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This is the first of third quarter day that we started our research. I prepared the materials first, then I
wash the plastics. I did not cut or grind the plastic into smaller pieces because the plastic that we used
is a bottle and it Cannot be easily cut down by a scissor. The next Step that we did melting the plastics,
after the plastic has completely melted, we put our fibre on the mixture which is 13 tablespoon of flour.
After that, I put the mixture in a parchment paper with oil on it. After we put the paste on a parchment
paper, we covered it with another parchment paper and then we pound it, to make it thin like a paper
but as Soon we put the plastic mixture, the mixture cool down fast and it solidified, before we even
Pound the mixture

we tried to just manually make a paper only using plastics without any additives. We cut the plastic
bottles into tiny pieces and then we put it in a food processor to pulverized. Not all of it is pulverized so
we just took the smallest ones. We shaped an unused seam into a rectangle ,then we shaped the
pulverized plastics into a square in a seam. After that, we put it over a fire. So that the plastics will melt
and it will attached to one another making a perfectly solid paper. But the fire burned the plastics
making the outcome a blackish mixtures, the plastics did not dissolved and attached to one another at

This time we thought about mixing additives in our mixture. We used our leftover pulverized plastics.
First, we mixed cornstarch and water in a bowl, flour and cornstarch in another bowl and pulverized
chalk and water in a bowl. After that, we put pulverized plastic in each bowl. Then , we put them in a
parchment paper, shaped them into square, cover them in a parchment paper, and put a heated iron on
top of it, we did this method in every mixture. After we heated them on top and on the back, we put
papaya latex on both sides of the heated mixture to make it waterproof.

This method failed again because our additives are easy to break and it looks bad

We tried another method. We cut the plastics into smaller pieces. We first heated our pot, when it
reached the heat that we desired, we start to put the 3g shredded plastics inside. When it full melted, we
added a mixture of flour and water inside and then we mixed it altogether.

This method also failed. We realized that our purpose was to lessen the plastic wastes so that we can
save our environment but what we just did was adding to the pollution that we are currently

We tried this numerous times but we ended up with a failed experiment and I think that our additive is

We didn't experiment today, I just bought materials for the next method that we are going to try. I asked
a nearby carpenter to help us make frame and I went to Mambusao to buy a silk screen. When I went
home, I asked for my ninong's opinion on how I can pulverized plastics. We tried grinding it with the
roughest material, but after we grinded all the pulverized plastics flew because of the wind that the
grinder produced and he says it is dangerous so we just ended up pulverizing plastic with a sandpaper,
it is time consuming but it is more safe.

We did not do our research today as we are preparing for our upcoming exams but I assembled the
mesh in the frame, collected plastic bottles and I pulverized a lot more plastics using a sandpaper

This time we tried another method again. We prepared our materials. We put a lot of water in big tub
and we put the pulverized plastics inside and our additives which is flour cornstarch and candle to make
it waterproof. I think we failed again because of our additives and we don't have enough pulverized
plastics so we spent our time researching more

We tried it again, this time scrapwood as our additives. We also made another research using
scrapwood like, clay, canvas , paper and a soil alternative because we thought about changing our
research. But all of it was a fail

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