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Class X SOCIAL SCIENCE Time : 1½ hrs




1. Which one of the following is an example of endemic species?

a) Nicobar Pigeon b) Asiatic Buffalo
c) Horn Bill d) Black buck
2. Which one of the following belongs to Vulnerable Species?
a) Black buck b) Crocodile
c) Indian rhino d) Blue sheep
3. Which one of the following types of species are known as the extinct species?
a) Species whose population levels are normal
b) Whose population has been declined
c) Species with small population d) Species which are not found
4. Fill in the blanks
Forest and waste lands belonging to both private individuals and government are known
as ................
Species found in isolated places only are called ...................
5. Match the following animals with their category of existence.

Column A Column B

i) Black buck a) Rare

ii) Asiatic elephant b) Endangered

iii) Andaman wild pig c) Vulnerable

iv) Himalayan brown bear d) Endemic

a) i - b, ii - c, iii - d, iv - a b) i - c, ii - b, iii - a, iv - d
a) i - b, ii - d, iii - a, iv - c a) i - d, ii - a, iii - c, iv - b
6. Which of these statements is not a valid reason for the depletion of flora and fauna?
a) Agricultural expansion b) Large-scale developmental projects
c) Grazing and fuel wood collection d) Rapid industrialisation and urbanisation
7. Which one of the following statements is not true with regard to depletion of flora and
a) Land required for housing b) Agricultural expansion
c) Mining activities d) Shifting agriculture
8. What can ensure fodder supply and fuel wood supply in rural areas?


What does afforestation lead to?


Assertion Reason Type questions
In the following questions there are two statements marked as Assertion Type (A) and
other is Reason Type (R). Read the following statements and choose the correct option.
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
c) A is true but R is wrong. d) A is wrong but R is true.
9. Assertion (A) : Forests plays a key role in the ecological system.
Reason (R) : Forest are the primary producers on which all other living beings
depend. 1
10. Assertion (A) : Depletion of forests causes a lot of danger.
Reason (R) : Forests are vital for the quality of life and environment. 1
11. Assertion (A) : Himalayan Yew is a medicinal plant.
Reason (R) : It has healing qualities. 1
12. Assertion (A) : Tiger population is not on the verge of extinction.
Reason (R) : Tiger population in forests is increasing rapidly day by day. 1
13. Assertion (A) : The tree is a peculiar organism of unlimited kindness.
Reason (R) : Trees are living organisms which makes no demands for its
sustenance, and extends generously the products of its life activity. 1

14. Read the passage and answer the questions that follows.

Conservation in the background of rapid decline in wildlife population and forestry has
become essential. But why do we need to conserve our forests and wildlife? Conservation
preserves the ecological diversity and our life support systems - water, air and soil. It also
preserves the genetic diversity of plants and animals for better growth of species and
breeding. For example, in agriculture, we are still dependent on traditional crop varieties.
Fisheries too are heavily dependent on the maintenance of aquatic biodiversity.

In the 1960s and 1970s, conservationists demanded a national wildlife protection

programme. The Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act was implemented in 1972, with various
provisions for protecting habitats. An all-India list of protected species was also published.

The thrust of the programme was towards protecting the remaining population of certain
endangered species by banning hunting giving legal protection to their habitats, and

2 SS-Ch-4A
restricting trade in wildlife. Subsequently, central and many state governments established
national parks and wildlife sanctuaries . The central government also announced several
projects for protecting specific animals, which were gravely threatened, including the
tiger, the one-horned rhinoceros, the Kashmir stag or hangul, three types of crocodiles -
fresh water crocodile, saltwater crocodile and the Gharial, the Asiatic lion, and others.
Most recently, the Indian elephant, black buck (chinkara), the great Indian bustard (godawan)
and the snow leopard, etc. have been given full or partial legal protection against hunting
and trade throughout India.

i) Which species of animals have no legal protection against hunting and trade throughout
India? 4×1=4

a) Cattle b) One horned rhinoceros

c) Asiatic lion d) Snow leopard

ii) Which of the following is NOT a reason for depletion of forests?

a) Mining b) Multi-purpose river valley projects

c) Grazing d) Creation of shelter belts

iii) Which is not the wildlife sanctuary?

a) Simplipal b) Ethunagaram c) Banbasa d) Ranthambore

iv) When was Project Tiger launched?

a) In 1973 b) In 1972 c) In 1983 d) In 1974

15. Read the source given below and answer the questions that follows.

Some estimates suggest that at least 10 percent of India’s recorded wild flora and 20
percent of its mammals are on the threatened list. Many of these would now be categorised
as ‘critical’. that is on the verge of extinction like the cheetah, pink-headed duck, mountain
quail, forest spotted owlet, and plants like madhuca insignis (a wild variety of mahua) and
hubbardia heptaneuron, (a species of grass). In fact, no one can say how many species
may have already been lost. Today, we only talk of the larger and more visible animals
and plants that have become extinct but what about smaller animals like insects and

The destruction of forests and wildlife is not just a biological issue. The biological loss is
strongly correlated with the loss of cultural diversity. Such losses have increasingly
marginalised and impoverished many indigenous and other forest-dependent communities,
who directly depend on various components of the forest and wildlife for food, drink,
medicine, culture, spirituality, etc.

i) Name some of the species which are on the verge of extinction. 1

ii) What is ‘madhuca insignais’? 1

iii) How is the biological loss strongly correlated with the loss of cultural diversity? 2

3 SS-Ch-4A
16. Analyse the information given below choose one of the following correct options.

These are species which are in danger of extinction. The survival of such species is
difficult if the negative factors that have led to a decline in their population continue to
operate. The examples of such species are black buck, crocodile. Indian wild ass, Indian
rhino, lion tailed macaque, sangai (browanter deer in Manipur), etc.

a) Vulnerable species b) Endangered species

c) Extinct species d) Rare species 1


Forests are regarded as most valuable as for as the conservation of forests and wildlife
resources. Analyze the information given below considering one of the following correct

a) Reserved forests b) Protected forests

c) Unclassed forests d) Distribution of forests

17. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follows.

These are species which are only found in some particular areas usually isolated by
natural or geographical barriers. Examples of such species are the Andaman teal, Nicobar
pigeon. Andaman wild pig, mithun in Arunachal Pradesh.

Endemic species refers to the species which are 1

a) Extinct b) Declining

c) Confined to specific areas only d) Not found after search

18. “The tree is a cecullar organism of unlimited kindness and benevolence and makes n
demand for its sustenance, and extends generously the products of its life activity. It
affords protection to all beings, offering shade even to the exemen who destroy it”. Read
the above statement and answer the following questions?

i) Who quoted this statement? 1

ii) Describe the generous nature of the tree? 1

19. “Grazing and fuel-wood collection are not responsible for deforestation in India”. Support
the statement with suitable reasons. 3

20. Analyse the reasons for the decline in India’s bio-diversity due to human activities. 5
Describe the different types of plant and animal spcies found in India.

21. Why do we need to conserve our forests and wildlife resources? Explain any two steps
taken by the communities to protect our forest and wildlife resources. 5

22. Distinguish between normal species and endangered species. Write one example of each
category. 3
4 SS-Ch-4A

Class X SOCIAL SCIENCE Time : 1½ hrs




1. The Buxa Tiger Reserve in West Bengal has been threatened about the loss of habitat of
many species due to
a) Industrial development b) Agricultural expansion
c) Port activities d) Mining
2. Which one of the following is NOT considered a sacred tree in India?
a) Peepal b) Neem c) Banyan d) Mango
3. Which of the following is NOT a reason for depletion of forests?
a) Mining b) Multi-purpose river valley projects
c) Grazing d) Creation of shelter belts
4. Fill in the blanks
............... is the name given to the forests of God and Goddesses.
The state having highest percentage of protected forests is ..................
5. Match the following items given in Column A with those in column B.

Column A Column B

i) Madhya Pradesh a) Blue sheep

ii) Corbett-National Park b) West Bengal

iii) Sunderban National Park c) Uttarakhand

iv) Vulnerable Species d) Permanent forests

a) i - d, ii - c, iii - b, iv - a b) i - c, ii - d, iii - a, iv - b
c) i - b, ii - c, iii - a, iv - d a) i - a, ii - c, iii - d, iv - b
6. Which of the following conservation strategies does not directly involve community
a) Joint Forest Management b) Beej Bachao Andolan
c) Chipko Movement d) Demarcation of Wildlife sanctuaries
7. The Buxa Tiger Reserve in West Bengal has been threatened about the loss of habitat of
many species due to
a) Land required for housing b) Agricultural expansion
c) Port activities d) Mining
8. What are the major disadvantages of deforestation?
What can ensure fodder supply and fuel wood supply in rural areas?
Assertion Reason Type questions
In the following questions there are two statements marked as Assertion Type (A) and
other is Reason Type (R). Read the following statements and choose the correct option.
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
c) A is true but R is wrong. d) A is wrong but R is true.
9. Assertion (A) : Neglect of our environment has led to the destruction and extinction of
many species of animals and plant life.
Reason (R) : Decreasing Forest cover area is a major reason of destruction of
species. 1
10. Assertion (A) : Large-scale development projects have also contributed significantly
to the loss of forests.
Reason (R) : Large scale development projects doesn’t inundate hectares of forest.
11. Assertion (A) : We need to conserve our forests and wildlife.
Reason (R) : Rapid decline in wildlife population and forestry has been observed.1
12. Assertion (A) : Destruction of forests and wildlife resulted into the loss of cultural
Reason (R) : The conservation of forests and wildlife is essential to provide a better
quality of life. 1
13. Assertion (A) : The decline in India’s bio-diversity due to human activities.
Reason (R) : Over population is another cause especially in third world countries.1
14. Read the passage and answer the questions that follows.
Reserved and protected forests are also referred ti as permanent forests estates
maintained for the purpose of producing timber and other forest produces and for protective
reasons. Madhya Pradesh has the largest area under permanent forests, constitution 75
percent of its total forests area. Jammu and Kashmir, Andhra Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Kerala,
Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, and Maharashtra have large percentages of reserved forests
of its total forest area whereas Bihar, Hariyana, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Odisha and
Rajasthan have a bulk of it under protected forests. All North-eastern states and parts of
Gujarat have very high percentage of their forests as unclassed forests managed by local
i) Reserved Forests : More than half of the total forest land has been declared reserved
forests. Reserved forests are regarded as the most valuable as far as the conservation
of forest and wildlife resources are concerned.
7 SS-Ch-4B
ii) Protected Forests: Almost one-third of the total forest area is protected forest, as
declared by the Forest Department. This forest land are protected from any further

iii) Unclassed Forests: These are other forests and wastelands belonging to both
government and private individuals and communities.

i) Forest land protected from any further depletion is called

a) Reserved forest b) Protected forest

c) Unclassed forest d) None of these

ii) Which state has the largest area under permanent forest?

a) Tamil Nadu b) Madhya Pradesh c) Maharashtra d) Jammu & Kashmir

iii) How much of the total forest area of India comes under the protected forest?

a) Two third b) One third c) One fourth d) Three fourth

iv) Forests and wastelands belonging to both private individuals and government as

a) Sacred groves b) Reserved forests

c) Protected forests d) Unclassed forests

15. Read the source given below and answer the questions that follows.

The conservation projects are now focusing on biodiversity rather than on a few of its
components. There is now a more intensive search for different conservation measures,
Increasingly, even insects are beginning to find a place in conservation planning. In the
notification under Wildlife Act of 1980 and 1986, several hundred butterflies, moths,
beetless, and one dragonfly have been added to the list of protected species.

The clear lesson from the dynamics of both environmental destruction and reconstruction
in India is that local communities everywhere have to be involved in some kind of natural
resource management. But there is still a long way to go before local communities are at
the centre stage in decision-making. Accept only those economic or developmental
activities, that are people centric, environment-friendly and economically rewarding.

i) Why do we need to conserve our forests and wildlife? 2

ii) What do you mean by Extinct Species? 1

iii) How have human activities affected the depletion of flora and fauna? Explain. 1

16. Analyse the information given below, choose one of the following correct options.

These are species whose population has declined to levels from where it is likely to move
into the endangered category in the near future if the negative factors continue to operate.
The examples of such species are blue sheep, Asiatic elephant, Gangetic dolphin etc.

a) Vulnerable species b) Extinct species

c) Rare species d) Endemic species

7 SS-Ch-4B

Madhya Pradesh has the largest area under permanent forests. Unclassed forests are
situated the north-eastern states of India and Gujarat. Mangrove forests are found in
Sundarban Delta and Deltas of east flowing rivers of the peninsular plateau. Analyze the
information given below considering one of the following correct options.

a) Protected forests b) Unclassed forests

c) Reserved forests d) Distribution forests

17. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follows.

Some estimates suggest that at least 10 percent of India’s recorded wild flora and 20
percent of its mammals are on the threatened list. Many of these would now be categorised
as ‘critical’, that is on the verge of extinction like the cheetah, pink-headed duck, mountain
quail, forest spotted owlet, and plants like madhuca insignis (a wild variety of mahua) and
hubbardia heptaneuron, (a species of grass). In fact, no one can say how many species
may have already been lost.

Flora and fauna categorised as critical means that they are 1

a) Not to be found after searches b) On the verge of extinction

c) Declining towards endangered category d) Normal for their survival

18. Study the diagram and answer the following questions.

i) Which forests cover the least area? India 1

Forest Cover by Density Class (1999)
ii) Where are they mainly found? 1


19. How does the participation of people play an important role in the conservation of forest s
and wildlife in our country? Explain with the help of five suitable examples. 3

20. Analyse the reasons for the decline in India’s bio-diversity due to human activities. 5


Give three reasons why we need to save the bio-diversity of our planet.

21. Write the full form of IUCN? Mention four different types of species of flora and fauna as
per the classification given by IUCN. 5

22. What are extinct species? Describe any two factors that caused fearful depletion of bio-
diversity of India. 3
8 SS-Ch-4B

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