L 11

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Exercise 1: Match the words/phrases/symbols in column A with those in column B.

1. a small minority a. percentage
2. proportion b. noted
3. a majority of c. 25%
4. a quarter of d. percent
5. less than a fifth e. more than 50%
6. recorded f. 5%
7. % g. 17%
Exercise 2: Complete the following sentences with the correct words/ phrases/ symbols in
Exercise. 1.
1. In 2014, ________ students or more than 50% used social media to exchange information
about their school projects.
2. The______ of students using magazines was significantly lower at 5%.
3. ______ of students, or 17%, borrowed print magazines.
4. In 2014, only____________ , or 5%, borrowed magazines from the school library.
5. Exactly 25% or___________ students were still relying on print materials.
6. Print magazines and newspapers accounted for just 20 _________ of mass media use.
Exercise 3. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tenses. Use the negative form or passive
voice if necessary.
1. I (already buy)________ my desktop computer when I (give) _______ a tablet PC.
2. She (not, use)______ any of the social networking sites until he (show)_______her how to do
3. Minh (have) _______ an email account for five years when someone (hack)_______ his
4. She (use)_______ a simple mobile phone for ten years before she (get) _______ a smartphone
last year.
5. By the time Minh (telephone)_______ me, I (already, finish) ________ updating my social
networking profile.
6. Charles David ‘Doc’ Herrold (be)________an American radio broadcasting pioneer, who
(create) _________ the world's second radio station in 1909.
7. I …………………. (have) an email account for ten years before it was hacked.
8. Last week we ……... (attend) a presentation on the advantages and disadvantages of social
9. Jack ………..….. (delete) his blog after he …………..………… (receive) many negative
10. Since I ……. (get) a smartphone for my birthday, I ………..… (stop) using my brother’s
laptop to surf the Net.
11. My parents ………….…. (waste) a lot of their time writing letters before they …………….
… (start) using social media to connect with their relatives two months ago.
12. I ………… (edit) all my videos from my holiday before I ……………..……(upload) them to
my blog.
Exercise 4. Complete the following sentences with the appropriate prepositions.
1. The IT specialists apologised__________ being late because of the traffic jam.
2. Minh apologised _________ his form teacher for the late submission of his essay.
3. He was awarded a medal for saving a four-year-old boy _________ drowning.
4. This young man specialises_________ computer software.
5. This shampoo smells____________ bananas.
6. If you keep making so much noise, I won't be able to concentrate _________ my work.
7. Nobody responded_________ the complaint about the shortage of teaching resources.
8. She always writes emails___________ us.
9. He's talking________ his teacher____________ his new project.
10. Now we rely heavily ……………….. computers to organise our work.
11. Last week we carried …………………a survey on social networking.
12. Listen ………………. him and follow his instructions.
13. They are searching ……………… the source of the leak.
14. What do you think ………………. advertising our products on social media?
15. Take the recording equipment …………….. you in case you need to record something.
Exercise 5. Choose the correct time or quantity expressions used with the past perfect
1. How (much/long) had you owned this mobile phone before you bought a new smartphone?
2. I had (yet/already) finished my phone call by the time my classmate Mai arrived.
3. Minh hadn't finished his essay (when/by) the time the submission deadline came.
4. The form teacher had requested that all the exercises should be completed (as soon as/before)
dismissed the class.
5. How (much/long) had you been on the computer before it froze?
6. They had exchanged emails and instant messages long (after/before) they met face to face.
7. I had always wanted to own a new tablet PC (so/as) I bought one today!
Exercise 6: Choose the underlined part that differs from the other three in pronunciation
in each question.
1. A. chatted B. surprised C. downloaded D. started
2. A. accessed B. increased C. searched D. addicted
3. A. watched B. connected C. addicted D. printed
4. A. subscribed B. used C. challenged D. liked
5. A. wasted B. excited C. relied D. invented
Exercise 7: Choose the word whose stress is different from the others.
1. A. prevent B. event C. advent D. emerge
2. A. documentary B. proficiency C. efficiency D. society
3. A. assimilate B. diversity C. identity D.customary
4. A. nationality B. globalization C. flexibility D. solidarity
5. A. achievement B. encourage C. intergrade D. tradition
Exercise 8. Choose the word in the box to complete the text.
until get live events transmitted
landing use space signals expensive
All early television was broadcast in black and while. Color television was possible, but it was
too (1) ______ and of very poor quality (2) _______ the middle of the 1950s. Color television
broadcasts began in the United States in 1954, in Japan in 1960, and in Europe in 1967.
The first (3) ______ on the moon was broadcast (4) ________ on television in 1969, and now
television programs are (5) ______ all over the world immediately through the (6) ______ of
satellites that transmit the (7) ______ from the Earth, through (8) _______, and back to the
More people now (9) ________ television is one of the most rapid and exciting (10) ________ of
our century.
Exercise 9. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same.
1. Steve started learning the violin a month ago.
-> Steve has ________________________
2. I haven't been to an Australian restaurant for ages.
-> It's ages _______________________
3. When she heard the results, Mary began to feel more confident.
> Since _________________________
4. The last time Peter came here was in 2000.
-> Peter __________________________
5. This is my first visit to Japan.
-> This is the first time _______________________
Exercise 10. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in
the gap in the same line.
1. Social networks and the analysis of them is an inherently interdisciplinary academic
field which _________ from social psychology, sociology, statistics, and graph theory.
2. The first commercial automated cellular network was _________ in Japan by Nippon
Telegraph and Telephone in 1979. LAUNCH
3. Like many nonprofits, we use Facebook to connect with our audiences, and they use
Facebook to stay in __________ with us. TOUCHING
4. During that time, we've grown _______ as an organization - adding staff positions,
increasing programming. SIGNIFICANT
5. Some video clips and images shared by your friend may make you laugh and your
brain gets some _______. RELAX
Exercise 11. Fill in each blank in the passage with the correct word or phrase from the box.
keep in touch with posted smartphone view
cyber-bullying online information social networks
I have stopped going on (1) ________________ now because I was suffering from (2)
________________. Somebody was posting aggressive comments on my homepage.
I’ve never (3) ________________ a nasty comment on anybody’s homepage, and I
don’t have any enemies so I think it was a stranger. I don't like the idea that a stranger
can (4) ________________ my photos and my personal (5) ________________. Now I
prefer to (6) ________________ my friends by phone. If I want my friends to see photos
or videos, I don't need to post them (7) ________________ I can send them on my (8)

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