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‘cambridge sscsechemistry cassited cambridge IGCSE Chemistry Cased Paper A Topic 10 4 Choose an element which ts each ofthe following desripbons {ay Ta element i a Back oi whic, when heated foms app vpaur © OC it (i) Mostof ts saluble sats are blue Copel”. e (u)itis an unreactive gas used tof balloons ack ” ee eee, ewan es ae ea (a) Why is it usually necessary to include a number in the name of the smpounds of transijion elements? a2 sta. Melle. haw..moce en one {c) Complete the table which shows some ofthe properties ofitarium and its ae valency “The frstline has bd completed as an example. Property ‘Soluble in molten stee! a Tag aren we eis site te corosion especialy in Dig eprom o> ta Emini “For each of the following unfamillar elements predict one physical and one chemical property ae pre pet on SOL . aay : : Re REAR a aman Spncaroneny thet oni fe Cece" CADOU Cambridge I6CSE Chemistry Classified Paper_4 Topic 10 (©) huome orysealepery... Mate... SPF, chemical propery. ve ig eat VE = 6 The table below shows the elements in the second period ofthe Periodic ‘Table and some of their oxidaton slates in their most common compounds. co Ue] e[e[N[o] Fr [we number fodereeerons | 1} 23) 4|s| 6 [7 [sian sta ufetesl«|s[2tale () (2) What does it mean when the only oxidation stale ofan element is zero? EO alll ga 1 (i Explain why some elements have positive oxidation states but others have ative ones Wee bor sell warel.of oectaue...\hee. lee deers. HOR Donita. Wiel... Vee. 2 {i Select wo elements inte table which ex s atic molecules ofthe ‘ype% ee there? Ml = ain, a 4 Chromium sa transition element (2) (0) Predict two differences in the physical properties of chromium and ‘sodium, sodion, iS. soft, btomtum is. Maes Soften STAN). leon GUI ai MIR BE Anal {i freaet wo aerences me chemical properties of ctromiun end bp Soaum iadinn MEO. fe a.hut..... SheniZm.. [cub wo REMAL bods... SYMONE... AMC. 2 cruamiown fey Cllored Compounds Bio Peoae aire LE . ‘cambridge IGCSE Chemistry Classified Paper 4 Topic 10 ae eS +1 Choose an element from thelist below which best fis the description ah Ak (2) An element which reacts wih cold water... SOS m (b) Its @ sald at room temperature and exists as diatomic molecules, 2.1] {e) It.can Form two oxides, XO and X20s, .£&. fo (@) Ths element has a hydride ofthe type XHs. ..P. OT (6) thas a macromolecular stuctue similar to that of carbon... Saf... ft] 41 Use your copy ofthe Periodic Table to answer these questions. (a) Choose an element from the Periodic Table to match each description ‘You may give elther the name or the symbol (0 Its the most reactive metal on OF (i) tis teeny ror-metal wich agi at. SST 1 (i) An isotope of tis elements used a8 a fue ip ructear reactors. LAs (1) (iv) This Group Vi element sa so at rtp... Pd. n (0) This elementis in Group V and Peviod 4... ACS i) {u) This unreactive ga ie used 1 fl lamps. ES, OM. ‘a (rd toe lo corona (0 geranium oxide (i eturum vom ite, a (6) Give the formula af each ofthe foiwig ions. (i) strontium ae ae i) MUOFIA oF -_ 2) 3 The Group | metals show trends in both their physical and chemical properties. (21) Howat ting pt ry down he Goue? BL ERLG oe ees 1" (W)Which element nthe Group asthe gest Sent? Feucinua. am {in At Gon tl roc wh twtr Cpls ih own ean. Z.-Ro+ 240 — RPAH + lb. al RM io perecic tte ‘cambridge 1GCSE Chemistry Classified Paper_4 Topic 10 Sombriee oe (ban mae teen Wf eng amonng on () Sate the formula ofthe in n\.. Li 0 {i Deduce the formula ofthe nitsde on. ..KY=?. fo) i) inal sol ionic compounds, the on ae hel together nate Explain te tom atic. RAUL oceagueut of Carte cin (yet a on om se on me te sh Giye a reason for your answer. Iithium ions: 4. nitride tons 3G iealedBbdleuce 4 Vanadium sa transition element Ithas more than one oxidation state, “The element and ts compounds are often used 38 catalysts (2) Complete the electron distibution of vanadium by inserting one number. zeae all +2 m (b) Precict three physical properties of vanadium which are typical of transition el 1 Mh a 4 The table blow includes Infomation about some ofthe elements in Period 2, ‘devant ean ‘irogen|__ttne eon bok © " F te ‘arucire | aecrmascuer | snp “ile oa roecdesN, | malateer, | toms Teng pe] 200 108 100 248 (e) wy dos peo ens as srl os but orne ess 28 molecuies? cole OS. A Ane. Shel ferrite egon-naye=-the-ompebee Shelf Goffe 2 we dy cambridge 19CSE Chemistry Classified (b) Wat determines the order ofthe elements in a period? Son. uiwoe %. io TDs ts geen GE re el ae chlorine bromine tesne (2,0 How does their colour change down the Group? SeCOMeL fos ..4 aye, dem ile sep (i) How doteicmting points and boing points change down the amy MMe ERC. AE VAL. MADE on oe nA AP SD (Pret te al pe paste te iden ofan, OU 06, physeal vtn. 0US al OME ‘This question fe concerned with fe elements in Petod 5, Rb to Xe. (2) The electon distributions of some of these elements are glen in the fallowing list LolomentA 2+8+18+8+2 ALolementB 2+8+18+16+8 Gelemente 2+6+18418+5 jekeinentD 2+0+18+19+6 Gclemente 24841841844 “gekmentt 2484 1804 8+7 (i teeny exment€, <9 B. i (i) Wie element in the Est oes not form any compounds? == io} ress oe pe xCh? oT (iv) Wrich two elements would react together to form a compound ofthe type MT dun Ea E (V) Which element in the et would react with cold water to form an alkaline eee mee ALOR: A, "1 i} dic able v4 Cambridge IGCSE chemistry Cassiied Poper_4 Topic 10 (0) Predict two cllerences in physical properties and two diferences in ‘chemical propertes between rubidium anc the transition meta niobium, physical. ADIGGM, 1c... Sette, Aba. UsOBilam Obie Yaar nigh ey We aed “be Wow cob = vada “EO Glow’ coumped” Gib” fulodkiuinsdeer.. Nod bi it MnO. MCE Ue. Kha... bilan, 4 4 For each ofthe following, select an element from Period 4, potassium to krypton, which matohes the description. (2)A metal that reacts rapialy with cold water to form a compound of the type MOH}. and nyetoge— Cacia. io {ots ony onion sate 0. Ferypin "1 (c)Ithas a macromelecsar oxide, XO, wich has similar physical properties {Sthose of amend Gs.thaatlaun sree fh (4) This is one of the metals alloyed with iron in stainless steel. "ICHE J. (1) (o}It can be reduced to an ion ofthe type X”....[ 3 amahe, 1) (fit can form a covalent hyde having the formula HX..56 (0, AMa, 1) {a)ts solute sats ae bv ands ong is black. REFY roy {hy Its a quid trom temperature. .BraMttar, tt) 2 (a) Give three diferences in physical properties between the Group I metal, potassium, and the transition element, on. TO Uf Ahe ded. Mk” OOH AM. . 27m bra. Wiley M9 aud. be. Kae... CF! abe ee ee ies dels ity.. Meta. PAREN 2 The halogens area clecton of doe nar metal in Group (0) (Define the tem ctor. eabeine...d0ev....wneleceal, 0 {@) What do te electron sbutons oft alogeng haven conenen? rey iC hae 7 Cee int if Oakey § 0 povodtabe Topic 10 ‘Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry Casiid {i How doer eacton dsotons fe? Liaise... dW peda OM Wb 8. fect ts (iv) Complete table halogen | Oe a aeine | Wa | Nene bromine | U'tivd | lorewn iodine ~ lack a {b) Across a peti, the elements change from metalic to non-metallic (0) Deseribe how the type of oxide changes across this period. 90T Tern Dace te ill or be acc, {iy Deserve tow the type of Bonéng in the chloéds formed by these Slomants changes arops is periog (oni ‘lle rides OM as eleat chlwidae 0M fC fal z] 6 Scandi, poten number 21, is nota typical transition element. {a) Scandium is @ low density metal which has only one oxidation state in its CGmpounds, Scandium compounds are white solds wich form colourless Solutions, Titanium, the next metal in fe period, is afar more typical transion tlement. How would the properties of tanum dies fom those of scandium? Tiberi il 6. igh. dena Atco edit aisle Ge lead eimpmiude Cully Scausey fibarinin Las multiple oxidation fate Udhile Saud), lay only one- ° (BGM 10 ~Poroae tae 7 — Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry Casified Topic 10 ‘fa)NGSZOTA Ez 41 For each of te following elements give one physical property and one chemical property Deca moe RA. Mage chemical property -fovmes Oxidte-O% der: a (econ pte) phys property, SHRP, chemical property. fA MES... 8.4e a (eymarganese poral roany a. . Chom popery foc. coe... ca Wibodinds a 66 Rubidlum and strontium are very reactive metals atthe top ofthe rectly ‘series. Because their ions have diferent charges, heir compounds behave 1, ¢20r (0 State the colour change expected in tis reaction ‘start colour (OCC. ‘end cour... WOM... i a se crn ya ere edie, se Buc Ae. Culeling.. = - 2) (b) A student bubbled chlorine gas into a testtube containing aqueous 3 potassium bromide. (@ Describe the colour change sae in the test tube mn from. 2 12 ool AI. 7 a (i) Complete te tonic equation for i eacton, Incude state symbols Chay *-LOC ay —> LOT. + Wa 8 WR 0— Poviic ee

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