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Laguna University

Laguna Sports Complex

Brgy.Bubukal, Santa Cruz, Laguna
College of Education


(The Elements of a story)

Prepared by:

Franchesca L. Alon-Alon
BSED IIA -English

Checked by:

Ms. Ma. Reichelle Anne A. Pino


Approved by:

Dr. Rosemarie D. Sabado

Dean, College of Education
Laguna University

At the end of this lesson student should be able to:

a. Define the different elements of a story
b. Distinguish the elements such as character, setting, conflict, theme and plot in a story
c. Explain how the parts function together within the whole text.
I. Subject Matter
Topic: The Elements of a story
References: The Five Elements of a Story
Craiker N. (2022, April 10). Story Elements: 7 Main Elements of a Story and 5 Elements of Plot.
The Gift of Magi by O. Henry
American literature. (n.d). The gift of magi.
Instructional material:
 Laptop
 Power point
 Reading materials
 Video clip
Values Integration:
 Develop appreciation in literary and digital works
 Group cooperation and creativity

Teacher’s Activity Learners Activity

Preparatory Activity
1. Prayer
Let’s start our class with guidance from our In the name of the father, the son and the holy
almighty God. Ms. A kindly lead us in a prayer. spirit… Amen.

2. Greetings
Good morning Class! Good morning ma’am! Good morning Classmate

3. Classroom Management
Before we start kindly arrange your chair, pick (The students will do as told.)
up the pieces of paper and smile to your (The students will take their own seats.)

4. Attendance Checking
Ms. Secretary is there any absent? I am glad to say that no one is absent for today

5. Recall
Before we proceed with our new topic. What
did you learn from our previous lesson about
the poetry? Poetry is a form of literature that expresses an
intense feeling, emotion or ideas by artistically
rendering the words.
Ok! Very Good
How about the elements of poetry? The elements of poetry are

Very good! I can see that you truly understand

our previous lesson.
If that so, we can now proceed with our new

6. Motivation
 Do you recognize me?
I will be playing short clips from a movie and
you are going to determine which part of the
movie does this certain scene can be seen. Is
it in the first part, middle or last?
Is it clear? Yes, maam!

If that so, Let’s start.


Ok, do you recognize the clip? Yes ma’am, it’s from the movie The House of Us

Okay very good!

Who are the characters in the movie? Primo and George ma’am

In what part of the movie we can see that Partly, in the middle ma’am. It is the start of their
scene? problems in their career and relationship

Okay, for our next scene


How about this one, in what part can we see

this scene? In the last part ma’am, when they decided to
forgive and help each other. In that part they
went to Amsterdam.
Ok for the last scene


In what part can we see this scene? In the first ma’am. That was the time when they
start dreaming of a life together
After watching and recognizing the scene from
the movie “The house of us”
What do you think is the connection of this in
our lesson for today? Since it was a movie, I think it’s about story.
Okay very good!

A. Activity

 Arrange me
I am going to show you a jumbled letter, you
are going to read the meaning and arrange the
letter to get the answer.
Yes ma’am
Is it clear?
(The student will raise their hand to answer)


There are 2 type of character

Protagonist- the primary character interacting
with the plot and the conflict
Antagonist- works against your main
character’s goals to create conflict.


There are 5 elements of plot

Please read.
The elements of plot are
Exposition- beginning of the story
Rising action-The exposition leads to an event
known as the inciting incident. This part of the
story contains all of the events that lead to the
culmination of all the plot points.
Climax-The character finally faces and usually
defeats whatever the major conflict is
Falling action- when all the other conflicts or
character arcs begin resolving.
Denouement-The end of a story where all major
conflicts are resolved or purposely left open for a
cliff-hanger or sequel









Very good class! You are able to arrange all

the words.

So do you have any idea what is our topic for

I think it is about the elements of a story
Okay very good!
To further understand our lesson regarding the
elements of the story

You will be divided into two groups.

What you are going to do is to determine the
characters, setting, conflict, theme and plot of
the given story.
After that each group should have 2
representatives to present and explain your

Is that clear?
Do you have any question? Yes, ma’am
None ma’am
If that so, you can form a circle so that it would
be easier for you to communicate and share
your thoughts.

Here is the piece entitled “The Gift of Magi” by

O. Henry
As you received the reading material you can
start reading. You can also access the story in (The students will do as told.)
this link

B. Analysis

Let’s proceed in our group presentation.

Each representative of the group you may post
your answers in the board. (The students will do as told.)

Who are the characters in the story?

Group 1
The characters in the story are
Della- The loving wife of Jim and she has a long
Jim- The husband of Della
Madame Sofronie- The one who bought Della’s

Group 2
The Characters are
Della- the wife of Jim
Jim- The hard working husband of Della
Madame Sofonie- The store owner where Della
sold her hair

How about the setting of the story?

Group 1
The story happens the day before Christmas

Group 2
It was the 24th of December, the day before
Christmas in Dillingham’s Flat
What do you think is the theme of the story?

Group 1
The is about unconditional love, Della sacrificed
his hair just to give something to his husband

Group 2
It is about sacrificing, If you love the person, you
are to sacrifice what you have just to make him
What about the conflict that the character or her happy. Just like what Della and Jim did.
Group 1
Della is financial incapable of giving his husband
a gift, so she look for a way and it is selling her
hair to madame Sofronie .

Group 2
Della didn’t have enough money to buy a gift for
his husband so she takes risk and sold his hair.
What kind of conflict do you think the character
experienced? Is it external of internal conflict?
I think it is internal conflict ma’am, because Della
is the only one who experiencing the problem
What is the tone of the story? and it revolves only in their relationship.

Group 1
The tone of the story is Romantic

Group 2
The story is in Romantic and sentimental tone
The story was told in what point of view?

Group 1
Third Person Point of view

Group 2
Third Person point of view
For the last question
What is the plot of the story?
Group 1
Della wanted to buy her husband a gift for
Christmas, but she didn’t have enough money.
So she decided to cut her hair and sell it to
Madame Sofronie. When her hair was sold, she
ran into the store and bought the chain for her
husband’s watch. Upon arriving at their flat, Della
was nervously thinking of her husband’s reaction
and praying that she would remain pretty in his
eyes. When Jim arrived, Della started to explain
what happened, and Jim understood it and
started to hug Della. She told her that he had
sold his watch just to buy Della a gift; it was the
comb that she wanted. Though the couple has a
gift for each other, they set aside those material
things and appreciate the thought that they are
willing to sacrifice their valued possessions just
to make each other happy.

Group 2
She did not afford to buy her husband a present
for Christmas Day. That’s why she thought of a
way to have extra money because she only had
1.87 dollars. She thinks and decides to sell her
hair to Madame Sofronie, which makes 20
dollars. After she got the money, she went to the
store and bought the platinum chain for Jim’s old
watch. She was worried about her husband’s
reaction to cutting her hair and selling it. When
Jim arrived, Della panicked and started to
explain and cry at the same time. Jim being so
understanding that she hugged her Della and
started to comfort her while she was explaining
that she had sold the watch to buy her a gift. It is
the comb that Della wanted. The couple chose to
put away the gift and otherwise appreciate the
sacrifices that both parties have made, because
that’s the greatest treasure that should be

Great Job Everyone!!

Give yourself a round of applause
(The students will do as told.)
Guide Question
1. What is the lesson of the story?
2. How do the elements help you understand
the flow of the story?
3. In what way do the elements contribute to (The student will answer the question)
your understanding of the
Selection’s over-all theme?

C. Abstraction

Now that you are successfully understand the

elements and identify it in a story. It is the time
to share your take ways.

Anyone who would like to share?

I have learned the elements of a story such as
the character, this are the person or animals who
takes part in the story, the setting it is where the
story takes place, theme is the central idea or the
message of the story, the plot is the sequence of
events, and lastly conflict is the problems that the
character is facing in the story.
Thank you!!

Having said that, what do you think is the

importance of the elements? The elements of the story is important because it
allows the reader to understand ,give meaning to
the text and appreciate the author’s purpose in
writing the story

Great point

Do you think the elements functions together to

make up a whole story? Why?
Yes maam, It functions all together to make up a
whole story because it keeps the flow smoothly
and develop an organized action so the reader
could follow.
Very good class!!
D. Application
To finally post the product of your journey
knowing the elements, with the same group
you are going to perform a role play. The topic
would be, if you are given a chance to plan and
create your own love story. In what way do you
want it to be? What are the struggles and how
will you face it?
Please be guided with the criteria.
Content 10pts
Organization 10pts
Participation and
presentation 10pts
Total 30pts

Is everything clear class?

Yes ma’am.
So you may now proceed to your group and
start collaborating creatively.
The student will work on the task given.

Time is up! Go back to your seat and arrange

your chair.
Prepare yourself for you presentation The student will present their role play

Well done class! It seems that you enjoyed the

activity. Give yourself a round of applause.
(The students will do as told.)

E. Evaluation
Read each statement carefully and write your answer in the space provided.

______________1. The turning point of a story

______________2. The author's central message or idea about life or how people behave in the
______________3. The problems the characters face in the story
______________4. The end of the story when the reader finds out what happens to the characters
after the conflict
______________5. A person portrayed in a literary work is called
______________6. The person who tells the story
______________7. The angle from which the story is told
_____________8. What is the sequence of events involving characters and a central conflict
____________9. The character who opposes the main character
____________10. All events after the climax that lead to the resolution are called?
Key to correction
1. Climax
2. Theme
3. Conflict
4. Denouement
5. Character
6. Narrator
7. Point of view
8. Plot
9. Protagonist
10. Falling action

F. Assignment
Read the story “Orpheus” by Alice Low and determine the elements in the story and classify the
characters whether they are flat, round, static and dynamic kind of character. Write your answer in
your notebook.

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