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Nature of Language- The origin of language and its Some theories consider language mostly as an innate Since communication

Since communication is generally defined as the exchange Communication may then be classified according to: (1)
evolutionary emergence topic is difficult to study because faculty—largely genetically encoded. of thoughts, ideas, concepts, and views between or among communication mode (verbal- non-verbal and visual), (2)
of the different speculations for several centuries. Many Other theories regard language as a mainly cultural system two or more people, various. Contexts come into play. context (intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Extended,
argue that the origins of language probably relate closely —learned through social interaction. Context is the circumstance or environment in which Organizational and Intercultural) and (3) purpose and style
to the origins of modern human behaviour, but there is What is Language? communication takes place. (formal and informal).
little agreement about the implications and directionality Language can be defined as the tool used in Such circumstance may include the physical or actual
of this connection. communication process. Language itself can be amplified setting, the value positions of a speaker/listener, and the Communication Process, Principles and Ethics- In the
"Continuity theories" built on the idea that language with the students’ experiences and expressions of relevance or appropriateness of a message conveyed. It previous discussion, you learned about the types of
exhibits so much complexity that one cannot imagine it thoughts, ideas, feelings and the tools to be used in focuses on certain communication processes and even communication mode, context, and purpose and style. In
simply appearing from nothing in its final form; therefore, communication. The importance of language can also be groupings of people that constitute a communication this lesson, you will review the nature of the
it must have evolved from earlier pre-linguistic systems answered while the teaching-learning process takes place. situation. Different contexts can impact one’s communication process and some important
among our primate ancestors. communication. Each communication type is governed by communication models. The communication process
"Discontinuity theories" take the opposite approach—that Types of Communication- Depending on what is being a particular circumstance. Thus, it is essential to pay involves elements such as source, message, encoding,
language, as a unique trait which cannot be compared to considered, communication as a term takes on different attention to the interplay of factors surrounding the channel, decoding., receiver, feedback, context, and
anything found among non-humans, must have appeared contexts resulting in people having different views on contexts of communication which may be physical, barrier. Communication can be a one-way or two-way
fairly suddenly during the course of human evolution. communication types. cultural, social, and psychological in nature process. There are many conceptual models for human
communication but in this lesson, you will be exposed to
only four: (1) Aristotle’s model; (2) Laswell’s model; (3)
Shannon-Weaver’s model; and (4) David Berlo’s model of

Aristotle, a Greek philosopher and writer, developed the The speaker is the most important element in this model, The model is mainly focused on speaker and speech, and
earliest mass communication model called "Aristotle's and it is their responsibility to select their words carefully it is less focused on interpersonal communication. Despite
Model of Communication" before 300 B.C. This model is and deliver a speech to the public. The role of the its limitations, Aristotle's model of communication
widely accepted and is mainly focused on public speaking audience is passive, and there is no scope for them to remains a valuable tool for public speakers and
rather than interpersonal communication. The model provide feedback. The model emphasizes the significance communicators.
emphasizes the importance of the speaker's credibility, of the speaker's credibility, emotional connection, and
emotional connection, and logical arguments in logical arguments in persuading an audience.
persuading an audience. The model comprises five basic
elements, including speaker, speech, audience, effect, and In conclusion, Aristotle's model of communication is a
occasion. In this essay, we will discuss Aristotle's model linear and speaker-centric model that emphasizes the
of communication in detail. importance of the speaker's credibility, emotional
connection, and logical arguments in persuading an
audience. The model has five basic components, including
Aristotle's model of communication is a linear and
speaker, speech, audience, effect, and occasion, and it is
speaker-centric model that emphasizes the importance of
widely used in preparing seminars, lectures, and speeches.
the speaker's credibility, emotional connection, and logical
The model is compared with other communication
arguments in persuading an audience. The model has five
frameworks, and it is still relevant today since public
basic components, including speaker, speech, audience,
speaking is an evergreen skill that is always in demand.
effect, and occasion.

This model analyzes communication in terms of five key Lasswell's model of communication, with its five key The Shannon-Weaver model of communication is one of In conclusion, the Shannon-Weaver model of
elements: who, says what, in which channel, to whom, and elements, provides a simple and concise framework for the earliest and most influential models of communication. communication is a linear and action-oriented model that
with what effect. Lasswell's model was initially understanding the basic dynamics of communication. The It was initially published in the 1948 paper "A focuses on the transmission of a message from a sender to
formulated for the analysis of mass communication, such model has been influential in the field of communication Mathematical Theory of Communication" and explains a receiver. The model comprises six basic elements,
as radio, television, and newspapers, but it has also been studies, serving as a foundation for more complex and how messages are transmitted from a sender to a receiver. including source, encoder, channel, decoder, receiver, and
applied to various other fields and forms of interactive communication models. While the model has The model comprises six basic elements, including source, noise. The model has been very influential in various
communication, its limitations, it remains a valuable tool for analyzing encoder, channel, decoder, receiver, and noise. fields, including communication theory and information
mass communication and teaching students the theory. While the model has its limitations, it remains a
Lasswell's model of communication is a linear and action- fundamentals of the communication process. The Shannon-Weaver model of communication has been valuable tool for analysing communication and teaching
oriented model that focuses on the transmission of a very influential in various fields, including students the fundamentals of the communication process.
message from a sender to a receiver. The model comprises communication theory and information theory. Many later
five key elements: who, says what, in which channel, to theorists have built their own models on its insights The
whom, and with what effect. These elements help in Shannon-Weaver model is based on the idea that
understanding the basic dynamics of communication. communication is a linear and one-way process that
Lasswell's model serves as a foundational framework involves six elements: a source, an encoder, a channel, a
upon which more complex and interactive communication decoder, a receiver, and noise. The model is widely
models have been built. It provides a starting point for applied in the field of communication, and it is considered
deeper explorations of communication theories. The to be a highly effective communication model that
model is used in pedagogical settings to teach students the explains the basic dynamics of communication.
major elements of the communication process and as a
starting point for developing hypotheses.
The model is a one-way or linear communication The process of communication involves the following 6. Receiver: The person who receives the message of the Since communication is a two-way process, it is
framework based on the Shannon-Weaver elements: sender is known as the receiver. important that you know the principles to be observed to
communication mode. It consists of four components: 1. Sender: The person who conveys his thoughts, 7. Feedback: In order to complete the process of make it effective. For both oral and written
Sender, Message, Channel, and Receiver, which are each message or ideas to the receiver is known as the sender. communication, feedback is essential. The process of communication, you should be able to apply the
influenced by different factors. This essay will explore He is at the starting point of the communication system reversal of communication in which the receiver following general principles of effective communication:
the components of the SMCR model, its advantages, and and represents the source of communication. expresses his reaction to the sender of the message is (1) Know your purpose in communicating; (2) Know
criticisms. 2. Message: The subject matter of communication is known as feedback. Feedback ensures that the receiver your audience; (3) Know your topic; (4) Adjust your
In the SMCR model, the sender encodes the message, termed as messages. It includes ideas, feelings, has received and understood the message. speech or writing to the context of the situation; (5)
which is then transmitted through a chosen channel to the suggestions, order, etc., which a sender wants to convey 8. Noise: Any construction or hindrance which hampers Work on the feedback given you.
receiver, who decodes the message to understand its to the receiver. the communication process is known as noise. The For the principles of effective oral communication, you
meaning. The model assumes that effective 3. Encoding: The process of converting messages into hindrance may be caused to the sender, message or should be able to apply the following:
communication occurs when the sender and receiver are communication symbols, which may be understood by receiver. It acts as a barrier to effective communication (1) Be clear with your purpose; (2) Be complete with the
on the same level or are roughly similar. the receiver. It includes words, pictures, gestures, and because of this message is interpreted differently by message you deliver; (3) Be concise; (4) Be natural with
symbols, etc. Encoding translates the internal thought of the receiver. Disturbance in the telephone line, your delivery; (5) Be specific and timely with your
Berlo's SMCR Model of Communication provides a the sender into a language which can be understandable. inattentive receiver, faulty decoding, poor internet feedback.
simple and straightforward framework for understanding 4. Media: The path, channel or medium through which connection, improper gestures and postures, etc., are There are also principles of effective written
the basic elements of the communication process. While encoded message is transmitted to the receiver is known some examples of noise. communication or The 7 C’s: (1) Be clear; (2) Be
the model has its advantages, such as clarity and as media. It is the carrier of the message. It can be in concise; (3) Be concrete; (4) Be correct; (5) Be coherent;
alignment of message and receiver, it has also been written form, face to face, through telephone, letter, (6) Be complete; and (7) Be courteous.
criticized for oversimplification and assumptions about internet, etc.
effective communication. 5. Decoding: The process of translating the encoded
Overall, the SMCR model serves as a useful tool for message into an effective language, which can be
analyzing and improving communication processes. understood by the receiver is known as decoding. In this,
the encoded symbols of the sender are converted.

Furthermore, communication ethics emphasizes that Modes of Communication- Communication means For public communication, there is no mutual feedback Visual communication is the process of
morals influence the behaviour of an individual, group, transferring messages from one to another through any between source and receiver like small group conveying information and ideas through visual
or organization thereby affecting their communication. It medium. It is the process of generating meaning by communication and its only focused on Speaker. For elements such as signs, typography, drawing, graphic
is important to note that one’s behaviour should be sending and receiving verbal and nonverbal symbols and mass communication, large group of audiences is design, illustration, industrial design, advertising,
regulated by honesty, decency, truthfulness, sincerity, signs that are influenced by multiple contexts. Forms of considered. The Speaker has his or her technology and animation, and electronic resources. Ex: video,
and moral uprightness. communication vary in terms of participants, channels uses technology as a medium of transmitting messages to photography, presentation.
Be guided by the following ethical communication: used, and contexts. There are five main forms of large groups of people.
(1) Establish an effective value system that will pave the communication, all of which will be explored in this Communication and Technology- There are various
way for the development of your integrity as a person; lesson. The five major forms are intrapersonal, Forms of Communication: Intrapersonal, dyadic modes through which we communicate with each other.
(2) Provide complete and accurate information. (3) interpersonal, group, public, and mass communication. communication, small group communication, public In the past, these modes took the form of handwritten
Disclose vital information adequately and appropriately. communication, mass communication. messages, typewritten messages, short telegrams,
Observing a code of ethics is essential as it determines Intrapersonal communication occurs when you talk to computer-encoded texts, as well as landline telephone
the kind of behaviour that is proper and desirable over yourself while dyadic communication involves two Verbal communication is the process of using words to conversation, and audio/video-recorded messages.
one that is displeasing and offensive. A code of ethics people in the communication process. When more than share information with other people. It can include both Because each mode of communication is distinct from
sets the standards to be observed by a person or company two persons are involved in the process, it is considered spoken and written communication, Ex: meeting, phone the other, the ways in which we craft our messages
that will create a good reputation or a positive image not as small group communication. calls, interview and public speech. differ. For example, there is a greater tendency for us to
only for an individual but also for the organization. Nonverbal communication refers to the process of write a longer, more visually detailed message if we
conveying information without using words. It includes encode it using a computer. If we handwrite the same
all the nonlocal elements of communication, such as message, or deliver it through an audio-recording, the
body language, facial expressions, eye contact, gestures, message will not be the same.
posture, and tone of voice

PINOYS TOP SOCIAL MEDIA USERS, ACCORDING (4) The United States, where many of these social media (8) There appeared to be a relationship between poor (14)Around the world, internet users grew 10 percent, or
TO STUDY By Miguel R. Camus (2017) players where founded, is among the bottom half. With fixed-broadband speed and time spent on social media. an additional 354 million people, while active social
(1) Filipinos spend more time on social media sites than Americans spending an average of just two hours and six (9) The Philippines, Brazil and Argentina have an media users jumped 21 percent, or an additional 482
anyone else in the world, going online roughly four seconds per day. The least active were the Japanese, who average fixed-line broadband speed of 4.2 megabits per million.
hours and 17 minutes a day, according to a report log on an average of just 40 minutes daily. second (mbps), 5.5 mbps and 5 mbps, respectively. (15)Global active netizens using mobile phones and
released on Tuesday. (5) “It’s probably due to the same cultural dynamics that (10)The fastest was South Korea, with 26.3 mbps, and other devices surged 30 percent, or another 581 million
(2) Filipinos spend most of their online time on sites made us the text messaging capital of the world,” said its citizens just spend about 1 hour and 11 minutes a day people.
such as Facebook, Snapchat and Twitter, said the report, Ramon Isberto, spokesperson for telecoms giant PLDT on social media.
called digital in 2007, and prepared by social media and Smart, referring to mobile phone text messaging in INTERNET USE ON THE RISE
platform Hootsuite and United Kingdom-based the past decade that is now giving way to internet-based (11)According to the report, the Philippines’ internet and
consultancy We Are Social Ltd. applications. social media users grew by over 25 percent, up 13b
US AMONG BOTTOM HALF (6) “Filipinos like to keep in touch,” Isberto said. million and 12 million over last year, respectively.
(3) Brazilians and Argentinians followed closely behind, SLOWEST IN ASIA-PACIFIC (12)Mobile was also a fast-growing platform,
spending three hours and 43 minutes and three hours and (7) The Philippines’ social media usage was in stark accounting for 38 percent of all Web traffic in the
32 minutes on social media, respectively, the report said. contrast to its internet speed. Fixed-broadband speed country, up almost a third over 2016. (13)The
here is among the slowest in Asia-Pacific, while mobile Philippines, so far, had a social media penetration rate of
connections are among the fastest, according to the most 58 percent, higher than the average of 47 percent in
recent Akamai report. Southeast Asia.
DIGITAL CONNECTIVITY Intercultural Communication- Intercultural According to Science, each person is generally unique. Culture refers to the shared beliefs, values, customs,
(16)The total internet penetration rate stood at 50 communication is the process of communicating and Except for identical twins, each person has a unique behaviours, and artifacts that characterize a group or
percent, or 3.77 billion people, the report showed. exchanging information between people from different genetic composition. This uniqueness becomes even society. It encompasses various aspects of human life,
(17)“Half of the world’s population is now online, which cultural backgrounds. It involves understanding and more heightened because of individual experiences. including language, religion, customs, and traditions.
is a testament to speed with which digital connectivity is respecting cultural differences, recognizing similarities, Human are formed by forces other than genetics. Final Culture is learned through socialization and is dynamic
helping to improve people’s lives,” said Simon Kemp, a and adapting communication styles to ensure effective background, religious affiliations, educational and constantly evolving. Culture influences people's
consultant at We Are Social. communication. Effective intercultural communication achievements, socio-cultural forces, economic behaviour, attitudes, and perceptions, and it shapes their
(18)“The increase in internet users in developing requires an understanding of cultural norms, values, and conditions, emotional states, and other factors shape worldview and identity.
economies is particularly encouraging,” Kemp added. beliefs, as well as an awareness of one's own cultural human identities. Because of this, no two people can ever
(19)The report compiles data from the world’s largest biases and assumptions. Intercultural communication is be exactly the same (as cited in Madrunio & Martin, CHARACTERISITCS OF CULTURE
studies of online behaviour, conducted by organizations essential in various fields, and it helps people to 2018, pg. 104). It is then important to be culturally (Chase & Shamo, 2013, as cited in in Padilla, Dagdag,
including GlobalWebIndex, GSMA Intelligence, Statista. understand and appreciate cultural differences, avoid sensible to the differences between and among Roxas, & Perez, 2016, p.21).
And Akamai in “a comprehensive state” of social media misunderstandings, and build stronger relationships. individuals in any communication process and setting. 1. Cultures are learned, not innate.
reference. 2. Cultures are shared.
(20)The 2016 report has been downloaded 70,000 times 3. Cultures are multifaceted.
and read 2.5 million times on SlideShare so far. 4. Cultures are dynamic.
5. Cultural identities are overlapping

Many other countries are now considered a “melting DIFFERENCES 1. Avoiding. We may refuse to comply to do business in INTERCULTURAL COMPETENCE
pot”; a place, where city or country where people of Cultural differences are apparent in four basic traits: (a) cultures that operate according to ethical principles that Here are some suggestions on how you can become open
various races or cultured live together and gradually leadership, (b) work productivity, (c) group allegiance, differ minded –devoid of any prejudices and biases
create a community. As these countries coexist in (d) task commitment (Chase & Shamo, 2013, as cited in from ours. against people from another culture (Chase & Shamo,
cultures, in Padilla, Dagdag, Roxas, & Perez, 2016 ). 2. Accommodating. We can accept the different ethical 2013; Singh & Rampersad, 2018, as cited in in Padilla,
overcoming cultural differences is difficult. However, system and conform to practices different from ours. Dagdag,
people learn to adapt despite the difficulties. COMMUNICATING WITHIN AND ACROSS 3. Forcing. We can insist on doing business in a way we Roxas, & Perez, 2016 )
People use ways of adapting to new cultures: CULTURES believe is ethically proper. 1. Widen your field of experience by making new
(a) cultural integration, Nobody is capable of fully understanding all languages 4. Educating –Persuading. We can try to convince the contacts.
(b) cultural assimilation, and all cultures of the world, as well as how they are people with whom we want to do business why our 2. Learn about history and the experiences and
(c) multiculturalism, similar and different from one another. To bridge the ethical aspirations of people from different cultures.
(d) cultural accommodation, and intercultural communication gaps, we need to be principle is more appropriate. 3. Examine yourself for possible stereotypes.
(e) separation. openminded 5. Negotiating –Compromising. We and the other party 4. Look at the world from someone else’s way of looking
(getting rid of prejudiced and biased beliefs), respecting can each give up something to negotiate a settlement. at and thinking about something, not just yours.
cultural differences no matter how seemingly strange or 6. Collaboration –Problem Solving. We can work with 5. Work on becoming more self-confident.
“primitive they are or seem to us (as cited in in Padilla, the other party to face the problem directly and reach a 6. Appreciate cultural similarities and differences.
Dagdag, Roxas, & Perez, 2016 ). mutually 7. Acknowledgment the essential quality and value of all
satisfying solution. cultures.
8. Be sensitive and interpret cultural styles of

BARRIERS TO EFFECTIVE INTERNATIONAL Prejudice. An offshoot of stereotypes is an unfair Living in a globalized world, you encounter people with Globalization is the communication and assimilation
COMMUNICATION thought, belief, or feeling of dislike for a person or group diverse cultural backgrounds. Such interactions occur in among individuals, ethnicities, races, institutions,
(McKeiver, 2013; Chase & Shamo, 2013, as cited in because of race, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, social, educational, political and commercial settings. governments of various nations supported by technology
Padilla, Dagdag, Roxas, & Perez, 2016) age, religion, etc. Hence, in today’s era of increased global and compelled by international trade. Due to
communication, it is imperative to understand globalization, the more you become exposed to diversity-
Ethnocentrism. Ethnocentrism refers to the belief that a Assumed similarities. It is a baseless, unreasonable intercultural communication for us to enhance our the valuing of the uniqueness or differences in gender
person’s culture (his “in group” culture) is much better refusal to see cultural differences where they exist. intercultural awareness and competence. Intercultural preferences, color, age, religious affiliation, ethnicity,
than any other group’s culture (an “out-group” culture), competence is essential for us to live harmoniously education, social and economic status and political
and a tendency is for that person to judge any “out- Anxiety. Intercultural communication anxiety is the fear despite our differences in culture. Intercultural beliefs. It is not a new process or concept. Years before
group” culture by using the norm of his “in-group” or apprehension associated with either real or anticipated communication refers to interaction with people from the advent of technology, people had been purchasing
culture. communication with people from another cultural group. diverse cultures (Jandt, 1998). There are various forms of and selling each other properties, goods and other objects
intercultural communication: of certain value. Globalization has affected us in
Stereotypes and Prejudices. Stereotyping and being numerous ways, like:
prejudiced against cultural groups are the main barriers 1. Interracial communication – communicating with
to intercultural communication. people from different races. 2. Interethnic 1. Airfare has become cheaper and one can travel
communication – interacting with people of different internationally more than one could do in the past.
Stereotypes. Stereotyping is a generalization of a group ethnic origins. 3. International communication – 2. Many Filipinos have decided to work or live abroad,
of people based on a small sample of these people. communicating between representatives from different with some of them migrating to other countries.
nations 4. Intracultural communication – interacting with
members of the same racial or ethnic group or co-culture.
3. The free trade of goods and services all over the world What is Industrial Revolution? The first Industrial Revolution 1765- The first industrial The second Industrial Revolution 1870- Following the
has brought multinational companies and foreign Industrial revolution is defined as the changes in revolution followed the proto-industrialization period. It first Industrial Revolution, almost a century later we see
investors. manufacturing and transportation that began with fewer started at the end of the 18th century to the beginning of the world go through the second. It started at the end of
4. One can communicate internationally in a matter of things being made by hand but instead made using the 19th. The biggest changes came in the industries in the 19th century, with massive technological
seconds, whether sending an email, chatting in social machines in larger-scale factories. Throughout history, the form of mechanization. Mechanization was the advancements in the field of industries that helped the
media, or sending a text message. people have always been dependent on technology. Of reason why agriculture started to be replaced by the emergence of a new source of energy. Electricity, gas,
5. One can read about different cultures, and have access course, the technology of each era might not have the industry as the backbone of the societal economy. At the and oil. The result of this revolution was the creation of
to films, academic papers, and the like from other same shape and size as today, but for their time it was time people witnessed massive extraction of coal along the internal combustion engine that started to reach its
countries around the world, and vice versa. certainly something for people to look at. People would with the very important invention of the steam engine full potential. Other important points of the second
always use the technology they had available to help that was the reason for the creation of a new type of industrial revolution was the development for steel
make their lives easier and at the same time try to perfect energy that later on helped speed up the manufacturing demand, chemical synthesis and methods of
it and bring it to the next level. This is how the concept of railroads thus accelerating the economy. communication such as the telegraph and the telephone.
of the industrial revolution began. Right now, we are Finally, the inventions of the automobile, and the plane
going through the fourth industrial revolution, aka in the beginning of the 20th century are the reason why,
Industry 4.0. Here is a few information in the three to this day, the Second Industrial Revolution is
previous industrial revolutions, leading to today considered the most important one!

The Third Industrial Revolution 1969- Another century Industry 4.0- For many people, Industry 4.0 is the fourth The Industrial Revolution was a time when the The following cultural barriers to effective
passes and we bear witness to the Third Industrial Industrial Revolution, although there is a large portion of manufacturing of goods moved from small shops and communication in a global environment:
Revolution. In the second half of the 20th century, we people that still disagree. If we were to view Industry 4.0 homes to large factories. This shift brought about 1. Cultural relativism
see the emergence of yet another source of untapped, at as a revolution then we would have to admit that it is a changes in culture as people moved from rural areas to 2. Lack of knowledge of others’ culture
the time, energy. Nuclear energy! The third revolution revolution happening right now. We are experiencing it big cities in order to work. 3. Discriminating and harassment
brought forth the rise of electronics, telecommunications every day and its magnitude is yet unknown. Industry 4.0 4. Language differences
and of course computers. Through the new technologies, started in the dawn of the third millennium with the one Communication has since been increasingly global,
the third industrial revolution open the doors to space thing that everyone uses every single day. The Internet. blurring national boundaries. The ability to communicate The goal an of effective leading to harmonious
expeditions, research, and biotechnology. In the world of We can see the transition from the first industrial effectively in a global setting can be a challenge. Hence, connections. Krizan (2014) suggests the following
the industries, two major inventions, Programmable revolution that rooted for technological phenomenon all to effectively communicate in a global context, a general strategies to become an effective
Logic Controllers (PLCs) and Robots helped give rise to the way to Industry 4.0 that develops virtual reality understanding of the differences in conducting global communicator:
an era of high-level automation. worlds, allowing us to bend the laws of physics. communication from one country to another or from one 1. Review communication principles.
culture to another helps avoid miscommunication. 2. Analyze the message receiver.
The 4 Industrial Revolutions shape the world. People’s background and experiences influence their 3. Be open to an accepting of other cultures.
Worldwide economies are based on them. There are view of the world and the values, beliefs and behavior 4. Learn about cultures and apply what is learned.
programmes and projects being implemented all around patterns assumed to be good. 5. Consider language needs.
the world, focusing on helping people take advantage of
the marvels of the fourth revolution during their
everyday lives.

Moreover, the following guidelines may help

communicators to become effective in communication
process across
1. Recognize the validity and differences of
communication styles among people.
2. Learn to eliminate personal biases and prejudices.
3. Strive to acquire communicate skills necessary in a
multicultural world.
Achieving these factors to become an effective
multicultural communicator, this module covers the
and intercultural awareness and sensitivity in
communication of ideas. This focuses on the
implications of globalization
on communication and on the cultural barriers to
effective communication in a global environment.

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