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- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

1 1
B - The components to be
separated must be soluble in the

2 (volumetric) pipette 1

3(a) burette 1

3(b) any two from: 2

• starts off at high / alkaline pH
/ pH above 7;
• pH decreases / gets more
acidic / less alkaline / becomes
• ends up at acidic pH / pH
below 7;

4(a) condenser 1

4(b) any characteristic of a mixture, 1

e.g. can be separated by
physical means / has variable
composition / properties are the
average of those of the
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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

4(c) geraniol floats on top of the 1


5 diffusion (through a membrane); 3

nitrogen diffuses faster;
because it has the smaller M r;
(turn into) liquid;
(fractional) distillation;
different boiling points;
burn a named substance to
make non-gaseous product;
oxygen reacts / nitrogen does
not react;
name of product of

6 add a (dilute) acid 1

filter 1

copper does not react or 1

dissolve / zinc reacts or
dissolves or forms a salt

7 add sodium hydroxide 1


filter 1
- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

zinc hydroxide (is amphoteric it) 1

will react or will dissolve /
magnesium hydroxide does not
react or does not dissolve

8 chromatography 1

use a locating agent / the two 1

acids move at different rates /
alanine travels faster / alanine
higher up paper / travels

9 (left box) flask / Erlenmeyer 1

(right box) (gas) syringe 1

10 A and C 1 both needed for the


11 grind flowers / grind them / crush 1

/ blend / use a mortar and pestle
- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

extract with solvent / add solvent 1

/ add water

filter (the solution through glass 1


12(a) (C), B, E, D, A 2 one pair reversed = 1


12(b) boiling point 1

13 filter funnel and filter paper 1

either funnel or filter paper 1


14 grind grape skins / blend skins / 1

crush skins
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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

(grape skins) in water / in 1

solvent / in named solvent

filter (off the solid / grape 1


15 melting point / boiling point 1

16 S 1

17 Si 1

18 Ar 1

19 it is a molecule / covalent 1
- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

20 any five from: 5

- 11 electrons
- electrons – (negatively)
- electrons outside nucleus in
- nucleus contains protons and
- protons – (positively) charged
- neutrons no charge
- 11 protons
- 12 neutrons
- electron arrangement 2,8,1 / 1
electron in outer shell

21 138 1

22(a) giant structure / lots of carbon 1

atoms joined to each other /
lattice of covalent bonds

strong (covalent) bonds 1


22(b) weak forces between layers 1

- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

layers can slide (over each 1


23 cancer treatment / tracer / 1

test thyroid function

24 substance containing (two or 1

more) different atoms bonded /
substance containing (two or
more) different atoms combined

25(a) substance containing only one 1

type of atom / substance which
cannot be broken down further
by chemical means

25(b) O2 1

4 (HF) 1

26 magnesium / Mg 1
- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

27 • number of protons = 29; 2

• number of neutrons = 35;
• number of electrons =
three correct = [2]; two correct =

28 any two from: 2

• treating cancer or
• biological tracer;
• thickness (of paper or foil);
• (checking for) leaks / cracks (in
• (carbon) dating;
• (generating) energy /
• smoke detectors;
• fill levels in packages;
• sterilising surgical
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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

29 have same proton number / 1

same element / same atomic

different number of neutrons / 1

nucleons / mass number

30 number of nucleons = 45; 1

number of charged particles = 1


31 any three from: 3

• high melting point / boiling
• hard
• strong
• (colourless) crystalline
• brittle / not malleable
• poor / non-conductor (of
electricity) / insulator
• insoluble (in water)

32 carbon dioxide has a simple 1

molecular structure
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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

33 any three from: 3

• each oxygen is joined to two
silicons / atoms;
• each silicon is joined to four
oxygens / atoms;
• tetrahedral (around silicon) /
similar to diamond;
• linear around oxygen

34 - gas 4 1 mark each

- molecular
- solid
- ions

35 A 1

good electrical conductor 1

[Total: 75]

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