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of Printed Pages : 6 M131-05

Term-End Examination
1 354 5 June, 2015


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Answer any five questions in about 500 words
each. Attempt at least two questions from each
section. All questions carry equal marks.


1. Discuss the Marxist approach to study the

Medieval Indian Economy. 20

2. What were the common characteristic features

shared by larger Harappan settlements ? 20

3. Give an account of the irrigation techniques used

during the early medieval period. 20

4. Describe the non-agricultural taxes imposed by

the Mughal State. 20

MHI-05 1 P.T.O.
5. Write short notes on any two of the following in
about 250 words each : 10+10
(a) Siyadoni inscription
(b) Nagaram
(c) Karkhanas in medieval India
(d) Brahmadeya grants

MHI-05 2

6. Critically examine the technological changes

during the medieval period. 20

7. Write a note on the revenue settlements

introduced by the British in India. 20

8. "Early colonial forest policy was governed by

commercial rather than conservation needs."
Comment. 20

9. Discuss the nature of economic growth in the

first three Five Year Plans. 20

10. Write short notes on any two of the following in

about 250 words each : 10+10

(a) Decline of Indian ports in the 18th century

(b) Early Census (1871 — 72) and its limitations

(c) Sarais and other resting facilities in

Mughal India
(d) Birla Brothers

MHI-05 3 P.T.O.
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1. iTarwr-
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~iaail fl R-Otrr *=t I 20

2. Trwr ‘Przil 4=1- alitTmetir

-W-Er-drq vzrr 2ff ? 20

3. 31-1(ruT Trurwm WjTh grqr-i ctch

faaTur tRI 20

4. Tic-1 tip Tkl• riiiR 7 t-cptilei r quq

RI 20

MHI-05 4
5. tsid 4A rP1117T 250 icl
(sico.).4)) A Tam Quit tii few : 10+10

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quict)1 ITRff 4 wzz§74.

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MHI-05 P.T.O.
6. 1:112T 4 aTT7 dch-ficP 4Ra~~1 err 31r T
tiftqur Q-F-
A-RI 20

7. ITRU 4 -Nfur gRf 011k fcw 4--

4111 tit
fau-full rrwI 20

8. "Aui a raq. 41rd alPirre'leb -q *km

,i(c\kcil 2ft P.uquil A:T-4R 20

9. 31-1:1 thR. Limatffei zh-

4-41311 4 al-6k1 q,ii (4-1t)
A-RI 20

10. PHRifigd 4 4 fie tf{ WPFT 250 711

(3r) 4 Ti-rwr P.u41iqi f -r( : 10+10
() 31-67-0 -4,faTt 4 4711-4 c iti 1 irdq.

(1:4) SiRr
gir \IN u ri f (1871- 72)* .3.1 414-11(;

(ii) pochio 4 1-TfT4 fiGI 31P:1 "N334-FF

(ET) -*-M 91g'4

MHI-05 6 13,000

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