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A: Complete the sentences

1. The people who came to Britain 3000BC are known as IBERIANS

Not much is known about them but most likely they built STONHENGE

Around 700 BC Britain was invaded by CELTS and in 43 AD it was conquered by

ROMANS One of the things that were left after them is BORDER,
separating England from Scotland.

2. Feudalism was introduced to England by …………………………………………,

who defeated the Anglo-Saxon ruler Harold at Hastings in ………………………..
The Anglo-Norman kings conquered later …………………. and …………………..
but failed to conquer …………………………… because at Bannockburn (1314)
the English were defeated.

3. The 1801 Act of Union joined IRELAND to the Kingdom of Britain, creating


4. The Opium Wars were wars fought by the East India Company against CHINA
The war was fought because …………………………………………………………..
Since many Native Indians serving in the Company’s army were very unhappy about

fighting abroad, the indirect result of the Opium Wars was INDIAN

MUTINY (1857), which in India is known as SEPAY MUTINY

5. The process of invasion, occupation, colonization and annexation of African territory
by European powers during the New Imperialism period, between 1881 and World

War I in 1914 is known as SCRAMBLE FOR AFRICA

The British expansion in South Africa started with the occupation of …………………
…........................ in 1795. In North Africa Britain controlled ………………………..
Britain managed to connect their northern and southern possessions in Africa after

B: Match the numbers with the appropriate letters

1) Devolution 2) Dominion 3) Scramble for Africa 4) Boers 5) Welfare

6) Homage 7) Itinerant judges 8) Tories 9) Jacobitism 10) Act of Settlement
11) Gunpowder Plot

a) an attempt to assassinate King James I b) a ceremony during which a vassal swears to

serve his lord c) colonizing Africa 1881-1914 d) one of the reforms introduced by Henry II
e) descendants of Dutch settlers f) a political party supporting the Crown g) law saying,
among others, that a Catholic cannot become English King h) movement whose followers
wanted to make James II’s son King of England i) transfer of power from a central
government to local authorities j) former colony, now practically independent, but it still
recognizes the English monarch as its ruler k) the provision of a minimal level of well-being
and social support for all citizens

1. I 2. J 3. C 4. E 5. K 6. B 7….. 8 …..9. H 10. G 11. A


1) Neville Chamberlain 2) King Alfred 3) Joan of Arc 4) James II 5) Margaret Thatcher

6) Edward VI 7) William of Orange 8) George III 9)John Lackland 10) John Wycliffe
11) Clement Atlee 12) Edward III 13) Thomas Becket 14) Charles I

a) fought against the Vikings b) religious reformer, translated the Bible into English c)
started the Hundred Years’ War d) signed Magna Carta e) became English King after the
Glorious Revolution f) during his reign Britain lost American colonies g) New York was
named after him h) during his reign many radical Protestant reforms were introduced i)
Archbishop of Canterbury murdered by the King j) the only English king executed by his
subjects k) signed the Treaty of Munich, associated with the policy of appeasement l) British
prime minister 1945-51, created NHS m) champion of the free market, known as the Iron
Lady n) a soldier and Catholic saint (burned at the stake)

1K 2A 3N 4G 5M 6H 7E 8F 9D 10B 11L 12C 13I 14J


1) Long Parliament 2) Wars of the Roses 3) Act of Supremacy 4) Purchase of the Suez Canal
from Egypt 5) Establishing the United Kingdom 6) Founding East India Company 7) Battle
of Agincourt 8) Bill of Rights 9) Indian Mutiny 10) Battle of Hastings 11) Margaret
Thatcher becomes Prime Minister 12) Falklands War 13) India gains independence

a) 1947 b) 1455-1485 c) 1857 d) 1600 e) 1689 f) 1066 g) 1534 h) 1979 i) 1415j) 1801 k)
1875 l) 1982 m) 1640

1M 2B 3G 4K 5J 6D 7I 8. 9C 10F 11H 12L 13A

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