Makalah - Allergic Rhinitis - 2

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cartilages, Septal cartilage (Dhingra, 2016).

posterior ethmoidal artery which supply the

Internal Nose septum wall. Lateral wall nose is also
It is divided into right and left nasal supplied by internal and external carotid
cavities by nasal septum. Each nasal cavity arteries (Dhingra, 2016).
communicates with the exterior through Nerve Supply
naris or nostril and with the nasopharynx Olfactory Nerves carry sense of
through posterior nasal aperture or the smell and supply olfactory region of nose.
choana. Anterior and inferior part of nasal They are the central filaments of the
cavity is called vestibule. It is lined by skin olfactory cells and are arranged into 12–20
and contains sebaceous glands, hair nerves which pass through the cribriform
follicles and the hair called vibrissae. Each plate and end in the olfactory bulb. Nerves
nasal cavity has a lateral wall, a medial of common sensation divided into anterior
wall, a roof and a floor. Lateral nasal wall ethmoidal nerve, branches of sphenopalatine
have Three and occasionally four turbinates ganglion and branches of infraorbital nerve.
or conchae mark the lateral wall of nose. Most of the posterior two-thirds of nasal
Conchae or turbinates (Inferior, mddle and cavity (both septum and lateral wall) are
superior) are scroll-like bony projections supplied by branches of sphenopalatine
covered by mucous membrane. The spaces ganglion which can be blocked by placing a
below the turbinates are called meatuses pledget of cotton soaked in anaesthetic
(Dhingra, 2016). solution near the sphenopalatine foramen
Blood Supply situated at the posterior extremity of middle
Nose is richly supplied by both the turbinate. Anterior ethmoidal nerve which
external and internal carotid systems, both supplies anterior and superior part of the
on the septum and the lateral walls. Nasal nasal cavity (lateral wall and septum) can be
septum are vascularated by 2 main arteries, blocked by placing the pledget high up on
they are external and internal carotid the inside of nasal bones where the nerve
arteries. External carotid arteries are enters. Parasympathetic nerve fibres supply
branches into facial arteries and become the nasal glands and control nasal secretion.
Superior labial artery that supply little’s They come from greater superficial petrosal
area in septum. And also branches into nerve, travel in the nerve of pterygoid canal
maxillary artery that become greater (vidian nerve) and reach the sphenopalatine
palatine artery and sphenopalatine artery. ganglion where they relay before reaching
While internal carotid artery branches into the nasal cavity. They also supply the blood
ophthalmic artery that become anterior and vessels of nose and cause vasodilation.

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