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Konisbay Aknur



1.A fish of water(feel «Вывести на чистую воду»- Су тегін ( means cheap)
uncomfortable,like you do not this is what they say when they
belong in a particular situation) manage to expose the dark
deeds of a not very nice person
2.Come hell or high water ( If «Он вышел сухим из воды» Екі тамшы су сияқты ( about
you say you will do something this is how they say about a the remarkable similarty)
come hell or high water,it means person who managed to get out
you will definitely do it, no of a difficult situation without
matter what difficulties appear) loss.
3. In Deep Water (in a difficult «Она прошла сквозь огонь и Желедегі жетінші су (it is a very
situation – especially one that is воду» this is what they say distant relationship)
beyond the level of your abilities about a woman who
– or in trouble) experienced a lot of trouble in
her life, but they did not break
her, but only added to her
4. In Hot Water(in trouble, «Их водой не разольёшь»they Қолтыққа cу бүрікті (tempted)
usually when somebody will be say about true friends who love
angry at you or you will be to spend all the time together.
5. Dead In The Water(if a project «С него как с гуся вода» this is Иығына су кету (getting
or plan is dead in the water, it what they say about a person depreseed)
means it is stopped, without any who doesn’t care, who doesn’t
chance for success or progress) respond to any comments.
6. Not Hold Water(if a statement «В мутной воде рыбу ловить» Көңілі су сепкендей басылды
or belief doesn’t hold water, it this is what they say about (disappointment)
means it has some flaws and is people who deliberately confuse
probably not completely true or things in order to later receive
correct) some additional preferences
from this.
7. Test The Waters(to test the «Толочь воду в ступе», а Мұрнына су жетпеді ( to be
waters means trying to discover также «носить воду в решете» busy)
a little more about a situation these idioms are used when they
before you go ahead and talk about some kind of vain
become very involved) work.
8. Keep Your Head Above «Тише воды, ниже травы»this
Water(this idiom means you are is what they say about a very
trying very hard to survive modest person.
financially, or you are barely able
to handle a lot of work which is
almost too much)
9. A Watering Hole(this is a slang «Спрятать концы в воду»that's
word for a bar. The literal what they say when they want
meaning is a small lake or pond no one to know about it.
where wild animals go to drink…
so a place where people go to
drink (alcohol) is also called a
watering hole.)
10. Water Under The Bridge(this
idiom refers to something that
has happened in the past and
can’t be changed (so there’s no
point worrying about it)

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