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Informal Letters & Postcards Section 1

5 Look at the following letter and rewrite correctly using capital letters, commas,
and full stops. There are 14 mistakes you need to correct! (9 capital letter, 4 commas
and 1 fullstop). Formal Letters Section 2

12 tulip road
Formal Letters flowertown 2
dublin 20

6th february 20
Formal Letters Section 2

dear sally
is quite
new sc hoo l in Cork? Our class
ling down in you All the te achers are 3
How are you sett ieter fo r a st a
Keywordsrt . Section
en t sin ce y ou left. It's much qu
remarking on it
rs . B y rn e ca m e in today with
hen M
d a n En gl ish test yesterday. W ok e co ming out of her
We ha was n ea rly sm
e resu lts sh e w as so mad there
th mps,
up . P h il is re ally down in the du
ve split
hil M a rt in a n d Sandra Byrne ha e a re a ll go ing down to the club
P form. W
h er w ise ev er ybody is in great y ou w on't be with us.
but ot ht. It's a pi ty
th e S po rt s C en tre on Friday nig
us all about C ork. Goodbye for n
Write soon and



6 Pretend that you are Sally. Reply to Joe's letter above telling him all about life in your
new school in Cork.

7 Pretend you are Phil Martin. Write to Sally telling her all about your break-up with
Sandra Byrne.

Junior Certificate School Programme 9

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