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1 Didinium is a predatory ciliate. A video recording was made of one Didinium feeding on a
Paramecium.The photograph shows a sequence of still photographs taken from the video.
Complete the table by putting a tick (✓) by each characteristic of life that can be seen in the
still photographs from the video .

excretion nutrition

growth reproduction

movement respiration


[Total: 1]

2 All living organisms show the same seven characteristics.

State four of the characteristics of living organisms.

1 ...............................................................................................................................................

2 ...............................................................................................................................................

3 ...............................................................................................................................................

4 ............................................................................................................................................... [4]

[Total: 4]

3 Which process releases water and energy?

A aerobic respiration
B osmosis
C photosynthesis
D protein synthesis

[Total: 1]

4 The plant Mimosa pudica has leaves that fold in when touched.

This demonstrates movement and which other characteristic?

A excretion
B growth
C nutrition
D sensitivity

[Total: 1]

5 The graph below shows the growth of different parts of the human body.




growth 60
whole body
/ percentage



reproduct ive t issues

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

age / years

Use information from the graph to give two age ranges during which the growth rate of the whole
body is very rapid

from .............................. to ..............................

from .............................. to .............................. [2]

[Total: 2]

6 Flowering plants can be divided into two groups: monocotyledons and eudicotyledons (dicotyledons).

Complete the table below to state the differences between these two types of flowering plants. An
example has been done for you.

difference monocotyledons

number of cotyledons in the seed 1 2

pattern of leaf veins

number of petals present


[Total: 4]

7 The diagram shows a fruit fly with normal wings and a fruit fly with vestigial wings.

The binomial name for a fruit fly is Drosophila melanogaster.

State the genus of this fruit fly.

.................................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 1]

8 A giant rat was discovered in a natural rainforest on Vangunu Island. Scientists wanted to
if it was a new species.

Explain how scientists can use tissue samples to classify this rat.





.................................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

9 Define the term species.





.................................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

10 The Hawaiian happy-face spider, Theridion grallator, is found on several of the Hawaiian islands.
Some of the spiders have a very distinctive pattern on their bodies as shown in the photograph.

DNA can be extracted from the webs of spiders. This DNA can be used to identify the species of
spider that made the web, and the species of prey caught in the web.

Explain how DNA extracted from spider webs can be used to identify different species.





.................................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

11 When a donkey is bred with a zebra, a zebronkey is produced. Zebronkeys are not fertile animals.

Which statement is correct?

A Donkeys and zebras belong to different species because their offspring are not fertile.
B Donkeys and zebras belong to different species because they do not look exactly the same.
C Donkeys and zebras belong to the same species because they look alike.
D Donkeys and zebras belong to the same species because they produce offspring.

[Total: 1]

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