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The d- and f-block elements

1. Transition metals have high boiling points and have high enthalpies of atomization .

2. Transition metals and many of their compounds show paramagnetic behaviour .

3. Transition metals generally from color compound

4. Transition metals and many of their compound act as a good catalyst .

5. Transtion metals form complex compounds.

6. Transition elements show variable oxidation states.Write all the possible O.S. of an element (Z=25)

7. Transition metal generally form alloys with other transition metals.

8. Transition metals form a number of interstitial compounds .

9. Zn ,Cd, and Hg are normally not considered as Transition metals.

10. The Cu+ salts are colourless while Cu+2 salts are coloured .


11.Which among the following is more paramagnetic and why? ( Fe+2 , Cr+3 , Mn+2 , Zn+2 , Cu+2) .

12 Why is Cu+ , Ag+ and Sc+3colourless ?

13.Why is that orange solution of K2Cr2O7 turns yellow on adding NaOH to it .

14.Why do d-block elements exhibits a large number of oxidation states than the elements of f-
series ?

15.Highest oxidation states of transition metals is observed in their oxides and fluorides only .

16.Why is HCl not used to acidify a permanganate solutions in volumetric estimation of Fe+2 or
C2O42‾ .

17. Describe the steps involved in the preparation of

(a) K2Cr2O7from chromite ore

(b) K2Cr2O7 from sodium chromate

(c) KMnO4 from MnO2

18. A green chromium compound (A) on fusion with alkali gives a yellow compound (B) which on
acidification gives an orange coloured compound (C) . “C” on treatment with NH 4Cl gives an orange
coloured product (D) , which on heating decomposes to give back (A) . Identify A,B,C,D .Write
equations for reactions .

19. What is meant by ‘disproportionation’ reaction?

20. Why is platinum (lV) state more stable than nickel (lV) state?

Lanthanides and Actinoids

1.What is lanthanide contraction ?State the cause and two consequences of of lanthanide
contraction .

2.Write the electronic configuration of the element with atomic number 102.

3.What is misch metal? Mention its two important uses .

4.La(OH)3 is more basic than Lu(OH)3

5.Sm2+ , Eu2+ and Yb+2 ions in solutions are good reducing agents but an aq. Solution of Ce4+ is a good
reducing agent

6. Why do Zr and Hf exhibit similar properties .

7.Why is the separation of lanthanide elements difficult . OR, Chemistry of all the lanthanides is quite

8. Ce3+ can be easily oxidized to Ce4+ .

9.There is a greater range of oxidation states among the Actinoids than that in Lanthanoids

10. Compare the chemistry of actinoids with that of Lanthanoids in reference to (a) atomic and ionic
sizes (b) Oxidation

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