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Contract Module

User Reference Manual

(Ver 1.0.0)

Plexus (Pvt) Limited

4th Floor, Sualeha Chamber
Plot No: B-9/C, Estate Avenue
S.I.T.E Area, Karachi
Contract Module


Date Person Version Comments

31-Jul-2008 Waseem Khan 1.0.0 Final

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Contract Module


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Plexus Private Limited

4 Floor, Sualeha Chamber
Plot No: B-9/C, Estate Avenue
S.I.T.E Area, Karachi, Pakistan
Telephone :(9221) 2555212-3
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Ver 1.0.0
Contract Module



DISCLAIMER..................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................. 6

2. GETTING STARTED......................................................................... 6

3. HOUSE FINANCE APPLICATION MODULES........................................ 7

4. NAVIGATION ................................................................................. 8

4.1 Standard Toolbar ....................................................................... 8

5. CONTRACT MODULE...................................................................... 9

5.1 C.I.B Application Form............................................................ 10

5.1.1 Application C.I.B Details............................................................. 11
5.2 Application Income Verification Form..................................... 13
5.2.1 Applicant Income Verification ....................................................... 14
5.3 Law Department Authorization............................................... 15
5.4 Legal/Credit Department Authorization ................................. 16
5.5 Property Evaluation Form ....................................................... 17
5.5.1 Add/Edit Details....................................................................... 18
5.6 Work Cost Assessment Form .................................................. 19
5.7 Audit proposal / Repayment Schedule Form........................... 20
5.8 Audit Objection...................................................................... 21
5.9 Objection Rectification Form .................................................. 22
5.10 Application Approval Form..................................................... 23
5.11 Site Inspection form ............................................................... 24
5.12 Re-schedule for Reducing Amount......................................... 26

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Contract Module

The purpose of this manual is to describe the operational use of Contract Module of
House Building Finance Corporation (HBFC) and the subsequent impact of Contract
Transaction Module. It helps user to operate the HBFC modules smoothly and provides
guidelines for performing day-to-day transactions regarding Contract Module.

Access to HBFC is limited to the authorized users, to access HBFC you must have a user
name and password to identify yourself. HBFC allows to manage different users and to
assign different privileges by managing roles.

Login Screen is the High Level User Interface that validates the register user, who can
access this application. The user Login names and Passwords are provided by the
administrator and each user has different profile. This user profile has different level of
access authority for the different work in the respective branch. The Application is server
based and provides multi-access environment.

Steps to be remember before Login:

¾ Company Field should be selected as House Building Finance Corporation.

¾ Application Field should be selected as House Finance.
¾ Enter a valid user name and password.
¾ Please note that password field is non case sensitive.
¾ Click SUBMIT button to log into the System.
¾ If user clicks the CANCEL button the form will not login.

Enter User ID

Enter Password

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This is the Main Screen that is displayed after the user logs into the system. This screen
is regarding the Application for House Financing Application (HFA). There are two panels
on the display of the screen one is Right panel and the other is Left Panel. The Right
panel determines the work that needs to be performed where as the Left Panel
determines the form which requires information for the input about the applicant’s.
Housing Finance Application (HFA), have been develop in Oracle 10-G from Plexus
Private Limited with the concept of keeping the database secure and highly organize in
the reports format.

The HFA comprises the following modules:

1. Administration
2. Customer Management
3. Contract
4. Disbursement
5. Recovery
6. Settlement
7. Claim
8. M.I.S Reports
9. Loan Accounting

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Forms in HBFC have a standard format, it facilitates in a user-friendly way to view,
insert, and delete data. Following is the screen short of the toolbar, which will be
frequently used by the user, to view, insert, cancel or delete the information.
4.1 Standard Toolbar

Enter query Delete

Insert record
Execute query

Last record
Cancel query
Next record
First record
Exit the screen Exit to main screen

User can save changes such as addition, modification or deletion of record by

pressing this button from the toolbar.

To exit from the current open screen press this button.

Query function is used for finding a specific record. When “Enter Query” button is
clicked the form enters into query mode. The user can now type or select the required
data in the text fields and list items as criteria for performing query.

Execute Query, once the searching criterion is entered; click this button to retrieve
the records fulfilling the entered criteria.

Press this button to view the previous record.

Press this button to view the next record.

Press this button to view the first record.

Press this button to view the last record.

Press this button to remove or delete a record.

Press this button to add a new record.

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While clicking on the “Contract Module” we are able to view the Contract folder on right
panel. There are 14 forms in the contract module. Each form has its own significance.
These forms of contract folder includes Application CIB (Credit Information Bureau)
Details, Law Department Authorization, Applicant’s Income verification Form,
Legal/Credit Analysis Department Authorization, Property evaluation Form, Work Cost
Assessment, Audit Proposal/Repayment schedule, Audit Department objections,
Objection Rectification, Application Approval, Site Inspection, Re-schedule Application to
Reduced Amount, Application Re-Payment Schedule and Application Objection.

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5.1 C.I.B Application Form

C.I.B Application Form is first form of the Contract Module. This application mainly
concerns with the details of CIB. This application form always open in enter query mode.

The fields which are required to be filled for executing the enter query mode are
“scheme” and “Account no”, selected from the drop down menu from fields with the help
of list of values button. After selecting both the values form the drop down list, the
execute query icon will be click and then it will display the required result.

This query mode can be cancel by clicking the cancel query icon shown on the tool

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5.1.1 Application C.I.B Details

The screen below will appear after clicking on the Execute Query mode which is clicked
after “scheme” and “Account no”, selected from the drop down menu from fields with the
help of list of values button.

This screen will display the information regarding Specific Account of particular Scheme
for Application C.I.B.

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Contract Module C.I.B Details

The screen below will appear when the user requires to add more Detail CIB information
of that particular account. This process will take place by clicking on “CIB detail” button.
After click the new screen will be open with the title of “CIB Details”.

In this screen the fields Applicant name, Type and CNIC No will appear automatically.
For further details the user can input other fields like Credit Details, Remarks and

After finishing the input the user can save this information by clicking on save icon
and the system will display the screen that shows Transaction complete: “1 record
applied and saved”.

After the above alert simply click on “OK” and press to come back to Application CIB
details. After having confirmation of the entire information click on exit icon and
return to the main screen.

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5.2 Application Income Verification Form

This is the main screen of Contract module. This Screen is required to verify the Income
of the Applicant. This application form always open in enter query mode.

The fields which should be required to be filled before executing the enter query mode
are “scheme” and “Account no”, selected from the drop down menu from fields with the
help of list of values button. After selecting both the values form the drop down list,
the execute query icon will be click and this will display the required result.

This query can be cancel by clicking the icon shown on the tool bar.

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5.2.1 Applicant Income Verification

The screen below will appear after clicking on the Execute Query mode which is clicked
after “scheme” and “Account no”, selected from the drop down menu from fields with the
help of list of values button.

This screen will display the information regarding Specific Account of particular Scheme
for Applicant’s Income. This form is same as the form of Application C.I.B details Form
with extra fields of “Occupation”, “Monthly Income” and “Verified Monthly Income” with a
check box of verified.

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5.3 Law Department Authorization

This application form carries the information regarding Authorization given by Law
Department. This form will be filled by the HBFC, when HBFC needs the user to give the
information according to Law point of view.

This screen also require to enter the information regarding “Scheme” or “Accounts No”
individual of both fields by selecting the value from List of Values button. After
selecting the information from the drop down menu and clicking the execute query
button the related information displayed on the screen.

This screen shows the full information of Account and the relevant document list. The
same information for some other account of the same scheme can be seen further more
by clicking on next button. The information can be add and save from the
icon on the toolbar. After viewing the information the query can be cancel from the

“cancel query” form the toolbar and click on “exit” icon.

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5.4 Legal/Credit Department Authorization

This is the form which deals with legal and Credit Obligation of applicant.

This form has a constraint to be filled by Legal Department of HBFC and the Legal
Department will be authorized to analyze the legal and Credit Consent of that
applicant and it will also update the document by entering any remarks in remarks

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5.5 Property Evaluation Form

Property Evaluation form is the screen which is required to be filled after having the
evaluation of property, this form is filled to rectify the evaluation date and who has
evaluate the property, this evaluation is done by third party.

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5.5.1 Add/Edit Details

The “Add/Edit Details” button is button which will help the user to input some details
regarding the property e.g. forced sale value, constriction percentage, location
description, utilities are present currently, if not which is not present.

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5.6 Work Cost Assessment Form

This form deals with Cost of Work regarding renovation of Property for specified account.
The user will provide the nature of work, description, goods specification, rate, quantity,
amount (auto calculated).

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5.7 Audit proposal / Repayment Schedule Form

The user can schedule a repayment of the account on the basis of organization policy.
Simply, after opening an account for the specific scheme then simple click on the button
“Generate Audit Proposal”. The full schedule will be generated.

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5.8 Audit Objection

This form is used by the user of audit department, showing the objection taken on the
dates with the remarks.

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5.9 Objection Rectification Form

This form is used to rectify the objection given from the audit department. This form is
used to rectified all the objection and a check box will be enable (after rectification)

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5.10 Application Approval Form

This form shows details about the application whether it is approve or reject from the
organization. The user is also allowed to move in various forms. This form is not
authorize to every user but restricted to the specific user. After clicking on the Approved
radio button, then user will click on set status. After approval the user can print the
“acceptance letter” from the given button.

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5.11 Site Inspection form

This form is filled after the property has been inspected by authorized Inspection person
or team. The Inspection person can input the visit date. Visited by, trench code will be
selected by drop down menu and at last click on “Add/ Edit” Button and input the
objection detail (critical, most critical, and ignorable).

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This form will appear when the Add/Edit Objection button is clicked and it will take
input in the fields to update and add objection details. The main field of this form is
of Objection details type i.e. Most Critical, Critical and Ignorable.

The data which was input in the form Add/Edit Objection Form can be viewed directly on
this form.

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5.12 Re-schedule for Reducing Amount

This form is allowed to re-schedule the applicant application. This re-schedule button will
be enabled when there is any difference in sanctioned amount and new/disburse

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5.13 Fix Repayment Schedule

This form is used to fix repayment schedule of migrated data.

In order to use the form, first select the Scheme and press Retrieve. This will list the
customer accounts whose repayment schedule need to be fixed.

Select an account from the list and update the Location and Area information for that
account. Once the correct information is specified Press Repayment Schedule to
generate the correct schedule for the selected Customer Account.

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