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Nature of Language- The origin of language and its Some theories consider language mostly as an innate Since communication

communication is generally defined as the Communication may then be classified according to:
evolutionary emergence topic is difficult to study faculty—largely genetically encoded. exchange of thoughts, ideas, concepts, and views (1) communication mode (verbal- non-verbal and
because of the different speculations for several Other theories regard language as a mainly cultural between or among two or more people, various. visual), (2) context (intrapersonal, Interpersonal,
centuries. Many argue that the origins of language system—learned through social interaction. Contexts come into play. Context is the circumstance Extended, Organizational and Intercultural) and (3)
probably relate closely to the origins of modern What is Language? or environment in which communication takes place. purpose and style (formal and informal).
human behaviour, but there is little agreement about Language can be defined as the tool used in Such circumstance may include the physical or actual
the implications and directionality of this connection. communication process. Language itself can be setting, the value positions of a speaker/listener, and Communication Process, Principles and Ethics- In
"Continuity theories" built on the idea that language amplified with the students’ experiences and the relevance or appropriateness of a message the previous discussion, you learned about the types
exhibits so much complexity that one cannot imagine expressions of thoughts, ideas, feelings and the tools conveyed. It focuses on certain communication of communication mode, context, and purpose and
it simply appearing from nothing in its final form; to be used in communication. The importance of processes and even groupings of people that style. In this lesson, you will review the nature of the
therefore, it must have evolved from earlier pre- language can also be answered while the teaching- constitute a communication situation. Different communication process and some important
linguistic systems among our primate ancestors. learning process takes place. contexts can impact one’s communication. Each communication models. The communication process
"Discontinuity theories" take the opposite approach— communication type is governed by a particular involves elements such as source, message, encoding,
that language, as a unique trait which cannot be Types of Communication- Depending on what is circumstance. Thus, it is essential to pay attention to channel, decoding., receiver, feedback, context, and
compared to anything found among non-humans, being considered, communication as a term takes on the interplay of factors surrounding the contexts of barrier. Communication can be a one-way or two-way
must have appeared fairly suddenly during the course different contexts resulting in people having different communication which may be physical, cultural, process. There are many conceptual models for
of human evolution. views on communication types. social, and psychological in nature. human communication but in this lesson, you will be
exposed to only four: (1) Aristotle’s model; (2)
Laswell’s model; (3) Shannon-Weaver’s model; and
(4) David Berlo’s model of communication.

Aristotle, a Greek philosopher and writer, developed The speaker is the most important element in this The model is mainly focused on speaker and speech, and
the earliest mass communication model called model, and it is their responsibility to select their it is less focused on interpersonal communication.
"Aristotle's Model of Communication" before 300 words carefully and deliver a speech to the public. Despite its limitations, Aristotle's model of
B.C. This model is widely accepted and is mainly The role of the audience is passive, and there is no communication remains a valuable tool for public
focused on public speaking rather than interpersonal scope for them to provide feedback. The model speakers and communicators.
communication. The model emphasizes the emphasizes the significance of the speaker's
importance of the speaker's credibility, emotional credibility, emotional connection, and logical
connection, and logical arguments in persuading an arguments in persuading an audience.
audience. The model comprises five basic elements,
including speaker, speech, audience, effect, and In conclusion, Aristotle's model of communication is
occasion. In this essay, we will discuss Aristotle's a linear and speaker-centric model that emphasizes
model of communication in detail. the importance of the speaker's credibility, emotional
connection, and logical arguments in persuading an
Aristotle's model of communication is a linear and audience. The model has five basic components,
speaker-centric model that emphasizes the importance including speaker, speech, audience, effect, and
of the speaker's credibility, emotional connection, and occasion, and it is widely used in preparing seminars,
logical arguments in persuading an audience. The lectures, and speeches. The model is compared with
model has five basic components, including speaker, other communication frameworks, and it is still
speech, audience, effect, and occasion. relevant today since public speaking is an evergreen
skill that is always in demand.
This model analyzes communication in terms of five key Lasswell's model of communication, with its five key The Shannon-Weaver model of communication is one of In conclusion, the Shannon-Weaver model of
elements: who, says what, in which channel, to whom, elements, provides a simple and concise framework for the earliest and most influential models of communication is a linear and action-oriented model that
and with what effect. Lasswell's model was initially understanding the basic dynamics of communication. The communication. It was initially published in the 1948 focuses on the transmission of a message from a sender
formulated for the analysis of mass communication, such model has been influential in the field of communication paper "A Mathematical Theory of Communication" and to a receiver. The model comprises six basic elements,
as radio, television, and newspapers, but it has also been studies, serving as a foundation for more complex and explains how messages are transmitted from a sender to a including source, encoder, channel, decoder, receiver,
applied to various other fields and forms of interactive communication models. While the model has receiver. The model comprises six basic elements, and noise. The model has been very influential in various
communication, its limitations, it remains a valuable tool for analyzing including source, encoder, channel, decoder, receiver, fields, including communication theory and information
mass communication and teaching students the and noise. theory. While the model has its limitations, it remains a
Lasswell's model of communication is a linear and fundamentals of the communication process. valuable tool for analysing communication and teaching
action-oriented model that focuses on the transmission of The Shannon-Weaver model of communication has been students the fundamentals of the communication process.
a message from a sender to a receiver. The model very influential in various fields, including
comprises five key elements: who, says what, in which communication theory and information theory. Many
channel, to whom, and with what effect. These elements later theorists have built their own models on its insights.
help in understanding the basic dynamics of However, it is often criticized based on the claim that it
communication. Lasswell's model serves as a oversimplifies communication. The Shannon-Weaver
foundational framework upon which more complex and model is based on the idea that communication is a linear
interactive communication models have been built. It and one-way process that involves six elements: a source,
provides a starting point for deeper explorations of an encoder, a channel, a decoder, a receiver, and noise.
communication theories. The model is used in The model is widely applied in the field of
pedagogical settings to teach students the major elements communication, and it is considered to be a highly
of the communication process and as a starting point for effective communication model that explains the basic
developing hypotheses. dynamics of communication.

The model is a one-way or linear communication The process of communication involves the following 6. Receiver: The person who receives the message of the Since communication is a two-way process, it is
framework based on the Shannon-Weaver elements: sender is known as the receiver. important that you know the principles to be observed to
communication mode. It consists of four components: 1. Sender: The person who conveys his thoughts, 7. Feedback: In order to complete the process of make it effective. For both oral and written
Sender, Message, Channel, and Receiver, which are each message or ideas to the receiver is known as the sender. communication, feedback is essential. The process of communication, you should be able to apply the
influenced by different factors. This essay will explore He is at the starting point of the communication system reversal of communication in which the receiver following general principles of effective communication:
the components of the SMCR model, its advantages, and and represents the source of communication. expresses his reaction to the sender of the message is (1) Know your purpose in communicating; (2) Know
criticisms. 2. Message: The subject matter of communication is known as feedback. Feedback ensures that the receiver your audience; (3) Know your topic; (4) Adjust your
termed as messages. It includes ideas, feelings, has received and understood the message. speech or writing to the context of the situation; (5) Work
In the SMCR model, the sender encodes the message, suggestions, order, etc., which a sender wants to convey 8. Noise: Any construction or hindrance which hampers on the feedback given you. For the principles of effective
which is then transmitted through a chosen channel to the to the receiver. the communication process is known as noise. The oral communication, you should be able to apply the
receiver, who decodes the message to understand its 3. Encoding: The process of converting messages into hindrance may be caused to the sender, message or following: (1) Be clear with your purpose; (2) Be
meaning. The model assumes that effective communication symbols, which may be understood by receiver. It acts as a barrier to effective communication complete with the message you deliver; (3) Be concise;
communication occurs when the sender and receiver are the receiver. It includes words, pictures, gestures, and because of this message is interpreted differently by (4) Be natural with your delivery; (5) Be specific and
on the same level or are roughly similar symbols, etc. Encoding translates the internal thought of the receiver. Disturbance in the telephone line, inattentive timely with your feedback. Aside from the principles of
the sender into a language which can be understandable. receiver, faulty decoding, poor internet connection, effective oral communication, there are also principles of
Berlo's SMCR Model of Communication provides a 4. Media: The path, channel or medium through which improper gestures and postures, etc., are some examples effective written communication or The 7 C’s: (1) Be
simple and straightforward framework for understanding encoded message is transmitted to the receiver is known of noise. clear; (2) Be concise; (3) Be concrete; (4) Be correct; (5)
the basic elements of the communication process. While as media. It is the carrier of the message. It can be in Be coherent; (6) Be complete; and (7) Be courteous.
the model has its advantages, such as clarity and written form, face to face, through telephone, letter,
alignment of message and receiver, it has also been internet, etc.
criticized for oversimplification and assumptions about 5. Decoding: The process of translating the encoded
effective communication. message into an effective language, which can be
Overall, the SMCR model serves as a useful tool for understood by the receiver is known as decoding. In this,
analyzing and improving communication processes. the encoded symbols of the sender are converted.
Furthermore, communication ethics emphasizes that Modes of Communication- Communication means For public communication, there is no mutual feedback
morals influence the behaviour of an individual, group, transferring messages from one to another through any between source and receiver like small group
or organization thereby affecting their communication. It medium. It is the process of generating meaning by communication and its only focused on Speaker. For
is important to note that one’s behaviour should be sending and receiving verbal and nonverbal symbols and mass communication, large group of audiences is
regulated by honesty, decency, truthfulness, sincerity, signs that are influenced by multiple contexts. Forms of considered. The Speaker has his or her technology and
and moral uprightness. Be guided by the following communication vary in terms of participants, channels uses technology as a medium of transmitting messages to
ethical communication: (1) Establish an effective value used, and contexts. There are five main forms of large groups of people.
system that will pave the way for the development of communication, all of which will be explored in this
your integrity as a person; (2) Provide complete and lesson. The five major forms are intrapersonal, Forms of Communication: Intrapersonal, dyadic
accurate information. (3) Disclose vital information interpersonal, group, public, and mass communication. communication, small group communication, public
adequately and appropriately. Observing a code of ethics communication, mass communication.
is essential as it determines the kind of behaviour that is Intrapersonal communication occurs when you talk to
proper and desirable over one that is displeasing and yourself while dyadic communication involves two Communication
offensive. A code of ethics sets the standards to be people in the communication process. When more than
observed by a person or company that will create a good two persons are involved in the process, it is considered
reputation or a positive image not only for an individual as small group communication.
but also for the organization.

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