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Greenhouse project proposal pdf

PROJECT PROPOSAL FOR CONSTRUCTION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF AGREEN HOUSE.1.BASIC INFORMATION Project Title: Construction of a greenhouse for a high school. Name of Organization: Charity High SchoolAddress of Organization: 4-10 Central Avenue, Kingston 8Tel: 924-6922Fax: 924-6877E-mail: chs@yahoo.comLocation of
Project: 4-10 Central Avenue, Kingston 8 Name of Contact Person: Mrs. Alecia SlowleyPosition: Teacher of Agricultural ScienceTel: 775-6949E-mail: aslowley@yahoo.com Project Summary: The main purpose of this project is to facilitate the field work requirements of the AgriculturalScience curriculum. In doing this, the aim is to expose students to
practical/field work exercisesthat would enable them to make links between theoretical concepts and practical “real world”agriculture; hence leading to greater appreciation for Agriculture and improved performance inthe subject. The project has four phases; site allocation and preparation, erection of a twenty byforty feet (20’x 40’) metal frame
greenhouse, sourcing raw materials and equipment andcommencement of greenhouse operations. The duration of the project is approximately one (1)year and the total estimated cost is J$1,210,000.00 (1 million, two hundred and ten thousand);the grant requested is J$1,000,000.00 (1 million). Science Methods II- Assignment 1 Alecia Reid-Slowley
ID#3484Page 1 2.APPLICANT INFORMATION Type of Organization: A Secondary Level Academic Institution Names and Positions of Officers in Organization:Board Chairman:Mr. David CohenPrincipal:Mrs. Claudia JacksonVice Principals:Mrs. Marsha CunninghamMr. Paul CoxBursar:Mrs. Valerie MckenzieHead of Science Department:Mrs.

The duration of the project is approximately one (1)year and the total estimated cost is J$1,210,000.00 (1 million, two hundred and ten thousand);the grant requested is J$1,000,000.00 (1 million). Science Methods II- Assignment 1 Alecia Reid-Slowley ID#3484Page 1 2.APPLICANT INFORMATION Type of Organization: A Secondary Level Academic
Institution Names and Positions of Officers in Organization:Board Chairman:Mr. David CohenPrincipal:Mrs. Claudia JacksonVice Principals:Mrs. Marsha CunninghamMr. Paul CoxBursar:Mrs. Valerie MckenzieHead of Science Department:Mrs. Karen GreenAgricultural Science Teacher/Project Manager: Mr. Cliff SimpsonAgricultural Science
Teacher/Assistant Manager:Mrs. Alecia Slowley Purpose of Organization The purpose of the organisation is to transition students from comprehensive primary educationto higher education. The organization seeks to give students common knowledge to preparestudents for training at the tertiary level as well as to enhance physical and
intellectualdevelopment to prepare students as future citizens. 3.PROBLEM STATEMENT There is a serious need for equipment/materials to enhance the learning of Agricultural Scienceat the institution. The CXC May/June 2008 report on students’ performance in AgriculturalScience cites several deficiencies in students’ responses to questions in the
various sections of the paper and commented on the need for consistent exposure to practical/field exercises. Thereis the need for a greenhouse to carry out the field work component of the curriculum. This lack of a greenhouse facility hinders the total development of an agricultural programme. Studentsneed the exposure to practical, “real world”
situations to enhance their ability to make Science Methods II- Assignment 1 Alecia Reid-Slowley ID#3484Page 2 appropriate linkages between theory and practical agriculture (CSEC Agricultural ScienceSyllabus, 2006). 4.PROJECT GOAL AND OBJECTIVES The goal of this project is to create awareness and a deeper understanding of Agriculture,
themodern practices associated with it and to dispel some misconceptions of what the subjectentails and in doing so, improve the performance of students in the subject. To achieve this, agreenhouse will be constructed and operations implemented.

Marsha CunninghamMr. Paul CoxBursar:Mrs. Valerie MckenzieHead of Science Department:Mrs. Karen GreenAgricultural Science Teacher/Project Manager: Mr. Cliff SimpsonAgricultural Science Teacher/Assistant Manager:Mrs. Alecia Slowley Purpose of Organization The purpose of the organisation is to transition students from comprehensive
primary educationto higher education. The organization seeks to give students common knowledge to preparestudents for training at the tertiary level as well as to enhance physical and intellectualdevelopment to prepare students as future citizens. 3.PROBLEM STATEMENT There is a serious need for equipment/materials to enhance the learning of
Agricultural Scienceat the institution. The CXC May/June 2008 report on students’ performance in AgriculturalScience cites several deficiencies in students’ responses to questions in the various sections of the paper and commented on the need for consistent exposure to practical/field exercises. Thereis the need for a greenhouse to carry out the field
work component of the curriculum. This lack of a greenhouse facility hinders the total development of an agricultural programme. Studentsneed the exposure to practical, “real world” situations to enhance their ability to make Science Methods II- Assignment 1 Alecia Reid-Slowley ID#3484Page 2 appropriate linkages between theory and practical
agriculture (CSEC Agricultural ScienceSyllabus, 2006). 4.PROJECT GOAL AND OBJECTIVES The goal of this project is to create awareness and a deeper understanding of Agriculture, themodern practices associated with it and to dispel some misconceptions of what the subjectentails and in doing so, improve the performance of students in the
To achieve this, agreenhouse will be constructed and operations implemented.

The duration of the project is approximately one (1)year and the total estimated cost is J$1,210,000.00 (1 million, two hundred and ten thousand);the grant requested is J$1,000,000.00 (1 million). Science Methods II- Assignment 1 Alecia Reid-Slowley ID#3484Page 1 2.APPLICANT INFORMATION Type of Organization: A Secondary Level Academic
Institution Names and Positions of Officers in Organization:Board Chairman:Mr. David CohenPrincipal:Mrs. Claudia JacksonVice Principals:Mrs. Marsha CunninghamMr. Paul CoxBursar:Mrs. Valerie MckenzieHead of Science Department:Mrs. Karen GreenAgricultural Science Teacher/Project Manager: Mr. Cliff SimpsonAgricultural Science
Teacher/Assistant Manager:Mrs. Alecia Slowley Purpose of Organization The purpose of the organisation is to transition students from comprehensive primary educationto higher education. The organization seeks to give students common knowledge to preparestudents for training at the tertiary level as well as to enhance physical and
intellectualdevelopment to prepare students as future citizens. 3.PROBLEM STATEMENT There is a serious need for equipment/materials to enhance the learning of Agricultural Scienceat the institution. The CXC May/June 2008 report on students’ performance in AgriculturalScience cites several deficiencies in students’ responses to questions in the
various sections of the paper and commented on the need for consistent exposure to practical/field exercises. Thereis the need for a greenhouse to carry out the field work component of the curriculum. This lack of a greenhouse facility hinders the total development of an agricultural programme. Studentsneed the exposure to practical, “real world”
situations to enhance their ability to make Science Methods II- Assignment 1 Alecia Reid-Slowley ID#3484Page 2 appropriate linkages between theory and practical agriculture (CSEC Agricultural ScienceSyllabus, 2006). 4.PROJECT GOAL AND OBJECTIVES The goal of this project is to create awareness and a deeper understanding of Agriculture,
themodern practices associated with it and to dispel some misconceptions of what the subjectentails and in doing so, improve the performance of students in the subject. To achieve this, agreenhouse will be constructed and operations implemented. The objectives of such a projectinclude identifying the appropriate space for such a greenhouse,
obtaining permission for thisundertaking and ultimately constructing and utilizing this facility. Objectivities, Activities and OutputsProject objectivesActivities to be undertakenOutputs expected To identify suitable space for the greenhouse. • A tour of the schoolgrounds with thePrincipal and other stakeholders in this project.Allocation of a suitable
sitefor greenhouse construction.To prepare the site allocatedfor greenhouse construction. • Clearing of land space,excavation (if necessary).Fully prepared site for greenhouse construction.To source raw materials andequipment for greenhouseoperations. • Lists prepared of allnecessary materialsand equipment.
Karen GreenAgricultural Science Teacher/Project Manager: Mr. Cliff SimpsonAgricultural Science Teacher/Assistant Manager:Mrs. Alecia Slowley Purpose of Organization The purpose of the organisation is to transition students from comprehensive primary educationto higher education. The organization seeks to give students common knowledge to
preparestudents for training at the tertiary level as well as to enhance physical and intellectualdevelopment to prepare students as future citizens. 3.PROBLEM STATEMENT There is a serious need for equipment/materials to enhance the learning of Agricultural Scienceat the institution. The CXC May/June 2008 report on students’ performance in
AgriculturalScience cites several deficiencies in students’ responses to questions in the various sections of the paper and commented on the need for consistent exposure to practical/field exercises. Thereis the need for a greenhouse to carry out the field work component of the curriculum. This lack of a greenhouse facility hinders the total
development of an agricultural programme. Studentsneed the exposure to practical, “real world” situations to enhance their ability to make Science Methods II- Assignment 1 Alecia Reid-Slowley ID#3484Page 2 appropriate linkages between theory and practical agriculture (CSEC Agricultural ScienceSyllabus, 2006).
4.PROJECT GOAL AND OBJECTIVES The goal of this project is to create awareness and a deeper understanding of Agriculture, themodern practices associated with it and to dispel some misconceptions of what the subjectentails and in doing so, improve the performance of students in the subject. To achieve this, agreenhouse will be constructed and
operations implemented.

Science Methods II- Assignment 1 Alecia Reid-Slowley ID#3484Page 1 2.APPLICANT INFORMATION Type of Organization: A Secondary Level Academic Institution Names and Positions of Officers in Organization:Board Chairman:Mr. David CohenPrincipal:Mrs. Claudia JacksonVice Principals:Mrs. Marsha CunninghamMr. Paul CoxBursar:Mrs.
Valerie MckenzieHead of Science Department:Mrs. Karen GreenAgricultural Science Teacher/Project Manager: Mr. Cliff SimpsonAgricultural Science Teacher/Assistant Manager:Mrs. Alecia Slowley Purpose of Organization The purpose of the organisation is to transition students from comprehensive primary educationto higher education. The
organization seeks to give students common knowledge to preparestudents for training at the tertiary level as well as to enhance physical and intellectualdevelopment to prepare students as future citizens.
3.PROBLEM STATEMENT There is a serious need for equipment/materials to enhance the learning of Agricultural Scienceat the institution.
The CXC May/June 2008 report on students’ performance in AgriculturalScience cites several deficiencies in students’ responses to questions in the various sections of the paper and commented on the need for consistent exposure to practical/field exercises. Thereis the need for a greenhouse to carry out the field work component of the curriculum.
This lack of a greenhouse facility hinders the total development of an agricultural programme. Studentsneed the exposure to practical, “real world” situations to enhance their ability to make Science Methods II- Assignment 1 Alecia Reid-Slowley ID#3484Page 2 appropriate linkages between theory and practical agriculture (CSEC Agricultural
ScienceSyllabus, 2006). 4.PROJECT GOAL AND OBJECTIVES The goal of this project is to create awareness and a deeper understanding of Agriculture, themodern practices associated with it and to dispel some misconceptions of what the subjectentails and in doing so, improve the performance of students in the subject. To achieve this, agreenhouse
will be constructed and operations implemented.
The objectives of such a projectinclude identifying the appropriate space for such a greenhouse, obtaining permission for thisundertaking and ultimately constructing and utilizing this facility. Objectivities, Activities and OutputsProject objectivesActivities to be undertakenOutputs expected To identify suitable space for the greenhouse. • A tour of the
schoolgrounds with thePrincipal and other stakeholders in this project.Allocation of a suitable sitefor greenhouse construction.To prepare the site allocatedfor greenhouse construction. • Clearing of land space,excavation (if necessary).Fully prepared site for greenhouse construction.To source raw materials andequipment for greenhouseoperations. •
Lists prepared of allnecessary materialsand equipment. • Sourcing materials andequipment at best possible prices.Acquisition of necessaryequipment and materials. Science Methods II- Assignment 1 Alecia Reid-Slowley ID#3484Page 3 NAME OF PROPOSAL – Green House Tomato Farming Project (Organic Farming) Name of Implementation –
Ongoro O.F and Family Green Farm Organization Prepared by: Otieno Vincent Ongoro. Proposal presented to: Dr. Diana kimani. Table of Contents Introduction .................................................................................................................. [3] 1.1 Executive Summary ...................................................................................................... [4] Geography Location
......................................................................................... [5] Problem Analysis ............................................................................................. [5] Project Objectives .............................................................................................
[5] Special Objectives ............................................................................................ [5] Background and problems analysis ............................................................................. [5] Planned Activities ............................................................................................ [6] Activities ...................................................................................................................... [6] Payback Plan
.................................................................................................... [6] Project Beneficiaries ......................................................................................... [6] Project Support Duration .............................................................................................. [6] 5.0 Project Methodology .................................................................................................... [7] 5.1 Fulfillment of the
Priority need of Beneficiaries .......................................................... [7] 5.2 Beneficiaries participation and contribution ................................................................. [7] 6.0 Implementation Strategy ............................................................................................. [7] 6.2 Impact on Environment.................................................................................................
[8] 7.0 Conclusion ................................................................................................................... [9] 1.0 Introduction I am very much interested in Agricultural arming in general; this is because I understand that over 80% of the Kenyan Population depends on agriculture for their incomes and livelihoods. Moreover, agriculture is considered as the second
leading income generating mechanism for the country. Kenya has stated greenhouse production of tomatoes, raising hopes that the popular vegetable will become available throughout the year at affordable prices. In the new system developed by the Kenya Horticulture Development Program (KHDP) and agricultural inputs suppliers seminis seeds
and Osho Chemical Industries (OCI), a grower requires about 240 square metre of land and a greenhouse kit ot get started.
The chapter Kit, comprising a 500 litre water tank, irrigation drip lines, plastic sheets seeds and chemicals has been put at Ksh 150,000 for those participating in the project. The plot of land can grow 1,000 plants. According to the KHDP; the greenhouse tomato project, one of the activities the programme is supporting to help increase the incomes of
rural households, is borrowed from Israel, where the country has most of its agriculture under green house due to scarcity of water and land. It’s also widely practiced in the United States. If the concept is widely embraced, Kenya could start enjoying year-round supply of tomatoes, which currently get damaged during the wet seasons, pushing prices
through the roof. According to Peter Randa, the marketing Manager and project technical advisor, growing crops under greenhouse has many advantages, among them the ability to produce huge quantities on a small piece of land and continuous harvesting. The tomatoes have a shelf life of 21 days compared with 14 for those growing in the open. It
takes a shorter period-two months for greenhouse produced tomatoes to mature, while it takes a minimum of three months with outfloor farming. Due to controlled irrigation and temperatures, the crop sports a continuous output of flowers and fruits, all at different stages. One plant has a potential of up-to 15kg at first harvest, going up-to 60kg by
the time it has completed its full cycle-recommended at one year. The plant vines are supported inside the greenhouse with sticks and strings, growing up to 50 metres in height. If well looked after, the minimum plot of land under greenhouse production can yield up-to 25,000 tonnes of tomatoes. Tomatoes are generally highly susceptible to diseases
requiring heavy application of pesticides but under the greenhouse growing technologies which comes with basic training on hygiene , most of common infections are easily kept at bay. Also kept a bay are insects and other pests known to invade plants as well as seeds. Apart from huge part of production costs, less labour is employed in a
greenhouse, while exposure to chemical toxins associated with application is minimized or eliminated altogether. It’s also good for the environment. Planting materials for the greenhouse tomato production have been specially developed as high yielding, although they can grow outdoor as well. For this programme, the partners are recommending the
Annef I hybrid tomato seeds developed by seminis East Africa (SEA). On its part, Osho Chemicals is providing free chemicals to farmers in the initial stages of planting as well as technical advice on application, said marketing manager James Ndabi. The introduction of greenhouse tomatoes in Kenya Heralds what could be a major shift from open
pollinated farming to hybrid high yielding methods, which if adopted in other sectors could lead to massive improvements in crop production, output, incomes and ultimately self-sufficiency in food production. 1.1 Executive Summary Ongoro O.F and family Green farm is expected to start in September 2013 and will be focusing in Green House
Farming. The project will be run by Mr. Felix Odhiambo Ongoro; Vincent Otieno Ongoro and the rest of the community. We will be using the knowledge and skills I acquired while studying agriculture in high school. We want to utilize this knowledge and skills in enriching my community and the communities around us. Background and problems
analysis The Time Zone in Nyando is Africa/Nairobi, sunrise at 06:36 and sunset at 18:34 with coordinate, latitudes 006’ 0”s, Longitude 340 45”E.
the region receives two rain seasons in a year. Short rains during September-August and long rains during April-May The communities that like around Nyando region are in dire need to developing themselves by improving the food security in the region and earn their basic livelihood through farming. This has been impossible for them because they
could not afford the provision of basic inputs for their farms and frequent floods. I am starting this project as a way of educating the communities on how to do small-scale farming; which can generate high revenues and provide enough food for the communities through out the year. In this way, the Millennium Development Goals of poverty reduction
ensuring food security and improvement of material, child health is achieved i.e. vision 2030 realization.
The overall objective of the project is in accordance with the Government Agricultural policy of increasing food production and diversification of the present farming system so as to attain sustainable food security and subsequent poverty reduction. Special Objectives To improve the quality of food produced in Nyando To offer orticultural training for
farmers in Nyando To explore the ever growing demand for food in Africa To increase the Gross domestic Product (GDP) of Kenya To create job opportunity for local youths in Nyando Introduce modern farming techniques to the people of Nyando Activities Depending on the availability of funds, the project intends to embark on the cultivation of 4
acres of food crop in Green Houses. This will enable us stabilizing the continuity of supplies in the market compared with the fluctuating way of supplies due to lack of products. By stabilizing the supplies we will have secured a guaranteed market for our products unlike when there is no continuity of supplies. Agri-business formation; focus on youth
empowerment project formation in the area The project is soliciting assistance for a period of 4 months. Thereafter it will be in position to finance its operation from the proceeds of the farm. The funds we are soliciting amounts to USD 1,736.10, this amount will be used to improve the productivity in terms of quantity and quality.
The amount will be paid back to the lenders after a 1 year period in an installment manner spited to four, four months period payback plan. All the first, second third and forth installment payment will be done after harvesting and selling the proceeds from the farm. The table below shows the payback strategy. Table 1: Payback Strategy Table Interest
Rate 13.33% Thereafter, we will continue expanding and introducing the same project in other parts of the country. This will improve the food security and incomes for the participants hence living a comfortable life without depending on the government or NGOs for relief food when they can farm for themselves. The direct project beneficiaries would
be the communities around where the project is taking place and the youths that are interested in learning modern way of farming. This project will also benefit the jobless since it will provide job opportunities in the society. 5.0 Project Methodology The methodology to be adopted by the project is the participatory approach.
The Ongoro O.F and family Green Farm is to operate in Kano West. This area has plenty of rainfall harvested water stored in small dams. 5.1 Fulfillment of the Priority need of Beneficiaries The major problem to be faced by the project and which the project will try to address is the lack of the most appropriate agricultural input to restart normal
production activities. These inputs include farm equipment, seeds materials, other priority areas to be addressed are:- Lack of the capacity to provide agricultural support services In future the project intends to sink a borehole in the community Buying a pick-up for transporting the products to the market. Rural electrification in the area 5.2
Beneficiaries participation and contribution The project beneficiaries include the family members and the community, since it deals with their economic well-being. During the implementation of the project, beneficiaries would contribute the: Unskilled and skilled labour Local materials (poles, posts, strings etc) Land for the cultivation and
construction of food storage 6.0 Implementation Strategy The under mentioned strategies will be carried out to achieve the set objectives: -Setting up at least 10 green houses in the location. 6.1 Project sustainability: A complete 240 square meters Green House can produce at least 8 tonnes of tomatoes. In Kenya today, a kg of tomatoes sells at Ksh
50 Expected output from one Green house for the 4 months of operation is approximately Ksh 400,000. 6.2 Impact on Environment The depletion of the forest and tree crop, due to demand for fuel wood and timber activities has increased runoff and soil erosion especially on derived watersheds leading to loss of soils nutrients, situation of waterways
and damage to fisheries. The project when fully implemented will try to embark on activities that will conserve the environment. Table 2: Cost Analysis Table 7.0 Conclusion When the amount used to construct one green house plus other expenses that will be used in the farm, i.e. buying seeds, paying laborers’, etc are subtracted from amount
expected we get over a 100,000/= profit. This amount will be used to pay back the loan providers by either revenue sharing or agreeable percentage as per the agreement of the loan. After the first harvesting is complete the same green house will be used to do the next season cultivation. Contract Address – P.o. Box 52-SUNA
Contract Persons - Mr. Felix Odhiambo Ongoro Tel: +254725617768 Vincent Otieno Ongoro Tel: +254729834756 Email: otivince@yahoo.com Location of Project - West Kano Date of commencement – 5 September, 2013 Fund request $ 1,734.10 References:
Nation.media.com KHDP website (KHDP.Com)

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