English 9 SG WK 1 2

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English 9 Study Guide

Week 1-2, Quarter 2, SY 2021-2022

Subject Teachers: Mrs. Maria Elena F. Bonode (M. Curie, Guava, Macopa, Avocado)
Mrs. Jocelyn B. Barde (Mango, Chico)
Reference: English 9 LM – A Journey Through Anglo- American Literature (Module 2:
Valuing Others and Their Circumstances)

For Week 1 (November 15-19, 2021):

Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC): Make connections between texts to
particular social issues, concerns, or dispositions in real life (Unpacked MELC:
Familiarizing with adverbs and its types)

Background Information:
An adverb is a word that modifies (describes) a verb (he sings loudly), an adjective
(very tall), another adverb (ended too quickly), or even a whole sentence (Fortunately),
I had brought an umbrella). Adverbs often end in -ly, but some (such as fast) look
exactly the same as their adjective counterparts

Learning Tasks:
A. To learn about adverb of time and adverb of place, study Language in Focus on p.
126. Then answer Task 7 A & B in your answer sheet.
B. To learn about adverb of manner, study Language in Focus on p. 140; then answer
Task 6 on page 141. Write your answers in your answer sheet.
C. To further enhance your understanding of adverbs, answer Task 13 on page 165 in
your answer sheet.
D. For your application, choose 5 adverbs from each type (time, place, and manner)
and construct sentences using them. Write your sentences in your answer sheet.

For Week 2 (November 22-26, 2021)

Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC): Make connections between texts to
particular social issues, concerns, or dispositions in real life (Unpacked MELC:
Defining social issue and Making connections between texts

Background Information:
A social issue is a problem that influences many citizens within a society. It is a
common problem in present-day society and one that many people strive to solve

Learning Tasks:
1. Read the Reading Text 1 entitled “The Man with the Hoe” by Edwin Markham
found on page 135-136; then write your responses for the “Questions to answer” on
page 137
2. Read the Reading Text 2 entitled “Sonnet 29” by George Santayana on page 137;
answer the questions on page 138
3. Perform Task 5 on pages 139-140

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