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‘Section A [10 marks} Carefully read the text below, consisting of 12 lines, about the jerboa, an animal commonly found in the desert. The first and last lines are correct. For eight of the lines, there is one grammatical error in each line. There are two more lines with no errors, If there isNO error in a line, put a tick (x) in the space provided. If the lines incorrect, circle the incorrect word and write the correct word in the space provided. ‘The correct word you provide must not change the original meaning of the sentence. Example: larive @ my destination at 2 pm. at ‘My mother aways wears sensible clothes. v ‘The jerboa is a nocturnal animal which spends most of its daylight hours hidden beneath the surface of the ground. it is the animal which is mainly found in 1. deserts. It is best known for its leaping ability when it uses to escape predators. 2. ‘When about to jump, the jerboa raises its body by using its hind legs, and 3. ‘supported itself upon its tail. The forefeet are so closely pressed to the breast, 4. that they can hardly be seen. It then leaps onto air and lands upon its four feet, 5. fan 1 and immediately straightens itself. Then it makes many jump one after another 6. ‘80 quick that it appears as if it is flying rather than running. The jerboa walks 7. upright or hops. When chased, jerboas can ran at up to 24 kilometres per hour. Primarily a solitary animal, a jerboa lives alone in its burrow. Using is teeth, nose and claws, it may excavate a simple singletunnel burrow that is uses to 10. escape from predators or to hide from extreme temperatures. 2 Section B [30 marks] You are advised to write between 200 and 300 words for this section. ‘You should look at the printout on page 3, study the information carefully and plan your answer before beginning to wrte. ‘The school is organising a level camp for the Secondary 2 students. The school's Year Head hhas shortlisted two camps: an adventure camp organised by the Outward Bound School and a values-in-action camp organised by the Intemational Volunteer Association. You are the President of the Student Council. Write a proposal to your Year Head to recommend the camp which best suits the Secondary 2 students. Your proposal should include: the objectives of the camp your recommendation and reasons for it details of the activities which the students will take part in during the camp how the Secondary 2 students could benefit from the experience. \Wiite your letter in clear, accurate English and in a persuasive tone to convince the Year Head that the camp you have chosen will be suitable for the Secondary 2 students. ‘You may add any other details that might be of interest, ‘You should use your own words as much as possible. (Our adventure emphasises character building and basic leadership development to help young people better face challenges in life. OUTWARD BOUND This four-day course is held outdoor with rope SINGAPORE confidence elements, land-based activities and sea activities on and around Pulau Ubin, Demonstrates ‘courage to take on challenges & responsible jowards others attitude for the i EN Fun in Art and Crafts Dramatisation in English Take part in our values-in-action camp in Thailandt Bonding through games Volunteering in Thailand is a meaningful and fun way to spend your holidays overseas. You will plan and lead activities with children in orphanages and rescue centres. Activities might include teaching English, art and crafts, sports and games, singing and dancing. You also get a chance to 2 living abroad and leaming the Thai culture! 4 Section C [90 marks] Begin your answer on a fresh pege. You are advised to write between 300 and 400 words on one of the following topics. ‘Atte head of your composition, wite the number of the topic you have chosen. 1. Wiite about the things that make you proud of your country. 2. Describe a person whom you admire. 3. Wiite about a ime when you had no access to any form of electronic gadgets. 4. Homework serves no real purpose in education. Do you agrea?

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