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Dump trucks

Major Yousaf Jamal Khan

Hauling Equipment
• The transportation of excavation, or hauling, is
one of the biggest jobs done in earth moving. A
wide range of equipment is available for
transporting excavated material, including dump
trucks, wagons , scrapers, conveyor belts, and
trains. Of these forms of hauling equipment,
trucks and wagons are most widely used.
• Trucks are hauling units that provide relatively
low hauling costs because of their high travel
speeds. The weight capacity of a truck may limit
the volume of the load that a unit can haul.
Dump Trucks
Dump Trucks methods
• Rigid Frame Dump Trucks
• Articulated Dump Trucks
• Bottom Dump Trucks
and Trailers
Classification of Dump Trucks
• The method of dumping the load-rear-dump, bottom-
dump, side-dump
• The type of frame-rigid-frame or articulated
• The size and type of engine-gasoline, diesel, butane, or
• The kind of drive-two-wheel, four-wheel, or six-wheel
• The number of wheels and axles, and the arrangement of
driving wheels
• The class of material hauled-earth, rock, coal, or ore
• The capacity-gravimetric (tons) or volumetric (cubic
• The allowable hauling load, or payload, of a dump truck or wagon is
usually expressed in three ways:
– The rated capacity in pounds (kilograms),
– Its struck capacity in cubic yards (meters), and
– Its heaped capacity (usually at a 2 to I slope) in cubic yards(meters).
• An overload will result in reduced performance as well as increased
mechanical wear on the unit, the rated weight capacity should not be
exceeded. Because hauling normally involves soil in the loose
• If the weight of the heaped volume of loose soil is less than the allowable
weight load, the body capacity may be increased by the use of
• The struck volume capacity of a hauler is not usually a governing limit but
may be limiting in the case of hauling fluid materials such as concrete or
when limitations on spillage are in effect.
• Haulage Cycle • Loading Time
• Total haul unit cycle time is found • The time required to load a haul unit
by summing the time required for may be estimated by applying the
each of the following components appropriate one of the following
of the haul cycle: equations:
• Load-at the excavator and loader Haul unit capacity
• Haul-from the loader to the • Loading time= ---------------------
unloading site Loader production
• Dump-at the unloading site, No of Haulers
including maneuvering
• Return-travel back to the loader Cycle time for Haulage
• Spot-move into loading position at = ----------------------------
the loader Loading time
Effects of Hauler Capacity
• Advantages of small units
– Maneuvering flexibility, which may be an advantage on
restricted work sites
– Speed, can achieve higher haul and return speeds
– Production, little impact if one truck breaks down
– Balance of fleet, easy to match number of trucks to excavator
• Disadvantages
– Number, more trucks increases operational dangers in the pit,
along the haul road, and at the dump
– More drivers required, more needed for a given output
– Loading impediment, small target for excavator bucket
– Positioning time, total spotting time greater because of the
number required.
Effects of Hauler Capacity
• Advantages of Larger Unit
• Number, fewer needed for a given output
• Drivers required, fewer needed for a given output
• Loading advantage, larger target for the excavator bucket
• Positioning time, frequency of spotting trucks is reduced
• Disadvantages
• Cost of truck time at loading greater, especially with smaIl excavators
• Loads heavier, possible damage to the haul roads thus increasing the
cost for maintenance of the haul road
• Balance of fleet, difficult to match number of trucks to excavator
• Size, may not be permitted to haul on highways
Production Issues
• Reach of the excavator
• Dumping height of the
• Width of the bucket
• If shovel production at a job is 305BCY/hr and truck transit time
(cycle time less load time ) is 0.5 hr, determine how many trucks
having a capacity of 165 BCY would be required to fully service
the shovel. How many bank cubic yards per hour will be
produced by this combination . Take efficiency=0.75
• Load Time= 16.5/305 =0.054 hr
• Transit Time= 0.5 hr
• Truck Cycle time= 0.5 + 0.054 =0.554 hr
• No of Trucks required= 0.554/0.054 = 10.3
• Expected production = 10 x 16.5 x 0.75(efficiency)
• = 123.75 BCY
• For 11 trucks = 305x0.75
• = 229 BCY
• Rear-dump trucks with specifications as follows are used to haul sandy clay
waste material. The performance chart shown in Fig. is valid for these trucks.
• Truck Capacity Stuck, 14.7 cy Heaped, 2: 1, 18.3 cy
• Net weight empty = 36,860 Ib
• Payload = 44,000 Ib
• Gross vehicle weight = 80,860 lb
• Loader capacity = 3-cy .
• The haul route length= 3-mile downhill grade of 1%.
• Condition of route = Poorly maintained earth track.
• Dump time will average 2 min due to expected congestion.
• Cycle time of loader=20 sec.
• Unit weight of Sandy clay = 2,150 Ib/cy.
• Efficiency estimate for this work is a 50-min hour
• Capacity of loader= 3x( fill factor )1.1
• = 3.3 lcy
• Truck capacity = 18.3 lcy
• No of buckets to load truck = 18.3/3.3 = 5.5
• Load time( 5 buckets) = 5x20 sec
= 100 sec or 1.66 min
Volume(5) =5x3.3 = 16.5 lcy
Check load weight = 16.5x2150
=35045 lbs< 44000 lbs ok
• Capacity of loader= 3x( fill factor )1.1
• = 3.3 lcy
• Truck capacity = 18.3 lcy
• No of buckets to load truck = 18.3/3.3 = 5.5
• Load time( 5 buckets) = 5x20 sec
= 100 sec or 1.66 min
Volume(5) =5x3.3 = 16.5 lcy
Check load weight = 16.5x2150
=35045 lbs< 44000 lbs is ok
• Load time(6 buckets ) = 6x20/60
= 2 min
Volume(6)=6x3.3 =19.8 not more than 18.3 lcy
Check weight = 18.3x2150
= 39345 lbs<44000 lbs is ok
• Haul Time
Rolling resistance= 100 to 140 lbs/ton (table). Using average value of
120 lbs/ton
In gradient=120/20 = 6% grade
Grade resistance of track= -1%
Total resistance= 5%
• Weight and Speed( use vehicle performance chart)

Haul time(5)= 3x60/16 =11.25 min

Haul Time(6)=3x60/13 =13.85 min
Rolling Resistance
Vehicle Performance Chart
• Return Time
Rolling Resistance= 120 lbs/ton or 6%
Grade resistance = 1%
Total resistance = 7%
Weight of empty truck = 36860 lbs
Speed of Truck = 22mph
Return Time = 3x60/22 = 8.18 min
• Dump Time = 2 min
• Truck Cycle Time
• Number of Trucks required

• Production
Prod(5,13)=16.5x13x60/23.09=557 lcy/hr
Prod(5,14)=16.5x60/1.66 =596 lcy/hr
Prod(6,13)=18.3x13x60/26.03=548 lcy/hr
• Load 5 bucket in truck and use 14 trucks to get maximum
output of 596 lcy/hr
• Production achievable=596x50/60
= 497 lcy/hr

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