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I choose to answer the question, about Who is to blame when it comes to technology addiction?

Human dependency on technology or technology being accessible to many.

It is from the topic of why the future does not need us.

In this question my answer is that technology addiction is because of human dependency on technology.
Kasi po as electronics and communication engineering student, It is a good thing that technology is being
accessible as our jobs depend on technology as technology is a part of our job in the future and even
now as a student. We use software applications that help us to make our work easy as making circuits
and laying out plans with the help of software applications. This helps us to lessen the errors in our work
and saves time.

Though technology is accessible and reliable, there are some of the key disadvantages. Technology
addiction is a phenomenon that many people experience due to a variety of factors. Every time we
receive a notification or engage in digital activities that we enjoy (like video games, social media, or
watching videos), our brain releases dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that plays a significant
role in how we feel pleasure. Over time, our brains can crave more of these dopamine 'hits', which can
lead to addiction. Social media platforms can create a fear of missing out on important news or social
events. This fear can drive people to check their devices constantly.

These cases can lead to increased usage and the potential for addiction. technology can be addictive
when they use this without precautions and limitations causing addiction, isolation, anxiety, depression,
and other mental health problems. can lead to a loss of fundamental human skills. Excessive usage of
technology might result in physical health problems. to physical health issues such as obesity, eye strain,
and sedentary lifestyle diseases. Dependency an overreliance on technology.

Overcoming or managing technology addiction often involves setting boundaries for device usage, taking
regular breaks, and engaging in activities that don't involve screens. It's also essential to pay attention to
the impact that excessive technology use has on physical and mental health and to seek professional
help if needed.

Overall, the use of technology raises ethical dilemmas that require careful consideration and
proactive measures to ensure responsible and ethical usage. It's all about striking a good balance
and mitigating potential dangers. ending this by Leaving a quote that says, “It is okay to own a
technology, what is not okay is to be owned by technology.”

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