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Lider: Kilos mga Girls Scouts, oras natin na makiuso at The boys they love to stare

makijump sa mundo. Oh we want it, We’re hot

We’re everything you’re not
All: Girls Scout clapping We’re champion the best
Lider: Are you ready Girls Scouts? The best among the rest
All: Yes, we’re ready, we’re ready, ready, ready Lider: Mua-an Girls Scouts Let’s Go
---- Move away, Girls Scouts is on the way
All: Mua-an Girls Scouts Let’s fight
All: Go to the west, go to the east
All: Mua-an Girls Scouts Let’s Go and win the fight
Girls Scouts is the best
Lider: Kinsay mga gwapa?
All: Kaming mga Girls Scouts
Girls Scouts Encampment O, Kay Tulin ng araw
Lider: Kinsay buotan? Boys Scout camporal tila bago kailan lang
All: Kaming mga Girls Scouts Ngayo’y magsama ana Girls Scout at ang Boys Scout
Lider: Kinsay magaling og abtik? Girls Scouts, Boy Scouts magsasamang muli
All: Syempre, kaming mga Girls Scouts Tanging araw nating pinakaminimithi
All:Naririto ang pangkat naming Girls Scouts, Boys Scouts magsasamang muli
Sa Mua-an pa naggaling Ang Pag-ibig syang naghari

Pangkat naming ay, pangkat naming ay

Mua-an Girls Scouts ang pangalan Girls Scouts Law

Siga, Siga kami, Siga Kami sa kantahan at sayawan I will do my best to be honest and fair
Friendly and helpful, considerate and caring
Lider: Are you ready Girls Scouts?
Courageous and strong and responsible
All: Ya boom!
For what I say and do to respect
All: We are the Girls Scouts the RP Girls Scouts
Myself and others, respect authority
Lider: She got a G
Use resources wisely
All: G is for Generosity
Make the world a better place
Lider: I
And be a sister to every Girls Scouts
All: I is for Interest
Lider: She got an R
Girls Scouts Promise
All: R is for Responsibility
On my honor I will try to serve God and my country To
Lider: She Got an L
help people at all times and to live by the Girls Scout Law.
All: L is for Loyalty
Lider: She got an S
All: S is for Sincerity
Lider: She got a C
All: C is for Curiosity
Lider: She got an OUT
All: OUT for Outdoor life and that a real Girls Scouts

All: We’re sexy, we’re cute

We’re popular to both
We fit a great hair

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