the expression many fields such as biology, medicine, environmental protec-
of the protein regulators of the cell cycle [47]. Also, some of tion and the food industry [61]. There is a higher efficient
the medical applications including Transplant monitoring in a way to Glucose detection via glucose oxidase (GOx) [62].
study for therapy of diabetes via transplant pancreas and Fe3O4 MNPs function is on the base of Carboxyl-modified let-
monitoring by iron oxide nanoparticles for tissue transplant- ter oxide (GOCOOH) to possess intrinsic peroxidase-like activ-
ation [48]. Targeted cell death of tumour cells through con- ity and catalyze the reaction of peroxidase substrate 3,3,5,5-
trolled heating of the damaged tissue via Engineering the tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) in the presence of H2O2 to pro-
magnetic nanoparticles for Hyperthermia is based on mag- duce a blue colour reaction [63]. Highly sensitive and select-
netic nanoparticle [49]. Notably, Magnetic nanoparticles have ive colorimetric method for glucose detection has developed
promising biomedical applications, especially in drug delivery in a buffer solution or diluted blood and fruit juice samples
and tissue engineering [50] (Figure 1). Also, iron oxide can [64,65]. Glucose detection is a promising method in clinical
act as peroxides mimics [51]. There is growing evidence that and food analysis [66]. Moreover, glucose concentrations in
magnetite nanoparticles, in fact, possess an intrinsic enzyme serum samples could be accurately and selectively detected
mimetic activity similar to that found in natural peroxidases, over several other sugars, such as galactose, lactose, man-
which are widely used to oxidize organic substrates in the nose, maltose, arabinose, cellobiose, raffinose and xylose [66].
treatment of wastewater or as detection tool [52]. Peroxidase In the recent years, nanoparticle-based techniques for DNA
enzymes activate as hydrogen peroxide to perform numerous detection has developed [67]. The small labelled size, bio-con-
oxidations in nature [53,54]. Also, peroxidases (enzymes that jugation ability and the unusual optical and electrical proper-
catalyze oxidation reactions) are popular detection tools ties of metal nanoparticles make them unique tools for DNA
because they simplify colour changes in the presence of cer- detection [68]. Semiconductor nanoparticles have been exten-
tain dyes. For example, immune-absorbent assay ELIZA tests sively used as labels in electrochemical biosensors, especially
[55]. They are also useful in the treatment of waste water for DNA sensors. For instance, iron nanoparticle used for labelling
oxidizing organic substances [56]. However, the wide poten- DNA, DNA probe labelled with gold coated iron core-shell
tial applications of the peroxidase-like activity of iron oxide nanoparticles and dissolved the iron-containing nanoparticles
nanoparticles in medicine and biotechnology remain to be following DNA hybridization, the released iron ions were
understood yet. A recent study, performed by Gao et al., determined by cathode stripping voltammetry in the pres-
found that the Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) were ence of the 1-nitroso-2-naphthol ligand addition a bromate
intrinsically active catalyst for some oxidation reactions, being catalyst [69]. Double-stranded DNA’s shielding against MNPs’
similar to natural horseradish peroxidase (HRP) [57]. The per- mimicking activity was combined with PCR, a label-free col-
oxidase-like nature of Fe3O4 MNPs was employed to replace orimetric platform for DNA sensing developed. Also, aptamers
the enzyme HRP used in H2O2 detection and immune-absorb- are selected ssDNA or ssRNA that can specifically bind to a
ent assay and was also explored for the applications in the target and can be considered as nucleic acid versions of an
degradation of phenolic and aniline compounds [58]. Another antibody [70]. Immune-assay is an application via MNPs that
application of Iron oxide as peroxidase including diagnostic help to detect staphylococcal enterotoxin via magnetic nano-
kit for hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and glucose detection [59]. particles [71]. It has performed due to functionalized antibody

coated on magnetic nanoparticles captured the enterotoxin substrates to produce a colour reaction [80]. After incubation
antigen from solution [72]. Then, bacterial toxin isolated via with the organophosphorus neurotoxins, the enzymatic activ-
magnetic separation, and amplified the surface plasmon res- ity of AChE was inhibited and produced less H2O2, resulting
onance (SPR) [73]. In a study by Ibrahim et al., an immuno- in a decreased catalytic oxidation of colorimetric substrates
assay was used for the detection of C-reactive protein (CRP) over MNP peroxidase mimetic, the companion by decrease
from rapid whole blood magnetic permeability. The assay colour intensity [81].
employed monoclonal anti-CRP antibody conjugated to dex-
tran iron oxide nanoparticles (70 nm) as superparamagnetic
Cobalt oxide as catalase and peroxidase
labels and polyclonal anti-CRP antibody conjugated to silica
microparticles (to enhance sedimentation of the complex) Another metal-0base nanoparticle by peroxidase and catalase
[74]. Notably, nanoparticle biosensors with modified antibody enzyme mimic, cobalt oxide, catalyze this reaction as follows:
provide three functions including capture, separation and 2O2 þ 2 Hþ ! H2O2þO2 [4]. For example, peroxidase-like
detection [75]. These novel peroxidase mimic activity of metal activity was used for wastewater treatment by cobalt-doped
nanoparticles can use for immune-staining. Gu et al. demon- graphitic carbon nitride (Co-g-C3N4) materials [82], as catalase
strated that ultra-small Fe3O4 MNPs were able to replace activity for sensitive and fast sensor of detection H2O2.
expensive enzymes (such as HRP) for immune-histochemistry Another catalytic application of Co3O4 is the calcium detec-
staining [76]. In another study, HIV virus was detected by tion of milk because of increasing significant presence of cal-
using antibody biosensing on microfluidic magnetic separator cium ion [82]. Also, it can be in peroxidase and oxidase-like
chip, which they used to concentrate human immunodefi- activity that is useful for colorimetric and glucose detection
ciency virus (HIV) from plasma [77]. Also, super-paramagnetic [83]. The high-redox potential of Co3þ/Co2þ makes this nano-
nanoparticles conjugated to anti-CD44 to capture the virus, particle more stronger than others compared to other metal-
then passed the particles through a packed bed of 25–75- based nanomaterial. Thus, the high peroxidase-like activity
lm-diameter iron oxide particles. An external magnet was designed a new immunohistochemical assay [84]. Avastin
used to magnetize the packed bed, which caused the antibody conjugated onto the surface of Co3O4 nanoparticles.
HIV–magnetic nanoparticle conjugated and trapped, thereby The conjugates obtained were used to detect vascular endo-
separating and concentrating them from the plasma matrix. thelial growth factor (VEGF) that was overexpressed in
Off-chip enzyme-linked immune-absorbent assay confirmed tumour tissue. It may be effective for tumour detection
that the HIV virions were concentrated 80-fold over the ori- [52,84]. Co3O4 nanoparticles (NPs) as peroxidase mimics to
ginal solution [78]. Recently, MNPs were used for colorimetric catalyze the oxidation of chromophoric substrates by H2O2.
assay based Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticle peroxidase mimetic For the detection of H2O2 and glucose, substrates surveyed
for the rapid detection of organophosphorus pesticide [79], even in real samples. Antioxidant capabilities of Co3O4 com-
acetylcholine esterase (AChE) and choline oxidase (CHO). pared with three natural antioxidants including, gallic acid
H2O2 over-produced in the presence of acetylcholine, then (GA), tannic acid (TA) and ascorbic acid (AA) [85] (Figure 2).
both the enzymes AChE and CHO were catalyzed. H2O2 then Then, enzyme mimics can be used to evaluate antioxidant
activates MNPs to catalyze the oxidation of colorimetric capabilities and to screen enzymes inhibitors. In addition,

Figure 2. Antioxidant properties of nanoparticles and possible therapeutic applications.


Co3O4 by oxidase-like activity can used for the detection of nanoparticles. Later, one oxygen reacts with the adsorbed
glutathione via TMB-O2-Co3O4 nanotube system [86]. Copper glucose and forms the products which are Gluconic acids and
oxide when used as oxidase mimics CuO nanoparticles show- H2O2. Gold nanoparticles have used to successfully detect tar-
ing peroxidase-oxidase mimicking activity. Thus, have same get DNA or microRNA by the hybridization of the nucleic
activity like other metal oxide nanoparticles such as glucose acids and enzyme activity. Tao et al. use from a synergistic
and L-lactate detection by peroxidase activity [84–86]. Also, effect of graphene oxide–gold nanocluster (GO-AuNC) hybrid
another study shows cupric oxide nanoparticle can be used for cancer cell detection by constructed as an enzyme mimic
as chemiluminescence cholesterol sensor for detection via that is able to show high catalytic activity over a broad pH
peroxidase mimicking [81,85]. Zn–Cuo material is used as a range, especially at neutral pH [87]. Gold nanoparticles with
peroxidase to detect three antioxidants tannic acid, tartaric either positive or negative surface charges surprisingly
acid and ascorbic acid in addition to glucose detection showed peroxidase mimicking activity [88]. Peroxidase-like
[58,86], as well as Zn-Cu NPs, when compared to the men- activity is used for colorimetric detection of urea, urease and
tioned antibodies have some potential to act like these anti- urease inhibitor [89]. Gold nanoparticles based on peroxidase
bodies [58]. However, Yan Xo et al. showed Cu2þ as an function are used to detect kanamycin residue by cataly-
oxidase mimic is more efficient than Cu/Cuo nanoparticles for zingthe reaction between H2O2 and reduced thionine to pro-
histidine detection even in serum or urea detention in pres- duce oxidized thionine [67]. A study by Liu et al. showed a
ence of O-phenylenediamine (OPD) [59]. great potential of processing gold nanoparticle via PAMAM
dendrimer as primary neural protection against oxidative
damage via acting like peroxidase [90]. As a common reactive
Manganese dioxide as oxidase oxygen species, H2O2 is widely used for bacterial inactivation
and wound disinfection. Water-soluble Au nanocrystal (NC)
MnO2 nanomaterials with different morphologies (i.e. nano-
micelles with an inserted catalytic Cu (II) centre that act as
sheets, nanospheres, nano-sticks, nano-complexes and nano-
excellent nanozyme models for imitating ribonuclease were
wires) have also been studied to determine their oxidase and
constructed by supramolecular self-assembly. The study of
peroxidase and catalase mimicking activity [60]. Liu et al.
the catalytic behaviour of Au NC micelle catalysis showed
showed that BSA-stabilized Mnoþ2 can be used instead of
that the Au NC micelles exhibited dramatic ribonuclease-like
HRP enzyme and in the detection of goat anti-human in
activity [91]. Gold nanoparticles use other material to fabri-
immunoassay technic as a colorimetric application [60]. In a
cate the Au-Pt nanorods and Au-M (M ¼ Bi, Pd and Pt) nano-
study, MnO2 nanosheet was used for detection of
structures to mimic enzyme. Chang et al. demonstrated that
Glutathione via Electrochemical luminescence [61].
bismuth– gold nanoparticles exhibited peroxidase-like activity
[92]. Wu, Yin et al. extended the previous studies to bimetal
Vanadium pentoxide as peroxidase nanoparticles, i.e. Au-Pt nano rods. The Au-Pt nano rods
showed multiple enzyme mimetic capabilities. Au-Ag hetero-
Vanadium catalysis showed the following reaction: R- geneous nano rods as nanozyme interfaces with peroxidase-
H þ Br þ H2O2!R-Br þ H2O þ OH. Mono-crystalline VO2 (A) like activity and their application for one-pot analysis of
nanoplates were synthesized according to hydrothermal glucose at nearly neutral pH [82]. Also, AgM (M ¼ Au, Pd and
protocol. VO2 (A) nano-plates showed outstanding peroxid- Pt) nanostructures have enzyme properties, and a series of
ase-like activity and mimics peroxidase activity [63]. Also, van- silver-based bimetallic nanostructures, i.e. AgM (M ¼ Au, Pd
adate has halo peroxidases activity in marine macro-algae and Pt), oxidized colorimetric substrates to correspond prod-
due to catalyzing the 2e  oxidation, by H2O2. Vanadium is a ucts with H2O2, displaying peroxidase-like activity.
Lewis acid, forming an intermediate peroxide/hydroperoxide
complex. Additionally, the complex can protect the algae
against biofilm formation. Towards the biocidal (anti-bacterial) Platinum nanomaterial
potential of the peroxidases [62], another application of van- Platinum nanoparticles encapsulated by apo-ferritin (PtNP-
adium peroxidase is neutralization of biofilms by mimic van- apo-ferritin) and synthesized to detoxify reactive oxygen spe-
adium halo peroxidases [61]. Nanowires had catalytic activity cies. The PtNP-apo-ferritin exhibited SOD-like in vitro [93].
towards peroxidase substrates (such as ABTS and TMB) in the PtNP-apo-ferritin uptake by cells via a ferritin-receptor-medi-
presence of H2O2 as demonstrated in a study from Trammel’s ated process and increased cell viability under stress condi-
group. Functional materials exerted a strong antibacterial tion. Compared to ceria nanoparticles, the SOD-like activity of
activity against both Gram-negative and Gram-positive PtNP@apo-ferritin is lower on weight basis [94]. Platinum
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